If Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary, he will lose all shred of credibility

Dot Com 14530577
A lot of things but the main one is to NOT elect a Goldman lap poodle (hiLIARy)

So you have no respect for Bernie Sanders.

""The major political task that we face in the next five months is to make certain that Donald Trump is defeated and defeated badly," Sanders told supporters in a live stream video. "And I personally intend to begin my role in that process in a very short period of time."

So we know the primary campaign did not cause Bernie to lose his mind and sensibility.
By the way, the State Sept did ok her server since they had to know she was using it. Just like Rice and Powell.

Secretary Clinton used mobile devices to conduct official business using the personal email account on her private server extensively, as illustrated by the 55,000 pages of material making up the approximately 30,000 emails she provided to the Department in December 2014. Throughout Secretary Clinton’s tenure, the FAM stated that normal day-to-day operations should be conducted on an authorized AIS,147 yet OIG found no evidence that the Secretary requested or obtained guidance or approval to conduct official business via a personal email account on her private server. According to the current CIO and Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security, Secretary Clinton had an obligation to discuss using her personal email account to conduct official business with their offices, who in turn would have attempted to provide her with approved and secured means that met her business needs. However, according to these officials, DS and IRM did not—and would not—approve her exclusive reliance on a personal email account to conduct Department business, because of the restrictions in the FAM and the security risks in doing so.
Not that I like Hillary all that much.

Trump and Wall Street are taking the Wall Street noose from around Hillary's neck that Bernie-ites put there.

A Who’s Who of Financiers Is Expected at Trump’s New York Fund-Raiser

  • John A. Paulson, a billionaire hedge fund manager.
    JUNE 16, 2016

Donald J. Trump is holding a fund-raiser in New York City next week to be hosted by a who’s who of the financial world, including John A. Paulson, whose hedge fund made billions betting on the collapse of the housing market.

Joining him are Stephen A. Feinberg, the secretive financier and founder of Cerberus Capital Management, and Peter Kalikow, the politically connected real estate magnate. Neither man had publicly announced his support for the Republican presidential candidate and presumptive party nominee, until now.

The joint Republican National Committee and Trump fund-raiser will take place on Tuesday, at an undisclosed location in the city, according to an invitation seen by The New York Times. Tickets are going for $50,000 a person, though the hosts are paying $250,000 a couple. Additional details, the invitation said, will be disclosed when a reservation for a seat is made.

Now if all those Bernie money backers want to put their money where their mouth and heart is they would send all those small donations to the one candidate that will achieve much more progressive policies than Trump.

We can see that Trump lied or was stupid enough to think he could self-fund his way to the White House. He is now being bought along with the Republican establishment by Wall Street's worst oligarchs.

You want to let that scum win?

There is no justification for not openly and eagerly supporting Clinton. This is not the lesser of two evils, it is about defeating racism, religious bigotry and economic, social and national Security and diplomacy dysfunction
from siezing absolute power in this country.
ummm..... hiLIARy didnt get her nic for nothing

"we left the helo under sniper fire" :eusa_liar:

"The State Dept OK'd our server" :eusa_liar:

"we left the WH broke" :eusa_liar:


Politifact says Hillary lies 26% of the time, and the Donald lies 79% of the time. You do the math.
adian w/ your "people's "lesser of two evils" equivocation. Hows that been workin' out for you? (that was a rhetorical question)
Not that I like Hillary all that much.

Trump and Wall Street are taking the Wall Street noose from around Hillary's neck that Bernie-ites put there.

A Who’s Who of Financiers Is Expected at Trump’s New York Fund-Raiser

  • John A. Paulson, a billionaire hedge fund manager.
    JUNE 16, 2016

Donald J. Trump is holding a fund-raiser in New York City next week to be hosted by a who’s who of the financial world, including John A. Paulson, whose hedge fund made billions betting on the collapse of the housing market.

Joining him are Stephen A. Feinberg, the secretive financier and founder of Cerberus Capital Management, and Peter Kalikow, the politically connected real estate magnate. Neither man had publicly announced his support for the Republican presidential candidate and presumptive party nominee, until now.

The joint Republican National Committee and Trump fund-raiser will take place on Tuesday, at an undisclosed location in the city, according to an invitation seen by The New York Times. Tickets are going for $50,000 a person, though the hosts are paying $250,000 a couple. Additional details, the invitation said, will be disclosed when a reservation for a seat is made.

Now if all those Bernie money backers want to put their money where their mouth and heart is they would send all those small donations to the one candidate that will achieve much more progressive policies than Trump.

We can see that Trump lied or was stupid enough to think he could self-fund his way to the White House. He is now being bought along with the Republican establishment by Wall Street's worst oligarchs.

You want to let that scum win?

There is no justification for not openly and eagerly supporting Clinton. This is not the lesser of two evils, it is about defeating racism, religious bigotry and economic, social and national Security and diplomacy dysfunction
from siezing absolute power in this country.
ummm..... hiLIARy didnt get her nic for nothing

"we left the helo under sniper fire" :eusa_liar:

"The State Dept OK'd our server" :eusa_liar:

"we left the WH broke" :eusa_liar:


Politifact says Hillary lies 26% of the time, and the Donald lies 79% of the time. You do the math.
adian w/ your "people's "lesser of two evils" equivocation. Hows that been workin' out for you? (that was a rhetorical question)

It's been working great, because lesser is still less.
Tehon 14535003
Throughout Secretary Clinton’s tenure, the FAM stated that normal day-to-day operations should be conducted on an authorized AIS,147 yet OIG found no evidence that the Secretary requested or obtained guidance or approval to conduct official business v

Your ignorance abounds on any topic.

You call me a liar as you lie about what I said.

I did not say Secretary Clinton asked for approval and got the ok from OIG. I said it was ok because they knew she was using it and did not compel her to stop.

Or do you believe Secretary Clinton faked her emails to look like they were sent on an official government approved server?

I have not heard of that charge was made against her. Possibly more CT from that great CT mind of yours.

Do You still think HRC was in on the plot with Bush to get Saddam to submit to UN inspectors and then get that submission and then drive the inspectors out to start a war?
Not that I like Hillary all that much.

Trump and Wall Street are taking the Wall Street noose from around Hillary's neck that Bernie-ites put there.

A Who’s Who of Financiers Is Expected at Trump’s New York Fund-Raiser

  • John A. Paulson, a billionaire hedge fund manager.
    JUNE 16, 2016

Donald J. Trump is holding a fund-raiser in New York City next week to be hosted by a who’s who of the financial world, including John A. Paulson, whose hedge fund made billions betting on the collapse of the housing market.

Joining him are Stephen A. Feinberg, the secretive financier and founder of Cerberus Capital Management, and Peter Kalikow, the politically connected real estate magnate. Neither man had publicly announced his support for the Republican presidential candidate and presumptive party nominee, until now.

The joint Republican National Committee and Trump fund-raiser will take place on Tuesday, at an undisclosed location in the city, according to an invitation seen by The New York Times. Tickets are going for $50,000 a person, though the hosts are paying $250,000 a couple. Additional details, the invitation said, will be disclosed when a reservation for a seat is made.

Now if all those Bernie money backers want to put their money where their mouth and heart is they would send all those small donations to the one candidate that will achieve much more progressive policies than Trump.

We can see that Trump lied or was stupid enough to think he could self-fund his way to the White House. He is now being bought along with the Republican establishment by Wall Street's worst oligarchs.

You want to let that scum win?

There is no justification for not openly and eagerly supporting Clinton. This is not the lesser of two evils, it is about defeating racism, religious bigotry and economic, social and national Security and diplomacy dysfunction
from siezing absolute power in this country.
ummm..... hiLIARy didnt get her nic for nothing

"we left the helo under sniper fire" :eusa_liar:

"The State Dept OK'd our server" :eusa_liar:

"we left the WH broke" :eusa_liar:


Politifact says Hillary lies 26% of the time, and the Donald lies 79% of the time. You do the math.
adian w/ your "people's "lesser of two evils" equivocation. Hows that been workin' out for you? (that was a rhetorical question)

It's been working great, because lesser is still less.
you keep voting for the least of the worst then you drone. No wonder DC is screwing us 3 ways from Sunday
Tehon 14535003
Throughout Secretary Clinton’s tenure, the FAM stated that normal day-to-day operations should be conducted on an authorized AIS,147 yet OIG found no evidence that the Secretary requested or obtained guidance or approval to conduct official business v

Your ignorance abounds on any topic.

You call me a liar as you lie about what I said.

I did not say Secretary Clinton asked for approval and got the ok from OIG. I said it was ok because they knew she was using it and did not compel her to stop.

Or do you believe Secretary Clinton faked her emails to look like they were sent on an official government approved server?

I have not heard of that charge was made against her. Possibly more CT from that great CT mind of yours.

Do You still think HRC was in on the plot with Bush to get Saddam to submit to UN inspectors and then get that submission and then drive the inspectors out to start a war?
Liar, it wasn't OK, the Foreign Affairs Manual is clear on the matter.
And she doesn't get to police herself.

According to the current CIO and Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security, Secretary Clinton had an obligation to discuss using her personal email account to conduct official business with their offices, who in turn would have attempted to provide her with approved and secured means that met her business needs. However, according to these officials, DS and IRM did not—and would not—approve her exclusive reliance on a personal email account to conduct Department business, because of the restrictions in the FAM and the security risks in doing so.
Dot Com 14536010
you keep voting for the least of the worst then you drone. No wonder DC is screwing us 3 ways from Sunday

Al Gore would not have kicked UN inspectors out and decided to invade Iraq had 9/11/01 still happened.

Two behaviors of Democrats gave the entire world the EVIL of George W Bush and Dick Cheney.

The freakin' argument for individualized political purity along with no-vote laziness gave us this:

"In addition, half of all registered Democrats did not even bother going to the polls and voting."

Florida Voters
Even if none of the factors mentioned above had happened, the votes of Florida voters themselves show that Ralph Nader was not responsible for George W. Bush's presidency.

"Democrats for Bush, Democrats for nobody"
"Twelve percent of Florida Democrats (over 200,000) voted for Republican George Bush"
-San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 9, 2000

Even if none of the factors mentioned above had happened, the votes of Florida voters themselves show that Ralph Nader was not responsible for George W. Bush’s presidency. If one percent of these Democrats had stuck with their own candidate, Al Gore would easily have won Florida and become president. In addition, half of all registered Democrats did not even bother going to the polls and voting.

Dispelling the Myth of Election 2000: Did Nader Cost Gore the Election?

Just like every midterm election and in November 2000, both (a) demands for far left purity and (b) sheer no-voting laziness gives America more years and strength of Republican regressive politics, and in the case of Bush - pure evil - with his decision to invade Iraq.

Deliberate Democrat No-voting is ever excusable but perhaps the Florida Democrats for Bush (mostly social conservitive Bible Dems) could not know the evil of Bush and Cheney in 2000, but they ought to know the differences between the two major parties.

And now, Trump is openly and proudly running as the epitome of evil.

There is no excuse for Bernie purity and no voting or vote wasting this time around.

Its not really a choice between the lesser of two evils. It is a choice between idealistic fantasies about political purity vs the harsh reality of the damage a Trump Presidency and a Republican Congress and another one or two regressive judge's on the Supreme Court.

I like Hillary and there is nothing evil about her. You may disagree with much of her positions but she is a loyal Democrat and in my view is the best choice on national security.

Trump and Republicans with a win will dig a deep grave for Bernie purity and bury it so deep it will never be seen again.
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Tehon 14536754
Liar, it wasn't OK, the Foreign Affairs Manual is clear on the matter. And she doesn't get to police herself.

How can you be so ignorant of the facts to say she does not get to police herself when that is exactly what she did.

Whoever enforces the FAM did not police it. It was not policed with some on Rices' staff and Colin Powell and with Hillary. They are now trying to correct it.

The point is Hillary made an error in judgment to do business on a private server and one mobile device. But your assessment that the agencies and officials in charge of IT or preservation of records did not know she was doing it over such a long period of time is absurd like all your CTs against Hillary.
Dot Com 14536010
you keep voting for the least of the worst then you drone. No wonder DC is screwing us 3 ways from Sunday

Al Gore would not have kicked UN inspectors out and decided to invade Iraq had 9/11/01 still happened.

Two behaviors of Democrats gave the entire world the EVIL of George W Bush and Dick Cheney.

The freakin' argument for individualized political purity along with no-vote laziness gave us this:

"In addition, half of all registered Democrats did not even bother going to the polls and voting."

Florida Voters
Even if none of the factors mentioned above had happened, the votes of Florida voters themselves show that Ralph Nader was not responsible for George W. Bush's presidency.

"Democrats for Bush, Democrats for nobody"
"Twelve percent of Florida Democrats (over 200,000) voted for Republican George Bush"
-San Francisco Chronicle, Nov. 9, 2000

Even if none of the factors mentioned above had happened, the votes of Florida voters themselves show that Ralph Nader was not responsible for George W. Bush’s presidency. If one percent of these Democrats had stuck with their own candidate, Al Gore would easily have won Florida and become president. In addition, half of all registered Democrats did not even bother going to the polls and voting.

Dispelling the Myth of Election 2000: Did Nader Cost Gore the Election?

Just like every midterm election and in November 2000, both (a) demands for far left purity and (b) sheer no-voting laziness gives America more years and strength of Republican regressive politics, and in the case of Bush - pure evil - with his decision to invade Iraq.

Deliberate Democrat No-voting is ever excusable but perhaps the Florida Democrats for Bush (mostly social conservitive Bible Dems) could not know the evil of Bush and Cheney in 2000, but they ought to know the differences between the two major parties.

And now, Trump is openly and proudly running as the epitome of evil.

There is no excuse for Bernie purity and no voting or vote wasting this time around.

Its not really a choice between the lesser of two evils. It is a choice between idealistic fantasies about political purity vs the harsh reality of the damage a Trump Presidency and a Republican Congress and another one or two regressive judge's on the Supreme Court.

I like Hillary and there is nothing evil about her. You may disagree with much of her positions but she is a loyal Democrat and in my view is the best choice on national security.

Trump and Republicans with a win will dig a deep grave for Bernie purity and bury it so deep it will never be seen again.
nothing evil about hiLIARy? :lol: She sold-out to Big Biz.
Tehon 14536754
Liar, it wasn't OK, the Foreign Affairs Manual is clear on the matter. And she doesn't get to police herself.

You are the only liar here. I am not arguing that it was OK what she did with the Foreign Affairs Manual. I said it ok with the officials since they knew all along she was doing it and was not asked to shut her system down. She is at fault and admitted she made a mistake but why did the officials in IT let it go for so long when they knew she was doing it.

If you argue it was not their job to prevent her from violating certain regulations then you are arguing that it was ok with them as well.

Not OK- they force her to stop.

That did not happen.

It was not OK for Hillary not to put in a request to set up a private account according to all regulations. But when she proceeded and officials became aware, it was apparently ok with them that she was not following their procedures. They did not deny her the use of her system.
nothing evil about hiLIARy? She sold-out to Big Biz.

Is all business big or small evil in your mind? How do you decide which big businesses cross a line from job and investment creation and energizing the economy to just being pure evil in your eyes?

Don't brush it off. You owe an explanation.
Tehon 14536754
Liar, it wasn't OK, the Foreign Affairs Manual is clear on the matter. And she doesn't get to police herself.

You are the only liar here. I am not arguing that it was OK what she did with the Foreign Affairs Manual. I said it ok with the officials since they knew all along she was doing it and was not asked to shut her system down. She is at fault and admitted she made a mistake but why did the officials in IT let it go for so long when they knew she was doing it.

If you argue it was not their job to prevent her from violating certain regulations then you are arguing that it was ok with them as well.

Not OK- they force her to stop.

That did not happen.

It was not OK for Hillary not to put in a request to set up a private account according to all regulations. But when she proceeded and officials became aware, it was apparently ok with them that she was not following their procedures. They did not deny her the use of her system.
What officials were aware of it and when did they become aware? Keep in mind that anyone working in the State Dept. would have been her subordinate. According to the Dept. of Diplomatic Security and the Bureau of Information Resource Management they would not have approved of it had they known.
Dot Com 14537472
nothing evil about hiLIARy? She sold-out to Big Biz.

Are you going to respond to the main points in my post regarding half of all Registered Democrats not showing up to vote in 2000. Thus giving us the evil of Bush and Cheney and Iraq and a path toward economic ruin?
nothing evil about hiLIARy? She sold-out to Big Biz.

Is all business big or small evil in your mind? How do you decide which big businesses cross a line from job and investment creation and energizing the economy to just being pure evil in your eyes?

Don't brush it off. You owe an explanation.
you want specifics?

OK, Goldman. You were saying?
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Oh wait, I get it now.

Back when Dot Com was a young man in the 80s, he applied to Goldman and his resume went straight into the shredder!
get her to release her Goldman transcripts, which she could do if she wanted to/had any integrity, and we might find out

So you don't know an 'evil' thing Hillary has done.

We know Trump mocked and ridiculed a reporter with a muscle control disability and would ban all Muslims. He would torture prisoners and target non-combatants women and children the elderly if he gets his way.

That is evil. But he didn't offer his opinions to Goldman Sachs for pay in private so he is not evil enough for you. You would enable his presidency for Bernie purity.

That is quite a plan.
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