If a recession is 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth,we started the Biden recession yesterday, -1.4% in Q1 and -2.1% in Q2.

The cult says we are not in a recession, so they are predicting POSITIVE GDP GROWTH IN Q2.

And again, you made the claim last quarter's GDP was negative and I challenged you to prove it. Only a link to the BEA can prove that here. You utterly failed to prove what you claimed. And I've gotten to watch you chase your own tail ever since.
Never claimed I would prove it, Simp. Holy shit Punk, you agree with me the numbers will be bad, and yet you still want to be a ginormous asswipe about it.

Seriously, STFU.

You're insane, Dumbfuck. The NBER has maintained the same definition of a recession for at least a quarter of a century now. Again, from 1997...

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) does not define a recession in terms of two consecutive quarters of decline in real GNP. Rather, a recession is a recurring period of decline in total output, income, employment, and trade, usually lasting from six months to a year, and marked by widespread contractions in many sectors of the economy.

... but g'head, tell the forum again how Biden and his handlers are trying to redefine a 25 year old definition. :lmao:
Oh, so it's a quarter and a half, not two quarters.

Got it. :laughing0301: :dance:
I don't think we disagree all that much. I have to analyze and act on this shit for a living, so I'll try to keep this brief and hopefully with some sense to it.

I've been calling the post-Meltdown economy "Capitalism 2.0", because the Federal Reserve is now essentially every bit as important to the economy as the consumer. The Fed's balance sheet is now at about $9 trillion, with another $2 trillion poured in by the NY Fed in 2019 to unfreeze credit markets.

So this fucking FLOOD of stimulative dollars has been growing and pretty much EVERYONE has been wondering why we haven't had massive inflation yet. EVERYONE. We've been wondering since 2009. My theory is that there was a great deal of slack in the system, where lower and middle earners still didn't have enough cash to push inflation. But holy shit, we have been fucking AWASH in cash, but we've still been able to avoid inflation (while the rich got mega-rich in the process). The money went to the top. Again.

So, with this historic level of stimulative cash stuffing our system, along comes COVID and the shutdowns. Not only did a ton of consumer dollars build up during that time, but global supply chains were busy decaying and were ready to collapse. So after we opened back up post-Covid, BOOM, demand fucking exploded and global supply chains fell to pieces. Basic economics: Higher demand, lower supply, inflation. Duh.

So yeah, you're right, those who could make changes in the system are incentivized not to. Why in the world SHOULD they? Our political system is set up such that big money equals massive power and influence. And are we going to learn? Doubtful.
Very, well said, IMO.

Though I actually do think I know why inflation has not risen before now...relativity.

Since every, single medium/major economy on the globe (to my knowledge) is 'printing' SHIT loads of money? And has been since roughly the same time (2007 or so - Japan long before that)?
Prices are staying constant.

If only one nation (say, the Weimar Republic or Venezuela-more recently) prints the excrement out of their money?
It will lose value to other countries money.
But if EVERYONE is going nuts?
Everyone's currencies (and relative values) will look stable.
The main reason Japan got away with it before was the carry trade artificially propped up their currency value.

I am convinced that all of the 'Fed Heads' of the world got together in 2007? And said - 'it's our time. Let's go nuts. But we HAVE to stay together on this to keep inflation down'.
Though, I could be giving them more credit then they deserve (wouldn't be the first time) and they just acted at the same time in the same ways.

Whatever the reason, that is why inflation has not begun until Covid?
Everyone 'devalued' their currencies at the same rates.
And their economies are largely intertwined.
Thus, they all kept their relative value.

But Covid separated everyone's economies again.
And the inflation no longer had a place to hide.
Plus, the central banks/governments going absolutely CRAZY (as you mentioned) did not help.

The inflation IS there.
Has been - probably - since the early/mid-2000's.
It just will not show up until this debt circus ends.
And/or many economies de-couple from each other (i.e. protectionism).

That is what I think anyway.
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Very, well said, IMO.

Though I actually do think I know why inflation has not risen before now...relativity.

Since every, single medium/major economy on the globe (to my knowledge) is 'printing' SHIT loads of money? And has been since roughly the same time (2007 or so - Japan long before that)?
Prices are staying constant.

If only one person (say, the Weimar Republic or Venezuela-more recently) prints the excrement out of their money?
It will lose value to other countries money.
But if EVERYONE is going nuts?
Everyone's currencies (and relative values) will look stable.
The main reason Japan got away with it before was the carry trade artificially propped up their currency value.

I am convinced that all of the 'Fed Heads' of the world got together in 2007? And said - 'it's our time. Let's go nuts. But we HAVE to stay together on this to keep inflation down'.
Though, I could be giving them more credit then they deserve (wouldn't be the first time) and they just acted at the same time in the same ways.

Whatever the reason, that is why inflation has not begun until Covid?
Everyone 'devalued' their currencies at the same rates.
Thus, they all kept their relative value.

The inflation IS there.
Has been - probably - since the early/mid-2000's.
It just will not show up until this debt circus ends.
Or a few players jump off the train, heading for the cliff.

That is what I think anyway.
Great point. Hell, Europe saw BELOW ZERO interest rates for a while there. I'd very much like to see the Fed be able to get us up to 3.5%, if not a bit higher, incrementally.

Hell, I remember right before the Meltdown, you could get a money market mutual fund for 5%. The global economic "system" (ha) has been mangled since then. So if we can get interest rates back up without causing too much damage, we may finally be getting back to (dare I say it) "normal".

Then, IF the Fed can unwind its balance sheet and not move too quickly (big IF there), we may be back on comparatively solid ground finally.
Never claimed I would prove it, Simp. Holy shit Punk, you agree with me the numbers will be bad, and yet you still want to be a ginormous asswipe about it.

Seriously, STFU.


Of course you never claimed you could prove you weren't lying. That's why I challenged you to prove you weren't lying.

And you couldn't do that.


Of course you never claimed you could prove you weren't lying. That's why I challenged you to prove you weren't lying.

And you couldn't do that.

State my lie, Simp.

You mean where I said we are in the 2nd quarter of negative GDP? Prove that is a lie.

So they have nothing proving we aren't in the second qtr of negative GDP growth to prove I lied.

Come on Punk, you claimed I lied. Prove we aren't in the second qtr of negative GDP growth.

Put up or STFU, Punk.


No, Dumbfuck, the BEA, the official source for GDP data, has not said Q2 was negative. YOU said that. Since they haven't, that means you made that up.

No, Dumbfuck, the BEA, the official source for GDP data, has not said Q2 was negative. YOU said that. Since they haven't, that means you made that up.
They have posted nothing showing I lied either, Simp.

Come on Punk, prove I lied. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
6 months equals 4½ months in your backwards world??

WTF? You really do suck at math, Simp.

A quarter and a half is 6 months.

Let me help you out, Punk.

1 Quarter = 4 months
Half a quarter = 2 months.

Here is where it gets tricky for a Simp like you: 4 +2 = 6 months.

Holy shit you are stupid.
They have posted nothing showing I lied either, Simp.

Come on Punk, prove I lied. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

They haven't announced Q2 yet, Dumbfuck. That means any figure you make up until they do is a lie.

That's why you couldn't prove your claim that Q2 is negative.
They haven't announced Q2 yet, Dumbfuck. That means any figure you make up until they do is a lie.

That's why you couldn't prove your claim that Q2 is negative.
I accept your admission you can't prove I lied.

Dismissed, Punk. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

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