If business ownrs should be forced to accomodate homosexuals?

If businesses can legally be forced to accomodate homosexuals' weird sexual proclivities, why stop there?

If a coprophliac couple decides to go into a bakery & order a cake made of feces, their own feces, who is the baker to say no?

They were born sexually getting off to eating feces(pro-gays claim that gays are born gay, why aren't coprophiliac considered the same?) and they want to celebrate their union by eating their own feces baked into a wedding cake. How dare that business owner DISCRIMINATE?!!! Discriminating discriminators suck. End all discrimination. Some folks are just born being sexually aroused by shit. Same Shit Marriage For All!
Refusing service to a person because of his color violates his constitutional rights and is therefore not allowed.
Refusing service to a person because of his sexual orientattion violates his constitutional rights and is therefore not allowed.

Refusing service to a person because he is exercising his constitutional right to arms? Absolutely OK.
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Greenbean, indeed, you are the joke among the great majority of the Board.

Here again is the truth about shigella, overwhelmingl affecting heterosexuals.

I posted it in another thread and you ran like a rabbit with his tail on fire.

shigellosis - definition of shigellosis in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Description Shigellosis is a well-known cause of traveler's diarrhea and illness throughout the world. Shigella are extremely infectious bacteria, and ingestion of just 10 organisms is enough to cause severe diarrhea and dehydration. Shigella accounts for 10-20% of all cases of diarrhea worldwide, and in any given year infects over 140 million persons and kills 600,000, mostly children and the elderly. The most serious form of the disease is called dysentery, which is characterized by severe watery (and often blood- and mucous-streaked) diarrhea, abdominal cramping, rectal pain, and fever. Shigella is only one of several organisms that can cause dysentery, but the term bacillary dysentery is usually another name for shigellosis.

Most deaths are in less-developed or developing countries, but even in the United States, shigellosis can be a dangerous and potentially deadly disease. Poor hygiene, overcrowding, and improper storage of food are leading causes of infection. The following statistics show the marked difference in the frequency of cases between developed and less-developed countries; in the United States, about 30,000 individuals are hit by the disease each year or about 10 cases/100,000 population. On the other hand, infection in some areas of South America is 1,000 times more frequent. Shigellosis is most common in children below age five, and occurs less often in adults over 20.

Shigella infection spreads through food or water contaminated by human waste. Sources of transmission are:

•contaminated milk, ice cream, vegetables and other foods which often cause epidemics
•household contacts (40% of adults and 20% of children will develop infection from such a source)
•poor hygiene and overcrowded living conditions
•day care centers
•sexual practices which lead to oral-anal contact, directly or indirectly

Nothing about homosexuals, but I imagine the last cause is overwhelmingly heterosexual.

Jake , coming from you I find that post an incredible improvement over your usual drive by nonsensical tripe - I really must commend you for your efforts, especially given the fact that are working such limited intellectual capacity :eusa_clap:

The copy and paste job you just perpetrated outlines the conventional modes by which shigelosis has been known to be contracted. It is not an STD - so the fact that as you stated " the last cause is overwhelming heterosexual" is somewhat irrelevant - but I'll address it anyway , because youre a somewhat irrelevant person ....

Were it a disease that could be conracted equally by all persons, than you would expect it to be dispersed equally at a per capita percentage [Please let me know if you understand per capita or not - I doubt they covered it when they were handing out coloring books and crayons at your educational institution]. It is not dispersed equally - it is contracted by homosexuals at aprox. 5X the rate that sane people [heterosexual] contract it.

It is contracted commonly by gays because they suck each others shit coated organs while they salivatiouslly sodomize one another . [Now I'm sure our modern educational institutions , despite having some of the lowest test scores on the planet, are very keen at educating the milk and cookie crowd that you frolic with into the "Joys of queer sex" - so I think you probably understand some of what I just said.
If businesses can legally be forced to accomodate homosexuals' weird sexual proclivities, why stop there?

If a coprophliac couple decides to go into a bakery & order a cake made of feces, their own feces, who is the baker to say no?

They were born sexually getting off to eating feces(pro-gays claim that gays are born gay, why aren't coprophiliac considered the same?) and they want to celebrate their union by eating their own feces baked into a wedding cake. How dare that business owner DISCRIMINATE?!!! Discriminating discriminators suck. End all discrimination. Some folks are just born being sexually aroused by shit. Same Shit Marriage For All!
Refusing service to a person because of his color violates his constitutional rights and is therefore not allowed.
Refusing service to a person because of his sexual orientattion violates his constitutional rights and is therefore not allowed.

Refusing service to a person because he is exercising his constitutional right to arms? Absolutely OK.

Refusing service to a person because of his sexual orientattion violates his constitutional rights should not be allowed.

Forcing a Christian, Moslem, Jew, Buddhist, Atheist to cater to, and by default participate in an event that violates their beliefs and morals violates their constitutional rights and should not be allowed.

Can you see the difference here ?
Can you see the paralells here ?
You seem to think your glass is half empty - But from my vantage point point I can clearly see that it is half full .
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If businesses can legally be forced to accomodate homosexuals' weird sexual proclivities, why stop there?

If a coprophliac couple decides to go into a bakery & order a cake made of feces, their own feces, who is the baker to say no?

They were born sexually getting off to eating feces(pro-gays claim that gays are born gay, why aren't coprophiliac considered the same?) and they want to celebrate their union by eating their own feces baked into a wedding cake. How dare that business owner DISCRIMINATE?!!! Discriminating discriminators suck. End all discrimination. Some folks are just born being sexually aroused by shit. Same Shit Marriage For All!
Refusing service to a person because of his color violates his constitutional rights and is therefore not allowed.
Refusing service to a person because of his sexual orientattion violates his constitutional rights and is therefore not allowed.

Refusing service to a person because he is exercising his constitutional right to arms? Absolutely OK.

Refusing service to a person because of his sexual orientattion violates his constitutional rights should not be allowed.

Forcing a Christian, Moslem, Jew, Buddhist, Atheist to cater to, and by default participate in an event that violates their beliefs and morals violates their constitutional rights and should not be allowed.

Can you see the difference here ?
Nope. Splain it to me.
How is it constitutionally acceptable, in the context of granting/refusing service in a commercial establishment, to violate one set of constitutional rights but not others?
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It's funny that Jake thinks he is some sort of genius, yet couldn't figure out what he posted will just bolster your point. Liberals are stupid.

Greenbean, indeed, you are the joke among the great majority of the Board.

Here again is the truth about shigella, overwhelmingl affecting heterosexuals.

I posted it in another thread and you ran like a rabbit with his tail on fire.

shigellosis - definition of shigellosis in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Description Shigellosis is a well-known cause of traveler's diarrhea and illness throughout the world. Shigella are extremely infectious bacteria, and ingestion of just 10 organisms is enough to cause severe diarrhea and dehydration. Shigella accounts for 10-20% of all cases of diarrhea worldwide, and in any given year infects over 140 million persons and kills 600,000, mostly children and the elderly. The most serious form of the disease is called dysentery, which is characterized by severe watery (and often blood- and mucous-streaked) diarrhea, abdominal cramping, rectal pain, and fever. Shigella is only one of several organisms that can cause dysentery, but the term bacillary dysentery is usually another name for shigellosis.

Most deaths are in less-developed or developing countries, but even in the United States, shigellosis can be a dangerous and potentially deadly disease. Poor hygiene, overcrowding, and improper storage of food are leading causes of infection. The following statistics show the marked difference in the frequency of cases between developed and less-developed countries; in the United States, about 30,000 individuals are hit by the disease each year or about 10 cases/100,000 population. On the other hand, infection in some areas of South America is 1,000 times more frequent. Shigellosis is most common in children below age five, and occurs less often in adults over 20.

Shigella infection spreads through food or water contaminated by human waste. Sources of transmission are:

•contaminated milk, ice cream, vegetables and other foods which often cause epidemics
•household contacts (40% of adults and 20% of children will develop infection from such a source)
•poor hygiene and overcrowded living conditions
•day care centers
•sexual practices which lead to oral-anal contact, directly or indirectly

Nothing about homosexuals, but I imagine the last cause is overwhelmingly heterosexual.

Jake , coming from you I find that post an incredible improvement over your usual drive by nonsensical tripe - I really must commend you for your efforts, especially given the fact that are working such limited intellectual capacity :eusa_clap:

The copy and paste job you just perpetrated outlines the conventional modes by which shigelosis has been known to be contracted. It is not an STD - so the fact that as you stated " the last cause is overwhelming heterosexual" is somewhat irrelevant - but I'll address it anyway , because youre a somewhat irrelevant person ....

Were it a disease that could be conracted equally by all persons, than you would expect it to be dispersed equally at a per capita percentage [Please let me know if you understand per capita or not - I doubt they covered it when they were handing out coloring books and crayons at your educational institution]. It is not dispersed equally - it is contracted by homosexuals at aprox. 5X the rate that sane people [heterosexual] contract it.

It is contracted commonly by gays because they suck each others shit coated organs while they salivatiouslly sodomize one another . [Now I'm sure our modern educational institutions , despite having some of the lowest test scores on the planet, are very keen at educating the milk and cookie crowd that you frolic with into the "Joys of queer sex" - so I think you probably understand some of what I just said.
If businesses can legally be forced to accomodate homosexuals' weird sexual proclivities, why stop there?

If a coprophliac couple decides to go into a bakery & order a cake made of feces, their own feces, who is the baker to say no?

They were born sexually getting off to eating feces(pro-gays claim that gays are born gay, why aren't coprophiliac considered the same?) and they want to celebrate their union by eating their own feces baked into a wedding cake. How dare that business owner DISCRIMINATE?!!! Discriminating discriminators suck. End all discrimination. Some folks are just born being sexually aroused by shit. Same Shit Marriage For All!

i always find these questions interesting....

if a business discriminated against "christians", you'd certainly be ranting. you can hire or fire for any reason or no reason... not for an illegal (discriminatory) reason. and under most circumstances, people never know why they were or were not hired.

but if you mean can you fire someone if you find out they're gay.

i hope not and the law should reflect that.
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Greenbean seems very interested in anal sex, bestiality, etc. The correction about his interpretation of shigella is but one instance.

He is a product of self loathing.

He, like Pop23 and Vigilante and the other heterofascists, are easy to deal with because they are so illiterate and hateful about marriage equality.

They cry because they can't take what the try to dish.

All they have to be is polite and they won't get kicked into the gutter.

Typical socio-fascist response when all else fails resort to Jamming ....

Jamming The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia, latent homosexual tendencies and bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .

Gay* Brainwashing Techniques
If businesses can legally be forced to accomodate homosexuals' weird sexual proclivities, why stop there?

If a coprophliac couple decides to go into a bakery & order a cake made of feces, their own feces, who is the baker to say no?

They were born sexually getting off to eating feces(pro-gays claim that gays are born gay, why aren't coprophiliac considered the same?) and they want to celebrate their union by eating their own feces baked into a wedding cake. How dare that business owner DISCRIMINATE?!!! Discriminating discriminators suck. End all discrimination. Some folks are just born being sexually aroused by shit. Same Shit Marriage For All!

i always find these questions interesting....

if a business discriminated against "christians", you'd certainly be ranting. you can hire or fire for any reason or no reason... not for an illegal (discriminatory) reason.

Silly Jilly - where would you see a Bible Thumping Christian patronizingan Atheist business - seriouslly girl

If businesses can legally be forced to accomodate homosexuals' weird sexual proclivities, why stop there?

If a coprophliac couple decides to go into a bakery & order a cake made of feces, their own feces, who is the baker to say no?

They were born sexually getting off to eating feces(pro-gays claim that gays are born gay, why aren't coprophiliac considered the same?) and they want to celebrate their union by eating their own feces baked into a wedding cake. How dare that business owner DISCRIMINATE?!!! Discriminating discriminators suck. End all discrimination. Some folks are just born being sexually aroused by shit. Same Shit Marriage For All!
Refusing service to a person because of his color violates his constitutional rights and is therefore not allowed.
Refusing service to a person because of his sexual orientattion violates his constitutional rights and is therefore not allowed.

Refusing service to a person because he is exercising his constitutional right to arms? Absolutely OK.

Refusing service to a person because of his sexual orientattion violates his constitutional rights should not be allowed.

Forcing a Christian, Moslem, Jew, Buddhist, Atheist to cater to, and by default participate in an event that violates their beliefs and morals violates their constitutional rights and should not be allowed.

Can you see the difference here ?
Can you see the paralells here ?
You seem to think your glass is half empty - But from my vantage point point I can clearly see that it is half full .

Refusing service to someone should never be allowed. Someone walks into your hamburger restaurant and orders a burger, you don't discriminate. Someone who goes into a bakery and wants to buy cookies should get them.

The line should be drawn at personal service and special service. A bakery that drew the line at making a birthday cake for a toddler whose name is Adolph Hitler was within their rights to refuse to bake a child's birthday cake. Why? What makes a bakery required to make this special cake within their rights to carry the message of Nazi approval but another bakery refusing to make a wedding cake for a same sex couple and carry that message of approval wrong?
Refusing service to a person because of his color violates his constitutional rights and is therefore not allowed.
Refusing service to a person because of his sexual orientattion violates his constitutional rights and is therefore not allowed.

Refusing service to a person because he is exercising his constitutional right to arms? Absolutely OK.

Refusing service to a person because of his sexual orientattion violates his constitutional rights should not be allowed.

Forcing a Christian, Moslem, Jew, Buddhist, Atheist to cater to, and by default participate in an event that violates their beliefs and morals violates their constitutional rights and should not be allowed.

Can you see the difference here ?
Nope. Splain it to me.
How is it constitutionally acceptable, in the context of granting/refuing service in a commercial establishment, to violate one set of constitutional rights but not others?

Would you expect a Church to host a Satanic Weddiing -simply because it offers its hall for rent ?

Would you expect a Jewish Baker to bake a cake for a Nazi Gathering ?

Woud you expect a Gay Baker to bake a cake for a NARTH Gathering ?

Would you expect a Black Baker to bake a cake for a KKK gathering ?
I just got a PM from Jake saying he makes GreenBean, LockeJaw, Silhouette, Emily, Pop23, and DiabloBlanco look like "assholes" every time he posts :lol::cuckoo:

(1) I responded to a 'mention' Greenbean left for me.

(2) It is a reportable violation to discuss particulars of a PM on the Board.

(3) I did not mention all the names he reports above, but I do agree with him that he and some of the others simply can't hold their own on the open board and cry like babies.

You have no right to not be offended.

Greenbean, don't dish what you can't take in return.
Actually , the Mods here are very lenient - just stay from family insults and don't alter other peoples posts - other than that- it's a free for all - and free speech reigns - regardless of your ideology . Even Racists like Bodecea are permitted to hurl racist slurs at non-whites.

Typical whiny post blaming everybody else for properly correcting far right reactonary wing nut nonsense.

You have no right to not be offended.
Of course. Would you expect a Church to host a Satanic Weddiing -simply because it offers its hall for rent ?

If he is in the public advertising cake decorating, yup. Would you expect a Jewish Baker to bake a cake for a Nazi Gathering ?

If he is in the public advertising cake decorating, yup. Woud you expect a Gay Baker to bake a cake for a NARTH Gathering ?

If he is in the public advertising cake decorating, yup. Would you expect a Black Baker to bake a cake for a KKK gathering ?
Refusing service to a person because of his sexual orientattion violates his constitutional rights should not be allowed.

Forcing a Christian, Moslem, Jew, Buddhist, Atheist to cater to, and by default participate in an event that violates their beliefs and morals violates their constitutional rights and should not be allowed.

Can you see the difference here ?
Nope. Splain it to me.
How is it constitutionally acceptable, in the context of granting/refuing service in a commercial establishment, to violate one set of constitutional rights but not others?

Would you expect a Church to host a Satanic Weddiing -simply because it offers its hall for rent ?

Would you expect a Jewish Baker to bake a cake for a Nazi Gathering ?

Woud you expect a Gay Baker to bake a cake for a NARTH Gathering ?

Would you expect a Black Baker to bake a cake for a KKK gathering ?
I'm sorry - I missed the answer to my question. Could you repeat it?
Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States, 379 U.S. 241, defines "public accommodations". If businesses serve the public, they must serve all of the public, in their normal course of business. Making cakes out of feces would not be in their 'normal course' of business. Refusing to make a cake, with the standard ingredients on hand, for two individuals believed to be gay, would fail to comply with the aforementioned state law, and possibly relevant USSC case law. As the baker appealed, we will shall see.
Jake, you fail. All you do is chant & copy & paste, you fruit dog mark ass trick. Lol

Pasting anyone's stupidity is fair game, yeah.

I have no problem with argumentation when you post a worthy OP.

You don't.
Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States, 379 U.S. 241, defines "public accommodations". If businesses serve the public, they must serve all of the public, in their normal course of business. Making cakes out of feces would not be in their 'normal course' of business. Refusing to make a cake, with the standard ingredients on hand, for two individuals believed to be gay, would fail to comply with the aforementioned state law, and possibly relevant USSC case law. As the baker appealed, we will shall see.

Noomi is a lunatic. Pay close attention to HER. Pro or anti gun, you've got to admit that kind of stuff is CREEPY.

Noomi has no trouble making you look creepy is what you are saying.

Haha! SMH... Yeah, my love for hunting is worthy of being taken out by a leftist dyke with a superiority complex? Nah, I don't think so...you phony ass motherfucker.

And now, along with Yurt, we see a LockeJaw melt down today.

So special.

How is buying the board going, LockeJaw?
Discussing Moderator Actions is against the rules as everyone knows. The only reason why one of you hasn't been pinked is because we ARE lenient. Keep it civil and addressing the OP!

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