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IDF cowards murder 12 year old boy

As the title says, IDF cowards murder 12 year old boy with gunfire from a helicopter.
The IDF invaded a small section of Gaza but didn't like it when their insurgent force was attacked by defending Palestinians.
The brave (not) Israeli invaders used a helicopter to murder the boy so they could run away like frightened mice.

BBC News - Gaza: Palestinian boy 'killed by Israeli gunfire'
You must have reading comprehension problems. Here is a quote from your article:

"The boy was killed during clashes when militants open fire on Israeli forces."

In other words, Palestinian animal child abusers use their little kids as human shields specifically so that they get killed and then use their death as media extravaganza.

Perhaps you should focus on Syria's barbaric leader who's killed about 40,000 his people, a big chunk of them innocent kids, if you're soooo concerned about innocent people dying. Just saying.

But no, you're just a cocksucking Jew hating piece of shit who couldn't give a rats ass if a million Muslims or Palestinians died as long as no Jews were involved.

...gosh!!!!! who could fail to appreciate this one-sided logic...???? Indofred, please permit me to offer a considerably less vulgar examination of Zionist perspective: when Jews are killed its everyone else's fault---except for Jews themselves...when---on the other hand---Jews are doing the killing, it remains someone else's fault....please recall Israel's malicious and bloodthirsty Operation Cast-Lead: for three weeks the Jewish Nazis shelled a captive civilian population with illegal weaponry---cluster shells...white phosphorous rounds, and depleted uranium...no one intervened---least of all the dutiful U.S. president Obama---who obediently defended the carnage as 'Islrael's right to defend herself"....but the best part was yet to come, confronted with the slaughter of 1500 civilians...women...elderly and some 400 children, predictably the IDF cowards blamed the deaths on Hamas...by some pristine measure of logic that eludes mere gentile minds, the Jews who were dropping these weapons on the Gazans were quite blameless....please remember the cardinal rule of Zinonism Indofred; Jews are blameless---irrespective of the circumstances....
Of course Skitzo would never mention the over 30,000 killed by now in Syria, and the figure keeps going up and up and up. It seems the needle on his record player got stuck on the Cast Iron incident, and nothing the Muslims do to others ever crosses his mind. Meanwhile, no matter how much Skitzo bashes Israel and the Jews (and he has done so for years under so many different screen names), the truth is that he himself would not be safe in one of those Muslim countries where the Infidels like Skitzo are hated. Actually, Skitzo, my boy, the gentiles are quite aware of what the Muslims are capable of because they by now the see just what the Muslims are doing to their people in many places even though in your twisted mind, you would say the Muslims were blameless.. By the way, Skitzo, why not tell the truth that many of those killed in the Cast Iron incident were militants and not all innocent women and children plus the elderly as you want people to believe.
More than 37,000 killed in Syria conflict: watchdog - Emirates 24/7
As the title says, IDF cowards murder 12 year old boy with gunfire from a helicopter.
The IDF invaded a small section of Gaza but didn't like it when their insurgent force was attacked by defending Palestinians.
The brave (not) Israeli invaders used a helicopter to murder the boy so they could run away like frightened mice.

BBC News - Gaza: Palestinian boy 'killed by Israeli gunfire'
You must have reading comprehension problems. Here is a quote from your article:

"The boy was killed during clashes when militants open fire on Israeli forces."

In other words, Palestinian animal child abusers use their little kids as human shields specifically so that they get killed and then use their death as media extravaganza.

Perhaps you should focus on Syria's barbaric leader who's killed about 40,000 his people, a big chunk of them innocent kids, if you're soooo concerned about innocent people dying. Just saying.

But no, you're just a cocksucking Jew hating piece of shit who couldn't give a rats ass if a million Muslims or Palestinians died as long as no Jews were involved.

...gosh!!!!! who could fail to appreciate this one-sided logic...???? Indofred, please permit me to offer a considerably less vulgar examination of Zionist perspective: when Jews are killed its everyone else's fault---except for Jews themselves...when---on the other hand---Jews are doing the killing, it remains someone else's fault....please recall Israel's malicious and bloodthirsty Operation Cast-Lead: for three weeks the Jewish Nazis shelled a captive civilian population with illegal weaponry---cluster shells...white phosphorous rounds, and depleted uranium...no one intervened---least of all the dutiful U.S. president Obama---who obediently defended the carnage as 'Islrael's right to defend herself"....but the best part was yet to come, confronted with the slaughter of 1500 civilians...women...elderly and some 400 children, predictably the IDF cowards blamed the deaths on Hamas...by some pristine measure of logic that eludes mere gentile minds, the Jews who were dropping these weapons on the Gazans were quite blameless....please remember the cardinal rule of Zinonism Indofred; Jews are blameless---irrespective of the circumstances....

I agree with all of that but not the use of a few of the words.
Jews in general are guilty of nothing, only the Jews who are combatant members of the IDF, the Israeli government who order them to murder and those who support such murder.
As for the use of "Nazi". The Israeli government aren't even close to as efficient as the Nazi government and don't have death camps as such, just a fenced off area called Gaza and they're far too economically aware to increase their gas bill, especially when the US supplies so many free guns.
...same old stale routine, its always somebody else's fault isn't it???....let me break it down for you hoss: I know that your tiny flightless mind can only handle so much information before it goes into tilt!!! Phase, so i promise to use small words: Wtf does syria have do with this??? Are you so blindly misleading that you fail to check your own evasion faculty??? No one is speaking of---or defending syria...stick to israel you immoral parrot...you cannot conflate the palestinians into the fashionable "muslims are crazy" argument that appeals to the single-digit iq-crowd in america...not once in 64 years of criminal occupation have the slippery jews ever assumed responsibility for their actions---not once...if you want to give this a name its called ( denial )...any personal recognition here curly???

Oh oh....here come dem giggles again....gotta run
Don't get cancer in Gaza, the Israeli's will not allow you to leave the area to get to a hospital that can treat your illness.

One young woman reports on her late father’s illness. Though he would have been proud that she was the first woman in the refugee camp to gain an advanced degree, she says, he ``passed away after six months of fighting cancer, aged 60 years.

``Israeli occupation denied him a permit to go to Israeli hospitals for treatment. I had to suspend my study, work and life and go to sit next to his bed. We all sat, including my brother the physician and my sister the pharmacist, all powerless and hopeless, watching his suffering. He died during the inhumane blockade of Gaza in summer 2006 with very little access to health service.
Anyone in Gaza doesn't have to wait long for examples of Israeli atrocities on the Pals.

The signs are easy to see, even on a brief visit. Sitting in a hotel near the shore, one can hear the machine-gun fire of Israeli gunboats driving fishermen out of Gaza’s territorial waters and toward land, forcing them to fish in waters that are heavily polluted because of U.S.-Israeli refusal to allow reconstruction of the sewage and power systems they destroyed.
Shooting at fisherman, shooting at farmers, shooting at children, the Israeli inhumanity doesn't stop, does it?

Legitimate military targets for Israeli forces using guns supplied free of charge by US taxpayers.

The IDF are murdering dogs, controlled by the US funded pigs of the Israeli government.

America - Wake up to what your tax dollars are doing.
Yes, Wake Up America and see where you tax dollars are going -- to those murdering Sunni dogs and pigs in the Pakistani Army who give intelligence to the Taliban so that they can kill American soldiers. I guess Fred has no interest in the Muslim pigs and dogs who are killing each other in Syria.
Don't get cancer in Gaza, the Israeli's will not allow you to leave the area to get to a hospital that can treat your illness.

One young woman reports on her late father’s illness. Though he would have been proud that she was the first woman in the refugee camp to gain an advanced degree, she says, he ``passed away after six months of fighting cancer, aged 60 years.

``Israeli occupation denied him a permit to go to Israeli hospitals for treatment. I had to suspend my study, work and life and go to sit next to his bed. We all sat, including my brother the physician and my sister the pharmacist, all powerless and hopeless, watching his suffering. He died during the inhumane blockade of Gaza in summer 2006 with very little access to health service.
Anyone in Gaza doesn't have to wait long for examples of Israeli atrocities on the Pals.

The signs are easy to see, even on a brief visit. Sitting in a hotel near the shore, one can hear the machine-gun fire of Israeli gunboats driving fishermen out of Gaza’s territorial waters and toward land, forcing them to fish in waters that are heavily polluted because of U.S.-Israeli refusal to allow reconstruction of the sewage and power systems they destroyed.
Shooting at fisherman, shooting at farmers, shooting at children, the Israeli inhumanity doesn't stop, does it?
So why didn't the Egyptian Muslims allow them to get treatment in Egypt. Surely they have hospitals there where people with cancer are treated. I doubt the Egyptians never get cancer so there must be facilities there. Meanwhile, Sirloin, do the atrocities against others ever end in Muslim countries, or in your mind only the Israelis commit atrocities?
So why didn't the Egyptian Muslims allow them to get treatment in Egypt. Surely they have hospitals there where people with cancer are treated. I doubt the Egyptians never get cancer so there must be facilities there. Meanwhile, Sirloin, do the atrocities against others ever end in Muslim countries, or in your mind only the Israelis commit atrocities?
Because the only ones allowed to pass through the Rafah crossing, are Gazan's with an Israeli ID card.
As the title says, IDF cowards murder 12 year old boy with gunfire from a helicopter.
The IDF invaded a small section of Gaza but didn't like it when their insurgent force was attacked by defending Palestinians.
The brave (not) Israeli invaders used a helicopter to murder the boy so they could run away like frightened mice.

BBC News - Gaza: Palestinian boy 'killed by Israeli gunfire'
You must have reading comprehension problems. Here is a quote from your article:

"The boy was killed during clashes when militants open fire on Israeli forces."

In other words, Palestinian animal child abusers use their little kids as human shields specifically so that they get killed and then use their death as media extravaganza.

Perhaps you should focus on Syria's barbaric leader who's killed about 40,000 his people, a big chunk of them innocent kids, if you're soooo concerned about innocent people dying. Just saying.

But no, you're just a cocksucking Jew hating piece of shit who couldn't give a rats ass if a million Muslims or Palestinians died as long as no Jews were involved.

"The boy was killed during clashes when militants open fire on Israeli forces."

Who were invading Gaza.

You can't shift the blame off onto the Palestinians.
As the title says, IDF cowards murder 12 year old boy with gunfire from a helicopter.
The IDF invaded a small section of Gaza but didn't like it when their insurgent force was attacked by defending Palestinians.
The brave (not) Israeli invaders used a helicopter to murder the boy so they could run away like frightened mice.

BBC News - Gaza: Palestinian boy 'killed by Israeli gunfire'
Naturally, Fred the good Muslim convert closes his eyes to his fellow Muslim cowards murdering young children all the time. No one likes to see young people killed, but let's be honest here. The killing of young people happens all over the Muslim world. Do you really think, Fred, that when a Sunni suicide or car bomber is busy killing people, he has a megaphone that warns all the young people to get off the street? Can you possibly give us a ballpark figure of the children killed so far in Syria? You can forget about the children who have been tortured. Just tell us somethng about the children killed.
kids never ever get gunned down in USA do they??

and they will NEVER change your primitive savage NRA gun laws

2nd ammendment can well be applied in gaza........

take the plank out of your own yankee eyes

lookin down thinkin you are so superior to XXXXXXX

you are just as bad, and you aint even occupied or at war............

snotty USA hypocrites.....
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Legitimate military targets for Israeli forces using guns supplied free of charge by US taxpayers.

The IDF are murdering dogs, controlled by the US funded pigs of the Israeli government.

America - Wake up to what your tax dollars are doing.
Yes, Wake Up America and see where you tax dollars are going -- to those murdering Sunni dogs and pigs in the Pakistani Army who give intelligence to the Taliban so that they can kill American soldiers. I guess Fred has no interest in the Muslim pigs and dogs who are killing each other in Syria.


Can you read?

This is an Israel and Palestine thread, it is not a Pakistan thread.

The God I know created the Palestinian people too, in His very own image, and out of love for them, too.

And the life of a 12 year old child that the IDF just murdered mattered very much to that God.

There are angels in Heaven assigned to each nation and people in our world, and they have work for us all, every single one of us, to do in every place.

The spiritual world we live in the midst of beckons to us, do we have eyes and ears to see and hear the truths it has for us to embrace?

My cry to America, is wake up, open your eyes to God and the world He created for all of us to live in, not just a world for Americans and Israelis to live in!

This is a Prayer I prayed and a song that I wrote (first verse)

Open My Eyes, God

From Beebe, Arkansas to Tehran, Iran
From Mai Lai, Vietnam to Hiroshima, Japan
God wants us to all know about Him
Believe in Him and become children of God

Open my eyes, God
Help me to see, this beautiful world, God
That you made for me, and everyone else in this world
Open my eyes, God
Help me to feel, love for my neighbors, all over this world
Open my eyes, God
Help me to be, the person who, I, God, was created to be

"The boy was killed during clashes when militants open fire on Israeli forces."

Who were invading Gaza.

You can't shift the blame off onto the Palestinians.
It's the same as that old argument...

..."It's her fault she got raped, she was wearing a red dress!"
that one ...or very similar........by 2 republican senators helped them lose the senate and the presidency last tuesday, didn't it?

...gosh!!!!! who could fail to appreciate this one-sided logic...???? Indofred, please permit me to offer a considerably less vulgar examination of Zionist perspective: when Jews are killed its everyone else's fault---except for Jews themselves...when---on the other hand---Jews are doing the killing, it remains someone else's fault....please recall Israel's malicious and bloodthirsty Operation Cast-Lead: for three weeks the Jewish Nazis shelled a captive civilian population with illegal weaponry---cluster shells...white phosphorous rounds, and depleted uranium...no one intervened---least of all the dutiful U.S. president Obama---who obediently defended the carnage as 'Islrael's right to defend herself"....but the best part was yet to come, confronted with the slaughter of 1500 civilians...women...elderly and some 400 children, predictably the IDF cowards blamed the deaths on Hamas...by some pristine measure of logic that eludes mere gentile minds, the Jews who were dropping these weapons on the Gazans were quite blameless....please remember the cardinal rule of Zinonism Indofred; Jews are blameless---irrespective of the circumstances....

I agree with all of that but not the use of a few of the words.
Jews in general are guilty of nothing, only the Jews who are combatant members of the IDF, the Israeli government who order them to murder and those who support such murder.
As for the use of "Nazi". The Israeli government aren't even close to as efficient as the Nazi government and don't have death camps as such, just a fenced off area called Gaza and they're far too economically aware to increase their gas bill, especially when the US supplies so many free guns.

...wrong Snappy...to the obvious extent that the vast majority of Jews blindly support Israeli policies they share the guilt...sorry bub---that's how it works....as for the comparisons to Nazis...what part did you miss??? Ghettoization...property confiscation...summary arrests...beatings...curfews...apartheid...criminal occupation...land theft...assassinations....resource restrictions...incursions...killing of children....many authors have documented the similarities between Israel and Nazi Germany....perhaps you should do some research?

artfulcodger and Indofred,

Comparing evil, that is something all of us will always see differently. So, I do not think either of you are wrong, you just see things differently, from a different perspective.

And about the issue of the blame of a people for what their Nations do, it seems to me anyone living in a Democracy who is involved in electing their leaders, as Israelis are, as Americans, are, shares some added responsibility for the acts those leaders carry out!

I am reminded of the Prophet Isaiah's image of blood on his hands, over the sin of his people. I imagine that was blood he never could wash away, the same way the sin of his Nation and people never stopped.

Cleanse us of our sin, that is a Prayer all people should be praying about their Nations!

And perhaps one of our biggest enemies that holds people in our world captive to never ending wars is "another ism", Nationalism! Think about the many atrocities, carried out since the beginning of time, carried out in its name, by people everywhere!

Sherri uses the word "JEWS" compulsively-------something like the roman pigs who murdered what she imagines was "god" and went on to create not only the laws that facilitated the Inquisition--------which ordered great bonfires into which infants were tossed in an " AUTO DE FE" (an act of sherri faith) but also inspired the dhimmia rules which made LEGAL the Murder of hundreds of millions and the RAPE of hundreds of millions -----and even informed Sherri's favorite NUREMBURG LAWS --(which made genocide legal in the third reich ---aka third HOLY roman empire)

give it up sherri-----the pharisee Yehoshua ben Yosef-----had nothing to do with the stink you emit
Doc the claim that Gazans cannot get out of Gaza is a silly lie I was truly amused by the claim of the slut in Gaza who complained that the ISRAELIS DID NOT PROVIDE FREE MEDICAL CARE FOR HER FATHER The fact is that Israel has provided SO MUCH free medical care for the Gazans that they are convinced they are ENTITLED TO IT -------I had worked for decades in --------'jewish" hospitals in the USA-------Gazans came freely and get medical care there too. Muslims have a problem with Illness-----they actually believe that only jewish doctors can save them ------it is somehow a LONG STANDING thing Sala'adin's personal physician was MAIMONIDES -----but they also believe that jewish doctors are OBLIGATED to save them.
exactly doc----the perverts teach their children that DYING for the glory of allah is the best thing that can happen to them------so that when the kids get the opportunity to run around in arena's of war they DO what their society values most------------the kids in Gaza see dying from a bomb the same way kids in the USA see becoming a BASEBALL STAR

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