I'd like to be first to congratulate our new fascist overlords....

No matter what...

Hitlary still lost in 2016....

I will savor that for the rest of my life.

Yup. Hundreds of thousand of people died and millions lost their jobs because of Trump, but you got to make Hillary supporters sad once.

What a sad little man you are.
Damn Joe...you need to think. Blaming Don for the Covid deaths which are vastly overstated, is dumb. Blaming him for the lockdowns which he never wanted to do and isn’t responsible for, is dumb.

It’ll be fun to watch you perform mental gymnastics should Old Joe impose lockdowns and devastate the economy, which is likely to happen.
Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!
It’s all a big scam, but somehow the partisans of the two criminal gangs never catch on.

I think there's 3 at this forum who have a clue......the rest......faith in party to the end
This is one more reason we need a third party to stop either the dems or repups from getting complete control over the government.

Our 2 party system is what got this country into the mess we're in now but too many idiots still think that the same 2 party system can solve all our problems

What's that definition of insanity again?

People are not smart enough to do that. The PTB know it all too well.
It's also why gun confiscation is going to work so well.
Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!
It’s all a big scam, but somehow the partisans of the two criminal gangs never catch on.

I think there's 3 at this forum who have a clue......the rest......faith in party to the end

I just read in mother thread you defending Trump, so your faith is in him to the end which is beyond stupid!
This is one more reason we need a third party to stop either the dems or repups from getting complete control over the government.

Our 2 party system is what got this country into the mess we're in now but too many idiots still think that the same 2 party system can solve all our problems

What's that definition of insanity again?

People are not smart enough to do that. The PTB know it all too well.
It's also why gun confiscation is going to work so well.

Yeah, it worked well in 2008 when Democrats came for them after winning, right?
Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!

"Reflect on why the GOP lost"? :laughing0301:

How much "reflection" does one need to know that you people are frauds, cheats, and thieves?
how much? apparently ZERO.
In-person voting reduces fraud, and reducing fraud and the appearance of fraud used to be important to us. We wanted people to believe the results when they came in. We wanted to protect the system that made all of our good things possible. We wanted democracy to continue. But then everything changed. The main driver of that change, they will tell you, was the coronavirus pandemic. It simply became too dangerous to show up in person to vote. But think about that for a second. If you can go to the grocery store -- and most people can and do -- then you can go to a polling place. There's no medical reason that you can't vote in person.

The democrooks have probably just unleashed the greatest push for 10th Amendment rights we will have ever seen. In fact I'm ready to reconcile that we need to go our separate ways. The US existed under one of the oldest governments on earth. I expect this to change based on simple demographics....

View attachment 437944

No matter what, there is no denial that 90% of the country is owned and controlled by people who oppose collectivists and their globalist agenda. For that matter, most democrook voters are too stupid to even understand the impact their votes have, or what the objectives the party of treason actually are. So the folks who spent hours creating fraudulent ballots that were accepted as legit by corrupted bureaucrats have just put into motion something that will certainly destroy the republic they loathe but as far as I see it, they have missed the forest for the trees.

Love that map – conservatives believe that trees, grass, and cows can vote.

Otherwise, the thread premise is a lie – conservatives control the courts, the Supreme Court in particular.

And fascism exists on the right side of the political spectrum.
Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!

"Reflect on why the GOP lost"? :laughing0301:

How much "reflection" does one need to know that you people are frauds, cheats, and thieves?
how much? apparently ZERO.

Every election has fraud and is dealt with... What the Trump base is doing is pretending to be the left from 2016 and thinking they will fake everyone out by giving Trump four more years...
In-person voting reduces fraud, and reducing fraud and the appearance of fraud used to be important to us. We wanted people to believe the results when they came in. We wanted to protect the system that made all of our good things possible. We wanted democracy to continue. But then everything changed. The main driver of that change, they will tell you, was the coronavirus pandemic. It simply became too dangerous to show up in person to vote. But think about that for a second. If you can go to the grocery store -- and most people can and do -- then you can go to a polling place. There's no medical reason that you can't vote in person.

The democrooks have probably just unleashed the greatest push for 10th Amendment rights we will have ever seen. In fact I'm ready to reconcile that we need to go our separate ways. The US existed under one of the oldest governments on earth. I expect this to change based on simple demographics....

View attachment 437944

No matter what, there is no denial that 90% of the country is owned and controlled by people who oppose collectivists and their globalist agenda. For that matter, most democrook voters are too stupid to even understand the impact their votes have, or what the objectives the party of treason actually are. So the folks who spent hours creating fraudulent ballots that were accepted as legit by corrupted bureaucrats have just put into motion something that will certainly destroy the republic they loathe but as far as I see it, they have missed the forest for the trees.

Love that map – conservatives believe that trees, grass, and cows can vote.

Otherwise, the thread premise is a lie – conservatives control the courts, the Supreme Court in particular.

And fascism exists on the right side of the political spectrum.

What you fail to realize that the extremes of both the left and the right tend to meet making a circle rather than continuing on in a straight line
In-person voting reduces fraud, and reducing fraud and the appearance of fraud used to be important to us. We wanted people to believe the results when they came in. We wanted to protect the system that made all of our good things possible. We wanted democracy to continue. But then everything changed. The main driver of that change, they will tell you, was the coronavirus pandemic. It simply became too dangerous to show up in person to vote. But think about that for a second. If you can go to the grocery store -- and most people can and do -- then you can go to a polling place. There's no medical reason that you can't vote in person.

The democrooks have probably just unleashed the greatest push for 10th Amendment rights we will have ever seen. In fact I'm ready to reconcile that we need to go our separate ways. The US existed under one of the oldest governments on earth. I expect this to change based on simple demographics....

View attachment 437944

No matter what, there is no denial that 90% of the country is owned and controlled by people who oppose collectivists and their globalist agenda. For that matter, most democrook voters are too stupid to even understand the impact their votes have, or what the objectives the party of treason actually are. So the folks who spent hours creating fraudulent ballots that were accepted as legit by corrupted bureaucrats have just put into motion something that will certainly destroy the republic they loathe but as far as I see it, they have missed the forest for the trees.

Trumpism ended tonight--Tomorrow will be like a deflated balloon--He sabotaged his own party which will linger and is unforgivable. It is over. {Thank the lord.}-EOM
“It is what it is”
...look at Dem cities = crime/MURDER up big time = shitholes.....while they concentrate on EVIL statues, the country will turn into USA =US of Africa = shithole

Obama/Biden began working on that problem in ernest in 2016 and some Cities were helped. Those Cities didn't have the looting and rioting and murdered Police that others had. They started "Consent Decree" where the Feds worked with the Cities to get setup and then backed out of it and left it to the Judicial branch to handle. What was one of the first things Rump tossed out? You guessed it. The Consent Decree agreements Executive Orders. The Mayhem and Murder didn't have to happen. Another case of Rump screwing the Pooch and them blaming everyone else. One of the first things Biden is going to do is reinput the Consent Decree.
In-person voting reduces fraud, and reducing fraud and the appearance of fraud used to be important to us. We wanted people to believe the results when they came in. We wanted to protect the system that made all of our good things possible. We wanted democracy to continue. But then everything changed. The main driver of that change, they will tell you, was the coronavirus pandemic. It simply became too dangerous to show up in person to vote. But think about that for a second. If you can go to the grocery store -- and most people can and do -- then you can go to a polling place. There's no medical reason that you can't vote in person.

The democrooks have probably just unleashed the greatest push for 10th Amendment rights we will have ever seen. In fact I'm ready to reconcile that we need to go our separate ways. The US existed under one of the oldest governments on earth. I expect this to change based on simple demographics....

View attachment 437944

No matter what, there is no denial that 90% of the country is owned and controlled by people who oppose collectivists and their globalist agenda. For that matter, most democrook voters are too stupid to even understand the impact their votes have, or what the objectives the party of treason actually are. So the folks who spent hours creating fraudulent ballots that were accepted as legit by corrupted bureaucrats have just put into motion something that will certainly destroy the republic they loathe but as far as I see it, they have missed the forest for the trees.

Get used to that blue on the map expanding. The next decade will see more and more progressives coming up through the ranks. As the boomers slowly die off or exit politics, progressives power will expand. That's just evolution. If you want to leave, feel free. But the country stays the way it is. Take a page from your own suggestion book. There's a lot of countries around the world, go there if you're unhappy. :)
Will you you stop with the bellyaching!

In 2008 I saw the same nonsense and yet I stated that the Democrats would screw the pooch ( which they did ) and lose power to the GOP and in 2010 they lost the House, in 2014 they lost the Senate and in 2016 they lost the Oval Office...

Everything goes through cycles and even though the GOP most likely lost control of the Senate does not mean the end of the Republic seeing Conservatives hold the court for now...

With this loss maybe those like you should reflect on why the GOP lost and should question Trump, Powell and Woods words and ask what type of damage they have done to the party and then ask if Trumpism the correct course of action or should the party revert back to Reaganism instead and unite the base?

The GOP deserves this ass kicking and they need to run better candidates and not these Trumpsters or they ( GOP ) will be regulated to third party Status while a new Political party is created with a more moderate view.

In the end by 2024 the GOP will regain the House and Oval Office and those like you will scream “ The Republic has been saved “ while the left bitches and bellyaches like you are now!
It’s all a big scam, but somehow the partisans of the two criminal gangs never catch on.

Is it a scam?

Yep, but Trump was never the solution and the GOP just like the Democrats are ran by those that pull the strings and tell us who to vote for...

So by 2024 the GOP will be back in power and nothing will change except more bellyaching and bitching.

Why fight when you know in the end the majority want to live like it is 1984?

Truthfully I have given up and just sit back and watch the game being played...
I too gave up long ago. I don’t understand how it is these partisans of the uniparty don’t see it. Nothing is going to change with Old Joe. He will continue to do the #1 job of the president, which is to protect and enrich Wall Street and the MIC, just as his predecessors did.

but you should accept the fact that not recognizing the election results and ask your vp to just hand over the presidency was a bit too far...

that was a big change and not in the direction anybody would want... regardless they are liberals or libertarians...
In-person voting reduces fraud, and reducing fraud and the appearance of fraud used to be important to us. We wanted people to believe the results when they came in. We wanted to protect the system that made all of our good things possible. We wanted democracy to continue. But then everything changed. The main driver of that change, they will tell you, was the coronavirus pandemic. It simply became too dangerous to show up in person to vote. But think about that for a second. If you can go to the grocery store -- and most people can and do -- then you can go to a polling place. There's no medical reason that you can't vote in person.

The democrooks have probably just unleashed the greatest push for 10th Amendment rights we will have ever seen. In fact I'm ready to reconcile that we need to go our separate ways. The US existed under one of the oldest governments on earth. I expect this to change based on simple demographics....

View attachment 437944

No matter what, there is no denial that 90% of the country is owned and controlled by people who oppose collectivists and their globalist agenda. For that matter, most democrook voters are too stupid to even understand the impact their votes have, or what the objectives the party of treason actually are. So the folks who spent hours creating fraudulent ballots that were accepted as legit by corrupted bureaucrats have just put into motion something that will certainly destroy the republic they loathe but as far as I see it, they have missed the forest for the trees.

Get used to that blue on the map expanding. The next decade will see more and more progressives coming up through the ranks. As the boomers slowly die off or exit politics, progressives power will expand. That's just evolution. If you want to leave, feel free. But the country stays the way it is. Take a page from your own suggestion book. There's a lot of countries around the world, go there if you're unhappy. :)

I agree it will keep moving towards progressivism up until it completely collapses. Our enemies are overjoyed now. That should tell you something.
In-person voting reduces fraud, and reducing fraud and the appearance of fraud used to be important to us. We wanted people to believe the results when they came in. We wanted to protect the system that made all of our good things possible. We wanted democracy to continue. But then everything changed. The main driver of that change, they will tell you, was the coronavirus pandemic. It simply became too dangerous to show up in person to vote. But think about that for a second. If you can go to the grocery store -- and most people can and do -- then you can go to a polling place. There's no medical reason that you can't vote in person.

The democrooks have probably just unleashed the greatest push for 10th Amendment rights we will have ever seen. In fact I'm ready to reconcile that we need to go our separate ways. The US existed under one of the oldest governments on earth. I expect this to change based on simple demographics....

View attachment 437944

No matter what, there is no denial that 90% of the country is owned and controlled by people who oppose collectivists and their globalist agenda. For that matter, most democrook voters are too stupid to even understand the impact their votes have, or what the objectives the party of treason actually are. So the folks who spent hours creating fraudulent ballots that were accepted as legit by corrupted bureaucrats have just put into motion something that will certainly destroy the republic they loathe but as far as I see it, they have missed the forest for the trees.

Get used to that blue on the map expanding. The next decade will see more and more progressives coming up through the ranks. As the boomers slowly die off or exit politics, progressives power will expand. That's just evolution. If you want to leave, feel free. But the country stays the way it is. Take a page from your own suggestion book. There's a lot of countries around the world, go there if you're unhappy. :)

I agree it will keep moving towards progressivism up until it completely collapses. Our enemies are overjoyed now. That should tell you something.

We will move forward as we always have. Hey, maybe something will actually get done now. I'm not holding my breath but I could be surprised.
If the democrats think this election was so much on the up-and-up they should be WELCOMING an investigation. After all, what do they have to fear?
In-person voting reduces fraud, and reducing fraud and the appearance of fraud used to be important to us. We wanted people to believe the results when they came in. We wanted to protect the system that made all of our good things possible. We wanted democracy to continue. But then everything changed. The main driver of that change, they will tell you, was the coronavirus pandemic. It simply became too dangerous to show up in person to vote. But think about that for a second. If you can go to the grocery store -- and most people can and do -- then you can go to a polling place. There's no medical reason that you can't vote in person.

The democrooks have probably just unleashed the greatest push for 10th Amendment rights we will have ever seen. In fact I'm ready to reconcile that we need to go our separate ways. The US existed under one of the oldest governments on earth. I expect this to change based on simple demographics....

View attachment 437944

No matter what, there is no denial that 90% of the country is owned and controlled by people who oppose collectivists and their globalist agenda. For that matter, most democrook voters are too stupid to even understand the impact their votes have, or what the objectives the party of treason actually are. So the folks who spent hours creating fraudulent ballots that were accepted as legit by corrupted bureaucrats have just put into motion something that will certainly destroy the republic they loathe but as far as I see it, they have missed the forest for the trees.

Democrats are determined they want to rule over you and everyone else.

I agree with you, however if you think it is enough to "vote", when they can put anything they want in the ballot box, that is a misguided notion.

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