If a mother killing her own unborn child isn't wrong, then really, is anything wrong?

but cutting the throats of innocent children and sucking them up in a vacuum cleaner is fine with you,,
Under certain circumstance, yes. Cry somewhere else. You are wasting your time.

The old fashioned ones on skids or these modern stand-up things?
Probably like the old stand-up Kirby with a long wand attachment. Those things were hard core.
No the same, at all. I have opinions on people committing murder. I am a permitted weapon carrier and though I would never murder, if I had to put rounds into someone until they are no longer a threat, I would, and am well-trained to do it.
But you seem to be arguing people should keep their opinions on the morality of abortion to themselves.
But you seem to be arguing people should keep their opinions on the morality of abortion to themselves.
Oh, you can shout it from the rooftops, but most will recognize you as a radical nut-ball on this one. As I said, your only hope of having it illegal in all situations, is to keep it off ballots or the vast majority will out vote you and protect it more than ever before.
What would it be called to condemn a person to death without having ever committed a crime?
It is called "birth". Bringing a person into the world assures the person will suffer and die. That is what fertile women decide and always have. That is why the decision about even bringing a pregnancy to term is the fertile woman's decision, one that nature has given her. Fertile women are a small percentage of the population, a minority at present repressed by an ignorant, incapable majority. Pretend however one wishes, the fact that birth leads to death cannot be denied. That is not a choice everyone has, only fertile women.
It is called "birth". Bringing a person into the world assures the person will suffer and die. That is what fertile women decide and always have. That is why the decision about even bringing a pregnancy to term is the fertile woman's decision, one that nature has given her. Fertile women are a small percentage of the population, a minority at present repressed by an ignorant, incapable majority. Pretend however one wishes, the fact that birth leads to death cannot be denied. That is not a choice everyone has, only fertile women.
A very interesting thought.
Oh, you can shout it from the rooftops, but most will recognize you as a radical nut-ball on this one. As I said, your only hope of having it illegal in all situations, is to keep it off ballots or the vast majority will out vote you and protect it more than ever before.
I'd be happy if abortion were a misdemeanor. At least then there would be an acknowledgement of the unique, one of a kind, life that was being ended.
Ding can have an opinion but no authority about the matter.

It is not his business at all.
The authority on the matter are embryology textbooks which state that human life begins at conception. And not just any life but a new, genetically distinct human life. One that has never existed before and will never exist again.

You people want to dismiss the science and sweep it under the rug. Your dehumanization of human life is appalling.
The authority on the matter are embryology textbooks which state that human life begins at conception. And not just any life but a new, genetically distinct human life. One that has never existed before and will never exist again.

You people want to dismiss the science and sweep it under the rug. Your dehumanization of human life is appalling.
Science doesn't say that embryo is worthy of any legal rights.
Science doesn't say that embryo is worthy of any legal rights.
That would be the DNA which identifies the "embryo" - as you so dehumanization-ally refer to it as - which identifies it as a specific person.

Of course Hitler didn't think Jews deserved human rights and slaveowners didn't believe slaves deserved human rights, so great company you are keeping there.
That would be the DNA which identifies the "embryo" - as you so dehumanization-ally refer to it as - which identifies it as a specific person.
DNA gives rights? Where are rights in the DNA sequence located? :dunno: :laugh:
Of course Hitler didn't think Jews deserved human rights and slaveowners didn't believe slaves deserved human rights, so great company you are keeping there.
Oooo Hitler. I must of really shit all over that logic of yours for you to invoke Hitler. :funnyface:
Oooo Hitler. I must of really shit all over that logic of yours for you to invoke Hitler.
Let's not forget my reference to your treating some human lives as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.

Did you descend from slaves that were treated that way?
Let's not forget my reference to your treating some human lives as property to be disposed of at the will of its owner.
Right. Embryos. See, you know all about it.

Tom is depending on you.

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