If business ownrs should be forced to accomodate homosexuals?

If businesses can legally be forced to accomodate homosexuals' weird sexual proclivities, why stop there?

If a coprophliac couple decides to go into a bakery & order a cake made of feces, their own feces, who is the baker to say no?

They were born sexually getting off to eating feces(pro-gays claim that gays are born gay, why aren't coprophiliac considered the same?) and they want to celebrate their union by eating their own feces baked into a wedding cake. How dare that business owner DISCRIMINATE?!!! Discriminating discriminators suck. End all discrimination. Some folks are just born being sexually aroused by shit. Same Shit Marriage For All!

You must be completely retarded to even suggest that.
If businesses can legally be forced to accomodate homosexuals' weird sexual proclivities, why stop there?
Capitalism should be blind, so long as it doesn't harm the seller or buyer (physically or psychologically*).

If it is private property you should have the right to refuse admittance if they are doing things beyond a trade on the property*2, but in the public domain and their own homes they can do what they like within the law.

*1: Meaning that a seller or buyer shouldn't be coerced to trade if the act of trading causes them physical or psychological harm.

*2: Meaning physical contact, socializing, or causing a dispute that isn't directly related to customer service or a trade.
Interesting. Why is it supposedly illegal to discriminate against gays since they do not fit into any of the constitutionally protected classes?

Where does the constitution say we cannot discriminate based on people's behaviors?

Religion is a behavior lockefag. Should we be able to discriminate against religion?

Religion is discriminated against all the time. Go to a Kosher deli and ask for a ham sandwich, just for you, special order.
That isn't discriminating against religion that is discriminating against pork. Now if they refused to serve you a pastrami sandwich because you are a Jewish person that doesn't keep kosher then we are talking about a real comparison.
Go to a muslim bakery and ask for a wedding cake with bride, groom and bells. Special order. See how far you get.
I don't think a Muslim baker would have a problem baking such a cake.

is there some sort of butter in a gay cake that will cause you to go to hell if you touch it?
If businesses can legally be forced to accomodate homosexuals' weird sexual proclivities, why stop there?
Capitalism should be blind, so long as it doesn't harm the seller or buyer (physically or psychologically*).

If it is private property you should have the right to refuse admittance if they are doing things beyond a trade on the property*2, but in the public domain and their own homes they can do what they like within the law.

*1: Meaning that a seller or buyer shouldn't be coerced to trade if the act of trading causes them physical or psychological harm.

*2: Meaning physical contact, socializing, or causing a dispute that isn't directly related to customer service or a trade.
Why should a business be forced to demonstrate any harm? Open to the public doesn't mean publicly owned. If the public is going to make the decisions they should be paying the bills.
If businesses can legally be forced to accomodate homosexuals' weird sexual proclivities, why stop there?

If a coprophliac couple decides to go into a bakery & order a cake made of feces, their own feces, who is the baker to say no?

They were born sexually getting off to eating feces(pro-gays claim that gays are born gay, why aren't coprophiliac considered the same?) and they want to celebrate their union by eating their own feces baked into a wedding cake. How dare that business owner DISCRIMINATE?!!! Discriminating discriminators suck. End all discrimination. Some folks are just born being sexually aroused by shit. Same Shit Marriage For All!

The whole premise of this post is garbage. What special accommodations do homosexuals need?

All they need, like every other American is a job that pays them a salary that reflects their skills, abilities and experience. I work in advertising and I have worked with many a gay co-worker. None of them had any additional needs beyond getting paid like everyone else.

What special needs to gay people need when thy go to a bakery, a Dentist, a Liquor store....I don't get it. Discrimination is illegal. If you are not willing to serve the whole community do not go into business.

Seriously, this post is a nonstarter and has no basis in reality.
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If businesses can legally be forced to accomodate homosexuals' weird sexual proclivities, why stop there?

If a coprophliac couple decides to go into a bakery & order a cake made of feces, their own feces, who is the baker to say no?

They were born sexually getting off to eating feces(pro-gays claim that gays are born gay, why aren't coprophiliac considered the same?) and they want to celebrate their union by eating their own feces baked into a wedding cake. How dare that business owner DISCRIMINATE?!!! Discriminating discriminators suck. End all discrimination. Some folks are just born being sexually aroused by shit. Same Shit Marriage For All!

You're one of those "anti-gay" posters who can't seem to stop thinking about and talking about certain types of gay sex, aren't you?

This is called "latent homosexuality" and I bet he has a copy of "Cock-loving Twinks" right next to his computer and hates himself for it.
No bodey, Im one of those, In the majority, that are not going to put up with you people trying to normalize & propogate your perverse suicide cult's to children any more. Get used to it. We are going to hammer it home. We are not going anywhere.

Be prepared for a long battle you'll ultimately lose if truth can prevail.

First of all, you are in the MINORITY and it keeps getting smaller. Second, you lost already. We are just going through the motions until the bans on gay marriage are lifted in all the states and the SCOTUS will uphold it and that is a certainty.

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

So you will need to find a new group to persecute. I am not sure if there are any left.....Little People, maybe. There you go, you can start an Anti-Midget rights movement and deny them their right to take portable step stools with them because it spreads their "be small" agenda.
thanks jake!
^ Sucks cock & dislodged his brain. Cannot prove homosexuality is a protected class constitutionally. Can't prove homosexuality is healthy...just a loser with a lousy opinion that isn't worth a Mexican food stamp.
jake and or I need to prove nothing ...
then then false and unfounded you're a homo slurs .
to top it off Mexican bashing.
you're the bigot package aren't you?
too many years in the Arizona sun...
I think you spelled son wrong.
^ Sucks cock & dislodged his brain. Cannot prove homosexuality is a protected class constitutionally. Can't prove homosexuality is healthy...just a loser with a lousy opinion that isn't worth a Mexican food stamp.
jake and or I need to prove nothing ...
then then false and unfounded you're a homo slurs .
to top it off Mexican bashing.
you're the bigot package aren't you?
too many years in the Arizona sun...

Stupid fucking moron, it's not Mexican bashing. The joke is Mexico doesn't have food stamps, which would mean they have no worth, which is the equivelant of your opinion...It's worthless to the point of non existence.

I'm telling you for your own good...you better just leave the thread. You're not smart enough to discuss a thing with me.

I am telling you a fact: you are a nothing on this Board.

True that.

Your kind and time is over in this country.
jake and or I need to prove nothing ...
then then false and unfounded you're a homo slurs .
to top it off Mexican bashing.
you're the bigot package aren't you?
too many years in the Arizona sun...

Stupid fucking moron, it's not Mexican bashing. The joke is Mexico doesn't have food stamps, which would mean they have no worth, which is the equivelant of your opinion...It's worthless to the point of non existence.

I'm telling you for your own good...you better just leave the thread. You're not smart enough to discuss a thing with me.

I am telling you a fact: you are a nothing on this Board.

True that.

Your kind and time is over in this country.

I disagree with Locke frequently, yet manage to avoid personal insults. This thread has turned into nothing more than kids fighting over their tree house, calling names, and telling others they are "out of the club".
Peach, you're correct. I will Man up and admit my part in that. Couldve used a better hypothetical, and I shouldn't sink to their level. But my point is valid, I don't believe in passing laws for or against sexual behaviors, I don't believe the constitution provides for either... That's ultimately what I am saying.

I don't want homosexuality outlawed & people jailed for it. I want them to understand I TOLERATE their lifestyle but will not hold it up on a pedestal as the same as natural couplings. That is my right and they have a right to hate me for it.

There are no victims here, it's simply a disagreement that'll never be reconciled.

Stay away from the children, homosexual activists, and there is no issue.
Religion is a behavior lockefag. Should we be able to discriminate against religion?

That isn't discriminating against religion that is discriminating against pork. Now if they refused to serve you a pastrami sandwich because you are a Jewish person that doesn't keep kosher then we are talking about a real comparison.
Go to a muslim bakery and ask for a wedding cake with bride, groom and bells. Special order. See how far you get.
I don't think a Muslim baker would have a problem baking such a cake.

is there some sort of butter in a gay cake that will cause you to go to hell if you touch it?

Not only do they have problems baking such a cake, they categorically refuse to do it and don't make wedding cakes at all. It is against their religion to depict a living thing so the bride and groom are OUT. Bells are icons of Christianity and muslims don't bake cakes for Christians. If you go to the muslim bakery in Westwood and ask for a wedding cake, you will be directed to the display case and told to make your decision from there.
Stupid fucking moron, it's not Mexican bashing. The joke is Mexico doesn't have food stamps, which would mean they have no worth, which is the equivelant of your opinion...It's worthless to the point of non existence.

I'm telling you for your own good...you better just leave the thread. You're not smart enough to discuss a thing with me.

I am telling you a fact: you are a nothing on this Board.

True that.

Your kind and time is over in this country.

I disagree with Locke frequently, yet manage to avoid personal insults. This thread has turned into nothing more than kids fighting over their tree house, calling names, and telling others they are "out of the club".

Peach, everyone knows if they are polite, so am I.

But if they throw the first stone, I will kick their metaphorical ass up through their throat so they can her me kicking their metaphorical ass.

The far right's problem here with me, and some on the far left as well, that I will correct their indecent behavior when directed at people.

I make no apology for my behavior.

All Lockejaw has to do is simmer down and act decently.
Peach, you're correct. I will Man up and admit my part in that. Couldve used a better hypothetical, and I shouldn't sink to their level. But my point is valid, I don't believe in passing laws for or against sexual behaviors, I don't believe the constitution provides for either... That's ultimately what I am saying.

I don't want homosexuality outlawed & people jailed for it. I want them to understand I TOLERATE their lifestyle but will not hold it up on a pedestal as the same as natural couplings. That is my right and they have a right to hate me for it.

There are no victims here, it's simply a disagreement that'll never be reconciled.

Stay away from the children, homosexual activists, and there is no issue.

Now this is better. I disagree with much of it. I will add that heterosexual and homosexuals who prey on children have to be put in prison for life.
Peach, you're correct. I will Man up and admit my part in that. Couldve used a better hypothetical, and I shouldn't sink to their level. But my point is valid, I don't believe in passing laws for or against sexual behaviors, I don't believe the constitution provides for either... That's ultimately what I am saying.

I don't want homosexuality outlawed & people jailed for it. I want them to understand I TOLERATE their lifestyle but will not hold it up on a pedestal as the same as natural couplings. That is my right and they have a right to hate me for it.

There are no victims here, it's simply a disagreement that'll never be reconciled.

Stay away from the children, homosexual activists, and there is no issue.

As should heterosexuals, in regards to any sexual activity. I understood your position to be as you wrote above. And you "sure got that right".
I'm 100% in agreement there, Jake. Molesters should get life in prison. I will reveal a chink in my armor...I was molested by a professed "lesbian", as a child. She was my kindergarten teacher. She locked me in closets, wouldn't let me go to recess. For this reason I see homosexuals as perverts and liars.

If she was actually a lesbian, why did she suck my dick & rape me?

None of you know me in person, so I don't care that I tell you this.

So come on lefties, insult me, use what I said to belittle me. It's okay, at the end of the day you support lying perverts.

It does have an effect on my judgements, but it does not rule my life...that I was molested.

I am here to expose their lies, and nothing you folks say will stop me. Perversion is perversion..sexual deviancy IS just that.

Bring on the insults, folks. Just be original, please.

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