If Bidens poll numbers are suddenly so good...

Let me give you a hint, the queue is 90% labor shortage and 10% the rest. On one hand the supply chain disruption doesn't allow us to get product and on the other hand we have too much product to offload. You can't figure out why this is completely incoherent?

"The queue is a result of COVID-19-related disruptions, and holiday-buying surges, paired with a national labor shortage."
Sure it is. Those are the only two things happening, domestically and globally, causing this situation.

You cherry pick any information that you think supports your position, and then blame the Democrats 100% for all of it.

Standard operating procedure. This is why trying to communicate with you people is pointless.

Believe whatever you'd like.
Sure it is. Those are the only two things happening, domestically and globally, causing this situation.

You cherry pick any information that you think supports your position, and then blame the Democrats 100% for all of it.

Standard operating procedure. This is why trying to communicate with you people is pointless.

Believe whatever you'd like.

If by cherry pick you mean quote the thesis of the article you posted then fine, guilty as charged.

By "you people" I assume you mean your intellectual superiors you aren't as easily fooled by elementary articles like you posted above.

Supply chain disruptions are in large part due to a labor shortage which is in large part due to Biden's policies. The fact that you can't understand that is all anyone needs to know about your self proclaimed economic acumen.
If by cherry pick you mean quote the thesis of the article you posted then fine, guilty as charged.

By "you people" I assume you mean your intellectual superiors you aren't as easily fooled by elementary articles like you posted above.

Supply chain disruptions are in large part due to a labor shortage which is in large part due to Biden's policies. The fact that you can't understand that is all anyone needs to know about your self proclaimed economic acumen.
Biden’s policies? Unemployment extensions ended . That’s “Biden’s policy”
If by cherry pick you mean quote the thesis of the article you posted then fine, guilty as charged.

By "you people" I assume you mean your intellectual superiors you aren't as easily fooled by elementary articles like you posted above.

Supply chain disruptions are in large part due to a labor shortage which is in large part due to Biden's policies. The fact that you can't understand that is all anyone needs to know about your self proclaimed economic acumen.
Okie dokie!
If he is, it is mainly in RW sites...

Trump made the screw up of the withdrawal... He didn't have
  • Monitoring
  • Penalties
  • Safe Passage for Citizens and Friendlies
  • He slowed down refugees from Afghan
Biden was meant to be gone in weeks after but saw the mess and slowed it down as much as he could.. That came with the cost of 13 US soliders lives but saved 120,000 people...

Even Trump's former security advisors called his deal with Taliban a surrender and crap deal...

And lets wait for it, the criticism of the advisors... Trump picked those advisors, either way Trump had bad judgement and failed.

You sure about that?
I'm left wondering if you're truly as misinformed as you appear to be,or just lying.

So which is it Cowboy Turd?
If he is, it is mainly in RW sites...

Trump made the screw up of the withdrawal... He didn't have
  • Monitoring
  • Penalties
  • Safe Passage for Citizens and Friendlies
  • He slowed down refugees from Afghan
Biden was meant to be gone in weeks after but saw the mess and slowed it down as much as he could.. That came with the cost of 13 US soliders lives but saved 120,000 people...

Even Trump's former security advisors called his deal with Taliban a surrender and crap deal...

And lets wait for it, the criticism of the advisors... Trump picked those advisors, either way Trump had bad judgement and failed.
wuhan, higher gas prices, limited supplies for americans, SW airline shutting down flights cause of vaccines. wow, you like all that huh? damn you got problems.
Biden’s policies? Unemployment extensions ended . That’s “Biden’s policy”

Child tax credits for those with children including those that pay no income tax. That is Biden's policy also. Don't kid yourself, the Democrats want UBI and they see this pandemic as a way to push that agenda.
Okie dokie!

You still don't understand, do you? If only the MSM would write an article spoon-feeding it to you, but they won't because they must protect the left including this disastrous administration. You and people like you continue to buy into it. It would be hilarious if it weren't so sad.
No, somebody threatened their livelihoods and careers.
No, their boss implemented a rule. Just like my boss did.

The lowest unemployment in 50 years did make it the best economy we had. I guess you are unfamiliar with the term "national average."
I guess you're unfamiliar with Obama adding more jobs than your blob did.

Gas was over $3 a gallon for a long time in California under your blob. The "national average" was about where it was under your blob as it was for Obama during much of his presidency.
No, their boss implemented a rule. Just like my boss did.

I guess you're unfamiliar with Obama adding more jobs than your blob did.

Gas was over $3 a gallon for a long time in California under your blob. The "national average" was about where it was under your blob as it was for Obama during much of his presidency.
Gas was $1.83 when Barry took office.

You talking about the recession caused by the housing bust that Bush warned about going back to April 2001, and Dimwinger leaders in Congress like Bawney Fwank and Chuck Schumer said wasn't a problem?

Bush's depression was Bush's fault. Plain and simple... Much like the Antfa/BLM at the capitol, crisis actors at Sandy Hook, and all of the voter fraud allegations.... all you guys deal in are lies when it might not paint a republican in the best light.

Its confirmed that you'll never be honest on this board. No big deal.

Is there a point in the future when you think you may stop lying to yourself?
Bush's depression was Bush's fault. Plain and simple... Much like the Antfa/BLM at the capitol, crisis actors at Sandy Hook, and all of the voter fraud allegations.... all you guys deal in are lies when it might not paint a republican in the best light.

Its confirmed that you'll never be honest on this board. No big deal.

Is there a point in the future when you think you may stop lying to yourself?
Bush's depression was Bush's fault.

It really is amazing how you Dimtards can be presented with a video proving you to be full of shit, and all you can do is double down on being full of shit. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

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