I'd riot too

So basically what you're saying is the rule of law is for others, not you unless championing it puts you on a more noble plain than your political opponents........ Got it........... :thup:
No, I'm saying that the cops are getting away with bad behavior because they don't seemed to be governed by the rule of law. If I break the law I expect to take my punishment.

Not sure what this has to do with political opponents.
The holier than though preaching of the rule of law when the opposite side champions some action that is outside the rule of law. Seems adhering to the rule of law for some advocating it is a matter of convenience not conviction. My point has nothing to do with cops, perps or the actual rioters. It's not hard to figure out just open your eyes, many others got it, I'm surprised I'm having to explain it to ya.
Tie it to your threads' title........
Tell it to the revolutionary fighters.
You're telling me that rioters (thieves bent on destruction and harm) are now revolutionary fighters??!! You're joking, right?

Thats how they see it. They think its a revolution.

So...like our last Civil War...we should treat it that way. Put down this insurgency with overwhelming force.
Anything to encourage wanton killing by cops, eh Bucky?
So basically what you're saying is the rule of law is for others, not you unless championing it puts you on a more noble plain than your political opponents........ Got it........... :thup:
No, I'm saying that the cops are getting away with bad behavior because they don't seemed to be governed by the rule of law. If I break the law I expect to take my punishment.

Not sure what this has to do with political opponents.
The holier than though preaching of the rule of law when the opposite side champions some action that is outside the rule of law. Seems adhering to the rule of law for some advocating it is a matter of convenience not conviction. My point has nothing to do with cops, perps or the actual rioters. It's not hard to figure out just open your eyes, many others got it, I'm surprised I'm having to explain it to ya.
Tie it to your threads' title........
Tell it to the revolutionary fighters.
You're telling me that rioters (thieves bent on destruction and harm) are now revolutionary fighters??!! You're joking, right?
Miss the tea party?
Say what?? What does that have to do with the current lawless rioting, looting and vandalism??!!!
That made no sense. :dunno:


At least Obama did not have any trouble picking out a tie.
I don't know. Looks like he might have picked up some ice cream too. Going to have to play ring-around-the-burning-police-car with the National Guard to work off those extra calories.
There is a crowd control vehicle mounted taser......wonder if Baltimore has one?.
Ya, that's the answer. Tazer a couple of them. Hell, taze the whole lot of them. keep tazing until they enjoy it. And when they start to enjoy that, well, I'm sure we can think of something else. ;)
What it does is give you the ability to disable dozen or more, then you bum rush down on em slap the cuffs on, throw em in the bus and move on to next crowd
'd riot just to piss off the racist teapers.

At least 10 teapers died tonight of a heart attack somewhere in America. The stress of the riots in Baltimore got to them.

God bless the riots. They are entertaining me and wiping out the teaper filth.

Heart attacks? More like joy. The world is seeing what Democrats embrace now...up close and ugly.
I am not a liberal...but do embrace ...dream of...hope for the day when teapers are eliminated. When they start their race war...I will sign up to fight against them....fight as an individual if need be.
Libtards are the ones starting the race wars. If it wasn't for stupid libtards and obuthole the Tea Party wouldn't exist.
'd riot just to piss off the racist teapers.

At least 10 teapers died tonight of a heart attack somewhere in America. The stress of the riots in Baltimore got to them.

God bless the riots. They are entertaining me and wiping out the teaper filth.

Heart attacks? More like joy. The world is seeing what Democrats embrace now...up close and ugly.
I am not a liberal...but do embrace ...dream of...hope for the day when teapers are eliminated. When they start their race war...I will sign up to fight against them....fight as an individual if need be.
Libtards are the ones starting the race wars. If it wasn't for stupid libtards and obuthole the Tea Party wouldn't exist.
Thank you for admitting that the teapers are only in opposition to a President of a darker hue. Teapers are a nasty hate group.
There is a crowd control vehicle mounted taser......wonder if Baltimore has one?.
Ya, that's the answer. Tazer a couple of them. Hell, taze the whole lot of them. keep tazing until they enjoy it. And when they start to enjoy that, well, I'm sure we can think of something else. ;)
What it does is give you the ability to disable dozen or more, then you bum rush down on em slap the cuffs on, throw em in the bus and move on to next crowd
Ya, put them on 'the bus'. Twelve years of public education is just not enough for some people. jeez
'd riot just to piss off the racist teapers.

At least 10 teapers died tonight of a heart attack somewhere in America. The stress of the riots in Baltimore got to them.

God bless the riots. They are entertaining me and wiping out the teaper filth.

Heart attacks? More like joy. The world is seeing what Democrats embrace now...up close and ugly.
I am not a liberal...but do embrace ...dream of...hope for the day when teapers are eliminated. When they start their race war...I will sign up to fight against them....fight as an individual if need be.
Libtards are the ones starting the race wars. If it wasn't for stupid libtards and obuthole the Tea Party wouldn't exist.
Perhaps the ones who started the game just happen to be winning the game. Might want to follow that 'bus' and see where it goes.
Neanderthal thugs getting board support from leftist scum....

Shocking eh ?

Dems have run Baltimore since 1967, dey be keepin da savages oppressed !

negroids are the only race that DOESN'T have Neanderthal DNA...look at any negroid "society" and draw your own conclusions
RandomVariable with a little random information. These are the years in which the National Guard have been called out to quell violence. Please let me know if I missed any. This is the first time in the Guard's history they have been called out twice in one year, and it is only April.

1937 - auto workers strike Flint, Michigan
1957 - escort black students to Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas
1964 - race riots in Rochester, New York
1967 - race riots Detroit, Michigan
1969 - anti-war protests University of California at Berkeley
1970 - anti-war protests Kent State University, Ohio
1992 - riots after acquittal of four police officers involved in the Rodney King beating
1993 - provide support for raid on the Branch Dividian compound in Waco, Texas
1999 - riots outside the World Trade Organization meeting Seattle, Washington
2015 - riots in Ferguson, Missouri
2015 - riots in Baltimore, Maryland
'd riot just to piss off the racist teapers.

At least 10 teapers died tonight of a heart attack somewhere in America. The stress of the riots in Baltimore got to them.

God bless the riots. They are entertaining me and wiping out the teaper filth.

Heart attacks? More like joy. The world is seeing what Democrats embrace now...up close and ugly.
I am not a liberal...but do embrace ...dream of...hope for the day when teapers are eliminated. When they start their race war...I will sign up to fight against them....fight as an individual if need be.
Libtards are the ones starting the race wars. If it wasn't for stupid libtards and obuthole the Tea Party wouldn't exist.
Thank you for admitting that the teapers are only in opposition to a President of a darker hue. Teapers are a nasty hate group.
Did I say anything about obuthole's race? No, it is because of his anti constitutional stupidity. Libtards are retarded.
'd riot just to piss off the racist teapers.

At least 10 teapers died tonight of a heart attack somewhere in America. The stress of the riots in Baltimore got to them.

God bless the riots. They are entertaining me and wiping out the teaper filth.

Heart attacks? More like joy. The world is seeing what Democrats embrace now...up close and ugly.
I am not a liberal...but do embrace ...dream of...hope for the day when teapers are eliminated. When they start their race war...I will sign up to fight against them....fight as an individual if need be.
Libtards are the ones starting the race wars. If it wasn't for stupid libtards and obuthole the Tea Party wouldn't exist.
Thank you for admitting that the teapers are only in opposition to a President of a darker hue. Teapers are a nasty hate group.
Did I say anything about obuthole's race? No, it is because of his anti constitutional stupidity. Libtards are retarded.
I am not a liberal...you dumb ass teaper. Tell me this, why didn't the teapers exist with Bush was spying on Americans or when Reagan signed an amnesty bill?

What did Obama do, before he even stepped into office, that was ant-constitutional. Please be specific. (Because the TPM movement began when Obama was President -Elect).

Dumb-ass teapers. Pathetic.

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