Identifying the REAL Jesus Christ from the FRAUD

This thread explains much about our fellow poster, pvsi's state of mind.
Osama Bin Laden, Hussein and Gadhafi ALSO died because of your sins

The hell they did.
pv, you have decided to usurp Christ's role, without understanding what that role is.
And it is the reason for your lack of success in bringing peace to the world.
Christ is alive and well and waiting for the age of the Gentile to come to an end. The end of the Gentile age means the beginning of Christ's Millennial reign.

You don't know who Christ is. You know nothing about Him, so you are willing to accept anything your mind conjures up concerning Him.
That you want Him to be a Gentile in your mind, has absolutely no effect on Him being a Jewish Rabbi.
If you have any desire to be like Christ you have to read His words, and listen to what they say.
[1] How do you plan to remove the original sin from humanity?

I know how Christ will usher in peace. [2] What's your plan? Since you prefer you own understanding as oppose to the Bible, then [3] who do you think is getting ready to invade Israel, and how do you plan to prevent it?

I want to know your Peace Plan and [4] when you plan to start implementing it
.. :eusa_angel:
After a couple of paragraphs of useless babbling it is nice to see you got your act straight and asked the meaningful questions. for those I thank you.
1. Acquire absolute power over humanity, by any means possible BUT preferably through love and understanding, because it is love and understanding that drives me to it. pass a global law allowing for couples to have no more than 2 children, no more than one marriage, require people to get a license to breed because lazy people make up large part of sinners even if they look very energetic on the media. Original sin originates in our desperation to trample one over the other, zero tolerance towards crime will be implemented - not a nonsense crime such someone peacefully getting high, but bullying, stealing, lying on the media, sin largely originates on the media who is currently controlled by the ultimate dictator who prevails because of our division and sin keeps us divided as you know. People will be educated to express themselves in a sincere way, such as in sporting events, in talent shows, and other games which will be played voluntarily and not forced upon as is the case with wars today. All government provided welfare and benefits will be cut and become unnecessary because humans will look after their sick and elderly themselves, it is human nature.

2. My plan is to figure out a way to reach out to the very ordinary people like you, without any help from any network, any media.

3. Terrorists who are paid by international bankers who are invading Syria and Iraq and this very moment are the ones who are attempting to invade Israel. My plan to deal with them is by reaching out to these people I speak out against, to travel to their lands as an official leader without a single body guard, fly by coach, not business class if necessary, meet their leaders face to face (ISIS or Al Qaeda, who ever they may be), be ready to die if I fail to get through to them, then I become nothing more than just a soldier who died fighting in what I believed in, but I believe I have the power to be more than a soldier only due to my love and understanding of humanity, and therefor I am not afraid of such a task. that is part of my plan, and if you have any specific questions, I will be happy to answer them all.

4. As soon as humanity is ready.
We already have that, hiding behind the puppet circus, and I completely agree with you. DIRECT DEMOCRACY is the way not to have that, so please do not be a hypocrite now to turn around on it.
Actually, I believe that "pure democracy" is dangerous. In its pure form, pure democracy is "mobacracy." The majority rules even when the majority is wrong. Whosoever "gang" is the biggest is the winner. I'm actually for a pure Monarchy with Christ as the King and all humans as the subjects.
There's only one problem with this Drifting - Christ is dead and scum such as Bush, Obama, Tony Blair and other war criminals that you and I are against, can claim to be Christians, and in the name of Christ perpetrate crimes against humanity. If Christ was alive this would NOT be a problem, and you can say Christ IS alive in spirit, and I BELIEVE this, I believe Christ IS in ME and I do not deny that Christ is in many other people and also in you perhaps, but you can not accept me as a leader and you say I would be dangerous as a leader, and you say that worry not, because sometime in the future, maybe 100 years from now Christ will come back and get things straight. this is like saying "do not bother the criminal, police will be here tomorrow, let him rob your house, let him rape your kids, he will pay for it later".

Jesus Christ, being dead and crucified is a good post for the "kings" who rule to hide behind.

The nice thing is that the Bible is our "yardstick" for measuring the truth and the actions of men. Christ and the Apostles make it clear as to how men should conduct themselves. When we know what the Bible teaches then we know when men (including national leaders) are failing to live up to the guidelines. So ... a person can claim to be a Christian but when they knowingly and willingly do things that are blatantly contrary to God's Word (as written in the Bible) then we know that they are "Christian" in name only.

We all do well to learn and apply the teachings of the Bible (specifically the New Testament Gospel).
What are you waiting for? If not now, when? How do you know Christ isn't waiting for that time too........
Or shall I pronounce you as dead as my dog.
I am alive, I am speaking to you, and answering questions. you can distinguish me by the fact that unlike politicians I do not need any donations or media exposure, but only seek power through your understanding, and my understanding is that I am nothing more special than anyone else, in that way I DO resemble Christ, but we must understand that only ONE human being can lead, and you CAN and MUST help, and to help you must first have FAITH and not be shy to be a follower, but understand that you are following YOURSELF and uniting with ONE, which is the ONLY WAY, and I am THE ONE to lead, and the only way you must help is to spread the word, and if you run into ANOTHER self proclaimed Jesus, you shall take a closer look at him and inform us of each other, and after our conversation if still two leaders stand, then you must know that one of us is a FRAUD - DriftingSand here for example suggested that he ALSO may be a leader, and I suggested that he very well might as well be, but he instantly shied away, which is a very human thing to do since only ONE must lead and he understands. I understand that also, and until I see someone more serious than me, I will remain completely serious about myself being the leader, because nothing on the mass media, presented to us by the establishment is anything serious at all. So what I want you to do is to publicize in any way you can - you can RIDICULE or DEMONIZE it when you talk - THAT is how Fox News and the media got Obama elected, or you can PRAISE it, it does not matter how.
Can you prove you're the one? I mean, Christ allowed us to beat Him nearly to death and then kill Him on a tree, and then returned to the sight and stuck around for forty days to prove He's the one.
Have you got anything for us to put our faith in? I mean I hate to bring it up, but there's another poster here that claims he's the one to fill your position.

You may need a quarter to flip to see which of you goes first. Just sayin........
The nice thing is that the Bible is our "yardstick" for measuring the truth and the actions of men. Christ and the Apostles make it clear as to how men should conduct themselves. When we know what the Bible teaches then we know when men (including national leaders) are failing to live up to the guidelines.

2. So ... a person can claim to be a Christian but when they knowingly and willingly do things that are blatantly contrary to God's Word (as written in the Bible) then we know that they are "Christian" in name only.

We all do well to learn and apply the teachings of the Bible (specifically the New Testament Gospel).
I have no doubt that bible does humanity good - my mothers side of the family were not Christians and they were.... not as good as my fathers side of the family who were Christians. my mother's side of the family for example kept the gifts that our relatives in Germany sent to them intended for me, while my fathers side of the family would give me money for Christmas.

2. Obama got re elected and I do not think he was a very good Christian to begin with, it seems to me the nation and Christianity as a whole is a lost cause, considering US government, which is protected by the most powerful military on earth is funding terrorists who are killing Christians all over the world, as we can see in Syria today. We need a god that is more living. And I am TRYING to be that living god, and I must note that within the last month both my wife and my father Yesterday, on TWO separate occasions got a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt - I have in my check book memo written, the check was for highway robbery, and the check was deposited - there comes a price for playing the role of the living god and the world leader, and peoples' ignorance does not help either.
1. Can you prove you're the one? I mean, Christ allowed us to beat Him nearly to death and then kill Him on a tree, and then returned to the sight and stuck around for forty days to prove He's the one.
2. Have you got anything for us to put our faith in? I mean I hate to bring it up, but there's another poster here that claims he's the one to fill your position.

You may need a quarter to flip to see which of you goes first. Just sayin........
1. Beatings are what mobs do to initiate new gang members, I am not part of that mob, I am not interested in their games.
2. You are still not hearing me correctly. I am not claiming to be anything more than a man who intends to create a new world government, and restore justice system - I have stated in my opening speech: "First of all, I acknowledge that I am no more intelligent than anyone else on this planet. No better, no more innocent than any criminal, no less ignorant than any idiot."
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there's another poster here that claims he's the one to fill your position.

You may need a quarter to flip to see which of you goes first. Just sayin........
Let's create a thread and discus with that other leader to see which one of us should lead, and which one should follow. I have bumped into many, but none turned out to be too serious
How do you plan to dispose of Kissinger and Soros? They are waaay ahead of you.
And if you can't get me to accept it, how do you plan to bring the world on board?

And see, Christ is more intelligent, more innocent, far less ignorant and far more powerful than you and I. I want Him to be our leader. He has more ability. Men's governments corrode and pass away. His is forever.

You need to make a case for yourself. Your qualifications to lead are lacking if you are no better than I am. :)
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And people wonder why I find The God of Abraham to be nothing more than ancient literary amusement, and the three conflicting pathways to Him described in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran a joke trilogy.

If The God of Abraham IS, one would think He'd have straightened out all this shit by now.
1. How do you plan to dispose of Kissinger and Soros? They are waaay ahead of you.
2. And if you can't get me to accept it, how do you plan to bring the world on board? And see, Christ is more intelligent, more innocent, far less ignorant and far more powerful than you and I. I want Him to be our leader. He has more ability. Men's governments corrode and pass away.
4. His is forever.

3. You need to make a case for yourself. Your qualifications to lead are lacking if you are no better than I am. :)
1. As a leader I plan to take them all and all of their relatives off welfare and if they have no one to look after them, then they will have to get some sort of a job, but their public speaking and expertise will not be in demand under my rule
2. You are seeing two different souls where there is only ONE - you are seeing DEAD Christ which does not allow you to see the LIVING Christ, you expect Christ to read the book that was written AFTER his crucifixion, You yourself do not understand a thing about spirit and yet you are attempting to portray me as ignorant.
3. No, you need to learn to accept the living Christ and stop demanding that he reads your bible.
4. Diamonds are forever, Christ is for NOW, the LIVING Christ.
Oh, and I am still waiting to talk to that other world leader you mentioned. very enthusiastic about it.
Yikes. Not even those predisposed to believe in elaborate mythologies are buying what you're selling, PV. You might as well face it, Bro; nobody's ever going to accept you as their 'Lord and Savior' on the basis of your insistence alone. You're going to have to mix in some (((miraculous works))) order to build up your reputation as something other than a two-bit cyber looney.

Good luck with that.
Don't imagine for a second that I'm just mocking you there, PV. If you're sincerely out to build up a following among the uber-religious, you better start manufacturing some highly publicized miracles.
Why would one think that Joe? He's not on our schedule. What makes you think now would be a better time for Christ than the time God has chosen? Where were you when He was creating the universe? You could have supervised. ;)
But now that you mention it, keep your eye on that peace treaty with Israel. It will be for 7 years. Three and a half years into that treaty it will be broken, three and one half years after it is broken, Christ will be on this earth. He's coming back to take care of this s**t. For good. So you're close. He's had enough. Watch what He does to the next country that invades Israel.

What I wonder is why you won't accept anything but that the stories aren't true. You shun evidence.

Let's look at the Tower of Babel. Did the God of the slaves prevent it from being finished? Did Abraham's people make it up? Why?

Saddam believed that story. He dug it up.
What is curious or amusing is that God prevented it from being finished by confusing them with language. They couldn't understand each other anymore. At least that's what the Jews want you to believe happened.
Let's say for a moment that it's not true and Abraham's kids were bias, being slaves and all, so they made it all up. Does that work for you? Is that a good enough reason for you not to believe it?

What do you do when the King of Babylon confirms it? And has it carved into bricks. That are, hold in your hand tangible. What was his motive in telling you the same thing that the Jews did? He's King. Why would he give credence to the phoney imaginings of his slaves?
He can say whatever he wants. Why did he lie too:

Nebuchadnezzar's temple or tower of Nebo stood on the basement of the old tower of Babel. He says in the inscription, "the house of the earth's base (the basement substructure), the most ancient monument of Babylon I built and finished; I exalted its head with bricks covered with copper ... the house of the seven lights (the seven planets); a former king 42 ages ago built, but did not complete its head. Since a remote time people had abandoned it, without order expressing their words; the earthquake and thunder had split and dispersed its sun-dried clay."

Parts of the tower exist and have the consistency of melted glass, like it had been melted by extreme heat. Lightening extreme, not molding bricks extreme. That it happened is verifiable. Without any help from the Jews. Since no man can make you forget English, and babble, man wasn't responsible for that confusion either. Your next question should be, Who was? Who did that?

Now tell me that you concede that at least one fable has the archeology to substantiate it's credibility, or tell me why everyone lied, Kings and slaves alike, and why that specific tower exists and what melted it. Don't tell me it's a literary work and then walk out the door until it's time to say it again. That's not fair.
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