If abortion isn't wrong, then nothing is wrong...

Many religions and groups have differing beliefs on abortion.
Just because one group thinks it wrong, does not mean most of the country or world believe the same.

Legally it is permitted, both in early months and for matters of health of the woman in later stages. It is legal in cases of rape and incest.

If you believe it is wrong, then you will not seek an abortion. That is you person view and applies for yourself. For others.........stay out of their choices. You views do not apply.
No, you are lying. In some states, a woman can get an abortion all the way until the date of birth, and she doesn't need a reason.

You need a link for that, but you still haven't addressed the lie of your OP.
How is it a lie? If I posted a picture of an abortion, the mods would take it down because it's a violently graphic image, sort of like an ISIS video.

A picture of an abortion wouldn't address the lie you wrote in your OP.
What lie is that?

It's not unusual for the continuation of an at risk pregnancy to endanger the life of the mother. That can be a acceptable reason to justify an abortion. How could that be used to justify any other immoral act, including sex slavery, rape, human experimentation, genocide, the seizure of property by the state, anything...
No, you are lying. In some states, a woman can get an abortion all the way until the date of birth, and she doesn't need a reason.

You need a link for that, but you still haven't addressed the lie of your OP.
How is it a lie? If I posted a picture of an abortion, the mods would take it down because it's a violently graphic image, sort of like an ISIS video.

A picture of an abortion wouldn't address the lie you wrote in your OP.
What lie is that?

It's not unusual for the continuation of an at risk pregnancy to endanger the life of the mother. That can be a acceptable reason to justify an abortion. How could that be used to justify any other immoral act, including sex slavery, rape, human experimentation, genocide, the seizure of property by the state, anything...
I already told you that less than 1% of abortions are performed to save the life of the mother. Your refusal to acknowledge what I said is a diversionary tactic, to avoid the truth of what I said.
You need a link for that, but you still haven't addressed the lie of your OP.
How is it a lie? If I posted a picture of an abortion, the mods would take it down because it's a violently graphic image, sort of like an ISIS video.

A picture of an abortion wouldn't address the lie you wrote in your OP.
What lie is that?

It's not unusual for the continuation of an at risk pregnancy to endanger the life of the mother. That can be a acceptable reason to justify an abortion. How could that be used to justify any other immoral act, including sex slavery, rape, human experimentation, genocide, the seizure of property by the state, anything...
I already told you that less than 1% of abortions are performed to save the life of the mother. Your refusal to acknowledge what I said is a diversionary tactic, to avoid the truth of what I said.

Yes you did, but what does that have to do with your stoooopid statement?
Many religions and groups have differing beliefs on abortion.
Just because one group thinks it wrong, does not mean most of the country or world believe the same.

Legally it is permitted, both in early months and for matters of health of the woman in later stages. It is legal in cases of rape and incest.

If you believe it is wrong, then you will not seek an abortion. That is you person view and applies for yourself. For others.........stay out of their choices. You views do not apply.
No, you are lying. In some states, a woman can get an abortion all the way until the date of birth, and she doesn't need a reason.

Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon and Vermont

All others have restrictions.
You need a link for that, but you still haven't addressed the lie of your OP.
How is it a lie? If I posted a picture of an abortion, the mods would take it down because it's a violently graphic image, sort of like an ISIS video.

A picture of an abortion wouldn't address the lie you wrote in your OP.
What lie is that?

It's not unusual for the continuation of an at risk pregnancy to endanger the life of the mother. That can be a acceptable reason to justify an abortion. How could that be used to justify any other immoral act, including sex slavery, rape, human experimentation, genocide, the seizure of property by the state, anything...
I already told you that less than 1% of abortions are performed to save the life of the mother. Your refusal to acknowledge what I said is a diversionary tactic, to avoid the truth of what I said.

2.8% actually
5.6% of pregnancies end in death of women
How is it a lie? If I posted a picture of an abortion, the mods would take it down because it's a violently graphic image, sort of like an ISIS video.

A picture of an abortion wouldn't address the lie you wrote in your OP.
What lie is that?

It's not unusual for the continuation of an at risk pregnancy to endanger the life of the mother. That can be a acceptable reason to justify an abortion. How could that be used to justify any other immoral act, including sex slavery, rape, human experimentation, genocide, the seizure of property by the state, anything...
I already told you that less than 1% of abortions are performed to save the life of the mother. Your refusal to acknowledge what I said is a diversionary tactic, to avoid the truth of what I said.

2.8% actually
5.6% of pregnancies end in death of women
Now you're lying.

Has Maternal Mortality Really Doubled in the U.S.?
A picture of an abortion wouldn't address the lie you wrote in your OP.
What lie is that?

It's not unusual for the continuation of an at risk pregnancy to endanger the life of the mother. That can be a acceptable reason to justify an abortion. How could that be used to justify any other immoral act, including sex slavery, rape, human experimentation, genocide, the seizure of property by the state, anything...
I already told you that less than 1% of abortions are performed to save the life of the mother. Your refusal to acknowledge what I said is a diversionary tactic, to avoid the truth of what I said.

2.8% actually
5.6% of pregnancies end in death of women
Now you're lying.

Has Maternal Mortality Really Doubled in the U.S.?

From your link.

The addition of this question means that the apparent increase in maternal mortality in the U.S. “is almost certainly not a real increase. It’s better detection from the new certificates,”

The mortality rate has been high all along. Method of reporting is what made it look low before. The % you are questioning is accurate.
What lie is that?

It's not unusual for the continuation of an at risk pregnancy to endanger the life of the mother. That can be a acceptable reason to justify an abortion. How could that be used to justify any other immoral act, including sex slavery, rape, human experimentation, genocide, the seizure of property by the state, anything...
I already told you that less than 1% of abortions are performed to save the life of the mother. Your refusal to acknowledge what I said is a diversionary tactic, to avoid the truth of what I said.

2.8% actually
5.6% of pregnancies end in death of women
Now you're lying.

Has Maternal Mortality Really Doubled in the U.S.?

From your link.

The addition of this question means that the apparent increase in maternal mortality in the U.S. “is almost certainly not a real increase. It’s better detection from the new certificates,”

The mortality rate has been high all along. Method of reporting is what made it look low before. The % you are questioning is accurate.
aris2chat said that 5.6% of pregnancies end up with the mother dying.

That was a lie.
For those who are not familiar with Blackrook, I will translate. If you disagree with his moral judgements, and do not follow his authoritarian dictates to you in making your own personal decisions regarding your own body, then you are a sinner condemned to hell for being evil. Now that you understand this, you may, perhaps, suspect that Blackrock has a Catholic background. Your suspicions are well founded!
Any argument you can use to justify an abortion can be used to justify any other immoral act, including sex slavery, rape, human experimentation, genocide, the seizure of property by the state, anything...

This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Abortion is neither genocide nor rape nor any other crime committed against a person – as a fact of settled, accepted law an embryo/fetus is not a ‘person.’
Any argument you can use to justify an abortion can be used to justify any other immoral act, including sex slavery, rape, human experimentation, genocide, the seizure of property by the state, anything...

I'm not aware of many sex slave rings or seizure of property scams justified by claiming it saved the life of the mother. You?
What percentage of abortions are performed to save the life of the mother? Do you know?

Less than 1%:

Fact #8: Less than 1% of all abortions are performed to save the life of the mother.
This fails as a non sequitur fallacy – that abortions performed to save the life of the mother are rare has no bearing on the fact that the right to privacy exists, that an embryo/fetus is not a person, and that the state may not compel a woman to give birth against her will.
A fetus is a person, Clayton, and what's more, you know it.
A fetus can own property.

A fetus can inherit property.

A fetus can sue, and be sued, in a court of law.

In California, the killing of a fetus is murder, except in the case of an abortion ordered by its mother.

In California, the murder of a pregnant woman is double murder, which is an enhancement to the murder charge that makes it a capital offense.

Clayton, you know all this, and yet you claim the fetus is not a person.
Any argument you can use to justify an abortion can be used to justify any other immoral act, including sex slavery, rape, human experimentation, genocide, the seizure of property by the state, anything...


Firstly, there are too many people on the planet. Why would you want children to be born into a situation which isn't good?

The only reason you have a problem with abortion is because you feel that the fetus has a personality already. You can see that you have a conscience, what you might call a soul and because of that you don't want to see an unborn baby die.

However you don't think a cow has a soul, so you couldn't give a damn about whether it dies or not.

If you're not religious and you don't believe in a soul, and you don't think a child has a conscience when it's unable to survive on its own, then why would it be a problem?

Also, 75% of fetuses are aborted naturally by the body before the woman even knows it's there. If you believe in God, then this is God's doing. He made humans, he made the reproductive system and he made it when most fetuses die. So, why is it okay for God to abort 75% of fetuses, but then it's a problem for humans to abort fetuses?

Also, how many people who have a problem with abortions DON'T have a problem with war, executions, guns, and all the other stuff?
If I lived in 1960, I might have been a liberal. I would probably have voted for JFK, and been one of his strongest supporters.

But the killing of JFK, followed by the killing of RFK, MLK and the Vietnam War and Watergate, caused liberalism to go down a dark road that my parents couldn't follow.

Along the way, liberals abandoned belief in the Christian God, and when they did that, they abandoned reason and all restraints to morality.

Roe v. Wade was the final straw, that actually made liberalism a force for evil in this world.

The insanity of murdering millions of babies, healthy babies who could have each added their own talents and gifts to a growing America, caused liberalism to lose the hope and promise it once had.

Now liberalism is a dark thing, pessimistic, angry, always afraid of the future and what might happen next.
Any argument you can use to justify an abortion can be used to justify any other immoral act, including sex slavery, rape, human experimentation, genocide, the seizure of property by the state, anything...


Firstly, there are too many people on the planet. Why would you want children to be born into a situation which isn't good?

The only reason you have a problem with abortion is because you feel that the fetus has a personality already. You can see that you have a conscience, what you might call a soul and because of that you don't want to see an unborn baby die.

However you don't think a cow has a soul, so you couldn't give a damn about whether it dies or not.

If you're not religious and you don't believe in a soul, and you don't think a child has a conscience when it's unable to survive on its own, then why would it be a problem?

Also, 75% of fetuses are aborted naturally by the body before the woman even knows it's there. If you believe in God, then this is God's doing. He made humans, he made the reproductive system and he made it when most fetuses die. So, why is it okay for God to abort 75% of fetuses, but then it's a problem for humans to abort fetuses?

Also, how many people who have a problem with abortions DON'T have a problem with war, executions, guns, and all the other stuff?
You can't defend abortion, all you can do is come up with excuses.

Any argument based on the need for population control can also be used to justify more drastic population methods, like forced abortion, forced sterlization, and outright genocide. Communist China has already started down this road.
Imagine a world where every baby is welcomed with love as a member of the human family.

Why would you oppose such a wonderful world?

Why do you choose, instead, despair and hopelessness and death?
Any argument you can use to justify an abortion can be used to justify any other immoral act, including sex slavery, rape, human experimentation, genocide, the seizure of property by the state, anything...


Firstly, there are too many people on the planet. Why would you want children to be born into a situation which isn't good?

The only reason you have a problem with abortion is because you feel that the fetus has a personality already. You can see that you have a conscience, what you might call a soul and because of that you don't want to see an unborn baby die.

However you don't think a cow has a soul, so you couldn't give a damn about whether it dies or not.

If you're not religious and you don't believe in a soul, and you don't think a child has a conscience when it's unable to survive on its own, then why would it be a problem?

Also, 75% of fetuses are aborted naturally by the body before the woman even knows it's there. If you believe in God, then this is God's doing. He made humans, he made the reproductive system and he made it when most fetuses die. So, why is it okay for God to abort 75% of fetuses, but then it's a problem for humans to abort fetuses?

Also, how many people who have a problem with abortions DON'T have a problem with war, executions, guns, and all the other stuff?
You can't defend abortion, all you can do is come up with excuses.

Any argument based on the need for population control can also be used to justify more drastic population methods, like forced abortion, forced sterlization, and outright genocide. Communist China has already started down this road.

Oh, here we go again. The "excuses" word. I'm getting tired of people on the right coming out with "you're making up excuses" for everything. Hey, come up with something that a 4 year old couldn't come up with.

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