If Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary, he will lose all shred of credibility

And his supporters better call him out on it

He is pulling the Trump card.
Anything to make sure Trump doesn't get elected.
Then he's just like every other politician. He will bend on his principles. Hillary is more of Obama and Sanders has been vehement that that is not how America will solve its' problems
And his supporters better call him out on it

He is pulling the Trump card.
Anything to make sure Trump doesn't get elected.
Then he's just like every other politician. He will bend on his principles. Hillary is more of Obama and Sanders has been vehement that that is not how America will solve its' problems

Do you just flat out not know what an election is?

It ain't debate over who's got the best philosophy at that point. It's the HIRING.
And his supporters better call him out on it

He is pulling the Trump card.
Anything to make sure Trump doesn't get elected.
Then he's just like every other politician. He will bend on his principles. Hillary is more of Obama and Sanders has been vehement that that is not how America will solve its' problems

He would have to join forces and work with Clinton, Trump, Cruz and the Greens and Libertarians
to be different. I thought Trump would figure this out first. Clinton last, who can will by pulling the legal and corporate money and support.
If Bernie gets it good for him, but I think his followers will figure it out before him and cross over to work with independents from all parties.
And his supporters better call him out on it

He is pulling the Trump card.
Anything to make sure Trump doesn't get elected.
Then he's just like every other politician. He will bend on his principles. Hillary is more of Obama and Sanders has been vehement that that is not how America will solve its' problems

Do you just flat out not know what an election is?

It ain't debate over who's got the best philosophy at that point. It's the HIRING.
speaking of hiring
does Trump have enough money to buy out everyone else,
create jobs for all leaders in his administration and work out a team business plan?
Is that legal to do that? lay out plans for his cabinet
and who he'd put in charge of what?

Why not ask ALL candidates to lay out their cards in advance.
who is willing to work with and for whom?
I'd love to hire someone based on who they can coordinate on their team
and what the plans are!
And if he doesn't endorse Hillary Clinton, he will lose all of the support from the Democrat party, and all those Democrats that voted for him. He will be reduced to the significance of a mosquito on an elephants ass.

Barack Obama won the 2008 primary with a mere 41,622 popular votes.
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Hillary Clinton clobbered Bernie Sanders with a current 3,720,322 popular vote lead that is going to get much larger when they finish counting ballots in California, and Tuesday when Washington D.C. votes.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote


Representing his ideals is the only political future he has and caving and going for the "well it's better than the alternative, go with the lesser evil" pulls all value away from his "movement". Standing true to seriously addressing income inequality, not receiving money from special interests/the establishment, etc, is all he has left

It was Bernie Sanders decision and his alone to change his party status to run on the Democrat ticket. He could have run as a 3rd party independent, but he thought it would be best to sign on to the Democrat ticket to scorch donations from Democrats. At that time he agreed to all DNC rules and procedures, in each and every state, including those 714 Democrat Super Delegates and their roll in the primary process. IOW--he joined the DNC "team."

Now if he doesn't endorse the team nominee he is alienating the entire Democrat party, including those millions of Democrats that voted for him. He would lose all support, except for the minority support from people like you, and together you couldn't muster up enough signatures to get him onto any ballot.

This country is a Democracy and while at times we do not like the outcome of elections, we as Americans respect the majority will of the voters--and we don't try to usurp their will.

I'm not saying he should try to get on the ballot or continue running. I'm saying his message is all he has left and he devalues that message by saying "well, I was wrong, you can go with the lesser of two evils, which is what I'm doing"

He talks of a revolution. He doesn't owe the Democratic party anything. Suspend your campaign. You aren't obligated to endorse Hillary. You won't get your revolution or your real change if you do what everyone does and endorse the other person.

Really, I could give a rat's ass if he endorses Hillary Clinton or not. It's clear that the majority has kicked Bernie Sanders and his proposals to the curb.

I am trying to tell you what's going to happen to Bernie if he doesn't endorse her. He will alienate those millions of Democrats that voted for him. He will alienate all of the Democrat Senators in the U.S. Senate. He and his proposals will go down the toilet, he will not be credible, no one will listen to him, and no one will support him.

If he endorses her, he keeps the respect of his supporters intact.
Morons like this will get Trump elected.

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS.

You Sanders supporters have been paying way too much attention to National polling data that has turned into a world wide disaster.

The overwhelming majority in this country will not pick up on unknown callers. Most of us use cell phones that pollsters have no access too. So pollster's are forced to use very low participation samples to get their numbers. I saw one National Poll that had total participation of 736 people that was supposed to reflect the sentiment of over 170+ million voters in this country. Online polls are a joke because one person can cast a vote several times for the same candidate, other online polls are tied into donation sites, so people won't bother with them. Text polls are the worst because you can cast a vote a thousand times for your preferred candidate.

The two candidates in this race that have touted the polls the most in this race, are none other than Bernie Sanders & Donald Trump. Trump also does well in the polls, but oddly enough he also has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history. Which gives the impression that the ones participating in these polls are Sanders & Trump supporters. The next time you see someone tout a National Poll look at the internals to get a good laugh.
Gallup: Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded

Furthermore, the real poll is out and it came to you from an actual ballot. Hillary Clinton is currently ahead of Bernie Sanders by 3,720,322 popular votes that is going to get much larger when they finish counting those ballots in California and this Tuesday when Washington D.C. votes. Barack Obama won the 2008 Primary with a mere 41,622 popular votes.Here is a great article disclosing the problems with National polling data along with some of the disasters.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

The REASON for 714 Democrat Super Delegates is 1984. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates, much less a recognized and confirmed socialist. Americans tend to get a foul taste in their mouths when they hear the word socialist. All Presidential nominees on both sides of the isle stood in the center, that's how they get elected. They have to appeal to everyone. They have too, to win the White House.

So if Bernie Sanders were the nominee, here is what you could expect to see on election night. Just move the blue part over to Vermont.


Again welcome to politics 101, and tell me again who is the moron?
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Representing his ideals is the only political future he has and caving and going for the "well it's better than the alternative, go with the lesser evil" pulls all value away from his "movement". Standing true to seriously addressing income inequality, not receiving money from special interests/the establishment, etc, is all he has left

It was Bernie Sanders decision and his alone to change his party status to run on the Democrat ticket. He could have run as a 3rd party independent, but he thought it would be best to sign on to the Democrat ticket to scorch donations from Democrats. At that time he agreed to all DNC rules and procedures, in each and every state, including those 714 Democrat Super Delegates and their roll in the primary process. IOW--he joined the DNC "team."

Now if he doesn't endorse the team nominee he is alienating the entire Democrat party, including those millions of Democrats that voted for him. He would lose all support, except for the minority support from people like you, and together you couldn't muster up enough signatures to get him onto any ballot.

This country is a Democracy and while at times we do not like the outcome of elections, we as Americans respect the majority will of the voters--and we don't try to usurp their will.

I'm not saying he should try to get on the ballot or continue running. I'm saying his message is all he has left and he devalues that message by saying "well, I was wrong, you can go with the lesser of two evils, which is what I'm doing"

He talks of a revolution. He doesn't owe the Democratic party anything. Suspend your campaign. You aren't obligated to endorse Hillary. You won't get your revolution or your real change if you do what everyone does and endorse the other person.

Really, I could give a rat's ass if he endorses Hillary Clinton or not. It's clear that the majority has kicked Bernie Sanders and his proposals to the curb.

I am trying to tell you what's going to happen to Bernie if he doesn't endorse her. He will alienate those millions of Democrats that voted for him. He will alienate all of the Democrat Senators in the U.S. Senate. He and his proposals will go down the toilet, he will not be credible, no one will listen to him, and no one will support him.

If he endorses her, he keeps the respect of his supporters intact.
Morons like this will get Trump elected.

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS.

You Sanders supporters have been paying way too much attention to National polling data that has turned into a world wide disaster.

The overwhelming majority in this country will not pick up on unknown callers. Most of us use cell phones that pollsters have no access too. So pollster's are forced to use very low participation samples to get their numbers. I saw one National Poll that had total participation of 736 people that was supposed to reflect the sentiment of over 170+ million voters in this country. Online polls are a joke because one person can cast a vote several times for the same candidate, other online polls are tied into donation sites, so people won't bother with them. Text polls are the worst because you can cast a vote a thousand times for your preferred candidate. The two candidates that have touted the polls the most in this race, are none other than Bernie Sanders & Donald Trump. Trump also does well in the polls, but oddly enough he also has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history. Which gives the impression that the ones participating in these polls are Sanders & Trump supporters. The real poll is out and it came to you from an actual ballot. Hillary Clinton is currently ahead of Bernie Sanders by 3,720,322 popular votes that is going to get much larger when they finish counting those ballots in California and this Tuesday when Washington D.C. votes. Here is a great article disclosing the problems with National polling data along with some of the disasters.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

The REASON for 714 Democrat Super Delegates is 1984. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates, much less a recognized and confirmed socialist. Americans tend to get a foul taste in their mouths when they hear the word socialist. All Presidential nominees stood in the center, that's how they get elected. They appeal to everyone. They have too, to win the White House.

So if Bernie Sanders were the nominee, here is what you could expect to see on election night. Just move the blue part over to Vermont.


Again welcome to politics 101, and tell me again who is the moron?
Okay then good luck if you think winning the primaries by a few million votes means everyone will vote for your candidate. Keep your head up your ass and ignore all the independents and prog dems that are sick of the "new democrats". Don't come crying or blaming if your compromised candidate loses.
It was Bernie Sanders decision and his alone to change his party status to run on the Democrat ticket. He could have run as a 3rd party independent, but he thought it would be best to sign on to the Democrat ticket to scorch donations from Democrats. At that time he agreed to all DNC rules and procedures, in each and every state, including those 714 Democrat Super Delegates and their roll in the primary process. IOW--he joined the DNC "team."

Now if he doesn't endorse the team nominee he is alienating the entire Democrat party, including those millions of Democrats that voted for him. He would lose all support, except for the minority support from people like you, and together you couldn't muster up enough signatures to get him onto any ballot.

This country is a Democracy and while at times we do not like the outcome of elections, we as Americans respect the majority will of the voters--and we don't try to usurp their will.

I'm not saying he should try to get on the ballot or continue running. I'm saying his message is all he has left and he devalues that message by saying "well, I was wrong, you can go with the lesser of two evils, which is what I'm doing"

He talks of a revolution. He doesn't owe the Democratic party anything. Suspend your campaign. You aren't obligated to endorse Hillary. You won't get your revolution or your real change if you do what everyone does and endorse the other person.

Really, I could give a rat's ass if he endorses Hillary Clinton or not. It's clear that the majority has kicked Bernie Sanders and his proposals to the curb.

I am trying to tell you what's going to happen to Bernie if he doesn't endorse her. He will alienate those millions of Democrats that voted for him. He will alienate all of the Democrat Senators in the U.S. Senate. He and his proposals will go down the toilet, he will not be credible, no one will listen to him, and no one will support him.

If he endorses her, he keeps the respect of his supporters intact.
Morons like this will get Trump elected.

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS.

You Sanders supporters have been paying way too much attention to National polling data that has turned into a world wide disaster.

The overwhelming majority in this country will not pick up on unknown callers. Most of us use cell phones that pollsters have no access too. So pollster's are forced to use very low participation samples to get their numbers. I saw one National Poll that had total participation of 736 people that was supposed to reflect the sentiment of over 170+ million voters in this country. Online polls are a joke because one person can cast a vote several times for the same candidate, other online polls are tied into donation sites, so people won't bother with them. Text polls are the worst because you can cast a vote a thousand times for your preferred candidate. The two candidates that have touted the polls the most in this race, are none other than Bernie Sanders & Donald Trump. Trump also does well in the polls, but oddly enough he also has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history. Which gives the impression that the ones participating in these polls are Sanders & Trump supporters. The real poll is out and it came to you from an actual ballot. Hillary Clinton is currently ahead of Bernie Sanders by 3,720,322 popular votes that is going to get much larger when they finish counting those ballots in California and this Tuesday when Washington D.C. votes. Here is a great article disclosing the problems with National polling data along with some of the disasters.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

The REASON for 714 Democrat Super Delegates is 1984. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates, much less a recognized and confirmed socialist. Americans tend to get a foul taste in their mouths when they hear the word socialist. All Presidential nominees stood in the center, that's how they get elected. They appeal to everyone. They have too, to win the White House.

So if Bernie Sanders were the nominee, here is what you could expect to see on election night. Just move the blue part over to Vermont.


Again welcome to politics 101, and tell me again who is the moron?
Okay then good luck if you think winning the primaries by a few million votes means everyone will vote for your candidate. Keep your head up your ass and ignore all the independents and prog dems that are sick of the "new democrats". Don't come crying or blaming if your compromised candidate loses.

Clinton can still win if she pulls more dollars and "influence" from the legal and corporate crowd than Trump can.
Who was Trump's lawyer who donated to Clinton?

All of them know you have to bow to the people who make the laws. And those are the lawyers.
We'll see if Trump can pull the strings and the people to outdo the lawyers who as a profession monopolize 80% of govt.
I'm not saying he should try to get on the ballot or continue running. I'm saying his message is all he has left and he devalues that message by saying "well, I was wrong, you can go with the lesser of two evils, which is what I'm doing"

He talks of a revolution. He doesn't owe the Democratic party anything. Suspend your campaign. You aren't obligated to endorse Hillary. You won't get your revolution or your real change if you do what everyone does and endorse the other person.

Really, I could give a rat's ass if he endorses Hillary Clinton or not. It's clear that the majority has kicked Bernie Sanders and his proposals to the curb.

I am trying to tell you what's going to happen to Bernie if he doesn't endorse her. He will alienate those millions of Democrats that voted for him. He will alienate all of the Democrat Senators in the U.S. Senate. He and his proposals will go down the toilet, he will not be credible, no one will listen to him, and no one will support him.

If he endorses her, he keeps the respect of his supporters intact.
Morons like this will get Trump elected.

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS.

You Sanders supporters have been paying way too much attention to National polling data that has turned into a world wide disaster.

The overwhelming majority in this country will not pick up on unknown callers. Most of us use cell phones that pollsters have no access too. So pollster's are forced to use very low participation samples to get their numbers. I saw one National Poll that had total participation of 736 people that was supposed to reflect the sentiment of over 170+ million voters in this country. Online polls are a joke because one person can cast a vote several times for the same candidate, other online polls are tied into donation sites, so people won't bother with them. Text polls are the worst because you can cast a vote a thousand times for your preferred candidate. The two candidates that have touted the polls the most in this race, are none other than Bernie Sanders & Donald Trump. Trump also does well in the polls, but oddly enough he also has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history. Which gives the impression that the ones participating in these polls are Sanders & Trump supporters. The real poll is out and it came to you from an actual ballot. Hillary Clinton is currently ahead of Bernie Sanders by 3,720,322 popular votes that is going to get much larger when they finish counting those ballots in California and this Tuesday when Washington D.C. votes. Here is a great article disclosing the problems with National polling data along with some of the disasters.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

The REASON for 714 Democrat Super Delegates is 1984. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates, much less a recognized and confirmed socialist. Americans tend to get a foul taste in their mouths when they hear the word socialist. All Presidential nominees stood in the center, that's how they get elected. They appeal to everyone. They have too, to win the White House.

So if Bernie Sanders were the nominee, here is what you could expect to see on election night. Just move the blue part over to Vermont.


Again welcome to politics 101, and tell me again who is the moron?
Okay then good luck if you think winning the primaries by a few million votes means everyone will vote for your candidate. Keep your head up your ass and ignore all the independents and prog dems that are sick of the "new democrats". Don't come crying or blaming if your compromised candidate loses.

Clinton can still win if she pulls more dollars and "influence" from the legal and corporate crowd than Trump can.
Who was Trump's lawyer who donated to Clinton?

All of them know you have to bow to the people who make the laws. And those are the lawyers.
We'll see if Trump can pull the strings and the people to outdo the lawyers who as a profession monopolize 80% of govt.
More reasons not to vote Clinton. Thanks ;)
The OP assumes a 70 yr old bat aka The Commie Crypt Keeper had any credibility to begin with. WTF has Bwernie ever done?? Nothing, that's what.. The "Gimme mines" crowd loves him.. So fucking what.. Moochers, beggers love the "Bern." Laugh worthy.
I'm not saying he should try to get on the ballot or continue running. I'm saying his message is all he has left and he devalues that message by saying "well, I was wrong, you can go with the lesser of two evils, which is what I'm doing"

He talks of a revolution. He doesn't owe the Democratic party anything. Suspend your campaign. You aren't obligated to endorse Hillary. You won't get your revolution or your real change if you do what everyone does and endorse the other person.

Really, I could give a rat's ass if he endorses Hillary Clinton or not. It's clear that the majority has kicked Bernie Sanders and his proposals to the curb.

I am trying to tell you what's going to happen to Bernie if he doesn't endorse her. He will alienate those millions of Democrats that voted for him. He will alienate all of the Democrat Senators in the U.S. Senate. He and his proposals will go down the toilet, he will not be credible, no one will listen to him, and no one will support him.

If he endorses her, he keeps the respect of his supporters intact.
Morons like this will get Trump elected.

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS.

You Sanders supporters have been paying way too much attention to National polling data that has turned into a world wide disaster.

The overwhelming majority in this country will not pick up on unknown callers. Most of us use cell phones that pollsters have no access too. So pollster's are forced to use very low participation samples to get their numbers. I saw one National Poll that had total participation of 736 people that was supposed to reflect the sentiment of over 170+ million voters in this country. Online polls are a joke because one person can cast a vote several times for the same candidate, other online polls are tied into donation sites, so people won't bother with them. Text polls are the worst because you can cast a vote a thousand times for your preferred candidate. The two candidates that have touted the polls the most in this race, are none other than Bernie Sanders & Donald Trump. Trump also does well in the polls, but oddly enough he also has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history. Which gives the impression that the ones participating in these polls are Sanders & Trump supporters. The real poll is out and it came to you from an actual ballot. Hillary Clinton is currently ahead of Bernie Sanders by 3,720,322 popular votes that is going to get much larger when they finish counting those ballots in California and this Tuesday when Washington D.C. votes. Here is a great article disclosing the problems with National polling data along with some of the disasters.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

The REASON for 714 Democrat Super Delegates is 1984. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates, much less a recognized and confirmed socialist. Americans tend to get a foul taste in their mouths when they hear the word socialist. All Presidential nominees stood in the center, that's how they get elected. They appeal to everyone. They have too, to win the White House.

So if Bernie Sanders were the nominee, here is what you could expect to see on election night. Just move the blue part over to Vermont.


Again welcome to politics 101, and tell me again who is the moron?
Okay then good luck if you think winning the primaries by a few million votes means everyone will vote for your candidate. Keep your head up your ass and ignore all the independents and prog dems that are sick of the "new democrats". Don't come crying or blaming if your compromised candidate loses.

Clinton can still win if she pulls more dollars and "influence" from the legal and corporate crowd than Trump can.
Who was Trump's lawyer who donated to Clinton?

All of them know you have to bow to the people who make the laws. And those are the lawyers.
We'll see if Trump can pull the strings and the people to outdo the lawyers who as a profession monopolize 80% of govt.

Not going to happen. Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in 240 years. Women rule today as the largest voting block in this country and they will be voting heavily for her.

Trump has chased off 17% of the population, Hispanics, all 23 million of them are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee, since Reagan has had to capture at least 40% of this block to win the White House, Trump is polling at an historic negative 80%
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

73% of women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump, and even half of Republican women won't vote for Donald Trump. There are millions of Republican men that will be voting for Hillary Clinton to keep Trump out of the oval office also.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
Republicans for Hillary? - CNNPolitics.com

These numbers are already indicating that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country BLUE from sea to shining sea.


So if any of you Sanders supporters are thinking of jumping ship and going with Trump, go ahead, he's going to need all the help he can get.
The OP assumes a 70 yr old bat aka The Commie Crypt Keeper had any credibility to begin with. WTF has Bwernie ever done?? Nothing, that's what.. The "Gimme mines" crowd loves him.. So fucking what.. Moochers, beggers love the "Bern." Laugh worthy.
The OP assumes a 70 yr old bat aka The Commie Crypt Keeper had any credibility to begin with. WTF has Bwernie ever done?? Nothing, that's what.. The "Gimme mines" crowd loves him.. So fucking what.. Moochers, beggers love the "Bern." Laugh worthy.
Who are you voting for?
The OP assumes a 70 yr old bat aka The Commie Crypt Keeper had any credibility to begin with. WTF has Bwernie ever done?? Nothing, that's what.. The "Gimme mines" crowd loves him.. So fucking what.. Moochers, beggers love the "Bern." Laugh worthy.
The OP assumes a 70 yr old bat aka The Commie Crypt Keeper had any credibility to begin with. WTF has Bwernie ever done?? Nothing, that's what.. The "Gimme mines" crowd loves him.. So fucking what.. Moochers, beggers love the "Bern." Laugh worthy.
Who are you voting for?

The next President of the United States.. the man I have spent one yr blogging for, over 66,000 blog entries on different articles... DONALD J TRUMP! Ooorah..

And his supporters better call him out on it
He's a Socialist, he had no credibility in the first place.
There's nothing inherently wrong with socialism.

Well the overwhelming majority of Americans really don't care for socialism, and in that, is why Bernie Sanders would never win a National election. And it's also the reason he is 3,720,322 votes behind Clinton.

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."Winston Churchill

Who was the dummy in this thread that actually said, "There's noting inherently wrong with socialism? LMFAO You're a moron and that's being kind. NOT ONE , let me repeat that for you birdbrain liberoidals, NOT ONE SINGLE SOCIALIST country has ever survived. Gee, can you guess why?
Really, I could give a rat's ass if he endorses Hillary Clinton or not. It's clear that the majority has kicked Bernie Sanders and his proposals to the curb.

I am trying to tell you what's going to happen to Bernie if he doesn't endorse her. He will alienate those millions of Democrats that voted for him. He will alienate all of the Democrat Senators in the U.S. Senate. He and his proposals will go down the toilet, he will not be credible, no one will listen to him, and no one will support him.

If he endorses her, he keeps the respect of his supporters intact.
Morons like this will get Trump elected.

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS.

You Sanders supporters have been paying way too much attention to National polling data that has turned into a world wide disaster.

The overwhelming majority in this country will not pick up on unknown callers. Most of us use cell phones that pollsters have no access too. So pollster's are forced to use very low participation samples to get their numbers. I saw one National Poll that had total participation of 736 people that was supposed to reflect the sentiment of over 170+ million voters in this country. Online polls are a joke because one person can cast a vote several times for the same candidate, other online polls are tied into donation sites, so people won't bother with them. Text polls are the worst because you can cast a vote a thousand times for your preferred candidate. The two candidates that have touted the polls the most in this race, are none other than Bernie Sanders & Donald Trump. Trump also does well in the polls, but oddly enough he also has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history. Which gives the impression that the ones participating in these polls are Sanders & Trump supporters. The real poll is out and it came to you from an actual ballot. Hillary Clinton is currently ahead of Bernie Sanders by 3,720,322 popular votes that is going to get much larger when they finish counting those ballots in California and this Tuesday when Washington D.C. votes. Here is a great article disclosing the problems with National polling data along with some of the disasters.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

The REASON for 714 Democrat Super Delegates is 1984. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates, much less a recognized and confirmed socialist. Americans tend to get a foul taste in their mouths when they hear the word socialist. All Presidential nominees stood in the center, that's how they get elected. They appeal to everyone. They have too, to win the White House.

So if Bernie Sanders were the nominee, here is what you could expect to see on election night. Just move the blue part over to Vermont.


Again welcome to politics 101, and tell me again who is the moron?
Okay then good luck if you think winning the primaries by a few million votes means everyone will vote for your candidate. Keep your head up your ass and ignore all the independents and prog dems that are sick of the "new democrats". Don't come crying or blaming if your compromised candidate loses.

Clinton can still win if she pulls more dollars and "influence" from the legal and corporate crowd than Trump can.
Who was Trump's lawyer who donated to Clinton?

All of them know you have to bow to the people who make the laws. And those are the lawyers.
We'll see if Trump can pull the strings and the people to outdo the lawyers who as a profession monopolize 80% of govt.

Not going to happen. Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in 240 years. Women rule today as the largest voting block in this country and they will be voting heavily for her.

Trump has chased off 17% of the population, Hispanics, all 23 million of them are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee, since Reagan has had to capture at least 40% of this block to win the White House, Trump is polling at an historic negative 80%
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

73% of women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump, and even half of Republican women won't vote for Donald Trump. There are millions of Republican men that will be voting for Hillary Clinton to keep Trump out of the oval office also.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
Republicans for Hillary? - CNNPolitics.com

These numbers are already indicating that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country BLUE from sea to shining sea.


So if any of you Sanders supporters are thinking of jumping ship and going with Trump, go ahead, he's going to need all the help he can get.

So where did all the numbers come from that got Trump the nomination?
Is that only white people?

And you saying all of those voters are going to be outnumbered by the Hispanics voting for Clinton.

So all she has to do is keep pushing the immigration and encouraging people to rely on govt
and she can buy out all the minority groups like Obama did?

Gee whiz, no wonder my Republican friends are scared the country is going to hell and not coming back!

MAN, as much as I don't respect Trump for throwing Cruz and everyone else under the bus.
I don't want more generations of people being lobbied to depend on Democrats or govt instead of setting up schools and jobs directly.

If Clinton goes the cheap route of buying the welfare and immigration vote, and doesn't take the higher ground of teaching independence, sorry I cannot fight another wave of this dependency crap. The dependence and victimhood taught by Black Democrats and then Obama's health care mandates nearly killed me. I am still in recovery from that, and can't take another hit.

I will beg and plead with Democrats and Greens to please work with Sanders, Nader, the Greens and Libertarians to set up jobs that teach the right model and message. We cannot have any more Obamacare politics.
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The OP assumes a 70 yr old bat aka The Commie Crypt Keeper had any credibility to begin with. WTF has Bwernie ever done?? Nothing, that's what.. The "Gimme mines" crowd loves him.. So fucking what.. Moochers, beggers love the "Bern." Laugh worthy.
The OP assumes a 70 yr old bat aka The Commie Crypt Keeper had any credibility to begin with. WTF has Bwernie ever done?? Nothing, that's what.. The "Gimme mines" crowd loves him.. So fucking what.. Moochers, beggers love the "Bern." Laugh worthy.
Who are you voting for?

The next President of the United States.. the man I have spent one yr blogging for, over 66,000 blog entries on different articles... DONALD J TRUMP! Ooorah..

The guy who has no experience in politics and is a known douchebag? 70 yr old oompa loompa? The guy who destroyed the republican party by making it a dick measuring contest in the primary?

What has Trump ever done for America?
The OP assumes a 70 yr old bat aka The Commie Crypt Keeper had any credibility to begin with. WTF has Bwernie ever done?? Nothing, that's what.. The "Gimme mines" crowd loves him.. So fucking what.. Moochers, beggers love the "Bern." Laugh worthy.
The OP assumes a 70 yr old bat aka The Commie Crypt Keeper had any credibility to begin with. WTF has Bwernie ever done?? Nothing, that's what.. The "Gimme mines" crowd loves him.. So fucking what.. Moochers, beggers love the "Bern." Laugh worthy.
Who are you voting for?

The next President of the United States.. the man I have spent one yr blogging for, over 66,000 blog entries on different articles... DONALD J TRUMP! Ooorah..

The guy who has no experience in politics and is a known douchebag? 70 yr old oompa loompa? The guy who destroyed the republican party by making it a dick measuring contest in the primary?

What has Trump ever done for America?

Experience in politics, the Establishment Government Syndicate is your tool to success?? ROFLMAO Hang on, I just laughed up a kidney.

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