If a mother killing her own unborn child isn't wrong, then really, is anything wrong?

Sure sounds neat, you're sure original. Back to the question, why is it okay to kill innocent people?
It's not. But trying to claim the womb as the legal jurisdiction of the state requires insanely intrusive government and makes slaves of women. The insides of another person's body are none of your business. Regardless of what you think is in there.

I know this won't change your mind. For you it's very simple. Because you're a simpleton.
Certain issues, like abortion, represent a clear-cut moral issue.

If politicians and judges get it wrong, it is up to us, the American people to make them understand.

We haven't faced a crisis like this since the days of legalized slavery.

There will always be those who will excuse evil in the name of expedience.
No. So feel free to do whatever the fuck you want. :rolleyes:
I am, watch...Abortion is murder, therefore it is wrong. when one stops a beating heart by force, that's murder.
Interesting theory, and I have heard others ascribe to it. I do not. You and I are not likely to get pregnant, and have something go wrong, so I doubt either of us will ever have to make the choice.
Interesting theory, and I have heard others ascribe to it. I do not. You and I are not likely to get pregnant, and have something go wrong, so I doubt either of us will ever have to make the choice.
poor excuse to justify the murder of an innocent life,,
Interesting theory, and I have heard others ascribe to it. I do not. You and I are not likely to get pregnant, and have something go wrong, so I doubt either of us will ever have to make the choice.
You aren't likely to be murdered or commit murder. Does that mean you should have no opinion on the morality of murder? Or participate in the public square discussion about murder? Isn't that a cornerstone of the democratic process?

Couldn't I use your argument on people who want to ban guns?
Let's televise an abortion during a presidential debate then let Biden try to defend the practice.

They should post pics of Obama's favorite murder technique, which is pulling a full term baby out with a pair of tongs until only the head is left in the birth canal, then jamming a pair of scissors into its head,then claim it wasn't really born yet n stuff.
poor excuse to justify the murder of an innocent life,,
Like I said, it is not murder, except to extremists. Most Americans are not, that extreme, especially where the life of the mother or viability of the fetus are concerned and a choice has to be made, that can and does affect life and death of mother, or the ability to ever have children again. Most, like myself, have sensibilities on the subject only insulted by women that possibly use it as common birth control, rather than being responsible enough to use efficient, reliable means to prevent unplanned pregnancy.
Interesting theory, and I have heard others ascribe to it. I do not. You and I are not likely to get pregnant, and have something go wrong, so I doubt either of us will ever have to make the choice.
So you don’t believe a beating heart is alive? Woman isn’t controlling it! So who is?
Like I said, it is not murder, except to extremists. Most Americans are not, that extreme, especially where the life of the mother or viability of the fetus are concerned and a choice has to be made, that can and does affect life and death of mother, or the ability to ever have children again. Most, like myself, have sensibilities on the subject only insulted by women that possibly use it as common birth control, rather than being responsible enough to use efficient, reliable means to prevent unplanned pregnancy.
that its not murder to extremist that dont value innocent human life is the real problem,,
The bottom line is, the state is not all powerful. It can't prevent all bad things from happening. It can't force everyone else to do what you think they ought to. And it shouldn't try.
You aren't likely to be murdered or commit murder. Does that mean you should have no opinion on the morality of murder? Or participate in the public square discussion about murder? Isn't that a cornerstone of the democratic process?

Couldn't I use your argument on people who want to ban guns?
No the same, at all. I have opinions on people committing murder. I am a permitted weapon carrier and though I would never murder, if I had to put rounds into someone until they are no longer a threat, I would, and am well-trained to do it.

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