IDF Artillery Fire Like Russian Roulette

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The naval artillery has to zero in on its targets and most shots miss. And land based artillery fires at coordinates, not targets.

And land based artillery isn't moving and is more dependent on the skill of the FO than the tube itself. Land based artillery does indeed fire at targets. The SADF famously used their G-5 artillery system (155mm) to destroy a moving tank at a range of 27 km with a single round during the fighting in Angola.....long, long before guided munitions. They juts happened to have a real good FO.
You know that this is a lucky hit. Even if your artillery and staff are able to hit targets pinpoint, the tank could just change the direction or stop during the shell´s approach. One cannot reproduce such a hit even on a stationary target.

No, it wasn't. It was a FO from 32 Battalion and he did a simple time distance calculation and the tank never altered its speed which allowed the round to hit it. Had they varied their speed they would not have been hit. However, the artillery round impacted EXACTLY where the FO wanted it to.
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