IDF throws Palestinians off roof in West Bank

Not sure exactly what the problem is.

That these Palestinians were not worth the bullets or that they felt fear and pain before they died.
But then again....the Palestinians did start this war and Hezbollah just couldn't finish it....but Israel is.

Hezbollah has held a gun to Israel's head during EVERY negotiation. The gun has been removed and Israel has an historic opportunity to fix their terrorist problems.

Concerning what Hezbollah terrorists did to the marines in the bombing of Beruit....I feel zero sympathy.
You're okay with throwing people off roofs?

Fuck you, asshole!
To the OP, Billo_Really

I wonder why you felt the need to misrepresent the contents of the article you linked. You claimed they threw "injured" people off the building, but the linked article clearly claims that the persons in question were deceased.

Yes, it is a requirement according to the laws of armed conflict that the deceased are treated with respect. These actions by Israeli soldiers are abhorrent and it is the right thing for Israel to conduct a proper investigation and that the perpetrators receive appropriate consequences.

There really doesn't need to be four pages of argument or discussion here.
95% of violence towards Palestinians in the West Bank goes unpunished.

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