If Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary, he will lose all shred of credibility

"If Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary, he will lose all shred of credibility"


Clinton and Sanders hold the same positions on the issues.

Pucker up, boy. You got your unqualified black based on skin color, now you support having a vagina as a qualification.
And his supporters better call him out on it
No, he won't lose credibility. The biggest fucking mistake the Democrats are making is thinking this is a controllable group. Sanders knows this.
And his supporters better call him out on it

And if he doesn't endorse Hillary Clinton, he will lose all of the support from the Democrat party, and all those Democrats that voted for him. He will be reduced to the significance of a mosquito on an elephants ass.

Barack Obama won the 2008 primary with a mere 41,622 popular votes.
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Hillary Clinton clobbered Bernie Sanders with a current 3,720,322 popular vote lead that is going to get much larger when they finish counting ballots in California, and Tuesday when Washington D.C. votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote


Representing his ideals is the only political future he has and caving and going for the "well it's better than the alternative, go with the lesser evil" pulls all value away from his "movement". Standing true to seriously addressing income inequality, not receiving money from special interests/the establishment, etc, is all he has left

It was Bernie Sanders decision and his alone to change his party status to run on the Democrat ticket. He could have run as a 3rd party independent, but he thought it would be best to sign on to the Democrat ticket to scorch donations from Democrats. At that time he agreed to all DNC rules and procedures, in each and every state, including those 714 Democrat Super Delegates and their roll in the primary process. IOW--he joined the DNC "team."

Now if he doesn't endorse the team nominee he is alienating the entire Democrat party, including those millions of Democrats that voted for him. He would lose all support, except for the minority support from people like you, and together you couldn't muster up enough signatures to get him onto any ballot.

This country is a Democracy and while at times we do not like the outcome of elections, we as Americans respect the majority will of the voters--and we don't try to usurp their will.

I'm not saying he should try to get on the ballot or continue running. I'm saying his message is all he has left and he devalues that message by saying "well, I was wrong, you can go with the lesser of two evils, which is what I'm doing"

He talks of a revolution. He doesn't owe the Democratic party anything. Suspend your campaign. You aren't obligated to endorse Hillary. You won't get your revolution or your real change if you do what everyone does and endorse the other person.

Really, I could give a rat's ass if he endorses Hillary Clinton or not. It's clear that the majority has kicked Bernie Sanders and his proposals to the curb.

I am trying to tell you what's going to happen to Bernie if he doesn't endorse her. He will alienate those millions of Democrats that voted for him. He will alienate all of the Democrat Senators in the U.S. Senate. He and his proposals will go down the toilet, he will not be credible, no one will listen to him, and no one will support him.

If he endorses her, he keeps the respect of his supporters intact.

Take note: We are not obligated to vote Democrat. The majority did not kick his proposals to the curb. If you don't realize this then you are not paying attention.
"If Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary, he will lose all shred of credibility"


Clinton and Sanders hold the same positions on the issues.

Pucker up, boy. You got your unqualified black based on skin color, now you support having a vagina as a qualification.
the mouth- breathing, racist cbimes in. gawd but you're a shitstain

The shitstains are you socialists unwilling to provide for yourselves what you should be providing for yourselves.
*Squawk* I demand you answer me on experience.

Hillary Clinton Donor with Zero Experience Landed Sensitive Intel Post
Hillary Clinton Donor with Zero Experience Landed Sensitive Intel Post

Hillary Clinton was a senator for 8 years prior to her becoming Secretary State. She worked with Bush Sr. to put a major dent into AIDS in Africa. She is well liked by Republicans she has worked with, (when they're not campaigning against her.)

If not for Hillary Clinton, Osama Bin Laden would be alive and well today. It was she that put the pressure on Leon Panetta & specifically Barack Obama to do the hit, while others like Joe Biden said no. Leon Panetta also speaks highly of her in his book.

You might want to read what Republicans have said about her tenure as Secretary of State. I am certain it's going to sting. Clearly she is able to work with Republicans to get things done.
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise
Republicans Have Praised Hillary Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure

The right wing dog and pony shows are playing on a lot of deaf ears at this point in time, and you're definitely not going to defeat her with this chimpanzee, Donald Trump. Who brings nothing to the table regarding foreign policy experience. His experience is all about entertainment. T.V. reality shows, the Miss Universe contest, Golf courses, Casino's and Hotels. That's not what most Americans consider Presidential "experience" material. His tweety fingers are a national security threat.



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She literally represents everything he campaigned against
Bullshit. She represents slower change than he would like.

Republicans represent everything he campaigned against.
Hawkish on foreign affairs, in big money's pocket, progressive stances when politically expedient (and not before then!), more moderate governing. She is totally everything he campaigned against.

Go ahead and be pissed off about it. What he yells about standing for will look like an utter joke if he endorses her
She's more hawkish than Bernie or Trump. So now you Republicans are weak on defending America? Yeah - you go with that.

Show me where she has been compromised by "big money". See, that's the problem: she gets big money from so many conflicting sources, you can't make a case. For every Big Business contribution, there's an equally large contribution from Big Labor.

Maybe it's because she's so damn competent.
Super_Lantern 14494812
And his supporters better call him out on it

No way. If Sanders does not endorse Secretary Clinton he loses credibility that his desire to enact progressive policies here at home are genuine.

Clinton is the better candidate of any on national security.

Not endorsing Clinton gives the 'needless-war Party' an edge as you can see when there is a terrorist attack and the needless-war Republican Party uses death and destruction as part of their political strategy.

Some idiot Americans will fall for that politics of exploited fear. Let's hope there are no Bernie believers in that camp.
Super_Lantern 14494888
Hawkish on foreign affairs,

When it comes to killing and capturing and defeating ISIS and all terrorists the vast majority of Americans are hawkish.

Hillary's hawkish record will help her greatly to a landslide victory over idiot Trump.
Super_Lantern 14494812
And his supporters better call him out on it

No way. If Sanders does not endorse Secretary Clinton he loses credibility that his desire to enact progressive policies here at home are genuine.

Clinton is the better candidate of any on national security.

Not endorsing Clinton gives the 'needless-war Party' an edge as you can see when there is a terrorist attack and the needless-war Republican Party uses death and destruction as part of their political strategy.

Some idiot Americans will fall for that politics of exploited fear. Let's hope there are no Bernie believers in that camp.
Did you know that out of the three- Obama, Sanders, and Clinton, only one of them voted for vietraq. Want to take a guess as to which one it was?
Dot Com 14520730
Did you know that out of the three- Obama, Sanders, and Clinton, only one of them voted for vietraq. Want to take a guess as to which one it was?

Iraq was a threat 'without inspectors, in October 2002 when Clinton voted for an AUMF that insisted Bush force inspections through the UN Security Council.

Obama could not vote on it. Bernie voted not to deal with the continuing threat from Iraq without inspections. Not dealing with a threat is not considered presidential by most Americans. Clinton is not to blame for what Bush did after the threat was greatly diminished when Saddam Hussein was cooperating with the inspectors.

It's time to but Vietraq squarely on Bush's back and quit watering what Bush did down by co-blaming Clinton.

She wanted those inspections to continue to avoid war.

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