If a mother killing her own unborn child isn't wrong, then really, is anything wrong?

Why is it wrong? Surely you are not saying abortion is wrong, all the time. When is it not wrong, in your opinion, or are you one that swears by absolutes?
I am, watch...Abortion is murder, therefore it is wrong. when one stops a beating heart by force, that's murder.
Let's televise an abortion during a presidential debate then let Biden try to defend the practice.
I wish.. but children could be watching despite any warning given.

You really... btw.. know how evil something is when you think about children being exposed to it...

What would it be called to condemn a person to death without having ever committed a crime?
Punishment isn't murder. take a life, pay the price, the law determines that price. Are you against punishment for evil doing against another human? damn it, you're a demofk, you don't get it.
our law of thou shall not kill.
Moses took the commandment, he was Jewish. Jewish theology contends that the sanctity of life begins with first breath and when physically seen exiting the birth canal. No person exists until that moment when we all leave the womb. Thou shalt not kill spplirs to a person killing another person. If dies not apply to a woman killing the unborn physical body while it is inside her.
Moses took the commandment, he was Jewish. Jewish theology contends that the sanctity of life begins with first breath and when physically seen exiting the birth canal. No person exists until that moment when we all leave the womb. Thou shalt not kill spplirs to a person killing another person. If dies not apply to a woman killing the unborn physical body while it is inside her.
So you can go unalive people all you want? Hahaha too stupid for a me
Mind your own business.

Rule of thumb: inside someone else's body? None of your fucking business.
Sure sounds neat, you're sure original. Back to the question, why is it okay to kill innocent people?
I say let ‘em kill em, and if they have that as their right, we should abolish court ordered child support. No one is forcing them to keep gestating afterall
Men need to keep their member inside and not make babies if they don't want to take care of them. They are not animals.
Happens every time an unborn baby is chosen to be murdered by a doctor.
Actually, as hideous as this world can be

the child may be better off

but does a woman want murder on her conscience for the rest of her life? Abortion destroys most women (the ones who have a conscience)

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