If a child tells teachers they are transgender, should the school keep that secret from parents?

I give you props for trying to defend this, I really do. Most of your fellow Democrats support teachers keeping secrets from parents, but they don't want to defend it. For obvious reasons.

I'm asking if your position on keeping secrets from parents that might be abusive applies also to things like failing grades, smokin' in the boy's room, getting in fights, etc?

If you don't answer, I have to assume that it is a special pleading for kids who are confused about gender, not a universal principal.

Another question: If a teacher decided to keep a secret from a parent that she suspects of being abusive, must she make a CPS report? In your opinion, I know what the law says.

Again, family abuse is not always physical. Getting CPS involved in verbal and emotional abuse is a non-starter

it comes down to where is a gay/transexual child to go?

If they know their parents will never accept their sexuality, their religious leader considers it a sin, their friends will mock them for their sexuality ……now they can’t even confide in a school counselor without bein outed

But that is Conservative America who has turned viciously against homosexuality in this country
Again, family abuse is not always physical. Getting CPS involved in verbal and emotional abuse is a non-starter

it comes down to where is a gay/transexual child to go?

If they know their parents will never accept their sexuality, their religious leader considers it a sin, their friends will mock them for their sexuality ……now they can’t even confide in a school counselor without bein outed

But that is Conservative America who has turned viciously against homosexuality in this country
There is no such thing as a gay or trans child. That's insane.
Again, family abuse is not always physical. Getting CPS involved in verbal and emotional abuse is a non-starter

it comes down to where is a gay/transexual child to go?

If they know their parents will never accept their sexuality, their religious leader considers it a sin, their friends will mock them for their sexuality ……now they can’t even confide in a school counselor without bein outed

But that is Conservative America who has turned viciously against homosexuality in this country
if a gay or trans child went to a teacher for help to not be gay or trans and they kept that from the parents and helped them to not be gay are you OK with that??
If a child tells teachers they are transgender, should the school keep that secret from parents?
If so, what else should schools be keeping secret from parents?

If a child thinks he's “transgender”, then it's most likely the teacher or someone else as school that has been filling the child's head with that shit.

The parents absolutely need to know, and the teacher needs to be investigated, and likely removed or even criminally prosecuted.

The way this is all framed makes me think of Genesis 3:11. “Who told thee that thou wast naked?”
Trannies kill themselves because of the way they are treated by their family and society
Outing them will only encourage more suicide

No, they kill themselves because they are batshit crazy, and all the medical Frankensteinery in the world cannot force reality to conform to their fucked up delusions.

Encouraging and fostering this madness only created more of it, and more suicides as a result.
No, they kill themselves because they are batshit crazy, and all the medical Frankensteinery in the world cannot force reality to conform to their fucked up delusions.

Encouraging and fostering this madness only created more of it, and more suicides as a result.

Many people who are “different” don’t kill themselves

Those who are subjected to bullying, abuse, taunting, ostracism and expulsion from the family do
While just speaking as a poster, I agree teachers should not be keeping secrets of children from parent, you are totally wrong to advocate killing teachers or anybody else on message boards or public media. It is wrong and it is personally stupid on your part. If any teachers are found murdered in your area, I hope your social media will be used against you in court. Violence is not the answer among adults in civilized societies.

Sometimes violence •IS• the answer.

Especially where those who would sexually groom, exploit, or otherwise abuse children are concerned.

I get that, being on the side of such subhuman shit, you would disagree, but you're just plain wrong.
Many people who are “different” don’t kill themselves

Those who are subjected to bullying, abuse, taunting, ostracism and expulsion from the family do
and they should be locked up for their own protection not have their dicks cut off,,

are you going to respond to my question on if its OK for a teacher to keep the secret that a gay or trans student wants the teachers help to not be gay or trans??
If a child tells a teacher they are trans, it is only after intense pressure by the teacher, on the child to be trans. The parents should know so they can remove their child from this harmful environment.

Better yet, remove the teacher that is making that environment harmful, not just for that one child, but for other children' under that piece of shit's influence. Best place for that teacher is at the bottom of the ocean with a millstone hung from its pedophilic neck.
any teacher that keeps any secret from a parent should be killed on sight
FU, where is the lame parent that doesn't know what is going on in their Childs life.
Where and when does the parent take some responsibility?
teachers are paid to teach the subject they are paid to teach,, nothing more,,
You can't have it both ways, you want to teachers to teach....period. nothing more,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Yet you also want them to be counselor and narc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
If so, what else should schools be keeping secret from parents?
The only "secret" a school system should not reach out to the parent is if the school suspects abuse, and then only law enforcement should be involved and even then, a parent should be informed law enforcement is going to speak to their child.
That's it. Absolutely nothing else. PERIOD.
You can close the thread now.
Better yet, remove the teacher that is making that environment harmful, not just for that one child, but for other children' under that piece of shit's influence. Best place for that teacher is at the bottom of the ocean with a millstone hung from its pedophilic neck.
That's how my step grandkid took his entire family to move to small town Texas. His daughter fell into the clutches of a transpressing teacher.
FU, where is the lame parent that doesn't know what is going on in their Childs life.
Where and when does the parent take some responsibility?

You can't have it both ways, you want to teachers to teach....period. nothing more,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Yet you also want them to be counselor and narc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
maybe you can answer,,
if a gay or trans child goes to a teacher for help to not be gay and they not only help them but keep it from the parents are you OK with that??
A child is having difficulty in class, can’t finish assignments, breaks down crying, getting in to fights.
Counselor asks what is wrong

Child confides they are gay or transexual and begs that they don’t tell their parents because the father is abusive.

Counselor calls parents and tells them their child is gay/transexual
Father screams at child and kicks him out of the house.

Child commits suicide

Life in Conservative America

In rainbow/unicorn/fairy land.


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