IDs could cause enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent

How does that change what all the cons on here said about a document that clearly says the RNC broke the law and every con answering this thread could not read well enough to see it clearly written?

How is it you are all so blind to facts?

"The District Court then proceded to summerize its findings, stating:

I conclude the RNC has violated the consent decree"

Page four last paragraph

Which has WHAT to do with the original intent of this thread? Exactly what was the original intent of this thread, anyway?
I think you know what it was.

It is proof that the republican party is not concerned with democracy they are concerned with winning power.

When you are called a liar falsely dont you try and proof its false?

When the entire R party is behind some change in the rules like this all you have to do is scratch the surface to find it reduces American votes.
How does that change what all the cons on here said about a document that clearly says the RNC broke the law and every con answering this thread could not read well enough to see it clearly written?

How is it you are all so blind to facts?

"The District Court then proceded to summerize its findings, stating:

I conclude the RNC has violated the consent decree"

Page four last paragraph

Which has WHAT to do with the original intent of this thread? Exactly what was the original intent of this thread, anyway?

There is no point to this thread
Hiding from the truth just makes you more pathetic.

I prooved beyond a shadow of a doubt you people are either blind or liars.

You will claim any lie to protect yourselves from teh truth.

It makes you really sorry excuses for human beings and renders you incaplable of making any decisions that can help this country move forward.
Funny how dishonest you shits are.

you pretend I have said things I have not said.

Please go get the post where I have said what you claimed?

Im sure you will just come back with Piss in your eyes instead.

Please show me the post where you answered my questions. You can't do it because you never answered them, even though you LIE and claim to have done so.

You are nothing but a LIAR and a bad one at that.


Still waiting for the liar Truthdoesn'tmatter to show me exactly where she answered the questions I've asked. She's lied repeatedly now and said that she's answered them, but she CAN NOT point to the post where they were answered.

Instead she spams this board with the same links and lies.


Truth was the case supposed to Help you?

The Petitioner address was, like many other Democrats, "Undeliverable"


She got busted, and ran to NJ to challenge an Ohio action.

This is why we need voter ID and only absentee ballots are for US military.
you just cant read.

It's hard to read something that is not there. If it's there all you have to do to prove that you're not a liar is link to the post that answered the very simple questions I asked you.

But, you can't do it. You are a LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Voter fraud is Voter Fraud there TM

As much as you'd like to think that your Saintly Dems wouldn't stoop so low all one has to do is look at their pet project ACORN.

ACORN was under invetigation in quite a few states for VOTER FRAUD.

Of course the only think your focused on is the evil, satanic Reps. You are such a joke. LMAO.

As for ID's?? Good idea ini my book. Jeeze. I just got my drivers license renewed down here in Florida. This is what I had to produce to to that.

1. Birth certificate.

2. Two peices of mail with my name and address on same.

3. Voter registration card

4. SS card.

All that just to renew my licesnse.

Being able to vote is more important and deserves the same attention to detail.

Just sayin.

You TM need to get a fucking life. Jeeze.

Did you read the court document I provided which PROVES all the people here who say the RNC did not break the consent decree are either mistaken or lying?

Now like I asked before please find any democratic fraud rising to the level of RNC level.

This one find of this guys was the best I have seen. It was in a town of 30,000.

That is fraud for sure but is no where near the repeated violations the republicans have been proven to try.


IF the RNC is guilty of it you can bet your ass the DNC is just as guilty.

You just don't want to hear all about the ACORN voter fraud or anything that may tarnish your DNC. THe party of the people. What a load of bs. They will do anything to be the party in power just as you say the RNC will do.

You are a blind partisan TM. The absolute worst on this entire board.

Your lovely dog probably has more common sense than you have or ever will have. Jeeze.
Yes it was fraud for those idiots in a small town to try and buy votes.

I am not defending them.

You are however defending the fraud that goes into the tens of thousands of votes in every election since the late 80s to this low level crime for which these guys were charged.

Why do so many on here continue to pretend the republican party did nothing much and that Democrats have done the same level of crimes?

Funny thing is you blame the democratic party for what you Claim ACORN did.

I have given you documents in which ONLY the RNC were charged?

Why is it you think its fair to even bring ACORN into the comparison?
The real question here is why does Truthdoesn'tmatter insist on not letting the voter registrations be cleaned up.

Why do you insist on letting convicted felons vote?

Why do you insist on letting registered voters who are deceased have a fraudulent vote?

Why do you insist on letting people bus the elderly to voting locations to have them fill out their ballots for them?

What's wrong with making sure that only registered voters who are actually not felons and are still alive vote?

Why the resistance to cleaning up the voter registrations?


Still waiting for your answers to these questions Truthdoesn'tmatter.

Why can't you answer straight forward questions? What are you afraid of?

Ill answer them all again but they have been answered in this thread numberous times just not directly to you. You see you failed to read enough of my responses to realise it. because you are so lazy I will answer them so you can continue to be lazy.

The real question here is why does Truthdoesn'tmatter insist on not letting the voter registrations be cleaned up.

Why do you insist on letting convicted felons vote? I want ex cons to vote in the palces where they are allowed to vote (did you even know states all deside this themselves and it is not a national law that they cant vote?).

Why do you insist on letting registered voters who are deceased have a fraudulent vote?Where did I ever say I did, you can lie and pretend I did but that would just make you a liar. What I showed from the very begining is that this type of fraud has been proven to be statitically non exsistant in every independent study done. It is no threat to even a small local election. Science has shown this.

Why do you insist on letting people bus the elderly to voting locations to have them fill out their ballots for them?How is this wrong if they are merely assisting the handicapped fill out their voter reg?

What's wrong with making sure that only registered voters who are actually not felons and are still alive vote?There are states in which ex cons get their rights restored. You have to have a voter reg card to vote. Please show me a case in which and election was changed becuase of this type of fraud. All the studies done have siad it is not a danger to even the smallest eletions. Tens of thousands of legal voters have lost their right to vote due to the RNC infractions.

Why the resistance to cleaning up the voter registrations?Clean what is dirty , I have no problem with making the lists as correct as possible. What the RNC has done repeatedly is to knock legal voters off the list and not clean anything.


Still waiting for your answers to these questions Truthdoesn'tmatter.

Why can't you answer straight forward questions? What are you afraid of?


If you had been paying any attention to what I have been saying in this thread you would already know the answers to all of these questions.

BTW, "when did you stop beating your wife" is how you asked all of these questions, that is a very dishonest way to phrase a question.
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How does that change what all the cons on here said about a document that clearly says the RNC broke the law and every con answering this thread could not read well enough to see it clearly written?

How is it you are all so blind to facts?

"The District Court then proceded to summerize its findings, stating:

I conclude the RNC has violated the consent decree"

Page four last paragraph

Now are you honest enough to admitt you are wrong about the outcome of this case?
Under Minnesota law, election officials are required to make a duplicate ballot if the original is damaged during Election Night counting. Officials are supposed to mark these as "duplicate" and segregate the original ballots. But it appears some officials may have failed to mark ballots as duplicates, which are now being counted in addition to the originals. This helps explain why more than 25 precincts now have more ballots than voters who signed in to vote. By some estimates this double counting has yielded Mr. Franken an additional 80 to 100 votes.
Funny Business in Minnesota -

Again, there are hundreds of these reports and cases, Tell me truthmatters, how many do you want me to post here?
Then why do you all keep posting the same one.

The problem is there IS a much broader history of the republicans doing these things.

I gave you court decisions that show the depth of this corruption of democracy.

Instead of talking about writing your republican leaders to tell them to STOP trying to keep Americans form voting you people fight for days to say they never did it and its all democratic lies.

When I prove beyond a doubt (to sane people) that the cheating these documents claim is real all you want to do is try to pretend that dems are just as guilty.

When it is proven your son stole something the way to deal with it is not to tell the neighbor your son got caught stealing from "So what your son steals too".
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I guess this thread will now die because there is no more way for the people who lied about this information to continue the lie.

God forbid they actually admitt they were caught all joining the lie.
Then why do you all keep posting the same one.

The problem is there IS a much broader history of the republicans doing these things.

I gave you court decisions that show the depth of this corruption of democracy.

Instead of talking about writing your republican leaders to tell them to STOP trying to keep Americans form voting you people fight for days to say they never did it and its all democratic lies.

When I prove beyond a doubt (to sane people) that the cheating these documents claim is real all you want to do is try to pretend that dems are just as guilty.

When it is proven your son stole something the way to deal with it is not to tell the neighbor your son got caught stealing from "So what your son steals too".

And when you can admit that we can have a real discussion about voter fraud. I have posted three different instances, not the same one.

Now your document; if I had the money to hire a lawyer I would take to court because all this agreement does is give the Democrats in most major cities a free pass to voter fraud without any interference by the republican party. And you believe this is fair. You are truly something else. But we understand that truth doesn't matter.
I guess this thread will now die because there is no more way for the people who lied about this information to continue the lie.

God forbid they actually admitt they were caught all joining the lie.

Go to church. As you said, Christians have been lying to you all your life (or something like that).
Then why do you all keep posting the same one.

The problem is there IS a much broader history of the republicans doing these things.

I gave you court decisions that show the depth of this corruption of democracy.

Instead of talking about writing your republican leaders to tell them to STOP trying to keep Americans form voting you people fight for days to say they never did it and its all democratic lies.

When I prove beyond a doubt (to sane people) that the cheating these documents claim is real all you want to do is try to pretend that dems are just as guilty.

When it is proven your son stole something the way to deal with it is not to tell the neighbor your son got caught stealing from "So what your son steals too".

And when you can admit that we can have a real discussion about voter fraud. I have posted three different instances, not the same one.

Now your document; if I had the money to hire a lawyer I would take to court because all this agreement does is give the Democrats in most major cities a free pass to voter fraud without any interference by the republican party. And you believe this is fair. You are truly something else. But we understand that truth doesn't matter.

One is not democratic vote fraud its poll workers trying to avoid a recount, BTW the voting machine companies helped them by telling them how to avoid a recount.

The other IS a REAL case in a town of 30,000 , Im glad their asses were caught and sent to jail. Its no where near the level of Texas State republicans now is it.

The third is still not settled and may or may turn out to be something.
As of yet the Evidnece is sealed so one has to wonder WHY are you so sure the people are guilty?

Then tell me why the RNC was not allowed to vacate this consent decree just last year?

Because the judge says they keep breaking the legally binding court supervised agreement.

You are siding with the RNC and I am siding with the courts , lets just remember that one.
Under Minnesota law, election officials are required to make a duplicate ballot if the original is damaged during Election Night counting. Officials are supposed to mark these as "duplicate" and segregate the original ballots. But it appears some officials may have failed to mark ballots as duplicates, which are now being counted in addition to the originals. This helps explain why more than 25 precincts now have more ballots than voters who signed in to vote. By some estimates this double counting has yielded Mr. Franken an additional 80 to 100 votes.
Funny Business in Minnesota -

Again, there are hundreds of these reports and cases, Tell me truthmatters, how many do you want me to post here?
this case i would call on Hanlon's razor

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