If Biden wins we will fall like Rome.

I am just a few years younger than old Joe Biden. Luckily, I was influenced by frank Shorter in 1972 when he won the Olympic marathon as were millions of others. Because fitness was fundamental to me in the 1970’s I did not poison myself with drugs, alcohol and weed. My brain is wired differently than many citizens and though I have had concussions from thousands of miles of bicycle riding and racing a psychologist has reported to me that my IQ is the same as it was in 1964 when I was tested along with everyone else.

It is just a test and there is controversy over what it actually measures. But it is a good indicator of brain heath and suggests that any deterioration is minimal. As an aging white man and a contemporary new Jew, I know that I must not go quietly. I do have a small amount of Jewish DNA on my mother’s side, but the threat today is not from heredity, it is from politics just as it was in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.

I voted for Donald trump because it was a way to pencil in “none of the above”. I, like many others, was alert enough to realize that Congress is owned by big tech giants, the pharmaceutical industry, and The People’s Republic of China. I was among those called to meetings in the 1990’s when companies were eliminating pensions and affordable health insurance. I got grandfathered in to all my pensions. You will never get the deal I am getting.

My brain works just fine and when I see something that swims like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I know it is a duck and not what leadership is telling me it is. Leadership has not been my friend and it is not your friend. Donald Trump wants to preserve nationhood over world government and save our constitution.

Unfortunately for many, brain matter has dehydrated, flaked off and floated away in the blood stream. So, Joe Biden speaks the language of growing factions head-slapped with opioids, prescription toxins and booze. Biden is so far gone he is like a cartoon character from loony tune land.

Because big information tech, Twitter, Facebook et al, has control of the narrative, Biden could prevail and that will be the end of democracy here. We will fall like Rome.

This nation will go along and function just fine with Biden at President. In fact, it'll probably be a lot more normal because as history as shown us over the last four decades, after a Republican has gotten done screwing things up, a Democrat comes in and rights the ship. Demographics are shifting away from the Baby Boomers and that scares the living crap out of a lot of them. I can see it in the older Trump supporters who seem to make less sense now than their younger true believers. The US will be just fine. But I'm sorry. Trump's gotta go. His Presidency is a disaster.
This is fallacy. The world is watching because the US is the last true functioning democracy. If we fail by allowing our seditious leadership to install a stooge like Biden then the whole ball of wax is gone and the world will never be the same. The duck swims, walks and quacks.

I don't know what reality show you've been watching the last 3.5 years but the whole world is laughing at us...and shaking their heads at the same time wondering how we're surviving with a complete moron in the White House. While I'd love to see the Baby Boomers as a collective take a hike from politics, people like Biden can provide a bridge to the next generation of leaders. And he's far more qualified to sit in the chair than Trump is. We heard that duck walking, talking, and quacking when he descended the golden escalator in 2015. And still, enough people bought the act to allow him to squeak in to the White House. And it's been an unmitigated disaster. Right now, Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio would be an upgrade. That's how bad Trump is.
Never did I appreciate the notion of being "Leader of the Free World" as much as now. Trump has isolated us, and the title is now up for grabs. A Biden win would tell the world, "hey, we were just kidding", and quickly put us back where we were. Enough humiliation.
Biden will be a boring breath of fresh air after a constant flood of scandal and chaos. He's not going to do anything big or illegal or embarrassing. Just a steady kind of administrative style where we don't hear about him for days at a time. That's how it ought to be.

Boring? Nothing embarassing? lololol


(Don't get me wrong, I don't support the other guy either. I just found your comment funny and not in touch with reality.)
These people trying to make him out to be some kind of dangerous radical commie are delusional. If the worst thing about him is his personal space problem I'll take that over a Russian puppet any day of the week.
Biden will be a boring breath of fresh air after a constant flood of scandal and chaos. He's not going to do anything big or illegal or embarrassing. Just a steady kind of administrative style where we don't hear about him for days at a time. That's how it ought to be.

Boring? Nothing embarassing? lololol


(Don't get me wrong, I don't support the other guy either. I just found your comment funny and not in touch with reality.)
These people trying to make him out to be some kind of dangerous radical commie are delusional. If the worst thing about him is his personal space problem I'll take that over a Russian puppet any day of the week.
Trump raged against the machine and the machine threw obstacles in his path that no other president has had to face. We are not machines, we are people and we are free. We won't be for long if the machine wins. Biden is no more than genuine than those cardboard cutouts we see at baseball stadiums. At least Trump is real person with a functioning brain.
This person in the White House is repulsive to many, whether his sycophants can understand that or not.
Being repulsive to leftwingers that hate America is not a bad thing
If that were all, you'd have a point. But that isn't the case.

And I'd question the love of America by those who adore the authoritarian strongman in office right now.
This person in the White House is repulsive to many, whether his sycophants can understand that or not.
Being repulsive to leftwingers that hate America is not a bad thing
I am just a few years younger than old Joe Biden. Luckily, I was influenced by frank Shorter in 1972 when he won the Olympic marathon as were millions of others. Because fitness was fundamental to me in the 1970’s I did not poison myself with drugs, alcohol and weed. My brain is wired differently than many citizens and though I have had concussions from thousands of miles of bicycle riding and racing a psychologist has reported to me that my IQ is the same as it was in 1964 when I was tested along with everyone else.

It is just a test and there is controversy over what it actually measures. But it is a good indicator of brain heath and suggests that any deterioration is minimal. As an aging white man and a contemporary new Jew, I know that I must not go quietly. I do have a small amount of Jewish DNA on my mother’s side, but the threat today is not from heredity, it is from politics just as it was in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.

I voted for Donald trump because it was a way to pencil in “none of the above”. I, like many others, was alert enough to realize that Congress is owned by big tech giants, the pharmaceutical industry, and The People’s Republic of China. I was among those called to meetings in the 1990’s when companies were eliminating pensions and affordable health insurance. I got grandfathered in to all my pensions. You will never get the deal I am getting.

My brain works just fine and when I see something that swims like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I know it is a duck and not what leadership is telling me it is. Leadership has not been my friend and it is not your friend. Donald Trump wants to preserve nationhood over world government and save our constitution.

Unfortunately for many, brain matter has dehydrated, flaked off and floated away in the blood stream. So, Joe Biden speaks the language of growing factions head-slapped with opioids, prescription toxins and booze. Biden is so far gone he is like a cartoon character from loony tune land.

Because big information tech, Twitter, Facebook et al, has control of the narrative, Biden could prevail and that will be the end of democracy here. We will fall like Rome.

This nation will go along and function just fine with Biden at President. In fact, it'll probably be a lot more normal because as history as shown us over the last four decades, after a Republican has gotten done screwing things up, a Democrat comes in and rights the ship. Demographics are shifting away from the Baby Boomers and that scares the living crap out of a lot of them. I can see it in the older Trump supporters who seem to make less sense now than their younger true believers. The US will be just fine. But I'm sorry. Trump's gotta go. His Presidency is a disaster.
This is fallacy. The world is watching because the US is the last true functioning democracy. If we fail by allowing our seditious leadership to install a stooge like Biden then the whole ball of wax is gone and the world will never be the same. The duck swims, walks and quacks.

I don't know what reality show you've been watching the last 3.5 years but the whole world is laughing at us...and shaking their heads at the same time wondering how we're surviving with a complete moron in the White House. While I'd love to see the Baby Boomers as a collective take a hike from politics, people like Biden can provide a bridge to the next generation of leaders. And he's far more qualified to sit in the chair than Trump is. We heard that duck walking, talking, and quacking when he descended the golden escalator in 2015. And still, enough people bought the act to allow him to squeak in to the White House. And it's been an unmitigated disaster. Right now, Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio would be an upgrade. That's how bad Trump is.
Never did I appreciate the notion of being "Leader of the Free World" as much as now. Trump has isolated us, and the title is now up for grabs. A Biden win would tell the world, "hey, we were just kidding", and quickly put us back where we were. Enough humiliation.
Biden will be a boring breath of fresh air after a constant flood of scandal and chaos. He's not going to do anything big or illegal or embarrassing. Just a steady kind of administrative style where we don't hear about him for days at a time. That's how it ought to be.

Boring? Nothing embarassing? lololol


(Don't get me wrong, I don't support the other guy either. I just found your comment funny and not in touch with reality.)
These people trying to make him out to be some kind of dangerous radical commie are delusional. If the worst thing about him is his personal space problem I'll take that over a Russian puppet any day of the week.
Biden will be a boring breath of fresh air after a constant flood of scandal and chaos. He's not going to do anything big or illegal or embarrassing. Just a steady kind of administrative style where we don't hear about him for days at a time. That's how it ought to be.

Boring? Nothing embarassing? lololol


(Don't get me wrong, I don't support the other guy either. I just found your comment funny and not in touch with reality.)
These people trying to make him out to be some kind of dangerous radical commie are delusional. If the worst thing about him is his personal space problem I'll take that over a Russian puppet any day of the week.
Trump raged against the machine and the machine threw obstacles in his path that no other president has had to face. We are not machines, we are people and we are free. We won't be for long if the machine wins. Biden is no more than genuine than those cardboard cutouts we see at baseball stadiums. At least Trump is real person with a functioning brain.
Trump was nothing more than a political hooligan sent to vandalize the government into dysfunction. Quit trying to make him into something noble. He is a flaming bag of dog shit, a childish prank by political retards, that's about it.
I am just a few years younger than old Joe Biden. Luckily, I was influenced by frank Shorter in 1972 when he won the Olympic marathon as were millions of others. Because fitness was fundamental to me in the 1970’s I did not poison myself with drugs, alcohol and weed. My brain is wired differently than many citizens and though I have had concussions from thousands of miles of bicycle riding and racing a psychologist has reported to me that my IQ is the same as it was in 1964 when I was tested along with everyone else.

It is just a test and there is controversy over what it actually measures. But it is a good indicator of brain heath and suggests that any deterioration is minimal. As an aging white man and a contemporary new Jew, I know that I must not go quietly. I do have a small amount of Jewish DNA on my mother’s side, but the threat today is not from heredity, it is from politics just as it was in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.

I voted for Donald trump because it was a way to pencil in “none of the above”. I, like many others, was alert enough to realize that Congress is owned by big tech giants, the pharmaceutical industry, and The People’s Republic of China. I was among those called to meetings in the 1990’s when companies were eliminating pensions and affordable health insurance. I got grandfathered in to all my pensions. You will never get the deal I am getting.

My brain works just fine and when I see something that swims like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I know it is a duck and not what leadership is telling me it is. Leadership has not been my friend and it is not your friend. Donald Trump wants to preserve nationhood over world government and save our constitution.

Unfortunately for many, brain matter has dehydrated, flaked off and floated away in the blood stream. So, Joe Biden speaks the language of growing factions head-slapped with opioids, prescription toxins and booze. Biden is so far gone he is like a cartoon character from loony tune land.

Because big information tech, Twitter, Facebook et al, has control of the narrative, Biden could prevail and that will be the end of democracy here. We will fall like Rome.

This nation will go along and function just fine with Biden at President. In fact, it'll probably be a lot more normal because as history as shown us over the last four decades, after a Republican has gotten done screwing things up, a Democrat comes in and rights the ship. Demographics are shifting away from the Baby Boomers and that scares the living crap out of a lot of them. I can see it in the older Trump supporters who seem to make less sense now than their younger true believers. The US will be just fine. But I'm sorry. Trump's gotta go. His Presidency is a disaster.
This is fallacy. The world is watching because the US is the last true functioning democracy. If we fail by allowing our seditious leadership to install a stooge like Biden then the whole ball of wax is gone and the world will never be the same. The duck swims, walks and quacks.

The problem is not Biden, nor is it Trump. The problems far predate either. It is us. It has always been us. Even when Civics was a required course and the Constitution was taught in detail, nobody liked or dedicated themselves to it.

We don't care what the Constitution says. We decide it means what we want it to mean. I philosopher said that we remake God into our Image, and we do. We decide for God who should be praised, and who should be punished for eternity. We decide who God will forgive, and who will be condemned to hellfire. We decide what God wants, and what God detests. Of course, God loves what we love, and detests what we don't like. When someone says that God does not feel that way, we call them names, because we can't imagine a universe where God does not agree with us 100%. Instead of praying for understanding, and wisdom, we pray that God will strike those down who we know to be sinners, and obviously God would never disagree with us.

We do the exact same thing with the Constitution. We take any right and immediately decide that it does not cover this or that. Freedom of Speech? Of course. But it could never mean all speech. We should ban this, or that. Because the Founders never imagined that freedom of speech could mean that they get to talk. The same is true of everything. We define the rights by the exceptions, and we're always finding new exceptions aren't we? The right to bear arms. Unless you ever committed a crime, or want a scary gun, or want to actually have it with you, or, or. Or. People point out that Felons were allowed to buy guns when they got out of Prison when the Founders passed this Amendment. That doesn't matter, because we decided what they really meant, and who cares what they think anyway. Obviously they intended it to be for the National Guard.

We do it with every right, every single thing in the Constitution is eroded. Instead of Gibraltar, a huge and immensely strong rock as our foundation, we have a sand hill that has been eroded away to nothing. When the Republic Falls, and it will. It won't be the fault of the Left. It won't be the fault of the Right. It will be all our faults, because all of us decided that the Constitution meant what we wanted it to. Like God, we remade it into our image. And we gave ourselves authority to do so. We did it over decades, even centuries, not a single election.
I am just a few years younger than old Joe Biden. Luckily, I was influenced by frank Shorter in 1972 when he won the Olympic marathon as were millions of others. Because fitness was fundamental to me in the 1970’s I did not poison myself with drugs, alcohol and weed. My brain is wired differently than many citizens and though I have had concussions from thousands of miles of bicycle riding and racing a psychologist has reported to me that my IQ is the same as it was in 1964 when I was tested along with everyone else.

It is just a test and there is controversy over what it actually measures. But it is a good indicator of brain heath and suggests that any deterioration is minimal. As an aging white man and a contemporary new Jew, I know that I must not go quietly. I do have a small amount of Jewish DNA on my mother’s side, but the threat today is not from heredity, it is from politics just as it was in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.

I voted for Donald trump because it was a way to pencil in “none of the above”. I, like many others, was alert enough to realize that Congress is owned by big tech giants, the pharmaceutical industry, and The People’s Republic of China. I was among those called to meetings in the 1990’s when companies were eliminating pensions and affordable health insurance. I got grandfathered in to all my pensions. You will never get the deal I am getting.

My brain works just fine and when I see something that swims like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I know it is a duck and not what leadership is telling me it is. Leadership has not been my friend and it is not your friend. Donald Trump wants to preserve nationhood over world government and save our constitution.

Unfortunately for many, brain matter has dehydrated, flaked off and floated away in the blood stream. So, Joe Biden speaks the language of growing factions head-slapped with opioids, prescription toxins and booze. Biden is so far gone he is like a cartoon character from loony tune land.

Because big information tech, Twitter, Facebook et al, has control of the narrative, Biden could prevail and that will be the end of democracy here. We will fall like Rome.

This nation will go along and function just fine with Biden at President. In fact, it'll probably be a lot more normal because as history as shown us over the last four decades, after a Republican has gotten done screwing things up, a Democrat comes in and rights the ship. Demographics are shifting away from the Baby Boomers and that scares the living crap out of a lot of them. I can see it in the older Trump supporters who seem to make less sense now than their younger true believers. The US will be just fine. But I'm sorry. Trump's gotta go. His Presidency is a disaster.
This is fallacy. The world is watching because the US is the last true functioning democracy. If we fail by allowing our seditious leadership to install a stooge like Biden then the whole ball of wax is gone and the world will never be the same. The duck swims, walks and quacks.

I don't know what reality show you've been watching the last 3.5 years but the whole world is laughing at us...and shaking their heads at the same time wondering how we're surviving with a complete moron in the White House. While I'd love to see the Baby Boomers as a collective take a hike from politics, people like Biden can provide a bridge to the next generation of leaders. And he's far more qualified to sit in the chair than Trump is. We heard that duck walking, talking, and quacking when he descended the golden escalator in 2015. And still, enough people bought the act to allow him to squeak in to the White House. And it's been an unmitigated disaster. Right now, Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio would be an upgrade. That's how bad Trump is.
Never did I appreciate the notion of being "Leader of the Free World" as much as now. Trump has isolated us, and the title is now up for grabs. A Biden win would tell the world, "hey, we were just kidding", and quickly put us back where we were. Enough humiliation.
Biden will be a boring breath of fresh air after a constant flood of scandal and chaos. He's not going to do anything big or illegal or embarrassing. Just a steady kind of administrative style where we don't hear about him for days at a time. That's how it ought to be.

Boring? Nothing embarassing? lololol


(Don't get me wrong, I don't support the other guy either. I just found your comment funny and not in touch with reality.)
These people trying to make him out to be some kind of dangerous radical commie are delusional. If the worst thing about him is his personal space problem I'll take that over a Russian puppet any day of the week.
Biden will be a boring breath of fresh air after a constant flood of scandal and chaos. He's not going to do anything big or illegal or embarrassing. Just a steady kind of administrative style where we don't hear about him for days at a time. That's how it ought to be.

Boring? Nothing embarassing? lololol


(Don't get me wrong, I don't support the other guy either. I just found your comment funny and not in touch with reality.)
These people trying to make him out to be some kind of dangerous radical commie are delusional. If the worst thing about him is his personal space problem I'll take that over a Russian puppet any day of the week.
Trump raged against the machine and the machine threw obstacles in his path that no other president has had to face. We are not machines, we are people and we are free. We won't be for long if the machine wins. Biden is no more than genuine than those cardboard cutouts we see at baseball stadiums. At least Trump is real person with a functioning brain.

He did nothing of the sort. He wouldn't know how to do any of these things if he was told how to do them. He has no inkling of how government functions (or is supposed to function), he wouldn't know policy position if it ran up to him and stole his night Quarter Pounder with Cheese, by all accounts, he has the attention span of a five year old, people have to break information down into Chicken McNugget sizes to get him to understand it, and he doesn't read.

From almost the day he was inaugurated, he started running for President again. It's a reality show for him. A popularity contest. What was the first thing you remember him talking about? His inauguration crowd size at the CIA memorial wall. His narcissistic brain functions long enough to get him to think "how does this benefit me?". Sorry, I'll take Biden over this hot mess. We can't survive another four years of Trump.
Biden will be a boring breath of fresh air after a constant flood of scandal and chaos. He's not going to do anything big or illegal or embarrassing. Just a steady kind of administrative style where we don't hear about him for days at a time. That's how it ought to be.

Boring? Nothing embarassing? lololol


(Don't get me wrong, I don't support the other guy either. I just found your comment funny and not in touch with reality.)

You right , nothing embarrassing there, take all those pictures and link them, you are the one who is disgusting, as you put that collage up with no link or nothing. You must be for tramp.
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I am just a few years younger than old Joe Biden. Luckily, I was influenced by frank Shorter in 1972 when he won the Olympic marathon as were millions of others. Because fitness was fundamental to me in the 1970’s I did not poison myself with drugs, alcohol and weed. My brain is wired differently than many citizens and though I have had concussions from thousands of miles of bicycle riding and racing a psychologist has reported to me that my IQ is the same as it was in 1964 when I was tested along with everyone else.

It is just a test and there is controversy over what it actually measures. But it is a good indicator of brain heath and suggests that any deterioration is minimal. As an aging white man and a contemporary new Jew, I know that I must not go quietly. I do have a small amount of Jewish DNA on my mother’s side, but the threat today is not from heredity, it is from politics just as it was in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.

I voted for Donald trump because it was a way to pencil in “none of the above”. I, like many others, was alert enough to realize that Congress is owned by big tech giants, the pharmaceutical industry, and The People’s Republic of China. I was among those called to meetings in the 1990’s when companies were eliminating pensions and affordable health insurance. I got grandfathered in to all my pensions. You will never get the deal I am getting.

My brain works just fine and when I see something that swims like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I know it is a duck and not what leadership is telling me it is. Leadership has not been my friend and it is not your friend. Donald Trump wants to preserve nationhood over world government and save our constitution.

Unfortunately for many, brain matter has dehydrated, flaked off and floated away in the blood stream. So, Joe Biden speaks the language of growing factions head-slapped with opioids, prescription toxins and booze. Biden is so far gone he is like a cartoon character from loony tune land.

Because big information tech, Twitter, Facebook et al, has control of the narrative, Biden could prevail and that will be the end of democracy here. We will fall like Rome.
Joe is really a republican after all. So yeah, you might be right.
The decline and fall of Rome took longer than the entire lifespan of the USA and included foreign invasions and occupations of territories. America may be in the very early stages of decline, but it is really too soon and too early for making a reliable assessment.
I am just a few years younger than old Joe Biden. Luckily, I was influenced by frank Shorter in 1972 when he won the Olympic marathon as were millions of others. Because fitness was fundamental to me in the 1970’s I did not poison myself with drugs, alcohol and weed. My brain is wired differently than many citizens and though I have had concussions from thousands of miles of bicycle riding and racing a psychologist has reported to me that my IQ is the same as it was in 1964 when I was tested along with everyone else.

It is just a test and there is controversy over what it actually measures. But it is a good indicator of brain heath and suggests that any deterioration is minimal. As an aging white man and a contemporary new Jew, I know that I must not go quietly. I do have a small amount of Jewish DNA on my mother’s side, but the threat today is not from heredity, it is from politics just as it was in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.

I voted for Donald trump because it was a way to pencil in “none of the above”. I, like many others, was alert enough to realize that Congress is owned by big tech giants, the pharmaceutical industry, and The People’s Republic of China. I was among those called to meetings in the 1990’s when companies were eliminating pensions and affordable health insurance. I got grandfathered in to all my pensions. You will never get the deal I am getting.

My brain works just fine and when I see something that swims like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I know it is a duck and not what leadership is telling me it is. Leadership has not been my friend and it is not your friend. Donald Trump wants to preserve nationhood over world government and save our constitution.

Unfortunately for many, brain matter has dehydrated, flaked off and floated away in the blood stream. So, Joe Biden speaks the language of growing factions head-slapped with opioids, prescription toxins and booze. Biden is so far gone he is like a cartoon character from loony tune land.

Because big information tech, Twitter, Facebook et al, has control of the narrative, Biden could prevail and that will be the end of democracy here. We will fall like Rome.

1. To be fair, the United States of America WILL "fall" by the end of this century for certain other reasons.

2. The likely election of a woke Dem administration will, however, just hasten that demise.

a. It is sad to see a people vote to destroy democracy, but that has always been the paradox of democracy.
I am just a few years younger than old Joe Biden. Luckily, I was influenced by frank Shorter in 1972 when he won the Olympic marathon as were millions of others. Because fitness was fundamental to me in the 1970’s I did not poison myself with drugs, alcohol and weed. My brain is wired differently than many citizens and though I have had concussions from thousands of miles of bicycle riding and racing a psychologist has reported to me that my IQ is the same as it was in 1964 when I was tested along with everyone else.

It is just a test and there is controversy over what it actually measures. But it is a good indicator of brain heath and suggests that any deterioration is minimal. As an aging white man and a contemporary new Jew, I know that I must not go quietly. I do have a small amount of Jewish DNA on my mother’s side, but the threat today is not from heredity, it is from politics just as it was in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.

I voted for Donald trump because it was a way to pencil in “none of the above”. I, like many others, was alert enough to realize that Congress is owned by big tech giants, the pharmaceutical industry, and The People’s Republic of China. I was among those called to meetings in the 1990’s when companies were eliminating pensions and affordable health insurance. I got grandfathered in to all my pensions. You will never get the deal I am getting.

My brain works just fine and when I see something that swims like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I know it is a duck and not what leadership is telling me it is. Leadership has not been my friend and it is not your friend. Donald Trump wants to preserve nationhood over world government and save our constitution.

Unfortunately for many, brain matter has dehydrated, flaked off and floated away in the blood stream. So, Joe Biden speaks the language of growing factions head-slapped with opioids, prescription toxins and booze. Biden is so far gone he is like a cartoon character from loony tune land.

Because big information tech, Twitter, Facebook et al, has control of the narrative, Biden could prevail and that will be the end of democracy here. We will fall like Rome.

This nation will go along and function just fine with Biden at President. In fact, it'll probably be a lot more normal because as history as shown us over the last four decades, after a Republican has gotten done screwing things up, a Democrat comes in and rights the ship. Demographics are shifting away from the Baby Boomers and that scares the living crap out of a lot of them. I can see it in the older Trump supporters who seem to make less sense now than their younger true believers. The US will be just fine. But I'm sorry. Trump's gotta go. His Presidency is a disaster.
This is fallacy. The world is watching because the US is the last true functioning democracy. If we fail by allowing our seditious leadership to install a stooge like Biden then the whole ball of wax is gone and the world will never be the same. The duck swims, walks and quacks.

The problem is not Biden, nor is it Trump. The problems far predate either. It is us. It has always been us. Even when Civics was a required course and the Constitution was taught in detail, nobody liked or dedicated themselves to it.

We don't care what the Constitution says. We decide it means what we want it to mean. I philosopher said that we remake God into our Image, and we do. We decide for God who should be praised, and who should be punished for eternity. We decide who God will forgive, and who will be condemned to hellfire. We decide what God wants, and what God detests. Of course, God loves what we love, and detests what we don't like. When someone says that God does not feel that way, we call them names, because we can't imagine a universe where God does not agree with us 100%. Instead of praying for understanding, and wisdom, we pray that God will strike those down who we know to be sinners, and obviously God would never disagree with us.

We do the exact same thing with the Constitution. We take any right and immediately decide that it does not cover this or that. Freedom of Speech? Of course. But it could never mean all speech. We should ban this, or that. Because the Founders never imagined that freedom of speech could mean that they get to talk. The same is true of everything. We define the rights by the exceptions, and we're always finding new exceptions aren't we? The right to bear arms. Unless you ever committed a crime, or want a scary gun, or want to actually have it with you, or, or. Or. People point out that Felons were allowed to buy guns when they got out of Prison when the Founders passed this Amendment. That doesn't matter, because we decided what they really meant, and who cares what they think anyway. Obviously they intended it to be for the National Guard.

We do it with every right, every single thing in the Constitution is eroded. Instead of Gibraltar, a huge and immensely strong rock as our foundation, we have a sand hill that has been eroded away to nothing. When the Republic Falls, and it will. It won't be the fault of the Left. It won't be the fault of the Right. It will be all our faults, because all of us decided that the Constitution meant what we wanted it to. Like God, we remade it into our image. And we gave ourselves authority to do so. We did it over decades, even centuries, not a single election.
That's quite good.
And I'd question the love of America by those who adore the authoritarian strongman in office right now.
Thats shallow

if you mean sending federal LE into portland it should happen in every deep blue city where the rioters are taking over

but trump cant because ex-generals who are allied with the Deep State raised such a stink against declaring martial law that he had to back off

some dictator
Biden will significantly hurt the economy, give away the store to foreign interest, like the Chinese, continue with Obama's agenda of destruction and pretty much make the next major inroads to turning the US into a Socialist Shithole.

However, not to worry. Trump will win be a good margin. Only stupid Moon Bats will vote for that clown.
I am just a few years younger than old Joe Biden. Luckily, I was influenced by frank Shorter in 1972 when he won the Olympic marathon as were millions of others. Because fitness was fundamental to me in the 1970’s I did not poison myself with drugs, alcohol and weed. My brain is wired differently than many citizens and though I have had concussions from thousands of miles of bicycle riding and racing a psychologist has reported to me that my IQ is the same as it was in 1964 when I was tested along with everyone else.

It is just a test and there is controversy over what it actually measures. But it is a good indicator of brain heath and suggests that any deterioration is minimal. As an aging white man and a contemporary new Jew, I know that I must not go quietly. I do have a small amount of Jewish DNA on my mother’s side, but the threat today is not from heredity, it is from politics just as it was in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.

I voted for Donald trump because it was a way to pencil in “none of the above”. I, like many others, was alert enough to realize that Congress is owned by big tech giants, the pharmaceutical industry, and The People’s Republic of China. I was among those called to meetings in the 1990’s when companies were eliminating pensions and affordable health insurance. I got grandfathered in to all my pensions. You will never get the deal I am getting.

My brain works just fine and when I see something that swims like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I know it is a duck and not what leadership is telling me it is. Leadership has not been my friend and it is not your friend. Donald Trump wants to preserve nationhood over world government and save our constitution.

Unfortunately for many, brain matter has dehydrated, flaked off and floated away in the blood stream. So, Joe Biden speaks the language of growing factions head-slapped with opioids, prescription toxins and booze. Biden is so far gone he is like a cartoon character from loony tune land.

Because big information tech, Twitter, Facebook et al, has control of the narrative, Biden could prevail and that will be the end of democracy here. We will fall like Rome.

This nation will go along and function just fine with Biden at President. In fact, it'll probably be a lot more normal because as history as shown us over the last four decades, after a Republican has gotten done screwing things up, a Democrat comes in and rights the ship. Demographics are shifting away from the Baby Boomers and that scares the living crap out of a lot of them. I can see it in the older Trump supporters who seem to make less sense now than their younger true believers. The US will be just fine. But I'm sorry. Trump's gotta go. His Presidency is a disaster.
This is fallacy. The world is watching because the US is the last true functioning democracy. If we fail by allowing our seditious leadership to install a stooge like Biden then the whole ball of wax is gone and the world will never be the same. The duck swims, walks and quacks.

I don't know what reality show you've been watching the last 3.5 years but the whole world is laughing at us...and shaking their heads at the same time wondering how we're surviving with a complete moron in the White House. While I'd love to see the Baby Boomers as a collective take a hike from politics, people like Biden can provide a bridge to the next generation of leaders. And he's far more qualified to sit in the chair than Trump is. We heard that duck walking, talking, and quacking when he descended the golden escalator in 2015. And still, enough people bought the act to allow him to squeak in to the White House. And it's been an unmitigated disaster. Right now, Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio would be an upgrade. That's how bad Trump is.
Never did I appreciate the notion of being "Leader of the Free World" as much as now. Trump has isolated us, and the title is now up for grabs. A Biden win would tell the world, "hey, we were just kidding", and quickly put us back where we were. Enough humiliation.
Biden will be a boring breath of fresh air after a constant flood of scandal and chaos. He's not going to do anything big or illegal or embarrassing. Just a steady kind of administrative style where we don't hear about him for days at a time. That's how it ought to be.

Boring? Nothing embarassing? lololol


(Don't get me wrong, I don't support the other guy either. I just found your comment funny and not in touch with reality.)
These people trying to make him out to be some kind of dangerous radical commie are delusional. If the worst thing about him is his personal space problem I'll take that over a Russian puppet any day of the week.
Biden will be a boring breath of fresh air after a constant flood of scandal and chaos. He's not going to do anything big or illegal or embarrassing. Just a steady kind of administrative style where we don't hear about him for days at a time. That's how it ought to be.

Boring? Nothing embarassing? lololol


(Don't get me wrong, I don't support the other guy either. I just found your comment funny and not in touch with reality.)
These people trying to make him out to be some kind of dangerous radical commie are delusional. If the worst thing about him is his personal space problem I'll take that over a Russian puppet any day of the week.
Trump raged against the machine and the machine threw obstacles in his path that no other president has had to face. We are not machines, we are people and we are free. We won't be for long if the machine wins. Biden is no more than genuine than those cardboard cutouts we see at baseball stadiums. At least Trump is real person with a functioning brain.
Your delusions and human weaknesses are beyond obvious. Your knowledge of the history of both Rome and America in less than elementary. Your idea that Trump has had to face challenges no other President has faced is both comical and sad.
I am just a few years younger than old Joe Biden. Luckily, I was influenced by frank Shorter in 1972 when he won the Olympic marathon as were millions of others. Because fitness was fundamental to me in the 1970’s I did not poison myself with drugs, alcohol and weed. My brain is wired differently than many citizens and though I have had concussions from thousands of miles of bicycle riding and racing a psychologist has reported to me that my IQ is the same as it was in 1964 when I was tested along with everyone else.

It is just a test and there is controversy over what it actually measures. But it is a good indicator of brain heath and suggests that any deterioration is minimal. As an aging white man and a contemporary new Jew, I know that I must not go quietly. I do have a small amount of Jewish DNA on my mother’s side, but the threat today is not from heredity, it is from politics just as it was in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.

I voted for Donald trump because it was a way to pencil in “none of the above”. I, like many others, was alert enough to realize that Congress is owned by big tech giants, the pharmaceutical industry, and The People’s Republic of China. I was among those called to meetings in the 1990’s when companies were eliminating pensions and affordable health insurance. I got grandfathered in to all my pensions. You will never get the deal I am getting.

My brain works just fine and when I see something that swims like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I know it is a duck and not what leadership is telling me it is. Leadership has not been my friend and it is not your friend. Donald Trump wants to preserve nationhood over world government and save our constitution.

Unfortunately for many, brain matter has dehydrated, flaked off and floated away in the blood stream. So, Joe Biden speaks the language of growing factions head-slapped with opioids, prescription toxins and booze. Biden is so far gone he is like a cartoon character from loony tune land.

Because big information tech, Twitter, Facebook et al, has control of the narrative, Biden could prevail and that will be the end of democracy here. We will fall like Rome.

This nation will go along and function just fine with Biden at President. In fact, it'll probably be a lot more normal because as history as shown us over the last four decades, after a Republican has gotten done screwing things up, a Democrat comes in and rights the ship. Demographics are shifting away from the Baby Boomers and that scares the living crap out of a lot of them. I can see it in the older Trump supporters who seem to make less sense now than their younger true believers. The US will be just fine. But I'm sorry. Trump's gotta go. His Presidency is a disaster.
This is fallacy. The world is watching because the US is the last true functioning democracy. If we fail by allowing our seditious leadership to install a stooge like Biden then the whole ball of wax is gone and the world will never be the same. The duck swims, walks and quacks.

I don't know what reality show you've been watching the last 3.5 years but the whole world is laughing at us...and shaking their heads at the same time wondering how we're surviving with a complete moron in the White House. While I'd love to see the Baby Boomers as a collective take a hike from politics, people like Biden can provide a bridge to the next generation of leaders. And he's far more qualified to sit in the chair than Trump is. We heard that duck walking, talking, and quacking when he descended the golden escalator in 2015. And still, enough people bought the act to allow him to squeak in to the White House. And it's been an unmitigated disaster. Right now, Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio would be an upgrade. That's how bad Trump is.
Never did I appreciate the notion of being "Leader of the Free World" as much as now. Trump has isolated us, and the title is now up for grabs. A Biden win would tell the world, "hey, we were just kidding", and quickly put us back where we were. Enough humiliation.
Biden will be a boring breath of fresh air after a constant flood of scandal and chaos. He's not going to do anything big or illegal or embarrassing. Just a steady kind of administrative style where we don't hear about him for days at a time. That's how it ought to be.

Boring? Nothing embarassing? lololol


(Don't get me wrong, I don't support the other guy either. I just found your comment funny and not in touch with reality.)
These people trying to make him out to be some kind of dangerous radical commie are delusional. If the worst thing about him is his personal space problem I'll take that over a Russian puppet any day of the week.
Biden will be a boring breath of fresh air after a constant flood of scandal and chaos. He's not going to do anything big or illegal or embarrassing. Just a steady kind of administrative style where we don't hear about him for days at a time. That's how it ought to be.

Boring? Nothing embarassing? lololol


(Don't get me wrong, I don't support the other guy either. I just found your comment funny and not in touch with reality.)
These people trying to make him out to be some kind of dangerous radical commie are delusional. If the worst thing about him is his personal space problem I'll take that over a Russian puppet any day of the week.
Trump raged against the machine and the machine threw obstacles in his path that no other president has had to face. We are not machines, we are people and we are free. We won't be for long if the machine wins. Biden is no more than genuine than those cardboard cutouts we see at baseball stadiums. At least Trump is real person with a functioning brain.
Your delusions and human weaknesses are beyond obvious. Your knowledge of the history of both Rome and America in less than elementary. Your idea that Trump has had to face challenges no other President has faced is both comical and sad.
Oh, it's all about me? Well, I'll tell you what I've always told them all: Go for it big guy! :finger3:
I am just a few years younger than old Joe Biden. Luckily, I was influenced by frank Shorter in 1972 when he won the Olympic marathon as were millions of others. Because fitness was fundamental to me in the 1970’s I did not poison myself with drugs, alcohol and weed. My brain is wired differently than many citizens and though I have had concussions from thousands of miles of bicycle riding and racing a psychologist has reported to me that my IQ is the same as it was in 1964 when I was tested along with everyone else.

It is just a test and there is controversy over what it actually measures. But it is a good indicator of brain heath and suggests that any deterioration is minimal. As an aging white man and a contemporary new Jew, I know that I must not go quietly. I do have a small amount of Jewish DNA on my mother’s side, but the threat today is not from heredity, it is from politics just as it was in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.

I voted for Donald trump because it was a way to pencil in “none of the above”. I, like many others, was alert enough to realize that Congress is owned by big tech giants, the pharmaceutical industry, and The People’s Republic of China. I was among those called to meetings in the 1990’s when companies were eliminating pensions and affordable health insurance. I got grandfathered in to all my pensions. You will never get the deal I am getting.

My brain works just fine and when I see something that swims like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I know it is a duck and not what leadership is telling me it is. Leadership has not been my friend and it is not your friend. Donald Trump wants to preserve nationhood over world government and save our constitution.

Unfortunately for many, brain matter has dehydrated, flaked off and floated away in the blood stream. So, Joe Biden speaks the language of growing factions head-slapped with opioids, prescription toxins and booze. Biden is so far gone he is like a cartoon character from loony tune land.

Because big information tech, Twitter, Facebook et al, has control of the narrative, Biden could prevail and that will be the end of democracy here. We will fall like Rome.

1. To be fair, the United States of America WILL "fall" by the end of this century for certain other reasons.

2. The likely election of a woke Dem administration will, however, just hasten that demise.

a. It is sad to see a people vote to destroy democracy, but that has always been the paradox of democracy.

Its about time they woke up. The young people will decide what its to be, the 20's, the 30's, and the 40', those older and younger are mainly in it for the ride. Also we do not need the republican's in charge because they want to return to the 1900. They are not woken. Being "woke" is a good thing.
I am just a few years younger than old Joe Biden. Luckily, I was influenced by frank Shorter in 1972 when he won the Olympic marathon as were millions of others. Because fitness was fundamental to me in the 1970’s I did not poison myself with drugs, alcohol and weed. My brain is wired differently than many citizens and though I have had concussions from thousands of miles of bicycle riding and racing a psychologist has reported to me that my IQ is the same as it was in 1964 when I was tested along with everyone else.

It is just a test and there is controversy over what it actually measures. But it is a good indicator of brain heath and suggests that any deterioration is minimal. As an aging white man and a contemporary new Jew, I know that I must not go quietly. I do have a small amount of Jewish DNA on my mother’s side, but the threat today is not from heredity, it is from politics just as it was in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.

I voted for Donald trump because it was a way to pencil in “none of the above”. I, like many others, was alert enough to realize that Congress is owned by big tech giants, the pharmaceutical industry, and The People’s Republic of China. I was among those called to meetings in the 1990’s when companies were eliminating pensions and affordable health insurance. I got grandfathered in to all my pensions. You will never get the deal I am getting.

My brain works just fine and when I see something that swims like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I know it is a duck and not what leadership is telling me it is. Leadership has not been my friend and it is not your friend. Donald Trump wants to preserve nationhood over world government and save our constitution.

Unfortunately for many, brain matter has dehydrated, flaked off and floated away in the blood stream. So, Joe Biden speaks the language of growing factions head-slapped with opioids, prescription toxins and booze. Biden is so far gone he is like a cartoon character from loony tune land.

Because big information tech, Twitter, Facebook et al, has control of the narrative, Biden could prevail and that will be the end of democracy here. We will fall like Rome.

This nation will go along and function just fine with Biden at President. In fact, it'll probably be a lot more normal because as history as shown us over the last four decades, after a Republican has gotten done screwing things up, a Democrat comes in and rights the ship. Demographics are shifting away from the Baby Boomers and that scares the living crap out of a lot of them. I can see it in the older Trump supporters who seem to make less sense now than their younger true believers. The US will be just fine. But I'm sorry. Trump's gotta go. His Presidency is a disaster.
This is fallacy. The world is watching because the US is the last true functioning democracy. If we fail by allowing our seditious leadership to install a stooge like Biden then the whole ball of wax is gone and the world will never be the same. The duck swims, walks and quacks.

I don't know what reality show you've been watching the last 3.5 years but the whole world is laughing at us...and shaking their heads at the same time wondering how we're surviving with a complete moron in the White House. While I'd love to see the Baby Boomers as a collective take a hike from politics, people like Biden can provide a bridge to the next generation of leaders. And he's far more qualified to sit in the chair than Trump is. We heard that duck walking, talking, and quacking when he descended the golden escalator in 2015. And still, enough people bought the act to allow him to squeak in to the White House. And it's been an unmitigated disaster. Right now, Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio would be an upgrade. That's how bad Trump is.
Never did I appreciate the notion of being "Leader of the Free World" as much as now. Trump has isolated us, and the title is now up for grabs. A Biden win would tell the world, "hey, we were just kidding", and quickly put us back where we were. Enough humiliation.

You gives a crap what these nations think? Democrats have always looked at Europe as a role model, meanwhile, the US has surpassed them in nearly every way. Democrats will ultimately destroy this country. Governmental entropy in action led by children.
They are not woken. Being "woke" is a good thing.
california and other deep blue states and cities are already suffering from liberal mismanagement

if the brainless 20-somethings take over the entire country we will end up like Rome
I am just a few years younger than old Joe Biden. Luckily, I was influenced by frank Shorter in 1972 when he won the Olympic marathon as were millions of others. Because fitness was fundamental to me in the 1970’s I did not poison myself with drugs, alcohol and weed. My brain is wired differently than many citizens and though I have had concussions from thousands of miles of bicycle riding and racing a psychologist has reported to me that my IQ is the same as it was in 1964 when I was tested along with everyone else.

It is just a test and there is controversy over what it actually measures. But it is a good indicator of brain heath and suggests that any deterioration is minimal. As an aging white man and a contemporary new Jew, I know that I must not go quietly. I do have a small amount of Jewish DNA on my mother’s side, but the threat today is not from heredity, it is from politics just as it was in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.

I voted for Donald trump because it was a way to pencil in “none of the above”. I, like many others, was alert enough to realize that Congress is owned by big tech giants, the pharmaceutical industry, and The People’s Republic of China. I was among those called to meetings in the 1990’s when companies were eliminating pensions and affordable health insurance. I got grandfathered in to all my pensions. You will never get the deal I am getting.

My brain works just fine and when I see something that swims like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I know it is a duck and not what leadership is telling me it is. Leadership has not been my friend and it is not your friend. Donald Trump wants to preserve nationhood over world government and save our constitution.

Unfortunately for many, brain matter has dehydrated, flaked off and floated away in the blood stream. So, Joe Biden speaks the language of growing factions head-slapped with opioids, prescription toxins and booze. Biden is so far gone he is like a cartoon character from loony tune land.

Because big information tech, Twitter, Facebook et al, has control of the narrative, Biden could prevail and that will be the end of democracy here. We will fall like Rome.

This nation will go along and function just fine with Biden at President. In fact, it'll probably be a lot more normal because as history as shown us over the last four decades, after a Republican has gotten done screwing things up, a Democrat comes in and rights the ship. Demographics are shifting away from the Baby Boomers and that scares the living crap out of a lot of them. I can see it in the older Trump supporters who seem to make less sense now than their younger true believers. The US will be just fine. But I'm sorry. Trump's gotta go. His Presidency is a disaster.
This is fallacy. The world is watching because the US is the last true functioning democracy. If we fail by allowing our seditious leadership to install a stooge like Biden then the whole ball of wax is gone and the world will never be the same. The duck swims, walks and quacks.

I don't know what reality show you've been watching the last 3.5 years but the whole world is laughing at us...and shaking their heads at the same time wondering how we're surviving with a complete moron in the White House. While I'd love to see the Baby Boomers as a collective take a hike from politics, people like Biden can provide a bridge to the next generation of leaders. And he's far more qualified to sit in the chair than Trump is. We heard that duck walking, talking, and quacking when he descended the golden escalator in 2015. And still, enough people bought the act to allow him to squeak in to the White House. And it's been an unmitigated disaster. Right now, Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio would be an upgrade. That's how bad Trump is.
Never did I appreciate the notion of being "Leader of the Free World" as much as now. Trump has isolated us, and the title is now up for grabs. A Biden win would tell the world, "hey, we were just kidding", and quickly put us back where we were. Enough humiliation.

You gives a crap what these nations think? Democrats have always looked at Europe as a role model, meanwhile, the US has surpassed them in nearly every way. Democrats will ultimately destroy this country. Governmental entropy in action led by children.
And there ya go.

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