If Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary, he will lose all shred of credibility

If Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary, he will lose all shred of credibility

I don't presume to know what Bernie is going to do, he will be criticized know matter which way he goes. People have to realize though that Bernie is just a man, the movement moves on with or without him. Principled Bernie supporters, which I like to think are more numerous, will see that there is still a candidate in the race that holds the same values as does Bernie. That candidate is Jill Stein.
The lemmings of course will follow Bernie to Hillary if that is where he leads and in time may come to realize the error in their ways.

Sanders definitely a male with a male ego bigger than a bus. At this point, it's very difficult to call him a man, a real man would have conceded and endorsed Hillary Clinton. The problem Bernie Sanders has is he cannot stand the thought of a woman beating him, much less getting up in front of the public, admitting that and then endorsing her.

In that, there's not much difference between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. They're definitely polar opposite in political ideology but when it comes to EGO--they're spot on with each other. Neither one of them can stand the thought of the 1st woman President of the United States.

Hillary wanted Iraq as much as Dubya.

Also, remember her bragging how she killed Qadaffi, she sounded like Cheney
And his supporters better call him out on it
No, he won't lose credibility. The biggest fucking mistake the Democrats are making is thinking this is a controllable group. Sanders knows this.

Well they're clearly the minority. Hillary Clinton won with a 4 million popular vote, in comparison Obama won the 2008 primary with a mere 41,622 votes.

I think one person was right on this thread. You have the fanatic Sanders supporters and then the majority of this group are Sanders voters, who are Democrats. And those Democrats will turn their backs on Sanders, and then he is reduced to being about as significant as a mosquito on an elephants ass.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Really it is unprecedented. I have been around for many years and have never seen someone get beat so badly, and act like he's still in charge of the platform. The guy is a control freak, and I assume believes he can order women around, including Hillary Clinton.

It really shouldn't surprise anyone. There's not a politician or candidate alive that would have praised Fidel Castro. One who "sized" power by force, killed thousands of people, and seized their assets. Of course he could afford to pay for health care and education for those still standing. Which is what Sanders was praising. It's just too bad JFK wasn't around to hear it. He would have Sanders in front of a congressional hearing in a New York minute to get asked a ton of questions regarding his thoughts on Democracy and his loyalty to this country.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

At this point who cares if he endorses her or not, he's just making an ass out of himself.
This Sanders- supporter will not vote for the crony Repub- lite candidate- hiLIARy

That's too bad. A non-vote for her is a non-vote for what Bernie wants to do. If Trump can't incentivize you to vote for a Democrat then you simply must not really care about the future of this country.
CrusaderFrank 14522365
Hillary wanted Iraq as much as Dubya.

Also, remember her bragging how she killed Qadaffi, she sounded like Cheney

That's Bull crap. Hillary wanted Bush to keep the inspections going weeks before Bush kicked them out. That's a huge difference which right wingers and far lefties won't accept.
CrusaderFrank 14522365
Hillary wanted Iraq as much as Dubya.

Also, remember her bragging how she killed Qadaffi, she sounded like Cheney

That's Bull crap. Hillary wanted Bush to keep the inspections going weeks before Bush kicked them out. That's a huge difference which right wingers and far lefties won't accept.

Ha ha ha!! So funny how she destabilized Libya, right?

And his supporters better call him out on it

You obviously don't understand how politics works. Taking an uncompromising stance typically gets a politician and his supporters nowhere. Sanders will support Clinton because he will have a significant say in the Dem platform, and therefore accomplish some of what he has set out to do, vs. none of it if he fails to compromise.

STANDING OVATION :clap2::clap2::clap2:
And his supporters better call him out on it

You obviously don't understand how politics works. Taking an uncompromising stance typically gets a politician and his supporters nowhere. Sanders will support Clinton because he will have a significant say in the Dem platform, and therefore accomplish some of what he has set out to do, vs. none of it if he fails to compromise.

So Sanders was only fooling when he said that she was a corrupt, untrustworthy corporate shill out to fuck people over?
This Sanders- supporter will not vote for the crony Repub- lite candidate- hiLIARy

That's too bad. A non-vote for her is a non-vote for what Bernie wants to do. If Trump can't incentivize you to vote for a Democrat then you simply must not really care about the future of this country.

Or you simply do not understand the argument.
This Sanders- supporter will not vote for the crony Repub- lite candidate- hiLIARy

That's too bad. A non-vote for her is a non-vote for what Bernie wants to do. If Trump can't incentivize you to vote for a Democrat then you simply must not really care about the future of this country.
not settling for the lesser of two evils anymore hon NotfooledbyW :eusa_hand:
And his supporters better call him out on it
No, he won't lose credibility. The biggest fucking mistake the Democrats are making is thinking this is a controllable group. Sanders knows this.

Well they're clearly the minority. Hillary Clinton won with a 4 million popular vote, in comparison Obama won the 2008 primary with a mere 41,622 votes.

I think one person was right on this thread. You have the fanatic Sanders supporters and then the majority of this group are Sanders voters, who are Democrats. And those Democrats will turn their backs on Sanders, and then he is reduced to being about as significant as a mosquito on an elephants ass.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Really it is unprecedented. I have been around for many years and have never seen someone get beat so badly, and act like he's still in charge of the platform. The guy is a control freak, and I assume believes he can order women around, including Hillary Clinton.

It really shouldn't surprise anyone. There's not a politician or candidate alive that would have praised Fidel Castro. One who "sized" power by force, killed thousands of people, and seized their assets. Of course he could afford to pay for health care and education for those still standing. Which is what Sanders was praising. It's just too bad JFK wasn't around to hear it. He would have Sanders in front of a congressional hearing in a New York minute to get asked a ton of questions regarding his thoughts on Democracy and his loyalty to this country.
Bernie Sanders heaped praise on Fidel Castro in 1985 interview

At this point who cares if he endorses her or not, he's just making an ass out of himself.

You keep saying that whole Fidel thangy and you keep being reeducated on it. You don't have a problem with dictators. You love, love, love them. You simply like US backed dictators. Fulgencio Batista had been elected president. He enriched himself and then went to........Florida where he invested a whole hella lot money. He came to power again but this was a military coup. He started jailing people left and right. People were murdered. They disappeared. The whole shebang. You don't give a hot damn about the Cubans then or now. What gets your goat is that whole nationalization thangy. There were 3 major waves of Cubans. The first wave was all the people with money and, incidentally, they had lighter skin. They were welcomed into Florida with open arms. They had cash. The second wave were all of the people that had some skills but they were darker in color. The third wave was a lot of folks released from prison. They were also darker in color. So, this tiny group of Cubans really, really thought that after 50+ years they were going to march right in and get their homes back. The rest of the clowns that have an issue with Cuba simply wanted to exploit the fuck out of it. Castro has done many interviews and he has said-we had a laundry list of what we wanted to accomplish. Some were feasible and some were not. He thought the Soviet Union was all about brotherly love and he realized they just wanted exploit the fuck out of Cuba. Items that were a priority: medical care, literacy, homes and food. Do you know why? Consider the following: JFK would have realized Cuba wasn't a threat. You need to look up Robert McNamara. He came around-too late in the game.

Bernie Sanders doesn't look like an ass. You on the other hand do. What you don't realize is that the argument between the liberals and the Democrats has been ongoing for over a decade and encompasses much more than what Sanders has presented and apparently you can't wrap your brain around it.

Just between you and me........platforms aren't shit. That may be all he can do. That doesn't mean I will go along for the ride. The Democrats are a hot mess and have been disorganized for a long time. For example: if the Democrats on the ground are against fracking and you have elected Democrats supporting fracking and they are going to "bring their best warriors" to that debate within the Democrat party..........there is no fucking difference between the parties. The only success the Democrats have is making sure everyone is divided. Kind of like the Republicans.

That is just one simple little example and it's not even the tip of the iceberg. So, every time a knuckle head comes by and says something phenomenally stupid like ......they won't have any chance to get what they want if they don't vote for Hillary they are absolutely playing it because this isn't where the Democrats were before and it should never have even gotten here. It was only useful when Bush was in office. Fuck 'em.
This Sanders- supporter will not vote for the crony Repub- lite candidate- hiLIARy

That's too bad. A non-vote for her is a non-vote for what Bernie wants to do. If Trump can't incentivize you to vote for a Democrat then you simply must not really care about the future of this country.
not settling for the lesser of two evils anymore hon NotfooledbyW :eusa_hand:

What's your plan to improve the middle class
This Sanders- supporter will not vote for the crony Repub- lite candidate- hiLIARy

That's too bad. A non-vote for her is a non-vote for what Bernie wants to do. If Trump can't incentivize you to vote for a Democrat then you simply must not really care about the future of this country.

Or you simply do not understand the argument.

There is nothing beyond my understanding - a non vote for a Democrat candidate or wasting your vote on some Schluck third party is a vote for more Republican regressive anti-working class policies.

That's anti-progressive if you don't quite understand that.
This Sanders- supporter will not vote for the crony Repub- lite candidate- hiLIARy

That's too bad. A non-vote for her is a non-vote for what Bernie wants to do. If Trump can't incentivize you to vote for a Democrat then you simply must not really care about the future of this country.

Or you simply do not understand the argument.

There is nothing beyond my understanding - a non vote for a Democrat candidate or wasting your vote on some Schluck third party is a vote for more Republican regressive anti-working class policies.

That's anti-progressive if you don't quite understand that.

Here is a little newsflash for you: H1B visas (Democrats), TPP (Democrats), more immigration than the country can handle (Democrats), outsourcing (Democrats).
This Sanders- supporter will not vote for the crony Repub- lite candidate- hiLIARy

That's too bad. A non-vote for her is a non-vote for what Bernie wants to do. If Trump can't incentivize you to vote for a Democrat then you simply must not really care about the future of this country.

Or you simply do not understand the argument.

There is nothing beyond my understanding - a non vote for a Democrat candidate or wasting your vote on some Schluck third party is a vote for more Republican regressive anti-working class policies.

That's anti-progressive if you don't quite understand that.

Here is a little newsflash for you: H1B visas (Democrats), TPP (Democrats), more immigration than the country can handle (Democrats), outsourcing (Democrats).

Do you have any facts along with a comparative Republican record on those issues?
This Sanders- supporter will not vote for the crony Repub- lite candidate- hiLIARy

That's too bad. A non-vote for her is a non-vote for what Bernie wants to do. If Trump can't incentivize you to vote for a Democrat then you simply must not really care about the future of this country.
not settling for the lesser of two evils anymore hon NotfooledbyW :eusa_hand:

What's your plan to improve the middle class

Easy, make them pay for Bernies Free Shit
Shall we go back and study the Democrats shipping R&D overseas as well? More lip service to unions?

You think Trump an a Republican controlled congress would doing anything to reel in U.S. Corporations on that topic?

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