Idiot minnesota farmer builds 50 foot snowman

It's pretty hard to plow the fields and get them ready for planting when they're covered with snow and frozen to a depth of 8 feet.
That's a cool looking snowman.

It's not about the fucking snowman. It's about how the snowman came to be, and the government that enabled it.

You think that fucker shoveled the snow by hand?

His tractors are being depreciated, his fuel is being expensed, his carbon output is being forgiven. The farmer gives it to us, up the motherfucking ass, and we thank him in the process.

God made a motherfucking farmer.

Fuck that idiotic piece of monstrosity. And FUCK the motherfucking American farmer.

Up his motherfucking ass.

That's a cool looking snowman.

It's not about the fucking snowman. It's about how the snowman came to be, and the government that enabled it.

You think that fucker shoveled the snow by hand?

His tractors are being depreciated, his fuel is being expensed, his carbon output is being forgiven. The farmer gives it to us, up the motherfucking ass, and we thank him in the process.

God made a motherfucking farmer.

Fuck that idiotic piece of monstrosity. And FUCK the motherfucking American farmer.

Up his motherfucking ass.

It's the coolest fucking snowman I've ever seen!!
ShitSpitters is against creativity. What astounding news. Who saw that coming.
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But...but where's the corncob pipe...the button nose, and the eyes made out of coal, not folding chairs or whatever those are?

Leave it to libs to bring diversity to snowmen.
From the St.Cloud Times, source of the original story:
>> Novak took advantage of snowpiles caused by a roof collapse of one of his greenhouses on his vegetable farm. He used skid loaders to pile snow and a silage blower to direct snow into stacked cylinders. Friends and family pitched in to help. <<

Nepotism! Freeloader!

What's more this guy is a repeat offender:

>> Novak built a huge snowman once about 22 years ago. That 29-foot-high version also attracted some media attention, he said, but nothing like this. <<

Apparently this outrage is epidemic:
>> Granddaddy is but a mere child compared to efforts in the small community of Bethel, Maine, in 2008. Residents there claim the world record for the tallest snowperson, 37-metre snowwoman named Olympia after the state's then-U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe. <<

Who of course is a ...... Republican :ack-1:

But wait -- there's more:
Sleazeball snowman builder in Wisconsin forces charity on own community:

>> The snowman's creator says it costs $5 to bet how long the snowman will hang around. People can place bets at a local restaurant. Whoever's closest to the day the snowman melts will win half the cash reward. The other half will go to a family in need in the community. <<

More giving away free stuff. The guy's prolly running for office.

Chinese Taking Over! :eek:

C'mon OP, you've got several threads of outrage here. These things don't just fall out of the sky.
You can't do any farming in the middle of winter with a bunch of snow on the ground.

What do you have against farmers anyway?

Me personally? I think this is a cool way to spend your downtime, and get a little publicity in the bargain.
I second this! :) :) :)

God bless you and that man always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I wonder if that snow man is the biggest one that has ever been made. :) :) :)
Is this what they do with those farm subsidy checks.? This is stupid.

Farmer spends two months building 50-foot SNOWMAN | Mail Online

A Minnesota farmer turned the snow that was ruining his greenhouses this winter into a spectacular 50-foot snowman that is now attracting national media attention and visitors from miles around.
Greg Novak knew he had to clean up the nuisance snow, but he also thought it would be a great way to perk up his Gilman community deep in the winter doldrums.
Hundreds of hours and about five weeks later, people began flocking to Novak's farm as news of his impressive creation filled up newsfeeds, inboxes and social media across the web.


Geez, overcompensate much fella? :) "That's not a snowman (Aussie accent) ...That's a snowman!" :)

Occasionally, some one does something original that attracts attention.

It may attract the attention of a small spattering of morons on message boards. It also may attract the attention of a large spattering of creative folk with access to John Deere tractors and a desire to build something better.

Look for a contest to start which will end up with a snow man the size of the Empire State building.


when i was a kid my dad (bless his soul) used to

make Lincoln monuments giant igloos the pyramids and such

out of the snow

Cool. That is creativity.

yeah it was

sometimes the local paper would come and take a picture

for the paper
Is this what they do with those farm subsidy checks.? This is stupid.

Farmer spends two months building 50-foot SNOWMAN | Mail Online

A Minnesota farmer turned the snow that was ruining his greenhouses this winter into a spectacular 50-foot snowman that is now attracting national media attention and visitors from miles around.
Greg Novak knew he had to clean up the nuisance snow, but he also thought it would be a great way to perk up his Gilman community deep in the winter doldrums.
Hundreds of hours and about five weeks later, people began flocking to Novak's farm as news of his impressive creation filled up newsfeeds, inboxes and social media across the web.


How much outdoor farming do you do in the DEAD of winter? It also stated he need to REMOVE the snow that was MESSING with his greenhouse, so god forbid he and his family have a little fun with the tough task!
Idiot troops build Afghan snowman...


Dumbshit firefighters build firetruck snowman...


Corrupt mayor actually encourages vigilante snowman-building

Oh noes!... Wtf??


ShitSpitters will be appearing on Bill O'Reilly tonight to discuss this evil menace -- the War on Snowmen. Very serious stuff.

Tolja that catholic church is evil.

Anyone else notice that these snow MEN are all WHITE?

So, the catholic church is racist and hates women ... nothing new here.

Where are the tranny snow-persons?

Leave him alone. He just wanted to share some joy...and gain some publicity.

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