If Biden fires Durham, he MUST be impeached

That "third worldesque" inaug. was the result of a MAGAriot. A murderous coup attempt that included BOMBS

Bullshit. It was the result of a STOLEN election. ONLY third world, illegitimate elections require inaugurations like this, jackass. Abraham Lincoln, in the midst of the Civil War, had a open inauguration. You're not just wrong, you are clearly a paid chinese stooge.
Fuck you and your "Chinese stooge" bullshit.

Do you deny the attack on the Capitol? Do you deny that there were BOMBS planted?

The election was NOT stolen (although you fuckers certainly TRIED to steal it).

You lost. You simply didn't get enough votes.

No, fuck you you anti American piece of shit. Only a paid chinese stooge, like you, can spew such inane propaganda. That or you are simply dumb as a fucking fencepost.
Injuring cops during a riot is assault at the most.
WHile trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power...yea...that's a violent coup.
Wilson made up a story about the Lusitania being full of US civilians who were murdered once sunk by German U boats, only to find out later on dives it was full of war supplies and was actually a valid war target.
Hey dope. The Lusitania was not the reason went entered WWI. That was well prior.

We went to war because we caught the Germans trying to enlist Mexico to invade Texas you fucking dope
So that's your excuse for staging a violent coup?

No one staged a violent coup. You Nazis are fabricating bullshit from vandalism that is less than the average night of Kristalnacht by your Brown Shirts.

The BIG difference is that I want to see the vandals from the 1/6 Reichstag fire face punishment - exactly the same punishment as those who attacked the white house in July, exactly the same punishment as the Insurgents in 2018 when they stormed the capitol to disrupt the Senate, did.

You want your Brown Shirts to be above the law, while crucifying enemies of the Reich - I seek equal justice for all.

But you're a Nazi, so justice isn't something you support.
]WHile trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power...yea...that's a violent coup.

You mean like you Nazis did when you stormed the capitol in 2018 to stop the peaceful transfer of power in the court? Yeah, that was a violent coup by you Nazi vermin.

Hey dope. The Lusitania was not the reason went entered WWI. That was well prior.

We went to war because we caught the Germans trying to enlist Mexico to invade Texas you fucking dope

You are full of shit, Nazi.

{ In May 1915, a German U-boat sunk the British passenger ship Lusitania off the coast of Ireland. Over 1,000 passengers were killed, including 128 Americans. Although the ship may have been carrying military equipment along with the civilians, the Americans were infuriated because the people on board weren’t warned before the sinking. In addition to straining diplomatic relations between the US and Germany, the Sinking of the Lusitania further increased anti-German sentiment in America. }



In 1917, German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann sent a telegram to Mexico suggesting that if the US should declare war on Germany, Mexico should declare war on the US In return, Mexico would get back the territory lost in the Mexican-American War (Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona). Unfortunately for Germany, the telegram was intercepted by the British and hurriedly given to the Americans. Although Mexico had no real intention of declaring war on the US, the publication of the letter further mobilized the American people against the Central Powers.


Mexico had no desire for war with America, and utterly no hope of victory.
He's not firing Durham. He was one of the two Trump attorneys that didn't get fired. The other one was the one investigating his son.

That's how Democrats roll. When there's a conflict of interest, they stay out of it. I understand that acting ethically is a totally alien concept to conservatives. Conservatives need to understand that just because they're corrupt themselves, it doesn't mean liberals are equally corrupt. We are not like you.

Next whine?
it doesn't mean liberals are equally corrupt. We are not like you.

No you are not, you are far far worse.
No, fuck you you anti American piece of shit. Only a paid chinese stooge, like you, can spew such inane propaganda. That or you are simply dumb as a fucking fencepost.
^ ^ ^
He's not firing Durham. He was one of the two Trump attorneys that didn't get fired. The other one was the one investigating his son.

That's how Democrats roll. When there's a conflict of interest, they stay out of it. I understand that acting ethically is a totally alien concept to conservatives. Conservatives need to understand that just because they're corrupt themselves, it doesn't mean liberals are equally corrupt. We are not like you.

Next whine?
it doesn't mean liberals are equally corrupt. We are not like you.

No you are not, you are far far worse.
He's not firing Durham. He was one of the two Trump attorneys that didn't get fired. The other one was the one investigating his son.

That's how Democrats roll. When there's a conflict of interest, they stay out of it. I understand that acting ethically is a totally alien concept to conservatives. Conservatives need to understand that just because they're corrupt themselves, it doesn't mean liberals are equally corrupt. We are not like you.

Next whine?
it doesn't mean liberals are equally corrupt. We are not like you.

No you are not, you are far far worse.
Take two aspirin and call Dr. Soros in the morning.
You mean like you Nazis did when you stormed the capitol in 2018 to stop the peaceful transfer of power in the court? Yeah, that was a violent coup by you Nazi vermin.
That actually WAS a peaceful demonstration.
Obstructing justice?

You make it sound as if there was a real case here.

Durham is long over.

Third worldesque shithole type inauguration says you are not wrong, but epically wrong.

Yes....has nothing to do with a pandemic, does it sweetie?

No, it doesn't, you fat pig. The "pandemic" has a 99.7% survival rate.
Sucks if you or someone you know is in that .3%, doesn't it? And I can see by your name-calling that you are waving the white flag of surrender. Not a surprise.

Yeah, I am sure it does. Go ask your pal cuomo how it feels to be a mass murderer.
The Durham investigation into the tampering with the 2016 election by the Obama/Biden administration is threatened by the Biden firing of all U.S. Attorneys. Unlike the last legitimate President, Donald Trump, the Biden regime is clear cutting the justice department to ensure that there is absolute loyalty to Biden and the Reich.

If president * fires Durham, he is directly obstructing justice in order to cover up the crimes of the Obama/Biden regime.

Should president * take this action, it is FAR more egregious than the firing of corrupt James Comey was, and Biden MUST be impeached. The hypocritical democrats must follow the same rules they set for Trump.
Biden is already putting in the Fix for Hunter's criminal investigation
The Durham investigation into the tampering with the 2016 election by the Obama/Biden administration is threatened by the Biden firing of all U.S. Attorneys. Unlike the last legitimate President, Donald Trump, the Biden regime is clear cutting the justice department to ensure that there is absolute loyalty to Biden and the Reich.

If president * fires Durham, he is directly obstructing justice in order to cover up the crimes of the Obama/Biden regime.

Should president * take this action, it is FAR more egregious than the firing of corrupt James Comey was, and Biden MUST be impeached. The hypocritical democrats must follow the same rules they set for Trump.
If he does he should. By the way, so glad you agree that firing an investigator because an investigation is obstruction of justice. Comey was fired because of an investigation his agency was conducting, guess Trump obstructed justice.
The Durham investigation into the tampering with the 2016 election by the Obama/Biden administration is threatened by the Biden firing of all U.S. Attorneys. Unlike the last legitimate President, Donald Trump, the Biden regime is clear cutting the justice department to ensure that there is absolute loyalty to Biden and the Reich.

If president * fires Durham, he is directly obstructing justice in order to cover up the crimes of the Obama/Biden regime.

Should president * take this action, it is FAR more egregious than the firing of corrupt James Comey was, and Biden MUST be impeached. The hypocritical democrats must follow the same rules they set for Trump.
Another graduate of the USMB School of Law.

Perhaps you should contact Durham. You must have truckloads of evidence proving election tampering by the Obama/Biden administration. Just don't be too surprised when an actual attorney laughs you out of his office.

The article at the following link will set your mind at ease, if former AG Barr's words are enough.

Well, It isn't suprising that Biden would tender the resignations of the Trump era US attorney's...Durham is protected because Barr made him an SP so he isn't going anywhere....

What should be the outrage is that when Trump came in, he did the same thing and Democrats had a cow....now, it only registers as a "meh" on the scale for them....Someone should test them for memory issues...

The PROBLEM is that Trump DIDN'T fire all the Obama crooks, and it bit him in the ass.

True, he didn’t but they had a cow over it anyway, while now it’s all good...Meh, it’s standard.
The Durham investigation into the tampering with the 2016 election by the Obama/Biden administration is threatened by the Biden firing of all U.S. Attorneys. Unlike the last legitimate President, Donald Trump, the Biden regime is clear cutting the justice department to ensure that there is absolute loyalty to Biden and the Reich.

If president * fires Durham, he is directly obstructing justice in order to cover up the crimes of the Obama/Biden regime.

Should president * take this action, it is FAR more egregious than the firing of corrupt James Comey was, and Biden MUST be impeached. The hypocritical democrats must follow the same rules they set for Trump.
If he does he should. By the way, so glad you agree that firing an investigator because an investigation is obstruction of justice. Comey was fired because of an investigation his agency was conducting, guess Trump obstructed justice.

No. But we will hold you to the standards you held Trump to.
The Durham investigation into the tampering with the 2016 election by the Obama/Biden administration is threatened by the Biden firing of all U.S. Attorneys. Unlike the last legitimate President, Donald Trump, the Biden regime is clear cutting the justice department to ensure that there is absolute loyalty to Biden and the Reich.

If president * fires Durham, he is directly obstructing justice in order to cover up the crimes of the Obama/Biden regime.

Should president * take this action, it is FAR more egregious than the firing of corrupt James Comey was, and Biden MUST be impeached. The hypocritical democrats must follow the same rules they set for Trump.
If he does he should. By the way, so glad you agree that firing an investigator because an investigation is obstruction of justice. Comey was fired because of an investigation his agency was conducting, guess Trump obstructed justice.

No. But we will hold you to the standards you held Trump to.
(2) President Donald Trump On His Firing Of James Comey (Extended Exclusive) | NBC Nightly News - YouTube
Trump disagrees with your no, at the 1-minute mark he says "the Russia thing" as a justification for firing him. As for holding me to the standard, I held Trump too. By all means please do. The question is are you willing to hold Trump to the same standard you want Biden to be held to?

As far as I can tell that's the difference between me and for instance the OP. My sense of right and wrong don't change with the administration. I believe firing a law enforcement official that is conducting an investigation that has personal implications means POTUS keeps his hands off. I very much suspect Durham has been ordered to conduct his investigation for partisan reasons, yet at no point does that opinion change my belief that once it started it should be allowed to finish. The same is true for Trump and Comey. EXPLICITLY saying that you fired Comey because of an investigation he was conducting is obstruction of justice.
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The Durham investigation into the tampering with the 2016 election by the Obama/Biden administration is threatened by the Biden firing of all U.S. Attorneys. Unlike the last legitimate President, Donald Trump, the Biden regime is clear cutting the justice department to ensure that there is absolute loyalty to Biden and the Reich.

If president * fires Durham, he is directly obstructing justice in order to cover up the crimes of the Obama/Biden regime.

Should president * take this action, it is FAR more egregious than the firing of corrupt James Comey was, and Biden MUST be impeached. The hypocritical democrats must follow the same rules they set for Trump.

The Durham investigation into the investigators is threatened by a lack of evidence. It's gone on for more than two years and the investigation has yet to file a single charge. The only wrong-doing uncovered was the FBI drone who got charged in the Carter Page FISA Warrant changes. He was uncovered by the Inspector General.

At some point, Durham is going to have to put up or shut up. At this point in the Mueller Investigation, dozens of charges had been filed, and guilty pleas obtained in most of them. Mueller starting filing charges within 6 months of beginning his investigation. And charges were filed throughout the entire 2 years the investigation continued. Durham is investigating conspiracy theories Donald Trump made up. After two years, he either has solid evidence, or it's time to call it a day.

Every Administration replaces the Federal Prosecutors at the beginning of their administration. That's why there were so many Democrats working on the Mueller Investigation. Trump had just fired all of the Democrats and hired all of the Republicans.

Total ignorance by Americans of how their own government works, never ceases to amaze me.
The Durham investigation into the tampering with the 2016 election by the Obama/Biden administration is threatened by the Biden firing of all U.S. Attorneys. Unlike the last legitimate President, Donald Trump, the Biden regime is clear cutting the justice department to ensure that there is absolute loyalty to Biden and the Reich.

If president * fires Durham, he is directly obstructing justice in order to cover up the crimes of the Obama/Biden regime.

Should president * take this action, it is FAR more egregious than the firing of corrupt James Comey was, and Biden MUST be impeached. The hypocritical democrats must follow the same rules they set for Trump.

The Durham investigation into the investigators is threatened by a lack of evidence. It's gone on for more than two years and the investigation has yet to file a single charge. The only wrong-doing uncovered was the FBI drone who got charged in the Carter Page FISA Warrant changes. He was uncovered by the Inspector General.

At some point, Durham is going to have to put up or shut up. At this point in the Mueller Investigation, dozens of charges had been filed, and guilty pleas obtained in most of them. Mueller starting filing charges within 6 months of beginning his investigation. And charges were filed throughout the entire 2 years the investigation continued. Durham is investigating conspiracy theories Donald Trump made up. After two years, he either has solid evidence, or it's time to call it a day.

Every Administration replaces the Federal Prosecutors at the beginning of their administration. That's why there were so many Democrats working on the Mueller Investigation. Trump had just fired all of the Democrats and hired all of the Republicans.

Total ignorance by Americans of how their own government works, never ceases to amaze me.
I don't think that's the point the OP is trying to make. He's trying to make the point that firing Durham of an investigation that has implications for the sitting president can be construed as obstruction of justice. A position I happen to agree with.

Of course, someone like the OP making that particular point as a Trump supporter is one made in bad faith.
Obstructing justice?

You make it sound as if there was a real case here.

Durham is long over.

Third worldesque shithole type inauguration says you are not wrong, but epically wrong.


Third World shithole type of inauguration is what Donald J. Trump has reduced the country to. As a cult member you should be proud of Trump's accomplishments. This is one of the most noteable. Making the nation unsafe for normal people.
The Durham investigation into the tampering with the 2016 election by the Obama/Biden administration is threatened by the Biden firing of all U.S. Attorneys. Unlike the last legitimate President, Donald Trump, the Biden regime is clear cutting the justice department to ensure that there is absolute loyalty to Biden and the Reich.

If president * fires Durham, he is directly obstructing justice in order to cover up the crimes of the Obama/Biden regime.

Should president * take this action, it is FAR more egregious than the firing of corrupt James Comey was, and Biden MUST be impeached. The hypocritical democrats must follow the same rules they set for Trump.

The Durham investigation into the investigators is threatened by a lack of evidence. It's gone on for more than two years and the investigation has yet to file a single charge. The only wrong-doing uncovered was the FBI drone who got charged in the Carter Page FISA Warrant changes. He was uncovered by the Inspector General.

At some point, Durham is going to have to put up or shut up. At this point in the Mueller Investigation, dozens of charges had been filed, and guilty pleas obtained in most of them. Mueller starting filing charges within 6 months of beginning his investigation. And charges were filed throughout the entire 2 years the investigation continued. Durham is investigating conspiracy theories Donald Trump made up. After two years, he either has solid evidence, or it's time to call it a day.

Every Administration replaces the Federal Prosecutors at the beginning of their administration. That's why there were so many Democrats working on the Mueller Investigation. Trump had just fired all of the Democrats and hired all of the Republicans.

Total ignorance by Americans of how their own government works, never ceases to amaze me.
I don't think that's the point the OP is trying to make. He's trying to make the point that firing Durham of an investigation that has implications for the sitting president can be construed as obstruction of justice. A position I happen to agree with.

You don't think is right. If you did, you would never support Donald Trump. Or defend his odious, corrupt or illegal behaviour.

If neither investigation has produced evidence of wrong doing within 6 months, the investigations should be ended. The Durham Investigation was started on rumour started by Donald Trump and there has never been a shred of evidence to support his lies.

The amount of time and money spent on an investigation which after more than 2 years, has yet to produce a single charge is ridiculous. Mueller started filing chargesh as soon as he assembled a team and started gatherin evidence.

25 years and $100 million investigating the Clintons and not a single charge of wrong doing other than Bill's lie about a blow job. What a fucking waste of money! 7 Benghazi Investigations and not a single charge against anyone.

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