I'd riot too

If cops were killing my peeps for spurious reasons.
Let me guess, this only applies when a police officer does it? Black thugs kill far more of "your people" than cops ever will. So are you going to riot over that, or are you just a lying hypocrite?
My people have been harmed more by cops than black people. Now what?
You're lying again. It doesn't matter who your people are, more of them have been killed by black civilians than cops. If you have to lie in order to defend your position, then your position is moronic.
You and your kind are the root of the problem.
Good, good...... The hypocrisy is strong in this thread........

How so?
The rule of law is preached to others until those advocating the rule of law to those others
decide the rule of law isn't for them.......... :eusa_whistle:
I'd take my punishment, though, unlike the vast majority of bad acting cops do.
'd riot just to piss off the racist teapers.

At least 10 teapers died tonight of a heart attack somewhere in America. The stress of the riots in Baltimore got to them.

God bless the riots. They are entertaining me and wiping out the teaper filth.

Heart attacks? More like joy. The world is seeing what Democrats embrace now...up close and ugly.
I am not a liberal...but do embrace ...dream of...hope for the day when teapers are eliminated. When they start their race war...I will sign up to fight against them....fight as an individual if need be.

When "they" start their race war ? Really Nutz ? Does it look like members of the Tea Party are the ones rioting in the streets ?
I don't condone what happened to Gray, I want answers too, but Baltimore burning doesn't have anything to do with the Tea Party.
'd riot just to piss off the racist teapers.

At least 10 teapers died tonight of a heart attack somewhere in America. The stress of the riots in Baltimore got to them.

God bless the riots. They are entertaining me and wiping out the teaper filth.
You're a fucking retard. How about that? I'll be glad when your enabler, Barrack Obama, is out of the White House for good.
Of course you would. AS if there hasn't been other COLOR peeps that has been killed in ALL these years. How funny that just under Obama this became A HUGE huge huge problem eh?

do you see whites, Asians, Hispanics etc out there RIOTING over something like this?


and another thing, these are STATE matters and the NATIONAL medias are driving a lot of this: on you the innocent people in this country. Until you get fed up with it, it will continue

In my opinion if they are so unhappy they should find another country. Try Iran, North Korea, China

Staph, do you forget the LA riots and 1968 in Baltimore? This is nothing new and it will happen again. I have a friend who was an officer in the Baltimore command. He left about 12 years ago and he will tell you today that he saw this coming, even then. The police were not abiding by policies on the books, both black and white. It has been coming for some time...BUT

There is NO EXCUSE for the looting, rioting, and thievery that is taking place. These people are setting the recovery of Baltimore back 20 years. Have you been to Baltimore lately? Part of the city look like the aftermath of a war. And this we before last night's riot.

The Mayor and the Police should have stepped in earlier and with more force. They made a huge mistake. Now, who would want to locate their business on the west side of Baltimore, or for that matter, anywhere in Baltimore. It is both sad and frustrating. If I lived in Baltimore, I would be looking to move out as soon as possible.
Of course you would. AS if there hasn't been other COLOR peeps that has been killed in ALL these years. How funny that just under Obama this became A HUGE huge huge problem eh?

do you see whites, Asians, Hispanics etc out there RIOTING over something like this?


and another thing, these are STATE matters and the NATIONAL medias are driving a lot of this: on you the innocent people in this country. Until you get fed up with it, it will continue

In my opinion if they are so unhappy they should find another country. Try Iran, North Korea, China
Right wing tool. Straight out of fox news or rush.
I am not a liberal...but do embrace ...dream of...hope for the day when teapers are eliminated. When they start their race war...I will sign up to fight against them....fight as an individual if need be.
Mothers don't let your kids grow up to be morons. ^^^
He ran from the cops and could have injured himself.

Didn't he fall before they put him in the wagon?

Right. He fell.

And Brown charged Wilson.

And Eric Garner had a heart attack. It h ad nothing to do with a chockhold.

ANd that guy who got shot in the back totally took that cops taser. No, really> Oh, wait, we got film that says otherwise?

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