If a child tells teachers they are transgender, should the school keep that secret from parents?

My first reaction is to say the teacher needs to report to the parents. One problem with that is the child needs to have someone to talk to. They apparently felt the teacher was the best choice. Having a communication line is important. Ultimately, the teacher should have a timeline legally written into law by which they are required to tell the parents. And yes, there should be legal consequences for not doing so, up to and including termination and heavy civil penalties.
Again, family abuse is not always physical. Getting CPS involved in verbal and emotional abuse is a non-starter

it comes down to where is a gay/transexual child to go?

If they know their parents will never accept their sexuality, their religious leader considers it a sin, their friends will mock them for their sexuality ……now they can’t even confide in a school counselor without bein outed

But that is Conservative America who has turned viciously against homosexuality in this country
Since you did not amswer the question you only apply this plan of keeping secrets from parents specifically to transgender and gay students. It would not apply to a student who doesn't want low-grade reported to his parents for fear of abuse.

Why not?
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Sometimes violence •IS• the answer.

Especially where those who would sexually groom, exploit, or otherwise abuse children are concerned.

I get that, being on the side of such subhuman shit, you would disagree, but you're just plain wrong.
If a juror, I might easily be nullified to a "not guilty". Still not the answer. Did you see the thread below posted by Vastator?
maybe you can answer,,
if a gay or trans child goes to a teacher for help to not be gay and they not only help them but keep it from the parents are you OK with that??
I would take it to the counselor, because my job is to teach, the counselor can counsel.
Fair enough.
Is a teacher going to call a male student Doris and she her at school except on parent night when talking to the parent the teacher will say Dennis and he/him?

That's what happens when you start lying. You have to lie again to cover up the lie. You know like oh what a tangled web we weave?
I would take it to the counselor, because my job is to teach, the counselor can counsel.
Fair enough.
That sounds like a copout on the question.
Tell me what I should do
You seem to have the answer
A little of both. As a teacher, you also get into counseling, just as part of being a teacher. I think the first words out of their mouth should be "Are your parents aware, you have these feelings". If you have a counselor, they should be involved, for sure, but you should both make sure the parents are aware. I am not big on the privacy rights of kids, on important matters. Sorry. They are kids, not autonomous student and parents have a right to know.
If so, what else should schools be keeping secret from parents?
It isn’t the schools responsibility to tell the parents imo. They should strongly encourage the child to talk with their parents.

Where is the line of what schools should report or should not report? Their job is to teach, not be informants for anyone’s agenda.

IMO, the line is when the child starts expressing suicidal or self harm feelings, or shows signs of depression.
It isn’t the schools responsibility to tell the parents imo. They should strongly encourage the child to talk with their parents.
I don't think the school should pick up the phone as soon as a kid starts dressing like the opposite gender,* or asks their friends to call them by a new name. Every gen does crazy stuff that annoys adults who dont' remember their own childhood craziness.

But if the kid asks school staff to participate in a social transition, such as calling them a new name or by the opposite pronouns from their gender, parental permission should be sought. Using a new name and opposite pronouns is part of the transition process, is it not? That's clinical.
Where is the line of what schools should report or should not report? Their job is to teach, not be informants for anyone’s agenda.
I'll ask you the question rightwinger avoided: Should schools report failing grades even though it may cause parents to be angry at the student? Should they refuse to be informants for the parents' good grade agenda?
IMO, the line is when the child starts expressing suicidal or self harm feelings, or shows signs of depression.
By that time, it may be too late for parents to get the child help.

Why do Democrats assume the worst about parents in discussing every single issue. How do you know that the parent informed by the school that their child has announced they are the opposite gender will not provide love, support, and guidance in the child's best interest, as the overwhelming majority of parents seek to do?

*It's never an issue if a girl dresses like a boy, because that has long been acceptable.
Critical thing to remember is that when the teacher or other school staff makes the decision to hide information from the parent, at some point someone will face the choice of lying to the parent or revealing the information.

Theoretically, the school staff could tell a parent who calls and asks, "Is my boy Alex goin' around telling people to call him "Alexa?" the teacher or staffer could say, "We dont' discuss that with parents, due to privacy concerns."

Any Democrat on here see the fatal flaw in that policy?
I don't think the school should pick up the phone as soon as a kid starts dressing like the opposite gender,* or asks their friends to call them by a new name. Every gen does crazy stuff that annoys adults who dont' remember their own childhood craziness.

But if the kid asks school staff to participate in a social transition, such as calling them a new name or by the opposite pronouns from their gender, parental permission should be sought. Using a new name and opposite pronouns is part of the transition process, is it not? That's clinical.
Yes and No. It could just as easily a child going through a fad. I think it should be up to the teachers discretion, not mandated by law.

IMO, if a child starts wanting to play on sports teams, use bathrooms or locker rooms of their non-biological gender, that might be the point to talk with the parents.

I'll ask you the question rightwinger avoided: Should schools report failing grades even though it may cause parents to be angry at the student? Should they refuse to be informants for the parents' good grade agenda?

Grades are a direct component of education and the reason they are going to school, so yes, teachers should report those sort of things. However, it is worthwhile noting that despite the importance…no one has put forth a law mandating it.

By that time, it may be too late for parents to get the child help.
Why would it be too late? At what point is it appropriate, especially if it is just a fad?

Why do Democrats assume the worst about parents in discussing every single issue.
Well…don’t Republicans assume that when it comes to a parent of a transgender child? Governor Abbot certainly does when he classified them as child abusers.

How do you know that the parent informed by the school that their child has announced they are the opposite gender will not provide love, support, and guidance in the child's best interest, as the overwhelming majority of parents seek to do?
We don’t know. Nor do we “know” the overwhelming majority of parents will do so...we just don’t.

*It's never an issue if a girl dresses like a boy, because that has long been acceptable.
I know, right? Go figure.

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