If Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary, he will lose all shred of credibility

And his supporters better call him out on it
I just contacted him via his website and told him "dont ask us to support her"
Endorsing Hillary Clinton is plan A! Plan A is the plan if Clinton wins, which was suspected.

Right wingers really think leftists are fools.
And his supporters better call him out on it
I agree. She is everything that Bernie was running against. She could run as a Repub for cryin' out loud

It's scary how the corporate interests run the parties, courts and govt and buy out the media.
The lawyers who decide who gets off on lesser charges or settlements
can play us like the priests who ran the Catholic church and got paid to forgive sins.
Well today's pharisees are the lawyers who get paid to get people out of their crimes
and buy favor in federal courts.

If Trump can't beat Hillary and the legal lobbies, bars and associations all backing her for jobs,
that will show you who writes the laws in this country, the lawyers or the independent
business interests. Which one is hiring and buying off whom? Who's the boss and who's paying the piper?
And his supporters better call him out on it
I agree. She is everything that Bernie was running against. She could run as a Repub for cryin' out loud

It's scary how the corporate interests run the parties, courts and govt and buy out the media.
The lawyers who decide who gets off on lesser charges or settlements can play us like puppets, like the priests who ran the Catholic church and got paid to forgive sins. Well today's pharisees are the lawyers who get paid to get people out of their crimes and buy favor in federal courts.

If Trump can't beat Hillary and the legal lobbies, bars and associations all backing her for jobs,
that will show you who writes the laws in this country, the lawyers or the independent
business interests. Which one is hiring and buying off whom? Who's the boss and who's paying the piper?

??? I was AGREEING with you Dot Com
Two paragraphs and you can't read this?

No wonder liberals have such a bad rep as illiterates run by elitists!
The Bill of Rights has 10 articles.
If you can't handle 2 points, can you count to 10?

You need police or politicians to "read your rights to you?"
While you point to the pictures???
Credibility with whom?

Bernie Sanders may be the least credible politican in america, which is impressive considering obama, warren, etc..
And his supporters better call him out on it
I just contacted him via his website and told him "dont ask us to support her"

Hey Dot Com better yet
Let's make a list of what Clinton needs to sign off and agree on IN WRITING.
If the undersigners are going to vote.

I would ask the Democratic Party to collect and pay back all the trillions of dollars
spent on corporate insurance interests and pay for people's health care who can't afford the current terms.
Having the Clinton cronies move back into the WH is tantamount to a loss for this great nation
Credibility with whom?

Bernie Sanders may be the least credible politican in america, which is impressive considering obama, warren, etc..
His message resonates largely with millenials and bleeds into other generations
Credibility with whom?

Bernie Sanders may be the least credible politican in america, which is impressive considering obama, warren, etc..
His message resonates largely with millenials and bleeds into other generations
he can support her, because he caucus' w/ Dems but, I don't think he should ask his supporters to blindly support the crony Establ Dem presumptive nominee. Some may choose to but, as for me, no way.
Dems and credibility goes together like Starkey and Republican

Bernie will fold and he'll tell his minions to support Hillary
Dems and credibility goes together like Starkey and Republican

Bernie will fold and he'll tell his minions to support Hillary
He has already committed to doing everything he can to ensure Trump is not elected.

Where is the commitment to uphold the Constitution. Both Clinton and Trump can be tested and held to that standard.

The question is who will follow and answer to authority when called.
(And who hides behind lawyers and takes the Fifth.)
"If Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary, he will lose all shred of credibility"


Clinton and Sanders hold the same positions on the issues.
The guy who has no experience in politics and is a known douchebag? 70 yr old oompa loompa? The guy who destroyed the republican party by making it a dick measuring contest in the primary?

What has Trump ever done for America?

Experience in politics, the Establishment Government Syndicate is your tool to success?? ROFLMAO Hang on, I just laughed up a kidney.
Answer the question. What has Trump done for America?

First off, you don't dictate shit to me boy. I don't play the liberal game.. You mouth breeding Fascists don't have a single honest bone in your body thus, I don't give a fuck what you think, drink, eat , piss, shit... In other words, GET LOST IDIOT.

The Donald speaks for himself. :) TRUMP 2016
So you are telling me you have been a huge Trump supporter and you can't come up with anything that he has done for America? All you can do is tell me to go away? Lol good luck with that.

I've been trolled by numerous liberals.. Please tell your Fascist Masters to send in someone who can at least give me a run for my money.. No offense but you're pathetic.. I prefer someone who can actually count and shit at the same time.

I can give you a run for your money. We have about half of the Republican Party that will not vote for Trump. Why? Because he doesn't have a conservative bone in his entire body, and he never has.

A comedy of errors created this disaster called Donald Trump.

1. 17 GOP candidates running against one woman was a little over the top.

2. The RNC using polling data to create 2 debate stages, and against the advice of the pollsters themselves. Donald Trump with 100% name recognition, kept him front and center throughout the debates giving the impression, he was the imminent nominee, so the not so politically smart Republicans voted for him.
Pollsters: Don't trust us to winnow GOP field

Trump was simply the benefactor of too many GOP candidates in this race. Votes & donation pools were being split everywhere. Scott Walker & Rick Perry saw it when they dropped out of the race immediately, and warned all other candidates, that if they didn't drop out Donald Trump would be the nominee. They were right.

3. Add to this right wing talk radio and those on FOX News that kept promoting this chimpanzee, with unprecedented news coverage, and not informing their audiences of who Donald Trump really was. Whom are also responsible for shattering the Republican party into pieces with 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths and misconceptions. Continually violating Reagan's 11th commandment, "thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican"--basically eating their own. All for political entertainment, ratings and those obscene profit breaks. And this nominee, Donald Trump is going to go down hard.

Hillary Clinton is going to wipe the plate clean on election night.

In your efforts to get a non establishment candidate you have rino'd yourselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency, a loss of the Senate, a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country.

Republicans for Hillary? - CNNPolitics.com
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Michael Reagan explains why his father wouldn't have voted for Trump - CNNPolitics.com


And after Hillary Clinton steam rolls and buries Trump on election night, it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see the Republican party add in some Super Delegates of their own.

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*Squawk* I demand you answer me on experience.

Hillary Clinton Donor with Zero Experience Landed Sensitive Intel Post
Hillary Clinton Donor with Zero Experience Landed Sensitive Intel Post

Hillary Clinton was a senator for 8 years prior to her becoming Secretary State. She worked with Bush Sr. to put a major dent into AIDS in Africa. She is well liked by Republicans she has worked with, (when they're not campaigning against her.)

If not for Hillary Clinton, Osama Bin Laden would be alive and well today. It was she that put the pressure on Leon Panetta & specifically Barack Obama to do the hit, while others like Joe Biden said no. Leon Panetta also speaks highly of her in his book.

You might want to read what Republicans have said about her tenure as Secretary of State. I am certain it's going to sting. Clearly she is able to work with Republicans to get things done.
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise
Republicans Have Praised Hillary Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure

The right wing dog and pony shows are playing on a lot of deaf ears at this point in time, and you're definitely not going to defeat her with this chimpanzee, Donald Trump. Who brings nothing to the table regarding foreign policy experience. His experience is all about entertainment. T.V. reality shows, the Miss Universe contest, Golf courses, Casino's and Hotels. That's not what most Americans consider Presidential "experience" material. His tweety fingers are a national security threat.

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Bernie will endorse, they'll likely make a show of it at the convention. Prior to this election year sulking was never a winning strategy.
"If Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary, he will lose all shred of credibility"


Clinton and Sanders hold the same positions on the issues.

!!! YIKES C_Clayton_Jones
Is there a button on here for INSULTING???

the main thing they have in common is "Not Trump"

The only people I know who say they are the same,
accuse both Sanders and Clinton for benefiting financially off their campaigns.
They both are lying about serving the people
and are really using govt to serve themselves.

No thanks to that.

I can respect both Sanders and Trump pushing job creation
by shifting power back to the working people. But that isn't
going to happen through govt but through self-made business plans.
The Greens backing Sanders are more for independence
except where they sell out to the Democrats who can get someone elected.

The independents backing Trump don't need to rely on the GOP establishment
to get someone elected. So they are trying to stay united behind Trump
and get the numbers up and voters out. Trump rallies as many people
against him as Hillary does, so it is hard to tell which voters are going
to outnumber the other. or which person can buy better lawyers to get their way.

I assume the lawyers and corporate backers are behind Clinton
because as long as they get the Obama's and Clinton's in office
they cover for each other. Trading favors where nobody is going
to out the other because they have just as much dirt on each other.

Sanders is not in that loop. So he offers no leverage to the corporate interests.
Experience in politics, the Establishment Government Syndicate is your tool to success?? ROFLMAO Hang on, I just laughed up a kidney.
Answer the question. What has Trump done for America?

First off, you don't dictate shit to me boy. I don't play the liberal game.. You mouth breeding Fascists don't have a single honest bone in your body thus, I don't give a fuck what you think, drink, eat , piss, shit... In other words, GET LOST IDIOT.

The Donald speaks for himself. :) TRUMP 2016
So you are telling me you have been a huge Trump supporter and you can't come up with anything that he has done for America? All you can do is tell me to go away? Lol good luck with that.

I've been trolled by numerous liberals.. Please tell your Fascist Masters to send in someone who can at least give me a run for my money.. No offense but you're pathetic.. I prefer someone who can actually count and shit at the same time.

I can give you a run for your money. We have about half of the Republican Party that will not vote for Trump. Why? Because he doesn't have a conservative bone in his entire body, and he never has.

A comedy of errors created this disaster called Donald Trump.

1. 17 GOP candidates running against one woman was a little over the top.

2. The RNC using polling data to create 2 debate stages, and against the advice of the pollsters themselves. Donald Trump with 100% name recognition, kept him front and center throughout the debates giving the impression, he was the imminent nominee, so the not so politically smart Republicans voted for him.
Pollsters: Don't trust us to winnow GOP field

Trump was simply the benefactor of too many GOP candidates in this race. Votes & donation pools were being split everywhere. Scott Walker & Rick Perry saw it when they dropped out of the race immediately, and warned all other candidates, that if they didn't drop out Donald Trump would be the nominee. They were right.

3. Add to this right wing talk radio and those on FOX News that kept promoting this chimpanzee, with unprecedented news coverage, and not informing their audiences of who Donald Trump really was. Whom are also responsible for shattering the Republican party into pieces with 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths and misconceptions. Continually violating Reagan's 11th commandment, "thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican"--basically eating their own. All for political entertainment, ratings and those obscene profit breaks. And this nominee, Donald Trump is going to go down hard.

Hillary Clinton is going to wipe the plate clean on election night.

In your efforts to get a non establishment candidate you have rino'd yourselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency, a loss of the Senate, a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country.

Republicans for Hillary? - CNNPolitics.com
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Michael Reagan explains why his father wouldn't have voted for Trump - CNNPolitics.com


And after Hillary Clinton steam rolls and buries Trump on election night, it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see the Republican party add in some Super Delegates of their own.

It seems to me Trump is trying to cut down Clinton by playing the media and lobbying the public that way.
Clinton has the legal and corporate connections that all cover for each other.
They are both out to play dirty because that's what our "bullying" culture rewards.

Clinton may have more political experience, but also more hidden horrors in a long history of corruption.
Trump may not have as much to trumpet, but also less dirt than can be dug up or buried on Clinton.

You take your pick.
I prefer a strong Constitutionalist and it depends if Trump can surround himself with good strong leaders and public servants.
The only lawyers that seem to side with Clinton are the type like Obama who will ABUSE the Constitution to justify their political agenda at the expense of other laws included therein. Not the Tea Party type that demand full accountability by the spirit of the laws, instead of cherry-picking interpretations by taking the letter of the law out of context.

As for Clintons and other Democrat lawyers -- they have destroyed their own constituents and country.
They do not deserve to keep abusing the system to benefit themselves at the expense of working taxpayers and the nation.
To win back respect for govt, they'd have to agree to restitution to correct the wrongs and reimburse taxpayers for the debts this has incurred.
Republicans can be held responsible also for the costs incurred by their party leaders and candidates they got elected.

I personally would call for a boycott of both major parties until they agree to settle all debts
and damages incurred to taxpayers while they played partisan politics and didn't enforce the laws!
If Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary, he will lose all shred of credibility

I don't presume to know what Bernie is going to do, he will be criticized know matter which way he goes. People have to realize though that Bernie is just a man, the movement moves on with or without him. Principled Bernie supporters, which I like to think are more numerous, will see that there is still a candidate in the race that holds the same values as does Bernie. That candidate is Jill Stein.
The lemmings of course will follow Bernie to Hillary if that is where he leads and in time may come to realize the error in their ways.

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