IDF strikes Gaza, 1 dead, at least 4 injured

2 dead and 10 injured in this incident so far.

The IDF is sending a message. You don't mess with us, we let you be. you take one of us and there will be hell to pay.

Hoping they got the message loud and clear

The terrorist arab muslim filth has not gotten the message in 65 years, they won't get it in another 1,000. They will just keep fighting down to the last arab muslim; the only solution is to destroy their source of funding, weapons and training: the iranian cancerous, fake regime.
Not so surprising. Palestinian mentality is what it is.

The deceased Israeli is Salah Abu Latif, Israeli civilian from Rahat. was working in the area and killed by Palestinian sniper.

Isn't this irony at it best? they killed a Muslim Israeli and now being punished 10 times worse for doing so.

Go figure 'em out!

Blessed be the memory of the innocent man.

Which is why there will never be a " Palestinian state " :lol:
If you condemn this then you should have great condemnation for those who are targeting Israeli citizens and this on their very own land which is the reason the IDF is forced to react with force. It is indeed a war crime to launch rockets into unarmed civilian neighborhoods in Israel, targeting Israeli children with rocks and harming many, seeking to do harm to Israeli civilians on a daily basis, all of this should be condemned.
I've always condemned the rocket attacks.
The IDF still attacks from the air, it's unclear but perhaps 3-4 dead to the Palestinian, about 9 or 10 others injured.

Palestinian brigades send threats to the Israeli people, saying the Zionists will be "Sorry" for the attack.

This would be the appropriate time for the "Palestinian" Arabs to round up women and children to be placed in harm's way. Why waste an opportunity to "martyr" a few disposable people who can take one to further Islamic terrorism. They never miss an opportunity to do something really stupid.
Don't round up the women and kids! Why, Sherri would an orgasmic stroke.

UPDATE FROM ISRAEL: 2 Rockets were fired from Gaza yesterday, with no injuries reported. Today, a Gaza sniper killed an Israeli civilian while doing maintenance work along the Israel-Gaza security fence, by firing a single bullet at his chest. He is the first Israeli civilian killed since Operation Pillar of Defense.

The residents of southern Israel - men, women and children have been traumatized by the terror of ongoing rocket attacks. With only 15 seconds to find cover, lives are in jeopardy. Over 1 million residents are within striking range of missiles from Gaza. There is an immediate need to protect the people of Israel. Above-ground portable shelters can be moved to where they are needed most.
2 dead and 10 injured in this incident so far.

The IDF is sending a message. You don't mess with us, we let you be. you take one of us and there will be hell to pay.

Hoping they got the message loud and clear

Somehow a continued naval blockade of Gaza and increased settlement building in the West Bank does not fit into my concept of "we let you be."

A little four year old is dead and while the Palestinian shooting of the Israeli across the border is worthy of condemnation. the life of a young child...

Maybe if people tried to understand that child's pain and fear...she didn't understand.
The IDF still attacks from the air, it's unclear but perhaps 3-4 dead to the Palestinian, about 9 or 10 others injured.

Palestinian brigades send threats to the Israeli people, saying the Zionists will be "Sorry" for the attack.

This would be the appropriate time for the "Palestinian" Arabs to round up women and children to be placed in harm's way. Why waste an opportunity to "martyr" a few disposable people who can take one to further Islamic terrorism. They never miss an opportunity to do something really stupid.
Don't round up the women and kids! Why, Sherri would an orgasmic stroke.

A few more dead "Palestinian" arabs would be reason for Sherri to open yet another thread with attached smiley faces.
They never miss an opportunity to do something really stupid.
Hey, you have something in common with them.

You never miss an opportunity to say something stupid.

More pointlessness.

Not "pointlessness" billo is merely asserting a mother's right to tell her
kid-------"go play over there----where the bomb launchers are active"

I do understand-----years ago---when the place (in the USA ) where I lived
was wracked with violent riots------I s nailed my windows shut----made
sure that my kid could not get near any place in the apartment that could
take a richocheted bullet-------and up for days guarding him-----as he slept on
the floor------in a safe spot. It would have been so much easier to let him
"go out and play" Besides----'palestinian' moms get a MONETARY
REWARD-----for every kid they DONATE to the 'holy cause"
IDF strikes Gaza this minutes, so Palestinians claim, after previously today a Palestinian sniper shot dead a young Israeli civilian near Nahal-Oz.

Netanyahu vowed "strong response" as blasts are heard in the southern district, apparently Hamas sites targeted in Rafah and Gaza city. At least 1 dead, 4 others injured.

Yesterday an Israeli policeman was injured by Palestinian stabber, the day before an attempt terror attack against Israeli civilians failed in Bat Yam. A bomb on a bus occurred by luckily, a civilian alert prevented disaster.

Will continue updating.
Good. That's the only language these animals understand.

Bad.....they only killed one out of four.
Maybe somebody should start a thread on how the Jews were slaughtering the West Bank Jordanians when THEY had the Western Wall prior to June 1967.
Arabs...they're so dependently violent.
When I first came to this board I read a post that Israelis and Jewish posters didn't celebrate death. I am not seeing it on this thread. Some of you seem absolutely ecstatic.
When I first came to this board I read a post that Israelis and Jewish posters didn't celebrate death. I am not seeing it on this thread. Some of you seem absolutely ecstatic.

Jews celebrate life.
If that means crushing a perpetually enemy, so be it.
Tell me that Israel surviving that last 50+ years is not something for Jews to celebrate.
When I first came to this board I read a post that Israelis and Jewish posters didn't celebrate death. I am not seeing it on this thread. Some of you seem absolutely ecstatic.

There is cause for celebration when Israel has survived repeated wars of aggression launched by Arab Crusaders who intended to drive every last Israeli into the sea by gunfire.

Somehow, I don’t see another Islamic hell-hole as a net positive for the world. Let’s be honest, the various Islamic states as they exist today are horrors of gender apartheid, religious and ethnic hatreds, economic malaise and retrogression.

Let’s be honest. Moslems and their Pom Pom flailing supporters know the above is true, but will deny it because of their bred hatred for Jews. And in your mind, you know the truth of why we in the West value life so deeply and why moslems destroy themselves with no care for women and children who might die with them - you know when you logically consider it that human life is more important to us.
When I first came to this board I read a post that Israelis and Jewish posters didn't celebrate death. I am not seeing it on this thread. Some of you seem absolutely ecstatic.

There is cause for celebration when Israel has survived repeated wars of aggression launched by Arab Crusaders who intended to drive every last Israeli into the sea by gunfire.

Somehow, I don’t see another Islamic hell-hole as a net positive for the world. Let’s be honest, the various Islamic states as they exist today are horrors of gender apartheid, religious and ethnic hatreds, economic malaise and retrogression.

Let’s be honest. Moslems and their Pom Pom flailing supporters know the above is true, but will deny it because of their bred hatred for Jews. And in your mind, you know the truth of why we in the West value life so deeply and why moslems destroy themselves with no care for women and children who might die with them - you know when you logically consider it that human life is more important to us.

I see what appear to be Jewish/Israeli posters on this thread seemingly reacting to this loss o life with humorous and gleeful responses and I see most of the pro-Palestinian posters condemning the shooting of the Israeli civilian.

A little 3 y.o. girl was killed and you suggest that this attack by Israel provides an opportunity for Palesttinians to use their kids as human shields. I don't understand how anyone can say such a thing unless thay have hate in their hearts.

Have you ever been severly injured or wounded. I have and was scared beyond belief. I lay on the ground bleeding, crying, in pain, and didn't think i was going to make it. But I understood. I'm sorry. perhaps I am weak willed or something, but I just imagine how that little girl felt, and she doesn't have the luxury of a reason.

You should go back and read this thread and when you do, think or that little girl.

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