If Biden fires Durham, he MUST be impeached

The Durham investigation into the tampering with the 2016 election by the Obama/Biden administration is threatened by the Biden firing of all U.S. Attorneys. Unlike the last legitimate President, Donald Trump, the Biden regime is clear cutting the justice department to ensure that there is absolute loyalty to Biden and the Reich.

If president * fires Durham, he is directly obstructing justice in order to cover up the crimes of the Obama/Biden regime.

Should president * take this action, it is FAR more egregious than the firing of corrupt James Comey was, and Biden MUST be impeached. The hypocritical democrats must follow the same rules they set for Trump.

The Durham investigation into the investigators is threatened by a lack of evidence. It's gone on for more than two years and the investigation has yet to file a single charge. The only wrong-doing uncovered was the FBI drone who got charged in the Carter Page FISA Warrant changes. He was uncovered by the Inspector General.

At some point, Durham is going to have to put up or shut up. At this point in the Mueller Investigation, dozens of charges had been filed, and guilty pleas obtained in most of them. Mueller starting filing charges within 6 months of beginning his investigation. And charges were filed throughout the entire 2 years the investigation continued. Durham is investigating conspiracy theories Donald Trump made up. After two years, he either has solid evidence, or it's time to call it a day.

Every Administration replaces the Federal Prosecutors at the beginning of their administration. That's why there were so many Democrats working on the Mueller Investigation. Trump had just fired all of the Democrats and hired all of the Republicans.

Total ignorance by Americans of how their own government works, never ceases to amaze me.
I don't think that's the point the OP is trying to make. He's trying to make the point that firing Durham of an investigation that has implications for the sitting president can be construed as obstruction of justice. A position I happen to agree with.

You don't think is right. If you did, you would never support Donald Trump. Or defend his odious, corrupt or illegal behaviour.

If neither investigation has produced evidence of wrong doing within 6 months, the investigations should be ended. The Durham Investigation was started on rumour started by Donald Trump and there has never been a shred of evidence to support his lies.

The amount of time and money spent on an investigation which after more than 2 years, has yet to produce a single charge is ridiculous. Mueller started filing chargesh as soon as he assembled a team and started gatherin evidence.

25 years and $100 million investigating the Clintons and not a single charge of wrong doing other than Bill's lie about a blow job. What a fucking waste of money! 7 Benghazi Investigations and not a single charge against anyone.
Lol. I don't support Donald Trump, in any way shape, or form. Go through my post in this OP or any other for that matter. My opinion is based purely on the premise of the OP.

The fact that you are attacking me instead of the premise suggests that your opinion is based on something else.

Investigations, especially complicated ones take time. Yes, Durham's investigation is more than probably going nowhere. That doesn't mean Biden should even so much as appear to interfere with it. Just like Trump shouldn't have interfered as he did in the operations of the DOJ. You nor I should base the validity of the findings of any investigation on partisan affiliation. That's what the judicial branch is for. And we also shouldn't decide what investigations are started or pursued. That's what law enforcement is for. It's the only way a functioning Democracy can work. The other way leads to January 6th.

Maybe this will help you in understanding my position. From 1.45min onwards.
(2) The West Wing - what do we say? bring it on. - YouTube
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The Durham investigation into the tampering with the 2016 election by the Obama/Biden administration is threatened by the Biden firing of all U.S. Attorneys. Unlike the last legitimate President, Donald Trump, the Biden regime is clear cutting the justice department to ensure that there is absolute loyalty to Biden and the Reich.

If president * fires Durham, he is directly obstructing justice in order to cover up the crimes of the Obama/Biden regime.

Should president * take this action, it is FAR more egregious than the firing of corrupt James Comey was, and Biden MUST be impeached. The hypocritical democrats must follow the same rules they set for Trump.

The Durham investigation into the investigators is threatened by a lack of evidence. It's gone on for more than two years and the investigation has yet to file a single charge. The only wrong-doing uncovered was the FBI drone who got charged in the Carter Page FISA Warrant changes. He was uncovered by the Inspector General.

At some point, Durham is going to have to put up or shut up. At this point in the Mueller Investigation, dozens of charges had been filed, and guilty pleas obtained in most of them. Mueller starting filing charges within 6 months of beginning his investigation. And charges were filed throughout the entire 2 years the investigation continued. Durham is investigating conspiracy theories Donald Trump made up. After two years, he either has solid evidence, or it's time to call it a day.

Every Administration replaces the Federal Prosecutors at the beginning of their administration. That's why there were so many Democrats working on the Mueller Investigation. Trump had just fired all of the Democrats and hired all of the Republicans.

Total ignorance by Americans of how their own government works, never ceases to amaze me.
I don't think that's the point the OP is trying to make. He's trying to make the point that firing Durham of an investigation that has implications for the sitting president can be construed as obstruction of justice. A position I happen to agree with.

You don't think is right. If you did, you would never support Donald Trump. Or defend his odious, corrupt or illegal behaviour.

If neither investigation has produced evidence of wrong doing within 6 months, the investigations should be ended. The Durham Investigation was started on rumour started by Donald Trump and there has never been a shred of evidence to support his lies.

The amount of time and money spent on an investigation which after more than 2 years, has yet to produce a single charge is ridiculous. Mueller started filing chargesh as soon as he assembled a team and started gatherin evidence.

25 years and $100 million investigating the Clintons and not a single charge of wrong doing other than Bill's lie about a blow job. What a fucking waste of money! 7 Benghazi Investigations and not a single charge against anyone.
Lol. I don't support Donald Trump, in any way shape, or form. Go through my post in this OP or any other for that matter. My opinion is based purely on the premise of the OP.

The fact that you are attacking me instead of the premise suggests that your opinion is based on something else.

Investigations, especially complicated ones take time. Yes, Durham's investigation is more than probably going nowhere. That doesn't mean Biden should even so much as appear to interfere with it. Just like Trump shouldn't have interfered as he did in the operations of the DOJ. You nor I should base the validity of the findings of any investigation on partisan affiliation. That's what the judicial branch is for. And we also shouldn't decide what investigations are started or pursued. That's what law enforcement is for. It's the only way a functioning Democracy can work. The other way leads to January 6th.

What a fool you are! There are four paragraphs in my post - 3 of which fully dismantle the premise. These are not "opinions". They're proveable facts, and they're in the historical record.

Which part of my post is "opinion"? Trump started rumours about the origins of the investigation, and then had Barr and Durham investigate them. Show me the evidence that lead to the Durham Investigation. Show me any proof that Durham and Barr have found ANYTHING. The called a Grand Jury over a year ago and still no charges.

You've posted nothing to support your position that these investigations should proceed, or that ending them would constitute obstruction of justice. How is ending an investigation based on no evidence, "obstructing justice"?

You're very good at throwing around legal catch phrases, but you're utterly clueless on what they mean.
The Durham investigation into the tampering with the 2016 election by the Obama/Biden administration is threatened by the Biden firing of all U.S. Attorneys. Unlike the last legitimate President, Donald Trump, the Biden regime is clear cutting the justice department to ensure that there is absolute loyalty to Biden and the Reich.

If president * fires Durham, he is directly obstructing justice in order to cover up the crimes of the Obama/Biden regime.

Should president * take this action, it is FAR more egregious than the firing of corrupt James Comey was, and Biden MUST be impeached. The hypocritical democrats must follow the same rules they set for Trump.

The Durham investigation into the investigators is threatened by a lack of evidence. It's gone on for more than two years and the investigation has yet to file a single charge. The only wrong-doing uncovered was the FBI drone who got charged in the Carter Page FISA Warrant changes. He was uncovered by the Inspector General.

At some point, Durham is going to have to put up or shut up. At this point in the Mueller Investigation, dozens of charges had been filed, and guilty pleas obtained in most of them. Mueller starting filing charges within 6 months of beginning his investigation. And charges were filed throughout the entire 2 years the investigation continued. Durham is investigating conspiracy theories Donald Trump made up. After two years, he either has solid evidence, or it's time to call it a day.

Every Administration replaces the Federal Prosecutors at the beginning of their administration. That's why there were so many Democrats working on the Mueller Investigation. Trump had just fired all of the Democrats and hired all of the Republicans.

Total ignorance by Americans of how their own government works, never ceases to amaze me.
I don't think that's the point the OP is trying to make. He's trying to make the point that firing Durham of an investigation that has implications for the sitting president can be construed as obstruction of justice. A position I happen to agree with.

You don't think is right. If you did, you would never support Donald Trump. Or defend his odious, corrupt or illegal behaviour.

If neither investigation has produced evidence of wrong doing within 6 months, the investigations should be ended. The Durham Investigation was started on rumour started by Donald Trump and there has never been a shred of evidence to support his lies.

The amount of time and money spent on an investigation which after more than 2 years, has yet to produce a single charge is ridiculous. Mueller started filing chargesh as soon as he assembled a team and started gatherin evidence.

25 years and $100 million investigating the Clintons and not a single charge of wrong doing other than Bill's lie about a blow job. What a fucking waste of money! 7 Benghazi Investigations and not a single charge against anyone.
Lol. I don't support Donald Trump, in any way shape, or form. Go through my post in this OP or any other for that matter. My opinion is based purely on the premise of the OP.

The fact that you are attacking me instead of the premise suggests that your opinion is based on something else.

Investigations, especially complicated ones take time. Yes, Durham's investigation is more than probably going nowhere. That doesn't mean Biden should even so much as appear to interfere with it. Just like Trump shouldn't have interfered as he did in the operations of the DOJ. You nor I should base the validity of the findings of any investigation on partisan affiliation. That's what the judicial branch is for. And we also shouldn't decide what investigations are started or pursued. That's what law enforcement is for. It's the only way a functioning Democracy can work. The other way leads to January 6th.

What a fool you are! There are four paragraphs in my post - 3 of which fully dismantle the premise. These are not "opinions". They're proveable facts, and they're in the historical record.

Which part of my post is "opinion"? Trump started rumours about the origins of the investigation, and then had Barr and Durham investigate them. Show me the evidence that lead to the Durham Investigation. Show me any proof that Durham and Barr have found ANYTHING. The called a Grand Jury over a year ago and still no charges.

You've posted nothing to support your position that these investigations should proceed, or that ending them would constitute obstruction of justice. How is ending an investigation based on no evidence, "obstructing justice"?

You're very good at throwing around legal catch phrases, but you're utterly clueless on what they mean.
It's obstruction of justice because the pursuing INVESTIGATOR hasn't determined that there is no evidence. Again, YES, he's a partisan hack. Yes, his opinion is probably not unbiased but at the end of the day eventually, he has to decide if he wants to take the last step and indict people. You sound EXACTLY the same as any number of right-wingers I've been bashing heads with these last 5 years. "MY opinion is valid, so that's how it should be." There is a process in the US to determine guilt or innocence. It's not always just, it's not always fair, but it is the ONLY way you can even approximate a system that is either.

As to what part of your post are opinions
The Durham investigation into the investigators is threatened by a lack of evidence. It's gone on for more than two years and the investigation has yet to file a single charge.
Actually that lawyer who misrepresented Carter Page's status was charged by Durham. So not an opinion but plainly wrong. I don't care who uncovered it.
You don't think is right.
definitely an opinion. And not an especially flattering one.
If neither investigation has produced evidence of wrong doing within 6 months, the investigations should be ended.
This is an OPINION. I will post this again because it seems kind of appropriate into how the system of checks and balances ideally should work. (2) The West Wing - what do we say? bring it on. - YouTube
You mean like you Nazis did when you stormed the capitol in 2018 to stop the peaceful transfer of power in the court? Yeah, that was a violent coup by you Nazi vermin.
That actually WAS a peaceful demonstration.


Standing in the middle of the Senate SHRIEKING "RAPIST" during the proceeding after bashing their way in.

Our Nazi to English dictionary translates "peaceful" as "any act, no matter how violent, committed by a democrat."
If he does he should. By the way, so glad you agree that firing an investigator because an investigation is obstruction of justice. Comey was fired because of an investigation his agency was conducting, guess Trump obstructed justice.

Comey was just a corrupt scumbag. The equivalent would be firing Mueller. You Nazis struggle with reality.
The Durham investigation into the tampering with the 2016 election by the Obama/Biden administration is threatened by the Biden firing of all U.S. Attorneys. Unlike the last legitimate President, Donald Trump, the Biden regime is clear cutting the justice department to ensure that there is absolute loyalty to Biden and the Reich.

If president * fires Durham, he is directly obstructing justice in order to cover up the crimes of the Obama/Biden regime.

Should president * take this action, it is FAR more egregious than the firing of corrupt James Comey was, and Biden MUST be impeached. The hypocritical democrats must follow the same rules they set for Trump.
Another graduate of the USMB School of Law.

Perhaps you should contact Durham. You must have truckloads of evidence proving election tampering by the Obama/Biden administration. Just don't be too surprised when an actual attorney laughs you out of his office.

The article at the following link will set your mind at ease, if former AG Barr's words are enough.


You Nazis made the rules. You don't like following your own rules, but they are YOUR rules.
If he does he should. By the way, so glad you agree that firing an investigator because an investigation is obstruction of justice. Comey was fired because of an investigation his agency was conducting, guess Trump obstructed justice.

Comey was just a corrupt scumbag. The equivalent would be firing Mueller. You Nazis struggle with reality.
Oh, OK so now your opinion is that it's ok for the president to fire someone to stop an investigation in something that concerns him as long as that person is deemed corrupt by that same president?

As for firing Mueller.

The evidence indicates that news of the obstruction investigation prompted the President to call McGahn and seek to have the Special Counsel removed.

Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election - Volume 2 (justice.gov)
Page 90
Well, It isn't suprising that Biden would tender the resignations of the Trump era US attorney's...Durham is protected because Barr made him an SP so he isn't going anywhere....

What should be the outrage is that when Trump came in, he did the same thing and Democrats had a cow....now, it only registers as a "meh" on the scale for them....Someone should test them for memory issues...

The PROBLEM is that Trump DIDN'T fire all the Obama crooks, and it bit him in the ass.

True, he didn’t but they had a cow over it anyway, while now it’s all good...Meh, it’s standard.

The Naivety of Trump, he thought he could appease the Nazis.

It was NEVER about what Trump did, it was always about Trump.
Saturday night massacre? Isn't it normal for US attorneys, as government appointees, to turn in their resignations when a new administration takes over? The new administration then decides who to keep and not keep. I think I remember a similar outrage when Trump fired a bunch of Obama's political appointees.

It wasn't when Trump took office. You Nazis howled like stuck pigs when he fired that twat Sally Yates who was violating federal law to undermine his administration.

The hypocrisy from you of the Reich is jaw dropping.
Why are you holding democrats to a higher standard than you would your leader? Is it that you count on democrats to keep bringing couch cushions to your political knife fight? Trump took the battle to the gutter. If that is where we have to fight the MAGA goons then so be it.

As if the Nazi democrats are held to any standard at all.. :lol:

Trump took the battle to the gutter? :eek: Obama used the FBI to tamper with a presidential election. He bought dirt from the Kremlin and gave it to the corrupt Reich press to alter the election. He used Federal law enforcement to spy on the opposition candidate in order to corrupt the election process.

The filthy Nazi democrats brought gasoline to the nursery and started a conflagration.

You try to justify treason because Obama was after "orange man bad."
The Durham investigation into the tampering with the 2016 election by the Obama/Biden administration is threatened by the Biden firing of all U.S. Attorneys. Unlike the last legitimate President, Donald Trump, the Biden regime is clear cutting the justice department to ensure that there is absolute loyalty to Biden and the Reich.

If president * fires Durham, he is directly obstructing justice in order to cover up the crimes of the Obama/Biden regime.

Should president * take this action, it is FAR more egregious than the firing of corrupt James Comey was, and Biden MUST be impeached. The hypocritical democrats must follow the same rules they set for Trump.
WTF are you blovating about now? LOL Can you google? Can you read that Durham is not being fired? I think you can. But your faux outrage prevents you from doing so.
Third World shithole type of inauguration is what Donald J. Trump has reduced the country to. As a cult member you should be proud of Trump's accomplishments. This is one of the most noteable. Making the nation unsafe for normal people.

It was TRUMP who was inaugurated? WHEW! I had a terrible nightmare that Xi's man, corrupt Quid Pro Biden, had been installed as a placeholder for radical Marxist Kamaltoe Harris.
WTF are you blovating about now? LOL Can you google? Can you read that Durham is not being fired? I think you can. But your faux outrage prevents you from doing so.

Right, you Nazis NEVER float trial balloons.

So if Beijing Biden doesn't fire the special prosecutor investigating him, it isn't an issue.
If he does he should. By the way, so glad you agree that firing an investigator because an investigation is obstruction of justice. Comey was fired because of an investigation his agency was conducting, guess Trump obstructed justice.

Comey was just a corrupt scumbag. The equivalent would be firing Mueller. You Nazis struggle with reality.
Oh, OK so now your opinion is that it's ok for the president to fire someone to stop an investigation in something that concerns him as long as that person is deemed corrupt by that same president?

As for firing Mueller.

The evidence indicates that news of the obstruction investigation prompted the President to call McGahn and seek to have the Special Counsel removed.

Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election - Volume 2 (justice.gov)
Page 90

So? The only question should be did he do it? All sorts of things can be discussed with legal counsel, action is what counts.
If he does he should. By the way, so glad you agree that firing an investigator because an investigation is obstruction of justice. Comey was fired because of an investigation his agency was conducting, guess Trump obstructed justice.

Comey was just a corrupt scumbag. The equivalent would be firing Mueller. You Nazis struggle with reality.
Oh, OK so now your opinion is that it's ok for the president to fire someone to stop an investigation in something that concerns him as long as that person is deemed corrupt by that same president?

As for firing Mueller.

The evidence indicates that news of the obstruction investigation prompted the President to call McGahn and seek to have the Special Counsel removed.

Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election - Volume 2 (justice.gov)
Page 90

So? The only question should be did he do it? All sorts of things can be discussed with legal counsel, action is what counts.
Like the ACTION of firing Comey because of the "Russia thing"? Or the ACTION of denying you tried to fire Mueller? Or the ACTION of trying to get McGahn to deny it?

It's also factually incorrect. Specific intent | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (cornell.edu)
To give an example. One can try to buy heroin. Even if it's powdered sugar the intent in itself is criminal. That's why a lot of actual crimes have attempted to do something in their description.
The Durham investigation into the tampering with the 2016 election by the Obama/Biden administration is threatened by the Biden firing of all U.S. Attorneys. Unlike the last legitimate President, Donald Trump, the Biden regime is clear cutting the justice department to ensure that there is absolute loyalty to Biden and the Reich.

If president * fires Durham, he is directly obstructing justice in order to cover up the crimes of the Obama/Biden regime.

Should president * take this action, it is FAR more egregious than the firing of corrupt James Comey was, and Biden MUST be impeached. The hypocritical democrats must follow the same rules they set for Trump.

We were told the President can fire whomever he wants. Sorry.
If he does he should. By the way, so glad you agree that firing an investigator because an investigation is obstruction of justice. Comey was fired because of an investigation his agency was conducting, guess Trump obstructed justice.

Comey was just a corrupt scumbag. The equivalent would be firing Mueller. You Nazis struggle with reality.
Oh, OK so now your opinion is that it's ok for the president to fire someone to stop an investigation in something that concerns him as long as that person is deemed corrupt by that same president?

As for firing Mueller.

The evidence indicates that news of the obstruction investigation prompted the President to call McGahn and seek to have the Special Counsel removed.

Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election - Volume 2 (justice.gov)
Page 90

So? The only question should be did he do it? All sorts of things can be discussed with legal counsel, action is what counts.
Like the ACTION of firing Comey because of the "Russia thing"? Or the ACTION of denying you tried to fire Mueller? Or the ACTION of trying to get McGahn to deny it?

It's also factually incorrect. Specific intent | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (cornell.edu)
To give an example. One can try to buy heroin. Even if it's powdered sugar the intent in itself is criminal. That's why a lot of actual crimes have attempted to do something in their description.

No, having a conversation about options is not a criminal act. I’d bet Joe has had that conversation about Durham, You want to charge him?

There‘s a reason communications between attorneys, and clients are privileged...You people tried to have different rules for Trump because of the hatred.
If he does he should. By the way, so glad you agree that firing an investigator because an investigation is obstruction of justice. Comey was fired because of an investigation his agency was conducting, guess Trump obstructed justice.

Comey was just a corrupt scumbag. The equivalent would be firing Mueller. You Nazis struggle with reality.
Oh, OK so now your opinion is that it's ok for the president to fire someone to stop an investigation in something that concerns him as long as that person is deemed corrupt by that same president?

As for firing Mueller.

The evidence indicates that news of the obstruction investigation prompted the President to call McGahn and seek to have the Special Counsel removed.

Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election - Volume 2 (justice.gov)
Page 90

So? The only question should be did he do it? All sorts of things can be discussed with legal counsel, action is what counts.
Like the ACTION of firing Comey because of the "Russia thing"? Or the ACTION of denying you tried to fire Mueller? Or the ACTION of trying to get McGahn to deny it?

It's also factually incorrect. Specific intent | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (cornell.edu)
To give an example. One can try to buy heroin. Even if it's powdered sugar the intent in itself is criminal. That's why a lot of actual crimes have attempted to do something in their description.

No, having a conversation about options is not a criminal act. I’d bet Joe has had that conversation about Durham, You want to charge him?

There‘s a reason communications between attorneys, and clients are privileged...You people tried to have different rules for Trump because of the hatred.
McGann was not Trump's lawyer, he was white house counsel. The difference is that he represents the office, not the person. And there's also a difference between discussing an option and ORDERING someone to do something. There's also a difference between discussing options and ORDERING McGahn to lie to Mueller. That is NOT covered under attorney-client privilege. You can not order a lawyer to lie for you. He would be criminally culpable. The fact that the other person declined to adhere to those orders does not change the intent.

And actually firing the FBI director is NOT discussing anything but ACTING.

Hate has absolutely nothing to do with it. If it would come out that Biden pressured the AG or the white house lawyer to try to get Durham removed in my opinion he should be impeached and charged with obstruction of justice.


Is that clear enough?
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Like the ACTION of firing Comey because of the "Russia thing"? Or the ACTION of denying you tried to fire Mueller? Or the ACTION of trying to get McGahn to deny it?

It's also factually incorrect. Specific intent | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (cornell.edu)
To give an example. One can try to buy heroin. Even if it's powdered sugar the intent in itself is criminal. That's why a lot of actual crimes have attempted to do something in their description.

You Nazis are insane.

10 Times Democrats Slammed James Comey, Called For His Firing by Katie Pavlich (townhall.com)

Trump as president (the last legitimate one we are likely to every had) had the power to fire Torquemada at any time he wanted. "tried" is stupid Nazi shit. If he "tried," the Grand Inquisitor would have been gone. Now mobbed up Mueller should have been fired and prosecuted - even though we know the senile old cocksucker didn't run the Inquisition, that was Andrew Weissman, Reich agent. Whitey Bolger's bitch was in stage 4 Alzheimer's and didn't know where he was most of the time. Even so, Mafia bitch Mueller was named the Inquisitor and was responsible for the felonious acts of his witch hunt, including treason by Strzok and Page, perjury by McCabe, extortion by Weissman, and all the criminal bullshit these filthy thugs engaged in.

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