Ideas for fixing minimum wage.

Raising it to $10 an hour would be nearly a 33% increase. Hardly Petty.
Your questions have improper foundations.

Improper foundations? Or just uncomfortable answers? Steer around them in any case. Can't be confronted with the truth. That wouldn't do at all.
Probably well before a minimum wage earner becomes rich.

Why not?
Because, if I thought passing a law could make everyone rich, I'd sure as hell support it. Why wouldn't you?

Well, you thought wrong.

How so? If you believe that raising minimum wage doesn't cause inflation or layoffs, why dick around with petty increases? Why not raise it meaningfully?

Is the reason, perhaps, that you know damned well that raising the minimum wage will increase unemployment and drive inflation, but you think it's worth it? Well, how much is it worth? That's what I'm asking. What would be the right balance in your view?
What minimum wage is a human life worth? What minimum sustenance should they work for in your eyes, a dollar an hour?
My argument is everyone who works for a living earns a living. For themselves, not a stable.
Minimum wage should be set at CPI.
Raising it to $10 an hour would be nearly a 33% increase. Hardly Petty.
Your questions have improper foundations.

Improper foundations? Or just uncomfortable answers? Steer around them in any case. Can't be confronted with the truth. That wouldn't do at all.

You base them on false and not surprisingly idiotic assumptions that have zero basis in reality. That is the truth and you're probably not comfortable being told that. I do not care.
What minimum wage is a human life worth? What minimum sustenance should they work for in your eyes, a dollar an hour?

Well, in my view, it's none of my business. I should haven't any say at all in what other people get paid.

My argument is everyone who works for a living earns a living. For themselves, not a stable.
Minimum wage should be set at CPI.

CPI is an index. Do you mean that minimum wage increases (or decreases) should be based on changes in the CPI? Ok, but what should the minimum wage be to begin with? Right now, something like the 3% of workers earn minimum wage. Some have proposed changing the minimum to $15/hr. Currently around 40% of workers make $15/hr or less. So - best case scenario - 40% of workers would be at the minimum. Well, those that are able to keep their jobs at the new higher rate. What do you think the target should be?
What minimum wage is a human life worth? What minimum sustenance should they work for in your eyes, a dollar an hour?

Well, in my view, it's none of my business. I should haven't any say at all in what other people get paid.

My argument is everyone who works for a living earns a living. For themselves, not a stable.
Minimum wage should be set at CPI.

CPI is an index. Do you mean that minimum wage increases (or decreases) should be based on changes in the CPI? Ok, but what should the minimum wage be to begin with? Right now, something like the 3% of workers earn minimum wage. Some have proposed changing the minimum to $15/hr. Currently around 40% of workers make $15/hr or less. So - best case scenario - 40% of workers would be at the minimum. Well, those that are able to keep their jobs at the new higher rate. What do you think the target should be?
I make $10 an hour. Back in 1992 I made $10 an hour and had an expense account and a company car. Everytime I changed jobs I had to settle for the same $10. It's the same me. Everyone in my house makes 10 an hour. Do we not deserve working vehicles, shelter, food? Landlord is going to raise the rent in January to 1100 a month. It's becoming too expensive to live.
What minimum wage is a human life worth? What minimum sustenance should they work for in your eyes, a dollar an hour?

Well, in my view, it's none of my business. I should haven't any say at all in what other people get paid.

My argument is everyone who works for a living earns a living. For themselves, not a stable.
Minimum wage should be set at CPI.

CPI is an index. Do you mean that minimum wage increases (or decreases) should be based on changes in the CPI? Ok, but what should the minimum wage be to begin with? Right now, something like the 3% of workers earn minimum wage. Some have proposed changing the minimum to $15/hr. Currently around 40% of workers make $15/hr or less. So - best case scenario - 40% of workers would be at the minimum. Well, those that are able to keep their jobs at the new higher rate. What do you think the target should be?
I make $10 an hour. Back in 1992 I made $10 an hour and had an expense account and a company car. Everytime I changed jobs I had to settle for the same $10. It's the same me. Everyone in my house makes 10 an hour. Do we not deserve working vehicles, shelter, food? Landlord is going to raise the rent in January to 1100 a month. It's becoming too expensive to live.

So, you're just saying you want a raise? That's fine. That I can understand. But we're talking about laws banning low wage jobs. I don't see why other people can't take jobs just because you think they don't pay enough.
What minimum wage is a human life worth? What minimum sustenance should they work for in your eyes, a dollar an hour?

Well, in my view, it's none of my business. I should haven't any say at all in what other people get paid.

My argument is everyone who works for a living earns a living. For themselves, not a stable.
Minimum wage should be set at CPI.

CPI is an index. Do you mean that minimum wage increases (or decreases) should be based on changes in the CPI? Ok, but what should the minimum wage be to begin with? Right now, something like the 3% of workers earn minimum wage. Some have proposed changing the minimum to $15/hr. Currently around 40% of workers make $15/hr or less. So - best case scenario - 40% of workers would be at the minimum. Well, those that are able to keep their jobs at the new higher rate. What do you think the target should be?
I make $10 an hour. Back in 1992 I made $10 an hour and had an expense account and a company car. Everytime I changed jobs I had to settle for the same $10. It's the same me. Everyone in my house makes 10 an hour. Do we not deserve working vehicles, shelter, food? Landlord is going to raise the rent in January to 1100 a month. It's becoming too expensive to live.

So, you're just saying you want a raise? That's fine. That I can understand. But we're talking about laws banning low wage jobs. I don't see why other people can't take jobs just because you think they don't pay enough.
Because I can't compete with those people and have a life worth living. I'd prefer suicide.
Raising it to $10 an hour would be nearly a 33% increase. Hardly Petty.
Your questions have improper foundations.

Improper foundations? Or just uncomfortable answers? Steer around them in any case. Can't be confronted with the truth. That wouldn't do at all.

You base them on false and not surprisingly idiotic assumptions that have zero basis in reality. That is the truth and you're probably not comfortable being told that. I do not care.

What idiotic assumptions am I making??? I'm just asking you to take a stab at critical reasoning. It won't hurt. I promise.
Because I can't compete with those people and have a life worth living. I'd prefer suicide.

How do you think those people feel? Where are they coming from that $10/hr seems like a good wage?

At least you're honest. The truth of minimum wage laws is that they are intended to squelch competition in the labor market. They've long been promoted by unions and labor advocates to target 'scabs' - people who are willing to work for less than the union is demanding.

But at the end of the day, the sad fact is you can't increase the value of your labor by decree. You can't force an employer to pay a given amount. They can always choose to not pay you anything at all, to get by on fewer employees and simply lay people off to cover the increased labor rates. Which comes back to your 'screw the other guy' point of view. Minimum wage laws are actually about banning low wage laborers, or rather, making them illegal. They will still work regardless.
Because I can't compete with those people and have a life worth living. I'd prefer suicide.

How do you think those people feel? Where are they coming from that $10/hr seems like a good wage?

At least you're honest. The truth of minimum wage laws is that they are intended to squelch competition in the labor market. They've long been promoted by unions and labor advocates to target 'scabs' - people who are willing to work for less than the union is demanding.

But at the end of the day, the sad fact is you can't increase the value of your labor by decree. You can't force an employer to pay a given amount. They can always choose to not pay you anything at all, to get by on fewer employees and simply lay people off to cover the increased labor rates. Which comes back to your 'screw the other guy' point of view. Minimum wage laws are actually about banning low wage laborers, or rather, making them illegal. They will still work regardless.
Nobody's labor is worth so little they can't afford to live. Everyone deserves something more than a spot on the floor and gruel for food. Why work if that is all you are going to get?
Because I can't compete with those people and have a life worth living. I'd prefer suicide.

How do you think those people feel? Where are they coming from that $10/hr seems like a good wage?

At least you're honest. The truth of minimum wage laws is that they are intended to squelch competition in the labor market. They've long been promoted by unions and labor advocates to target 'scabs' - people who are willing to work for less than the union is demanding.

But at the end of the day, the sad fact is you can't increase the value of your labor by decree. You can't force an employer to pay a given amount. They can always choose to not pay you anything at all, to get by on fewer employees and simply lay people off to cover the increased labor rates. Which comes back to your 'screw the other guy' point of view. Minimum wage laws are actually about banning low wage laborers, or rather, making them illegal. They will still work regardless.
Nobody's labor is worth so little they can't afford to live. Everyone deserves something more than a spot on the floor and gruel for food. Why work if that is all you are going to get?

People work for all kinds of reasons. Ever heard of volunteering? Who are you to judge what work someone else does? Or how much they are paid? Maybe they derive something more valuable than money from their work?
Raising it to $10 an hour would be nearly a 33% increase. Hardly Petty.
Your questions have improper foundations.

Improper foundations? Or just uncomfortable answers? Steer around them in any case. Can't be confronted with the truth. That wouldn't do at all.

You base them on false and not surprisingly idiotic assumptions that have zero basis in reality. That is the truth and you're probably not comfortable being told that. I do not care.

What idiotic assumptions am I making??? I'm just asking you to take a stab at critical reasoning. It won't hurt. I promise.

That increasing the minimum wage leads to unemployment. Amazon raised their minimum wage earlier this year. No such massive layoffs ensued. Several states and municipalities have followed suit as well as preceded the actions by Amazon. No massive layoffs ensued. In fact, unemployment is very low right now.

So that is the idiotic assumptions you are making. I'm just asking you to take a stab at making rational comments. It won't hurt. I promise. Well, it wouldn't hurt me...saying something anti-conservative dogma may in fact hurt you though.
Raising it to $10 an hour would be nearly a 33% increase. Hardly Petty.
Your questions have improper foundations.

Improper foundations? Or just uncomfortable answers? Steer around them in any case. Can't be confronted with the truth. That wouldn't do at all.

You base them on false and not surprisingly idiotic assumptions that have zero basis in reality. That is the truth and you're probably not comfortable being told that. I do not care.

What idiotic assumptions am I making??? I'm just asking you to take a stab at critical reasoning. It won't hurt. I promise.

That increasing the minimum wage leads to unemployment. Amazon raised their minimum wage earlier this year. No such massive layoffs ensued. Several states and municipalities have followed suit as well as preceded the actions by Amazon. No massive layoffs ensued. In fact, unemployment is very low right now.

So that is the idiotic assumptions you are making. I'm just asking you to take a stab at making rational comments. It won't hurt. I promise. Well, it wouldn't hurt me...saying something anti-conservative dogma may in fact hurt you though.

One company?

We are talking national and the only reason why the democrats want to do it, is try to stop company's from moving

raise your state minimum wage to $59 bucks an hour, what do we care

For the life of me I can't figure out why we don't just tie minimum wage to the Consumer Price Index or something. Have it adjust yearly and leave it alone.

We COULD attach it to Gross Domestic Product, give everyone "skin in the game" so to say.

We COULD attach it to some measurement of Board of Directors pay/reimbursement packages for humorous effect.

Where would my first idea about the Consumer Price Index go wrong or is there a better measure?

I think the Republicans should have jumped on it and raised it by absurdly small amounts over the next 20 years. Then if Democrats opposed it, you could use it against them. Raise it by 75 cents every 5 years for the next 30 years or something like that. We can never get rid of minimum wage. The best we can do is keep it as low as possible so that we can compete with China, India and Russia.
What minimum wage is a human life worth? What minimum sustenance should they work for in your eyes, a dollar an hour?

Well, in my view, it's none of my business. I should haven't any say at all in what other people get paid.

My argument is everyone who works for a living earns a living. For themselves, not a stable.
Minimum wage should be set at CPI.

CPI is an index. Do you mean that minimum wage increases (or decreases) should be based on changes in the CPI? Ok, but what should the minimum wage be to begin with? Right now, something like the 3% of workers earn minimum wage. Some have proposed changing the minimum to $15/hr. Currently around 40% of workers make $15/hr or less. So - best case scenario - 40% of workers would be at the minimum. Well, those that are able to keep their jobs at the new higher rate. What do you think the target should be?
I make $10 an hour. Back in 1992 I made $10 an hour and had an expense account and a company car. Everytime I changed jobs I had to settle for the same $10. It's the same me. Everyone in my house makes 10 an hour. Do we not deserve working vehicles, shelter, food? Landlord is going to raise the rent in January to 1100 a month. It's becoming too expensive to live.

May I ask why you have settled for the same pay for 26 years? Was there nothing you could have done to have increased your value to your employer?
^ you dying to make the $15 dollar minimum wage , $7.25 an hour burger flipper boi..

I'll take 15 I only make 10.
Labor needs to be able to afford our First World economy.

Back when I was in the disaster response game, we would have these conventions from time to time where you’d go and share ideas and techniques blah blah blah. The group from the Bay Area had an advertising slogan about their official response posture; “The First 72 Are On You” meaning that you needed to have a 3 day supply of food, water, medicine, clothing… The reason given was that the Bay Area is so expensive that few first responders can afford to live there, the land is so expensive that storing enough supplies for 200,000 people is not cost effective (and would probably be over-run well before by homeless), and that if they did pre-position them, nobody would be there to effectively dispense the goodies.
Would we have this problem if Persons could simply apply for unemployment compensation for merely being unemployed in our at-will employment States?
View attachment 231008
oh, look; no valid arguments from the Right Wing. Only memes and other forms of fallacies.
i bet you can't wait to have more than fallacy.

^ you dying to make the $15 dollar minimum wage , $7.25 an hour burger flipper boi..

I'll take 15 I only make 10.

Exactly, you want 30 million plus more workers to suffer like you..

more people will be able to afford more options for housing.

How ? What do you think the maintenance guys wages won't go up also?

don't worry; the rich already got richer, first, right wingers. they can afford it now.
I'll take 15 I only make 10.
Labor needs to be able to afford our First World economy.

Back when I was in the disaster response game, we would have these conventions from time to time where you’d go and share ideas and techniques blah blah blah. The group from the Bay Area had an advertising slogan about their official response posture; “The First 72 Are On You” meaning that you needed to have a 3 day supply of food, water, medicine, clothing… The reason given was that the Bay Area is so expensive that few first responders can afford to live there, the land is so expensive that storing enough supplies for 200,000 people is not cost effective (and would probably be over-run well before by homeless), and that if they did pre-position them, nobody would be there to effectively dispense the goodies.
Would we have this problem if Persons could simply apply for unemployment compensation for merely being unemployed in our at-will employment States?
View attachment 231008
oh, look; no valid arguments from the Right Wing. Only memes and other forms of fallacies.

^ you dying to make the $15 dollar minimum wage , $7.25 an hour burger flipper boi..

I'll take 15 I only make 10.
Labor needs to be able to afford our First World economy.

Back when I was in the disaster response game, we would have these conventions from time to time where you’d go and share ideas and techniques blah blah blah. The group from the Bay Area had an advertising slogan about their official response posture; “The First 72 Are On You” meaning that you needed to have a 3 day supply of food, water, medicine, clothing… The reason given was that the Bay Area is so expensive that few first responders can afford to live there, the land is so expensive that storing enough supplies for 200,000 people is not cost effective (and would probably be over-run well before by homeless), and that if they did pre-position them, nobody would be there to effectively dispense the goodies.
Would we have this problem if Persons could simply apply for unemployment compensation for merely being unemployed in our at-will employment States?

Translation: you want to be paid for not working. That's your bottom line and what your otherwise meaningless phrases really mean.
capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment. it is natural.

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