If abortion isn't wrong, then nothing is wrong...

Any argument you can use to justify an abortion can be used to justify any other immoral act, including sex slavery, rape, human experimentation, genocide, the seizure of property by the state, anything...


Firstly, there are too many people on the planet. Why would you want children to be born into a situation which isn't good?

The only reason you have a problem with abortion is because you feel that the fetus has a personality already. You can see that you have a conscience, what you might call a soul and because of that you don't want to see an unborn baby die.

However you don't think a cow has a soul, so you couldn't give a damn about whether it dies or not.

If you're not religious and you don't believe in a soul, and you don't think a child has a conscience when it's unable to survive on its own, then why would it be a problem?

Also, 75% of fetuses are aborted naturally by the body before the woman even knows it's there. If you believe in God, then this is God's doing. He made humans, he made the reproductive system and he made it when most fetuses die. So, why is it okay for God to abort 75% of fetuses, but then it's a problem for humans to abort fetuses?

Also, how many people who have a problem with abortions DON'T have a problem with war, executions, guns, and all the other stuff?
You can't defend abortion, all you can do is come up with excuses.

Any argument based on the need for population control can also be used to justify more drastic population methods, like forced abortion, forced sterlization, and outright genocide. Communist China has already started down this road.

Oh, here we go again. The "excuses" word. I'm getting tired of people on the right coming out with "you're making up excuses" for everything. Hey, come up with something that a 4 year old couldn't come up with.
You can't justify abortion as a means of population control. If you do, you open the floodgates to everything else that can be done to control or reduce the population, including outright murder.
Any argument you can use to justify an abortion can be used to justify any other immoral act, including sex slavery, rape, human experimentation, genocide, the seizure of property by the state, anything...


Firstly, there are too many people on the planet. Why would you want children to be born into a situation which isn't good?

The only reason you have a problem with abortion is because you feel that the fetus has a personality already. You can see that you have a conscience, what you might call a soul and because of that you don't want to see an unborn baby die.

However you don't think a cow has a soul, so you couldn't give a damn about whether it dies or not.

If you're not religious and you don't believe in a soul, and you don't think a child has a conscience when it's unable to survive on its own, then why would it be a problem?

Also, 75% of fetuses are aborted naturally by the body before the woman even knows it's there. If you believe in God, then this is God's doing. He made humans, he made the reproductive system and he made it when most fetuses die. So, why is it okay for God to abort 75% of fetuses, but then it's a problem for humans to abort fetuses?

Also, how many people who have a problem with abortions DON'T have a problem with war, executions, guns, and all the other stuff?
You can't defend abortion, all you can do is come up with excuses.

Any argument based on the need for population control can also be used to justify more drastic population methods, like forced abortion, forced sterlization, and outright genocide. Communist China has already started down this road.

Oh, here we go again. The "excuses" word. I'm getting tired of people on the right coming out with "you're making up excuses" for everything. Hey, come up with something that a 4 year old couldn't come up with.
You can't justify abortion as a means of population control. If you do, you open the floodgates to everything else that can be done to control or reduce the population, including outright murder.

Outright murder being.... executions? Oh, wait, that happens in the US. Oh, and guns, yeah, fuck it, let's not deal with the situation that leads to 4 times higher murder rate in the US than any other first world country.

Funny how you can justify all of this, then you seem to have a problem with it when you're discussing a different topic.

Here's an idea, just compartmentalize, then you can pretend you're upstanding, even when you have more contradictions than a centipede has ATOMS.
Any argument you can use to justify an abortion can be used to justify any other immoral act, including sex slavery, rape, human experimentation, genocide, the seizure of property by the state, anything...


Firstly, there are too many people on the planet. Why would you want children to be born into a situation which isn't good?

The only reason you have a problem with abortion is because you feel that the fetus has a personality already. You can see that you have a conscience, what you might call a soul and because of that you don't want to see an unborn baby die.

However you don't think a cow has a soul, so you couldn't give a damn about whether it dies or not.

If you're not religious and you don't believe in a soul, and you don't think a child has a conscience when it's unable to survive on its own, then why would it be a problem?

Also, 75% of fetuses are aborted naturally by the body before the woman even knows it's there. If you believe in God, then this is God's doing. He made humans, he made the reproductive system and he made it when most fetuses die. So, why is it okay for God to abort 75% of fetuses, but then it's a problem for humans to abort fetuses?

Also, how many people who have a problem with abortions DON'T have a problem with war, executions, guns, and all the other stuff?
You can't defend abortion, all you can do is come up with excuses.

Any argument based on the need for population control can also be used to justify more drastic population methods, like forced abortion, forced sterlization, and outright genocide. Communist China has already started down this road.

Oh, here we go again. The "excuses" word. I'm getting tired of people on the right coming out with "you're making up excuses" for everything. Hey, come up with something that a 4 year old couldn't come up with.
You can't justify abortion as a means of population control. If you do, you open the floodgates to everything else that can be done to control or reduce the population, including outright murder.

Outright murder being.... executions? Oh, wait, that happens in the US. Oh, and guns, yeah, fuck it, let's not deal with the situation that leads to 4 times higher murder rate in the US than any other first world country.

Funny how you can justify all of this, then you seem to have a problem with it when you're discussing a different topic.

Here's an idea, just compartmentalize, then you can pretend you're upstanding, even when you have more contradictions than a centipede has ATOMS.
So you support abortion but oppose capital punishment?

That's weird.

Firstly, there are too many people on the planet. Why would you want children to be born into a situation which isn't good?

The only reason you have a problem with abortion is because you feel that the fetus has a personality already. You can see that you have a conscience, what you might call a soul and because of that you don't want to see an unborn baby die.

However you don't think a cow has a soul, so you couldn't give a damn about whether it dies or not.

If you're not religious and you don't believe in a soul, and you don't think a child has a conscience when it's unable to survive on its own, then why would it be a problem?

Also, 75% of fetuses are aborted naturally by the body before the woman even knows it's there. If you believe in God, then this is God's doing. He made humans, he made the reproductive system and he made it when most fetuses die. So, why is it okay for God to abort 75% of fetuses, but then it's a problem for humans to abort fetuses?

Also, how many people who have a problem with abortions DON'T have a problem with war, executions, guns, and all the other stuff?
You can't defend abortion, all you can do is come up with excuses.

Any argument based on the need for population control can also be used to justify more drastic population methods, like forced abortion, forced sterlization, and outright genocide. Communist China has already started down this road.

Oh, here we go again. The "excuses" word. I'm getting tired of people on the right coming out with "you're making up excuses" for everything. Hey, come up with something that a 4 year old couldn't come up with.
You can't justify abortion as a means of population control. If you do, you open the floodgates to everything else that can be done to control or reduce the population, including outright murder.

Outright murder being.... executions? Oh, wait, that happens in the US. Oh, and guns, yeah, fuck it, let's not deal with the situation that leads to 4 times higher murder rate in the US than any other first world country.

Funny how you can justify all of this, then you seem to have a problem with it when you're discussing a different topic.

Here's an idea, just compartmentalize, then you can pretend you're upstanding, even when you have more contradictions than a centipede has ATOMS.
So you support abortion but oppose capital punishment?

That's weird.

Not really.

I don't oppose capital punishment, per se. I oppose capital punishment when it hasn't been proven conclusively that a person committed the crime.

But what you have just tried to deflect is that there are many people, maybe you included, I don't know, who are against abortion but call themselves "pro-life" when they're against almost every other version of life except fetuses.
You can't defend abortion, all you can do is come up with excuses.

Any argument based on the need for population control can also be used to justify more drastic population methods, like forced abortion, forced sterlization, and outright genocide. Communist China has already started down this road.

Oh, here we go again. The "excuses" word. I'm getting tired of people on the right coming out with "you're making up excuses" for everything. Hey, come up with something that a 4 year old couldn't come up with.
You can't justify abortion as a means of population control. If you do, you open the floodgates to everything else that can be done to control or reduce the population, including outright murder.

Outright murder being.... executions? Oh, wait, that happens in the US. Oh, and guns, yeah, fuck it, let's not deal with the situation that leads to 4 times higher murder rate in the US than any other first world country.

Funny how you can justify all of this, then you seem to have a problem with it when you're discussing a different topic.

Here's an idea, just compartmentalize, then you can pretend you're upstanding, even when you have more contradictions than a centipede has ATOMS.
So you support abortion but oppose capital punishment?

That's weird.

Not really.

I don't oppose capital punishment, per se. I oppose capital punishment when it hasn't been proven conclusively that a person committed the crime.

But what you have just tried to deflect is that there are many people, maybe you included, I don't know, who are against abortion but call themselves "pro-life" when they're against almost every other version of life except fetuses.
In the United States, the vast majority of people executed are convicted of murder in the first degree, with some aggravating circumstance justifying the imposition of the death penalty. All of them got a trial, by a jury of their peers. The American legal system is far from perfect, but it is the best legal system in the world.
Oh, here we go again. The "excuses" word. I'm getting tired of people on the right coming out with "you're making up excuses" for everything. Hey, come up with something that a 4 year old couldn't come up with.
You can't justify abortion as a means of population control. If you do, you open the floodgates to everything else that can be done to control or reduce the population, including outright murder.

Outright murder being.... executions? Oh, wait, that happens in the US. Oh, and guns, yeah, fuck it, let's not deal with the situation that leads to 4 times higher murder rate in the US than any other first world country.

Funny how you can justify all of this, then you seem to have a problem with it when you're discussing a different topic.

Here's an idea, just compartmentalize, then you can pretend you're upstanding, even when you have more contradictions than a centipede has ATOMS.
So you support abortion but oppose capital punishment?

That's weird.

Not really.

I don't oppose capital punishment, per se. I oppose capital punishment when it hasn't been proven conclusively that a person committed the crime.

But what you have just tried to deflect is that there are many people, maybe you included, I don't know, who are against abortion but call themselves "pro-life" when they're against almost every other version of life except fetuses.
In the United States, the vast majority of people executed are convicted of murder in the first degree, with some aggravating circumstance justifying the imposition of the death penalty. All of them got a trial, by a jury of their peers. The American legal system is far from perfect, but it is the best legal system in the world.

I don't know about best in the world, and I know you don't either. Why? Because I know you don't know about all the decent legal systems in the world. Can you tell me about the Luxembourg legal system? I doubt it, I have no clue.

The issue is as I said it, it's not one of whether a jury of white rich people think a black poor person done it. It's a question of whether the murder was PROVEN beyond a doubt. That's different and that's my view on executions. So....
You can't justify abortion as a means of population control. If you do, you open the floodgates to everything else that can be done to control or reduce the population, including outright murder.

Outright murder being.... executions? Oh, wait, that happens in the US. Oh, and guns, yeah, fuck it, let's not deal with the situation that leads to 4 times higher murder rate in the US than any other first world country.

Funny how you can justify all of this, then you seem to have a problem with it when you're discussing a different topic.

Here's an idea, just compartmentalize, then you can pretend you're upstanding, even when you have more contradictions than a centipede has ATOMS.
So you support abortion but oppose capital punishment?

That's weird.

Not really.

I don't oppose capital punishment, per se. I oppose capital punishment when it hasn't been proven conclusively that a person committed the crime.

But what you have just tried to deflect is that there are many people, maybe you included, I don't know, who are against abortion but call themselves "pro-life" when they're against almost every other version of life except fetuses.
In the United States, the vast majority of people executed are convicted of murder in the first degree, with some aggravating circumstance justifying the imposition of the death penalty. All of them got a trial, by a jury of their peers. The American legal system is far from perfect, but it is the best legal system in the world.

I don't know about best in the world, and I know you don't either. Why? Because I know you don't know about all the decent legal systems in the world. Can you tell me about the Luxembourg legal system? I doubt it, I have no clue.

The issue is as I said it, it's not one of whether a jury of white rich people think a black poor person done it. It's a question of whether the murder was PROVEN beyond a doubt. That's different and that's my view on executions. So....
I CAN tell you about the Luxenbourg system, it is not like ours.

Most of the world uses the Napoleonic Code system of justice. There is no adversary proceeding, the prosecution and defense "work together" to figure out what happened.

The common law countries, which are the United States, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Commonwealth (former colonies of UK) use the adversary system. The prosecution and defense do NOT work together, they go at loggerheads AGAINST each other, each trying to prove their case against the case presented by the other side. The judge or jury decide the truth based on the differing points of view that the prosecution and defense present.

The adversary system is far superior, because it is more likely that the judge or jury will determine the truth when there is competition, rather than a forced cooperation.
Any argument you can use to justify an abortion can be used to justify any other immoral act, including sex slavery, rape, human experimentation, genocide, the seizure of property by the state, anything...

Free will... God gave it to us, so live with it.
Outright murder being.... executions? Oh, wait, that happens in the US. Oh, and guns, yeah, fuck it, let's not deal with the situation that leads to 4 times higher murder rate in the US than any other first world country.

Funny how you can justify all of this, then you seem to have a problem with it when you're discussing a different topic.

Here's an idea, just compartmentalize, then you can pretend you're upstanding, even when you have more contradictions than a centipede has ATOMS.
So you support abortion but oppose capital punishment?

That's weird.

Not really.

I don't oppose capital punishment, per se. I oppose capital punishment when it hasn't been proven conclusively that a person committed the crime.

But what you have just tried to deflect is that there are many people, maybe you included, I don't know, who are against abortion but call themselves "pro-life" when they're against almost every other version of life except fetuses.
In the United States, the vast majority of people executed are convicted of murder in the first degree, with some aggravating circumstance justifying the imposition of the death penalty. All of them got a trial, by a jury of their peers. The American legal system is far from perfect, but it is the best legal system in the world.

I don't know about best in the world, and I know you don't either. Why? Because I know you don't know about all the decent legal systems in the world. Can you tell me about the Luxembourg legal system? I doubt it, I have no clue.

The issue is as I said it, it's not one of whether a jury of white rich people think a black poor person done it. It's a question of whether the murder was PROVEN beyond a doubt. That's different and that's my view on executions. So....
I CAN tell you about the Luxenbourg system, it is not like ours.

Most of the world uses the Napoleonic Code system of justice. There is no adversary proceeding, the prosecution and defense "work together" to figure out what happened.

The common law countries, which are the United States, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Commonwealth (former colonies of UK) use the adversary system. The prosecution and defense do NOT work together, they go at loggerheads AGAINST each other, each trying to prove their case against the case presented by the other side. The judge or jury decide the truth based on the differing points of view that the prosecution and defense present.

The adversary system is far superior, because it is more likely that the judge or jury will determine the truth when there is competition, rather than a forced cooperation.

But just because two sides are fighting each other, doesn't mean that the best result comes out of it. People get off for "technicalities" and all sorts of rubbish. O.J. Simpson, I mean, guilty as fuck, and what did he get the first time around?
intrauterine death, must be removed within two weeks.
it is not partial birth if the fetus is already dead.
if a fetus is breach, such as your film, a D&X is done.

Partial birth is a misnomer, a political creation. The fetus is dead and must be removed.
Delaware pass into law the right the protection of a woman to abortion.

No doubt other states will do the same.

A woman has a right to carry a fetus if she wants, some women will even carry another woman's fetus. No one is saying a woman can't or shouldn't have a child, with a few conception. The right of a woman to choice should also be protected. Choice to her pursuit of happiness, liberty or life.

Her liberty to not be a slave for nine months or 19 years. Her choice to risk her life, or not. Her choice to decide what makes her happy, with or without a child.

A fetus is not a citizen till after birth. There are laws concerning fetal dead, but they exclude abortion.

How will states prevent a woman going on vacation or sick leave for 4 or 5 days and go to the next state?

Just because you close a clinic, you won't close hospitals or doctor's offices if they offer the choice.

You cannot force a woman to have a child, it denies her free will.

Religiously, you are wrong to impose your belief on other who do not share them. Each religion has it's won views, but even many "christians" permit or forgive a woman's choice.

Legally you are wrong to deny a woman's right to choice.

Morally, it applies only to you. It is your personal standard of behavior or beliefs, which others might not share.

Abortion in the US, and most of the world, will remain legal. Some states can limit or make it more difficult but the next state over is not so far away in this day and age.

When a baby is able to live outside the womb, it become a separate person. Till then it is a matte of opinion, not a fact. In the first trimester, what a woman choices medically in the privacy of her home, a clinic or doctor's office is none of your bleeping business. Her choice, her free will, her happiness, her liberty, her life will remain protected.

If you think abortion is wrong, don't have one. You do not get to make that choice for others.
Blackrook is right to claim that abortion is wrong...for Blackrook.

Blackrook is wrong to claim that abortion is wrong for my wife and daughter.
Blackrook is right to claim that abortion is wrong...for Blackrook.

Blackrook is wrong to claim that abortion is wrong for my wife and daughter.

Don't your children and grandchildren have a right to their life?

I disagree that Blackrook is wrong to defend their rights.... but if you think we are wrong to defend their rights?

Tough shit.
Blackrook is right to claim that abortion is wrong...for Blackrook.

Blackrook is wrong to claim that abortion is wrong for my wife and daughter.

Don't your children and grandchildren have a right to their life?

I disagree that Blackrook is wrong to defend their rights.... but if you think we are wrong to defend their rights?

Tough shit.

I will defend Blackrook's right not to have an abortion to the death!
Blackrook is right to claim that abortion is wrong...for Blackrook.

Blackrook is wrong to claim that abortion is wrong for my wife and daughter.

Don't your children and grandchildren have a right to their life?

I disagree that Blackrook is wrong to defend their rights.... but if you think we are wrong to defend their rights?

Tough shit.

wanted and loved grandchildren. If it is not the right time for my daughters or daughter-in-law that is their decision

If there are health complications the girls are more important than another grandchild

It is up to my girls, not me.
It is really very simple. Until a fetus can sustain life outside the womb, it is not an individual person. Granted, the law is not precise on this, but from a logical point of view that fetus is part of the mother's body until able to sustain life on it's own. Sorry if the Catholics object, but I object to the catholics, as well, so I call it even.
Blackrook is right to claim that abortion is wrong...for Blackrook.

Blackrook is wrong to claim that abortion is wrong for my wife and daughter.

Don't your children and grandchildren have a right to their life?

I disagree that Blackrook is wrong to defend their rights.... but if you think we are wrong to defend their rights?

Tough shit.

wanted and loved grandchildren. If it is not the right time for my daughters or daughter-in-law that is their decision

If there are health complications the girls are more important than another grandchild

It is up to my girls, not me.

Blah blah blah...

We are going to continue fighting abortion and fighting for those children's rights as though you (our supposed opposition) were never even in our way.

And there is not a damn thong you can do about it.
Blackrook is right to claim that abortion is wrong...for Blackrook.

Blackrook is wrong to claim that abortion is wrong for my wife and daughter.

Don't your children and grandchildren have a right to their life?

I disagree that Blackrook is wrong to defend their rights.... but if you think we are wrong to defend their rights?

Tough shit.

wanted and loved grandchildren. If it is not the right time for my daughters or daughter-in-law that is their decision

If there are health complications the girls are more important than another grandchild

It is up to my girls, not me.

Blah blah blah...

We are going to continue fighting abortion and fighting for those children's rights as though you (our supposed opposition) were never even in our way.

And there is not a damn thong you can do about it.

And abortions will continue just as they have since the dawn of civilization,even if the SC reverses their decision, and there is not a damn thing you can do about it, other than ruin a doctor's life occasionally, for forgetting to list the procedure as a D&C..
Blackrook is right to claim that abortion is wrong...for Blackrook.

Blackrook is wrong to claim that abortion is wrong for my wife and daughter.

Don't your children and grandchildren have a right to their life?

I disagree that Blackrook is wrong to defend their rights.... but if you think we are wrong to defend their rights?

Tough shit.

wanted and loved grandchildren. If it is not the right time for my daughters or daughter-in-law that is their decision

If there are health complications the girls are more important than another grandchild

It is up to my girls, not me.

Blah blah blah...

We are going to continue fighting abortion and fighting for those children's rights as though you (our supposed opposition) were never even in our way.

And there is not a damn thong you can do about it.

And abortions will continue just as they have since the dawn of civilization,even if the SC reverses their decision, and there is not a damn thing you can do about it, other than ruin a doctor's life occasionally, for forgetting to list the procedure as a D&C..

All sorts of crimes continue despite our laws and punishments. Your point ?

Should we do away with laws against rapes, theft, murders, and molestation just because those laws don't work 100% too?

I didn't think so.
The world is over populated as it is. Forcing women to have more children isn't a solution to anything.

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