If Biden fires Durham, he MUST be impeached

Oh, were these “terrorists” flying airplanes into buildings on Jan 6th? I must had missed that.
So the rule changes. To be a terrorist you need

A. A gun

B. a plane

What about bombs? The MAGArats had those. Two of them were planted.

They did kill a cop by hitting him with a blunt object. I guess that doesn't count huh?

They did injure dozens of cops using pipes, baseball bats, flag staffs, just about any object they could find. I guess that doesn't count huh?

Face it DICK. They were domestic terrorists who tried to stage a coup. Yes a coup. They thought they could stop the electoral count and force a change in national leadership.

That's a coup
FBI has no clue who planted a few pipe bombs. So you fail again.

The cop didn’t die from blunt trauma. That was a CNN lie. The family has come out and stated otherwise. He died from an existing medical condition. Fail again.

Injuring cops during a riot is assault at the most. Not “terrorism”, and I am fine with those people being charged with that. Fail again.

A coup attempt? So a few people standing around in the halls of Congress getting their pictures taken by an army of media is somehow going to magically make the existing government disappear and declare a new one? Did the military surrender? Was every head of every agency in the federal government removed? Get real. There were no weapons, no shootings, nothing by the protesters. You leftwing loons took over the Capitol to stop the Kavanaugh confirmation. Was that a “coup” attempt as well? You fail again Lesh.
That "third worldesque" inaug. was the result of a MAGAriot. A murderous coup attempt that included BOMBS

Bullshit. It was the result of a STOLEN election. ONLY third world, illegitimate elections require inaugurations like this, jackass. Abraham Lincoln, in the midst of the Civil War, had a open inauguration. You're not just wrong, you are clearly a paid chinese stooge.

Joe Biden is more like Idi Amin than he is Abraham Lincoln.
Big Tech oligarchs certainly are taking away free speech. Deplatforming Parler sounds familiar? Banning people off social media? Removing any video that shows evidence of election fraud? The Dem Nazis are terrified of letting us speak.
If a private company doesn't want to publish your lies...there is nothing that compels them to do so.

You have no "right" to use their platform .
Never claimed otherwise. If they didn’t want us on their platforms then why did they allow us on in the first place? Their terms of service never stated they wouldn’t allow us to criticize the liberal narrative.

So it doesn’t change the fact that they are indeed censoring and banning conservatives on their platforms.

Funny how you lefties went from “no one is infringing on your free speech” to “its their platform so they can do whatever they want.” Thanks for playing.
After being rejected by over 60 courts, GOP officials and numerous recounts showing that T**** did indeed lose the election, twitter and them WARNED no more election fraud bullshit, guys. Those that were banned ignored the platform's rules.
None of the court cases looked at the evidence. They refused to take the cases on procedural grounds. There are still several court cases going on, in fact SCOTUS has agreed to hear a few of them already. So stop repeating the fake news narrative that all these cases have been disproven by the courts. They simply haven’t.
None of the court cases looked at the evidence.

Exccept for the ones that did, and declared it laughable.

Prosecutors file charges for crimes, not courts. Why haven't any prosecutors filed charges, if the evidence for vote fraud is so clear? Are all of the prosecutors part of the deep state as well?

Oh wait, they're not. There's just zero evidence for any sort of organized vote fraud.
Fuck you and your "Chinese stooge" bullshit.

Do you deny the attack on the Capitol? Do you deny that there were BOMBS planted?

The election was NOT stolen (although you fuckers certainly TRIED to steal it).

You lost. You simply didn't get enough votes.

Do you deny 10 months of Kristalnacht? With your Brown Shirts killing 40 people. A dozen police among those dead. 2,000 plus police injured, including a dozen permanently blinded by lasers democrats shot them with.

Do you deny that democrats stormed the Capitol in 2018 as part of an insurrection to block the Senate from confirming Brett Kavanaugh? Yet no one went to prison for your attempted coup, and Kamala Harris praised the lawless and riotous invasion of our seat of government.
Should president * take this action, it is FAR more egregious than the firing of corrupt James Comey was, and Biden MUST be impeached. The hypocritical democrats must follow the same rules they set for Trump.
Trump tries to fire Mueller. He was not impeached for it. Republicans said it wasn’t impeachable.

Thats the precedent.

Trump did not fire Mueller. Since he had the absolute power to do so, your lie of "tried" is moronic.

IF Quid Pro fires the US Attorney investigating his crimes, he MUST be impeached.

Well, It isn't suprising that Biden would tender the resignations of the Trump era US attorney's...Durham is protected because Barr made him an SP so he isn't going anywhere....

What should be the outrage is that when Trump came in, he did the same thing and Democrats had a cow....now, it only registers as a "meh" on the scale for them....Someone should test them for memory issues...

The PROBLEM is that Trump DIDN'T fire all the Obama crooks, and it bit him in the ass.
I wonder if the OP actually read his own article...Durham is in no danger of being fired...for that matter neither is the guy investigating Hunter. I'm beginning to think some folks are so used to the Trumpian way of doing things they don't know how to handle it when someone actually acts within the law and ethical boundaries.

Politico reported Tuesday that the U.S. Attorney for Delaware, David Weiss, who is directing an investigation into the finances of President Biden's son Hunter Biden, will remain in his post. John Durham, who is overseeing a special counsel probe into the start of the investigation into Trump’s alleged ties to Russia, will also reportedly continue serving as a special counsel but give up his U.S. attorney job representing the District of Connecticut.
Trump investigated the 2016 election which he won... But, Trump claimed that 3 to5 million illegals voted. He was full of shit then as he is now.

Durham should be ignored.

Are you drunk, or just stupid?

Obama used the FBI to tamper with a presidential election. He bought dirt from the Kremlin and gave it to the corrupt Reich press to alter the election. He used Federal law enforcement to spy on the opposition candidate in order to corrupt the election process.

Biden is part of this mess. Durham is tasked with reporting on these treasonous acts by the Biden/Obama regime. I have very little faith in Durham, but if Xi's man moves to fire him, then he MUST be impeached immediately.
I wonder if the OP actually read his own article...Durham is in no danger of being fired...for that matter neither is the guy investigating Hunter. I'm beginning to think some folks are so used to the Trumpian way of doing things they don't know how to handle it when someone actually acts within the law and ethical boundaries.

Politico reported Tuesday that the U.S. Attorney for Delaware, David Weiss, who is directing an investigation into the finances of President Biden's son Hunter Biden, will remain in his post. John Durham, who is overseeing a special counsel probe into the start of the investigation into Trump’s alleged ties to Russia, will also reportedly continue serving as a special counsel but give up his U.S. attorney job representing the District of Connecticut.

Actually, Durham is in grave danger that Xi's man will fire him. He was not part of the Saturday Night Massacre that got rid of all other U.S. Attorneys, but this in no way ensures that the Harris/Biden regime will not move to keep his report from being released.
If Durham is still investigating the origin's of the Russian Probe, well maybe now we can get some real news on what Trump knew and when did he know it.

Biden should release all tapes including the private meeting with Comey. Collusion is dead as there is not enough hard evidence on circumstantial. Obstruction by Trump should be the goal.
I wonder if the OP actually read his own article...Durham is in no danger of being fired...for that matter neither is the guy investigating Hunter. I'm beginning to think some folks are so used to the Trumpian way of doing things they don't know how to handle it when someone actually acts within the law and ethical boundaries.

Politico reported Tuesday that the U.S. Attorney for Delaware, David Weiss, who is directing an investigation into the finances of President Biden's son Hunter Biden, will remain in his post. John Durham, who is overseeing a special counsel probe into the start of the investigation into Trump’s alleged ties to Russia, will also reportedly continue serving as a special counsel but give up his U.S. attorney job representing the District of Connecticut.

Actually, Durham is in grave danger that Xi's man will fire him. He was not part of the Saturday Night Massacre that got rid of all other U.S. Attorneys, but this in no way ensures that the Harris/Biden regime will not move to keep his report from being released.

Saturday night massacre? Isn't it normal for US attorneys, as government appointees, to turn in their resignations when a new administration takes over? The new administration then decides who to keep and not keep. I think I remember a similar outrage when Trump fired a bunch of Obama's political appointees.
No one cares about Trump's leftovers. Fire that motherfucker and dare you bastards to make a case of it. It's what Trump would do.

Just in case anyone thought some of you Nazis might have a shred of integrity.

Not one of you does, though.
Why are you holding democrats to a higher standard than you would your leader? Is it that you count on democrats to keep bringing couch cushions to your political knife fight? Trump took the battle to the gutter. If that is where we have to fight the MAGA goons then so be it.
All conservatives are. No more free speech allowed. The Nazis...I mean Democrats, have the corporations willing to do their bidding. The Gestap....I mean FBI, is tracking down any peaceful protester as if they are terrorists. Won’t be long before every registered Republican is deemed an “undesirable”.
I have seen not ONE "peaceful protester" arrested.

Can you provide one?

Every arrest I have seen was someone who at the very least breached the Capitol ...which was a crime.

So, these "peaceful protesters" were not arrested?

We know.
So that's your excuse for staging a violent coup?

The Durham investigation into the tampering with the 2016 election by the Obama/Biden administration is threatened by the Biden firing of all U.S. Attorneys. Unlike the last legitimate President, Donald Trump, the Biden regime is clear cutting the justice department to ensure that there is absolute loyalty to Biden and the Reich.

If president * fires Durham, he is directly obstructing justice in order to cover up the crimes of the Obama/Biden regime.

Should president * take this action, it is FAR more egregious than the firing of corrupt James Comey was, and Biden MUST be impeached. The hypocritical democrats must follow the same rules they set for Trump.
My fellow Libertarian as much as I hate to say it we can't expect much from the RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) @ present. We still have some excellent folks either serving in or had served in the RCDP(Tulsi Gabbard, Dan Crenshaw etc.) but @ current this class of Representatives are in short supply. Unfortunately, John Durham is currently @ extreme high visibility so if I had to bet the farm I would say that John Durham has already been positioned on the Cape Biden launching pad. John Durham is a critical player for sure but we must look to the body whole that contains the values of non biased & responsible facts, figures & conclusions to solve this dispute. Hang in there & enjoy below!

They imprisoned innocent Japanese Americans just because of their race, and it went unchallenged,
You fuckheads will say anything. Are you pretending that had Republicans been in power after Pearl Harbor that there would not have been internment camps? You even NOTE that it went unchallenged stupid.
Is it a coincidence that every major foreign war in US history has come at a time when a democrat was in office? Speaking of WW 1, Wilson made up a story about the Lusitania being full of US civilians who were murdered once sunk by German U boats, only to find out later on dives it was full of war supplies and was actually a valid war target. But he used the big lie to motivate the US to go to war in Europe. When the Allies went to war and later won, the idiot criminal Wilson made perhaps the worst agreement in world history with the German people, that basically guaranteed that there would be another world war. Also, Wilson was the forefather of the Progressive movement overseeing the implementation of the US Federal income tax that had been struck down years prior by the Supreme Court. Back then the courts actually cared about what was Constitutional. So since they struck it down as not constitutional, they simply added it to the Constitution. LOL. This was the engine that created the Federal Leviathan we see today. Think of it, Wilson helped create Hitler and destroy the US government by laying the seeds for making it evolve into the centralized behemoth we have today that essentially destroyed Federalism.

The funny thing is, Wilson was so bad, he is the only war time president not to have a memorial to honor him in DC. I suppose even democrats are embarrased by a KKK member who openly hated blacks and said some of the vilest racist things about them.

But not so for FDR. No, they look the other way when it comes to racism against Japanese Americans. They are just fine with it, even though Wilson never locked up black Americans like FDR did Japanese Americans.

And what of LBJ? Here is a man who once again made up a lie to go to war, just like Wilson. He made up a story that the Vietnamese attacked Americans in the Gulf of Tonkin. Thousands of Americans then perished as a result, along with hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese.

But do historians and academics and the press give a damn about any of this? Hell no, LBJ is also consistently ranked as one of the best Presidents in US history as well. I suppose he is credited for the Civil rights legislation, which he referred to as his Nig#er bill and said it would cause the Nig#ers to vote D for generations to come.

So how many people did Trump lock away because they were the wrong race? How many wars did Trump start on a false premise that murdered millions?


But Trump is the worst US president of all time, even though he was the first President in a very long time not to start a war.. Yea, Trump is Hitler


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