IDs could cause enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent

how do these people cash checks.....get a their welfare checks....get their medical weed.....they show id....but vote....nah i am intimidated.....

Apparantly ID's are intimidating.

Now Racists in military garb with clubs, that's not at all intimidating.:)
You want to pertend all of these studies do not exsist and that their findings are not real?

All these studies? this is the second time you've said this. You've produced one survey. Zero studies. So how are there all these studies?
That case has NOT been proven and you dont have the evidence in the case.

Why is it you are so sure the case is worthy of guilt?

Oh yeah because you are a partisn hack.

I gave you the court evidence AFTER the RNC was found to have broken their consent decree

One more time for the slow. You've posted documents that make ALLEGATIONS, there was NO FINDING OF GUILT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you know what filing charges is? It is making ALLEGATIONS.

The link I posted is just as much evidence as your link is.

You're the partisan hack that avoids the evidence that is presented to you. And then you continue to flat out LIE and say that there are no instances of voter fraud.

Why can't you address the over 100% voter turnout?

That case has NOT been proven and you dont have the evidence in the case.

Why is it you are so sure the case is worthy of guilt?

Oh yeah because you are a partisn hack.

I gave you the court evidence AFTER the RNC was found to have broken their consent decree

One more time for the slow. You've posted documents that make ALLEGATIONS, there was NO FINDING OF GUILT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you know what filing charges is? It is making ALLEGATIONS.

The link I posted is just as much evidence as your link is.

You're the partisan hack that avoids the evidence that is presented to you. And then you continue to flat out LIE and say that there are no instances of voter fraud.

Why can't you address the over 100% voter turnout?


So you are going to keep lying about what the court documnets say?

"The District Court then proceded to summerize its findings, stating:

I conclude the RNC has violated the consent decree"

Page four last paragraph
That case has NOT been proven and you dont have the evidence in the case.

Why is it you are so sure the case is worthy of guilt?

Oh yeah because you are a partisn hack.

I gave you the court evidence AFTER the RNC was found to have broken their consent decree

One more time for the slow. You've posted documents that make ALLEGATIONS, there was NO FINDING OF GUILT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you know what filing charges is? It is making ALLEGATIONS.

The link I posted is just as much evidence as your link is.

You're the partisan hack that avoids the evidence that is presented to you. And then you continue to flat out LIE and say that there are no instances of voter fraud.

Why can't you address the over 100% voter turnout?


So you are going to keep lying about what the court documnets say?

I'm not lying about anything. It says in the first sentence of your "court documents" that these are ALLEGATIONS. And you can't deny that there was NO FINDING OF GUILT. Please point out the lie in either of those two sentences.

Tll me TM, if you knew someone was illegally voting for a Democrat, would you stop them? Or would you believe the fact that a Republican loses will justify an illegal vote?
And for any of you who want to know how much of a stalker and liar Truthdoesn'tmatter is, just go look at my visitor's message page. I asked her to stop posting her lies on my visitor's page, and she just continues to do it. I know that she's done this with at least one other person so much that they've had to disable their visitor's messages to avoid the harassment.

I asked her four times to stop posting her crap on my page, but she refuses to stop. She's a stalker and a liar.

86 people in a period of five years coutnry wide is next to non exsistant.

Is that threatening elections in this country Immie?

Those are the ones that were caught and proven in a court of law.

This does not mean that no other fraud happened. Just that it was not caught/or proven in a court of law.

Requiring an ID will prevent fraud from occuring by limiting opportunities to commit fraud.

Of course, this woulnd't be an issue if certain people were honest about voting. And since you seem to think that Democrats will be hurt most by this, you must presume that Democrats are the ones committing such frauds. If they stopped doing this, we wouldn't have an issue.
Tll me TM, if you knew someone was illegally voting for a Democrat, would you stop them? Or would you believe the fact that a Republican loses will justify an illegal vote?

Im not ignoring fraud for political purposes YOU ARE.

I dont want anyone to cheat in an election no matter who gets the vote.

You on the ohter hand keep defending what the republicans have done accourding to the courts themselves and PRETEND that there are Americans out there who are doing massive cheating by voting for dead aunt freda.

Our own government study undder Bush said it threatens no elections.
86 people in a period of five years coutnry wide is next to non exsistant.

Is that threatening elections in this country Immie?

There's a huge reason that such a small number have been found.

The Democrats keep blocking any effort to clean up voter registration rolls.

Why is that Truthdoesn'tmatter?


Please go get your proof of this claim

Let's see:

Democrats whine and complain about any attempt to clean up the voter registration rolls.
Democrat politicians block such effort.

You started a thread arguing this very position.

And you honestly need proof? You are the proof!
There's a huge reason that such a small number have been found.

The Democrats keep blocking any effort to clean up voter registration rolls.

Why is that Truthdoesn'tmatter?


Please go get your proof of this claim

Let's see:

Democrats whine and complain about any attempt to clean up the voter registration rolls.
Democrat politicians block such effort.

You started a thread arguing this very position.

And you honestly need proof? You are the proof!

Can't believe you folks are still trying to debate this wingnut.

Jeeze. Save your fingers and your breath.
they entered a consent decree, you must also remember the republicans were no exsonerated either.

The evdince still exsists.

And its damning

Having arranged a number of consent decrees, I can tell you that's totally bullcrap.

There are many motivations to enter into a consent decree. Sometimes it is because evidence is damning. But most of the time it's because it takes more time and energy to prove innocence and defend oneself than simply comply and make it go away.

Have you ever been wrong at any point in your life?
Why do you want to speand tax dollars to fix a problem that there is no ev idence it exsists.


what the fuck is that about?

I thought you guys were against wasteful spending?

Yeah, we are against wasteful spending. How is preserving the integrity of our system wasteful? How is preventing corruption and fraud wasteful?

You have no problem will Obama spending Trillions of dollars to fund his special interests, but you don't want to prevent voter fraud. Sounds like your priorities are out of whack. atleast if you are an honest person.
Report refutes fraud at poll sites -

USA TODAY obtained the report from the commission four months after it was delivered by two consultants hired to write it. The commission has not distributed it publicly.

NEW LAWS: Thousands of voters shut out | Read the preliminary report

At least 11 states have approved new rules for independent voter-registration drives or requirements that voters produce specific forms of photo ID at polling places. Several of those laws have been blocked in court, most recently in Arizona last week. The House of Representatives last month approved a photo-ID law, now pending in the Senate.

The bipartisan report by two consultants to the election commission casts doubt on the problem those laws are intended to address. "There is widespread but not unanimous agreement that there is little polling-place fraud, or at least much less than is claimed, including voter impersonation, 'dead' voters, non-citizen voting and felon voters," the report says.
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For those to whom facts matter I have been proven right on this subject.

The studies show this type of fraud is no threat to even the smallest of elections and that people would be forced off the voting rolls even though they are legal voters by its implimentation.

Facts not feelings people
For those to whom facts matter I have been proven right on this subject.

The studies show this type of fraud is no threat to even the smallest of elections and that people would be forced off the voting rolls even though they are legal voters by its implimentation.

Facts not feelings people

You are a liar. You've posted one survey and one study. So what?

The facts are that voter fraud very well could have been a factor in the elections in Minnesota in 2008. You can't prove that it wasn't.

Do you really not understand how difficult it is to prove voter fraud of the kind you've listed? It is nearly impossible. That is why attempts have been made to clean up voter registration rolls.

You really deny that the voter registrations need to be cleaned up?


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