IDs could cause enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent

Tll me TM, if you knew someone was illegally voting for a Democrat, would you stop them? Or would you believe the fact that a Republican loses will justify an illegal vote?

Im not ignoring fraud for political purposes YOU ARE.

I dont want anyone to cheat in an election no matter who gets the vote.

You on the ohter hand keep defending what the republicans have done accourding to the courts themselves and PRETEND that there are Americans out there who are doing massive cheating by voting for dead aunt freda.

Our own government study undder Bush said it threatens no elections.

What voter fraud am I ignoring or defending? I'm against Voter fraud regardless of party affiliation. I'd like to uphold the integrity of the system. Which is exactly why voter IDs is a good idea. Because it prevents any chance of fraud.

You seem to have this warped view of reality where everything Democrats do is honest and good and everything Republicans do is pure evil. You claim to want fraud to end, but you do everything you can to stop reform by claiming it costs to much. Yet you have no problem with Obama spending Trillions of dollars to pay back the special interests who got him elected and calling it a "stimulus". What is up with that?
I'm done posting on this thread. Truthdoesn'tmatter keeps spreading the same lies over and over, and there is no reasoning with her. She refuses to see the links that are posted that prove she is wrong, and she continues to lie about the links she posts.

She really just doesn't understand that she's calling allegations proof.

I know that she'll now come back and say that the reason I'm leaving is because she's right. Well, she is not right, but I refuse to keep banging my head against the wall trying to prove something to someone who will not even understand the proof that is posted anyway.

And I'm really not interested in having her stalk my visitor's message page anymore.

No you are denying the studies that say the type of fraud the ID laws protect against dont exsist.

There is no threat from uncle Bob voting for dead aunt freda.

You then ALSO ignore the studies that say ID laws would stop legal voters from voting.

I'm done posting on this thread. Truthdoesn'tmatter keeps spreading the same lies over and over, and there is no reasoning with her. She refuses to see the links that are posted that prove she is wrong, and she continues to lie about the links she posts.

She really just doesn't understand that she's calling allegations proof.

I know that she'll now come back and say that the reason I'm leaving is because she's right. Well, she is not right, but I refuse to keep banging my head against the wall trying to prove something to someone who will not even understand the proof that is posted anyway.

And I'm really not interested in having her stalk my visitor's message page anymore.


You are a lying piece of shit paretisan hack.

Prove any claimed lie I have told.

Just saying facts are not facts over and over again will not build your party back, it will BURY it.
For those to whom facts matter I have been proven right on this subject.

The studies show this type of fraud is no threat to even the smallest of elections and that people would be forced off the voting rolls even though they are legal voters by its implimentation.

Facts not feelings people

You have no facts. You have no studies. You don't even A study. You have a survey from a questionable source. Simply posting it over and over doesn't prove anything.

You can't provide any reasonable explanation why it would effect Democrats more than Republicans if Democrats aren't committing fraud.

You can't explain why preventing fraud is a bad thing.

You can't explain why we have bipartisan agreement on this thread for IDs if it's it's just some Republican plot.

You can't name a single thing you've ever been wrong about.

How exactly would you prevent fraud?
Report refutes fraud at poll sites -

USA TODAY obtained the report from the commission four months after it was delivered by two consultants hired to write it. The commission has not distributed it publicly.

NEW LAWS: Thousands of voters shut out | Read the preliminary report

At least 11 states have approved new rules for independent voter-registration drives or requirements that voters produce specific forms of photo ID at polling places. Several of those laws have been blocked in court, most recently in Arizona last week. The House of Representatives last month approved a photo-ID law, now pending in the Senate.

The bipartisan report by two consultants to the election commission casts doubt on the problem those laws are intended to address. "There is widespread but not unanimous agreement that there is little polling-place fraud, or at least much less than is claimed, including voter impersonation, 'dead' voters, non-citizen voting and felon voters," the report says.

Hey fucking idiot, this was a study Bush admin requested and when htey didnt like the results they held back the study results from the public.

To pretend facts are not facts will kill your party in the long run, people read.
New voter registration laws leave thousands off the rolls -

VOTING FRAUD: Report refutes fraud at poll sites

Across the country, new laws restricting who can register and vote have reduced the number of people who are eligible. Some of those laws have been blocked in court. Even so, critics say, the damage has been done:

•In Arizona, about 21,000 voter registration applications were rejected because of inadequate proof of citizenship, required under a 2004 law. Most who were affected lacked up-to-date driver's licenses, birth certificates or passports.

A federal appellate court blocked enforcement of the law — which also requires voters to show ID at the polls — last week, four days before the registration deadline. "We're looking at an enormous disparate impact on people of color," says Linda Brown, executive director of the Arizona Advocacy Network.
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Report refutes fraud at poll sites -

USA TODAY obtained the report from the commission four months after it was delivered by two consultants hired to write it. The commission has not distributed it publicly.

NEW LAWS: Thousands of voters shut out | Read the preliminary report

At least 11 states have approved new rules for independent voter-registration drives or requirements that voters produce specific forms of photo ID at polling places. Several of those laws have been blocked in court, most recently in Arizona last week. The House of Representatives last month approved a photo-ID law, now pending in the Senate.

The bipartisan report by two consultants to the election commission casts doubt on the problem those laws are intended to address. "There is widespread but not unanimous agreement that there is little polling-place fraud, or at least much less than is claimed, including voter impersonation, 'dead' voters, non-citizen voting and felon voters," the report says.

Hey fucking idiot, this was a study Bush admin requested and when htey didnt like the results they held back the study results from the public.

To pretend facts are not facts will kill your party in the long run, people read.

Cursing yourself out now... That's not really healthy.
You are one of those people who have their heads planted in the ass if carl Rove.
I'd say, if don't have an up-to-date birth certificate, driver's license or a passport... then too bad. Sounds like you're not a very serious person.

Who the hell are these people? I bet if you sent them a letter telling them to have one of the above and they could come get $500 they'd have one of the above!
Gee truthmatters I guess you haven't actually checked your memos lately. The democrats are in favor of a biometric ID system.

Democratic leaders have proposed requiring every worker in the nation to carry a national identification card with biometric information, such as a fingerprint, within the next six years, according to a draft of the measure. The proposal is one of the biggest differences between the newest immigration reform proposal and legislation crafted by late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). The national ID program would be titled the Believe System, an acronym for Biometric Enrollment, Locally stored Information and Electronic Verification of Employment. It would require all workers across the nation to carry a card with a digital encryption key that would have to match work authorization databases.
Democrats Push for National ID | The Beacon

Just so happens I agree with this one.
Have you not noticed that the dems on here know nothing about this either and have sided with the right

The same thing happened with the machines after 2000.

The politicains knee jerked us into a bad system run entirely by the right wing
I've never voted (in the last 38 years) when the people at the polls either didn't know me by sight or demand proof by demanding to see my ID.

So I have no idea what the big deal is.

The big deal is the ID law will cost billions to implement and solve no voting issue and every study has shown it will reduce the mnumber of democratic voters.

That is why this republican leader said what he said, he had the facts.

Why are democrats less likely to have a photo id?
Yes it was fraud for those idiots in a small town to try and buy votes.

I am not defending them.

You are however defending the fraud that goes into the tens of thousands of votes in every election since the late 80s to this low level crime for which these guys were charged.

Why do so many on here continue to pretend the republican party did nothing much and that Democrats have done the same level of crimes?

Funny thing is you blame the democratic party for what you Claim ACORN did.

I have given you documents in which ONLY the RNC were charged?

Why is it you think its fair to even bring ACORN into the comparison?

Are those more lies I see by TM? Why, yes, they are!

Immie did you read the post that shows the court document that says the court found them in violation of the consent decree in Malone?

the facts here do not point to me being the liar son.
Have you not noticed that the dems on here know nothing about this either and have sided with the right

The same thing happened with the machines after 2000.

The politicains knee jerked us into a bad system run entirely by the right wing

I suppose that everyone is ignorance or evil is one conclusion to draw.

The other one is that you are just wrong.

But I don't think you've ever reached that decision.
Even the republican leadeship knows why ID laws are being pushed

Yeah, to prevent voter fraud.

Isn't it interesting how you presume that this will only negatively effect Democrats? I mean if we were looking at a situation where fraud was not involved, it would not have a negative effect on just one party. The drop off would be somewhat equally distrubuted because laziness is a human condition, not a Democrat condition.

Yet, you're absolutely certain that Democrats are going to be hurt by this. Why? Because it will stop fraud you know Democrats are committing.

Shucks. Sorry that you don't like that you wont be able to cheat anymore, but the integrity of the system is vital.

What is funny is that she contends that only Republicans commit voter fraud. One would think that since she hates Republicans so much that she would therefore want to stop any potential voter fraud... but, I just don't think she is smart enough to figure that part out... either that, or she has been lying all along and she knows that Democrats are just as guilty.

I'm going with the she has been lying all along, but is still too stupid to figure it out answer.


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