IDs could cause enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent

Hey idiot, I have had these fools deny science and court documented evidence for weeks now.

How many of your fellow cons believe just like you said fool?

Seems to me that you are the one denying court documented evidence. The evidence that that case you hang your argument on was DISMISSED.

It is right there in front of you and you keep denying it.

Last election day I was asked for an ID, I showed my Federal issued Military retired ID.

The lady who asked looked at it and asked if I had a drivers license instead. I was about ready to go off on her when the (I suppose) supervisor told her to mark down valid ID shown.

I don't have a problem with showing an ID to vote.

I was asked for mine as well.

I showed it without hesitation and thanked the lady for taking those precautions.

I simply cannot figure out why TM wants to allow people to vote in other people's places.

Last election day I was asked for an ID, I showed my Federal issued Military retired ID.

The lady who asked looked at it and asked if I had a drivers license instead. I was about ready to go off on her when the (I suppose) supervisor told her to mark down valid ID shown.

I don't have a problem with showing an ID to vote.

I was asked for mine as well.

I showed it without hesitation and thanked the lady for taking those precautions.

I simply cannot figure out why TM wants to allow people to vote in other people's places.


So they win.
Last election day I was asked for an ID, I showed my Federal issued Military retired ID.

The lady who asked looked at it and asked if I had a drivers license instead. I was about ready to go off on her when the (I suppose) supervisor told her to mark down valid ID shown.

I don't have a problem with showing an ID to vote.

I was asked for mine as well.

I showed it without hesitation and thanked the lady for taking those precautions.

I simply cannot figure out why TM wants to allow people to vote in other people's places.

shes delusional and doesnt believe it actually happens
The cons deny science by saying evolution, global warming and the age of the earth are a couple of examples as well as denying the studies I propced in this thread.

You deny court documents in nearly every thread I have posted in lately.

Like the document which is from a RNC leader to another RNC leader which says it would be a good idea to keep blacks from voting.

This is completely documented by the courts as a RNC internal document.

You people pretend it menas nothing.

Are you talking to me?

That is another lie. You continue to spread your lies about me.

I condemned the man in the RNC for that memo.

That document was turned over in discovery. The man should have been prosecuted... note... the man not the RNC. If there is the least bit of evidence that he carried through with the procedure HE should be prosecuted.

You have repeatedly made the claim that the people prosecuted in the ACORN cases were employees of ACORN they were not ACORN itself. That is true and in this case the guy from the RNC who wrote that memo is an employee of the RNC and he should be prosecuted, not the RNC.

But, I am sure in a few minutes, I will find another thread where you have posted this lie about me.

Funny how dishonest you shits are.

you pretend I have said things I have not said.

Please go get the post where I have said what you claimed?

Im sure you will just come back with Piss in your eyes instead.
Last election day I was asked for an ID, I showed my Federal issued Military retired ID.

The lady who asked looked at it and asked if I had a drivers license instead. I was about ready to go off on her when the (I suppose) supervisor told her to mark down valid ID shown.

I don't have a problem with showing an ID to vote.

The poor judge is just doing her job they tell the judges what is good, they except a lot of things or if not you can vote all ways provisional vote. Now because of all the costs if the vote judge makes a mistake we lose pay if problems occur. So the judge is just trying to do the proper thing. Voting is a very important responsilbilty for every citizen, people died for this right. If you really want to vote be prepaired, research the canidates and register to vote and have the documents needed with you when you go to the poles, especially if you just moved, you need to register as soon as possible so your status is changed, and you are on the voter rolls. I am a judge and it is very busy and confusing on election day and people who don't know where to go and have proof of where they live make it hell on all the poll workers. Most poll workers only do this job every two to four years and there are many rules and regulations that have to be done so make it easy for the judges by having ID's and being prepaid when voting!!! We want every vote to be counted and be able to get the voters in and out as quick as possible and be able to tabulate the votes and go home. It is the unprepaired that make voting day hell, Don't be that RUDE person that holds everybody up, be prepaired!!!!
The cons deny science by saying evolution, global warming and the age of the earth are a couple of examples as well as denying the studies I propced in this thread.

You deny court documents in nearly every thread I have posted in lately.

Like the document which is from a RNC leader to another RNC leader which says it would be a good idea to keep blacks from voting.

This is completely documented by the courts as a RNC internal document.

You people pretend it menas nothing.

Are you talking to me?

That is another lie. You continue to spread your lies about me.

I condemned the man in the RNC for that memo.

That document was turned over in discovery. The man should have been prosecuted... note... the man not the RNC. If there is the least bit of evidence that he carried through with the procedure HE should be prosecuted.

You have repeatedly made the claim that the people prosecuted in the ACORN cases were employees of ACORN they were not ACORN itself. That is true and in this case the guy from the RNC who wrote that memo is an employee of the RNC and he should be prosecuted, not the RNC.

But, I am sure in a few minutes, I will find another thread where you have posted this lie about me.


One man IS the RNC to TM. Her prejudism would make the KKK proud.

TM meltdown in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ....
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Last election day I was asked for an ID, I showed my Federal issued Military retired ID.

The lady who asked looked at it and asked if I had a drivers license instead. I was about ready to go off on her when the (I suppose) supervisor told her to mark down valid ID shown.

I don't have a problem with showing an ID to vote.

I was asked for mine as well.

I showed it without hesitation and thanked the lady for taking those precautions.

I simply cannot figure out why TM wants to allow people to vote in other people's places.


So they win.

One would think so and that makes sense, but her accusation is that only Republicans commit vote fraud, so I would think that she would want to stop if.

Funny how dishonest you shits are.

you pretend I have said things I have not said.

Please go get the post where I have said what you claimed?

Im sure you will just come back with Piss in your eyes instead.
talk about projection
Last election day I was asked for an ID, I showed my Federal issued Military retired ID.

The lady who asked looked at it and asked if I had a drivers license instead. I was about ready to go off on her when the (I suppose) supervisor told her to mark down valid ID shown.

I don't have a problem with showing an ID to vote.

I was asked for mine as well.

I showed it without hesitation and thanked the lady for taking those precautions.

I simply cannot figure out why TM wants to allow people to vote in other people's places.


So they win.

that is the only way they can win by CHEATING AND BY FRAUD.IF THAT DOESN'T WORK THEY STACK THE COURTS AND PASS LAWS THAT WAY. tHEY DON'T CARE WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT IT is only about them getting reelected
The cons deny science by saying evolution, global warming and the age of the earth are a couple of examples as well as denying the studies I propced in this thread.

You deny court documents in nearly every thread I have posted in lately.

Like the document which is from a RNC leader to another RNC leader which says it would be a good idea to keep blacks from voting.

This is completely documented by the courts as a RNC internal document.

You people pretend it menas nothing.

Are you talking to me?

That is another lie. You continue to spread your lies about me.

I condemned the man in the RNC for that memo.

That document was turned over in discovery. The man should have been prosecuted... note... the man not the RNC. If there is the least bit of evidence that he carried through with the procedure HE should be prosecuted.

You have repeatedly made the claim that the people prosecuted in the ACORN cases were employees of ACORN they were not ACORN itself. That is true and in this case the guy from the RNC who wrote that memo is an employee of the RNC and he should be prosecuted, not the RNC.

But, I am sure in a few minutes, I will find another thread where you have posted this lie about me.


It was a woman, she was not the only one discussing it, she was responding to a memo asking her about the plan. To pretend it was one person is bullshit.

I was also not talking to you anyway.

Remember you think Im satan because you made a mistake in reading documents and in your christian spirit you pretend I lied.

Enjoy all your christian world goodness while you pretend reality is lies.
I was asked for mine as well.

I showed it without hesitation and thanked the lady for taking those precautions.

I simply cannot figure out why TM wants to allow people to vote in other people's places.


So they win.

that is the only way they can win by CHEATING AND BY FRAUD.IF THAT DOESN'T WORK THEY STACK THE COURTS AND PASS LAWS THAT WAY. tHEY DON'T CARE WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT IT is only about them getting reelected

Who is they
The cons deny science by saying evolution, global warming and the age of the earth are a couple of examples as well as denying the studies I propced in this thread.

You deny court documents in nearly every thread I have posted in lately.

Like the document which is from a RNC leader to another RNC leader which says it would be a good idea to keep blacks from voting.

This is completely documented by the courts as a RNC internal document.

You people pretend it menas nothing.

Are you talking to me?

That is another lie. You continue to spread your lies about me.

I condemned the man in the RNC for that memo.

That document was turned over in discovery. The man should have been prosecuted... note... the man not the RNC. If there is the least bit of evidence that he carried through with the procedure HE should be prosecuted.

You have repeatedly made the claim that the people prosecuted in the ACORN cases were employees of ACORN they were not ACORN itself. That is true and in this case the guy from the RNC who wrote that memo is an employee of the RNC and he should be prosecuted, not the RNC.

But, I am sure in a few minutes, I will find another thread where you have posted this lie about me.


It was a woman, she was not the only one discussing it, she was responding to a memo asking her about the plan. To pretend it was one person is bullshit.

I was also not talking to you anyway.

Remember you think Im satan because you made a mistake in reading documents and in your christian spirit you pretend I lied.

Enjoy all your christian world goodness while you pretend reality is lies.
you are a massive liar

hell, even liberals on this board call you truthnevermatters
So they win.

that is the only way they can win by CHEATING AND BY FRAUD.IF THAT DOESN'T WORK THEY STACK THE COURTS AND PASS LAWS THAT WAY. tHEY DON'T CARE WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT IT is only about them getting reelected

Who is they

I was asked for mine as well.

I showed it without hesitation and thanked the lady for taking those precautions.

I simply cannot figure out why TM wants to allow people to vote in other people's places.


So they win.

One would think so and that makes sense, but her accusation is that only Republicans commit vote fraud, so I would think that she would want to stop if.


I have proof the republicans do cheat , I can not find any real evidence the dems cheat.

You cant either but you pretend there is.

I was really hoping maybe you cons would clean up your party but it is evident you like the cheating because you pretend it isnt real.

Lies are you trade and stock
So they win.

One would think so and that makes sense, but her accusation is that only Republicans commit vote fraud, so I would think that she would want to stop if.


I have proof the republicans do cheat , I can not find any real evidence the dems cheat.

You cant either but you pretend there is.

I was really hoping maybe you cons would clean up your party but it is evident you like the cheating because you pretend it isnt real.

Lies are you trade and stock
more projection and totally fucking delusional
Go get your court documented proof of democratic systematic election cheating.

You wont of course because there is none.

On the republican side its years of court documents.
Go get your court documented proof of democratic systematic election cheating.

You wont of course because there is none.

On the republican side its years of court documents.
you are so delusional
you have had proof presented but you deny it
yet what YOU call proof, isnt

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