IDs could cause enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent

The cons deny science by saying evolution, global warming and the age of the earth are a couple of examples as well as denying the studies I propced in this thread.

You deny court documents in nearly every thread I have posted in lately.

Like the document which is from a RNC leader to another RNC leader which says it would be a good idea to keep blacks from voting.

This is completely documented by the courts as a RNC internal document.

You people pretend it menas nothing.

Are you talking to me?

That is another lie. You continue to spread your lies about me.

I condemned the man in the RNC for that memo.

That document was turned over in discovery. The man should have been prosecuted... note... the man not the RNC. If there is the least bit of evidence that he carried through with the procedure HE should be prosecuted.

You have repeatedly made the claim that the people prosecuted in the ACORN cases were employees of ACORN they were not ACORN itself. That is true and in this case the guy from the RNC who wrote that memo is an employee of the RNC and he should be prosecuted, not the RNC.

But, I am sure in a few minutes, I will find another thread where you have posted this lie about me.


It was a woman, she was not the only one discussing it, she was responding to a memo asking her about the plan. To pretend it was one person is bullshit.

I was also not talking to you anyway.

Remember you think Im satan because you made a mistake in reading documents and in your christian spirit you pretend I lied.

Enjoy all your christian world goodness while you pretend reality is lies.

I made no mistake. You made the mistake in reading the documents. The sooner you figure that out and quit lying about what I did say, the sooner this issue is over

You have been lying for a very long time. I think you are the daughter of Satan. Learn to read.

The memo was written by one person and as I said, that person needs to be prosecuted.

We all know that if it were a Democrat you would be excusing it.

Are you talking to me?

That is another lie. You continue to spread your lies about me.

I condemned the man in the RNC for that memo.

That document was turned over in discovery. The man should have been prosecuted... note... the man not the RNC. If there is the least bit of evidence that he carried through with the procedure HE should be prosecuted.

You have repeatedly made the claim that the people prosecuted in the ACORN cases were employees of ACORN they were not ACORN itself. That is true and in this case the guy from the RNC who wrote that memo is an employee of the RNC and he should be prosecuted, not the RNC.

But, I am sure in a few minutes, I will find another thread where you have posted this lie about me.


It was a woman, she was not the only one discussing it, she was responding to a memo asking her about the plan. To pretend it was one person is bullshit.

I was also not talking to you anyway.

Remember you think Im satan because you made a mistake in reading documents and in your christian spirit you pretend I lied.

Enjoy all your christian world goodness while you pretend reality is lies.

I made no mistake. You made the mistake in reading the documents. The sooner you figure that out and quit lying about what I did say, the sooner this issue is over

You have been lying for a very long time. I think you are the daughter of Satan. Learn to read.

The memo was written by one person and as I said, that person needs to be prosecuted.

We all know that if it were a Democrat you would be excusing it.

hell, she excuses the crap ACORN was doing
So they win.

One would think so and that makes sense, but her accusation is that only Republicans commit vote fraud, so I would think that she would want to stop if.


I have proof the republicans do cheat , I can not find any real evidence the dems cheat.

You cant either but you pretend there is.

I was really hoping maybe you cons would clean up your party but it is evident you like the cheating because you pretend it isnt real.

Lies are you trade and stock

More lies from you. I have no party and you know it.

I despise the Republicans as much as I despise your "saintly" Democrats.

When you clean up your party, maybe the Republicans will clean up their party.

One would think so and that makes sense, but her accusation is that only Republicans commit vote fraud, so I would think that she would want to stop if.


I have proof the republicans do cheat , I can not find any real evidence the dems cheat.

You cant either but you pretend there is.

I was really hoping maybe you cons would clean up your party but it is evident you like the cheating because you pretend it isnt real.

Lies are you trade and stock

More lies from you. I have no party and you know it.

I despise the Republicans as much as I despise your "saintly" Democrats.

When you clean up your party, maybe the Republicans will clean up their party.

both party's pull shit out in the elections
thing is, neither could get away with it if real ID's were required
only she opposes that
the memo was answering a question , read it.

There is no satan.

you are just a fool filled with myths.

You trust in faith , I trust in facts.

You refuse to read what the docs say bvecause you know in your heart you are wrong.

I gave you page number Immie and you continue to pretend they court documents dont say what they say.

You are a wounded child and I understand Im your whgipping boy right now in the pain which is your life.

You have changed our relationship forever. I dont need people in my heart that seek to harm me out of their own pain.

you are no longer in my heart.

you are just another human being, which is far more than your "wonderful" christian attitude allows for me.
the memo was answering a question , read it.

There is no satan.

you are just a fool filled with myths.

You trust in faith , I trust in facts.

You refuse to read what the docs say bvecause you know in your heart you are wrong.

I gave you page number Immie and you continue to pretend they court documents dont say what they say.

You are a wounded child and I understand Im your whgipping boy right now in the pain which is your life.

You have changed our relationship forever. I dont need people in my heart that seek to harm me out of their own pain.

you are no longer in my heart.

you are just another human being, which is far more than your "wonderful" christian attitude allows for me.
he read your documents
as did i
they didnt say what YOU seem to think they said
you are delusional, seek out professional psychiatric help
the memo was answering a question , read it.

There is no satan.

you are just a fool filled with myths.

You trust in faith , I trust in facts.

You refuse to read what the docs say bvecause you know in your heart you are wrong.

I gave you page number Immie and you continue to pretend they court documents dont say what they say.

You are a wounded child and I understand Im your whgipping boy right now in the pain which is your life.

You have changed our relationship forever. I dont need people in my heart that seek to harm me out of their own pain.

you are no longer in my heart.

you are just another human being, which is far more than your "wonderful" christian attitude allows for me.
he read your documents
as did i
they didnt say what YOU seem to think they said
you are delusional, seek out professional psychiatric help

I suppose that means that the daughter of Satan believes in myths.

the memo was answering a question , read it.

There is no satan.

you are just a fool filled with myths.

You trust in faith , I trust in facts.

You refuse to read what the docs say bvecause you know in your heart you are wrong.

I gave you page number Immie and you continue to pretend they court documents dont say what they say.

You are a wounded child and I understand Im your whgipping boy right now in the pain which is your life.

You have changed our relationship forever. I dont need people in my heart that seek to harm me out of their own pain.

you are no longer in my heart.

you are just another human being, which is far more than your "wonderful" christian attitude allows for me.
he read your documents
as did i
they didnt say what YOU seem to think they said
you are delusional, seek out professional psychiatric help

I suppose that means that the daughter of Satan believes in myths.

of course

but then i likely understand the figurative meaning of what you are saying, something i doubt she has the ability to comprehend
Funny how dishonest you shits are.

you pretend I have said things I have not said.

Please go get the post where I have said what you claimed?

Im sure you will just come back with Piss in your eyes instead.

Please show me the post where you answered my questions. You can't do it because you never answered them, even though you LIE and claim to have done so.

You are nothing but a LIAR and a bad one at that.

So they win.

One would think so and that makes sense, but her accusation is that only Republicans commit vote fraud, so I would think that she would want to stop if.


I have proof the republicans do cheat , I can not find any real evidence the dems cheat.

You cant either but you pretend there is.

I was really hoping maybe you cons would clean up your party but it is evident you like the cheating because you pretend it isnt real.

Lies are you trade and stock

Oh How I love a challenge. this took almost a whole minute to find.

"Ohio Election Workers Convicted of
Manipulating 2004 U.S. Presidential Recount
International Herald Tribune / AP 24jan2007"
Ohio Election Workers Convicted of Manipulating 2004 U.S. Presidential Recount

Notice there is no mention of their party But there is this quote "Kerry gained 17 votes and Bush lost six in the county's recount."

Then there's this one:

"EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill. (AP) - A federal jury Wednesday convicted the chairman of the city's Democratic Party and four others of scheming to buy votes with cash, cigarettes and liquor last November. "
Jury Convicts Five in Federal Vote Fraud (Democrat Party Chairman Convicted for buying Votes)

How many cases would you like truthmatters there are hundreds upon hundreds...
That 2004 case is of people who wanted to keep a recount from taking place, they did it to avoid recounting. If a recount did not take place tell me HOW that would help Kerry in the election?

East St. Louis, Illinois - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you realise just how small this city is?

30,000 people.

These are democratic leaders in a city of 30,000.

Its the best find I have seen yet from the right but is still peanuts compared to Texas state R leaders dont you think?

Please read the last paragraph on page four.

Note that the titile of the document is RNC in violation of consent decree?

"The District Court then proceded to summerize its findings, stating:

I conclude the RNC has violated the consent decree"

You dont get to pretend they were not found guilty of breaking the consetn decree.
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Voter fraud is Voter Fraud there TM

As much as you'd like to think that your Saintly Dems wouldn't stoop so low all one has to do is look at their pet project ACORN.

ACORN was under invetigation in quite a few states for VOTER FRAUD.

Of course the only think your focused on is the evil, satanic Reps. You are such a joke. LMAO.

As for ID's?? Good idea ini my book. Jeeze. I just got my drivers license renewed down here in Florida. This is what I had to produce to to that.

1. Birth certificate.

2. Two peices of mail with my name and address on same.

3. Voter registration card

4. SS card.

All that just to renew my licesnse.

Being able to vote is more important and deserves the same attention to detail.

Just sayin.

You TM need to get a fucking life. Jeeze.
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Voter fraud is Voter Fraud there TM

As much as you'd like to think that your Saintly Dems wouldn't stoop so low all one has to do is look at their pet project ACORN.

ACORN was under invetigation in quite a few states for VOTER FRAUD.

Of course the only think your focused on is the evil, satanic Reps. You are such a joke. LMAO.

As for ID's?? Good idea ini my book. Jeeze. I just got my drivers license renewed down here in Florida. This is what I had to produce to to that.

1. Birth certificate.

2. Two peices of mail with my name and address on same.

3. Voter registration card

4. SS card.

All that just to renew my licesnse.

Being able to vote is more important and deserves the same attention to detail.

Just sayin.

You TM need to get a fucking life. Jeeze.

Did you read the court document I provided which PROVES all the people here who say the RNC did not break the consent decree are either mistaken or lying?

Now like I asked before please find any democratic fraud rising to the level of RNC level.

This one find of this guys was the best I have seen. It was in a town of 30,000.

That is fraud for sure but is no where near the repeated violations the republicans have been proven to try.
You are all going to just ignore that I just prooved you all wrong?

The court document clearly reads that the RNC DID break the consent decree by doing voter purge actions in mostly minority neighborhoods.
How does that change what all the cons on here said about a document that clearly says the RNC broke the law and every con answering this thread could not read well enough to see it clearly written?

How is it you are all so blind to facts?

"The District Court then proceded to summerize its findings, stating:

I conclude the RNC has violated the consent decree"

Page four last paragraph

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