If business ownrs should be forced to accomodate homosexuals?

Quit changing the subject, Peach. I'm not talking religion on this thread. It has nothing to do with religion ultimately. Homosexuality is unhealthy and a public health concern. That is why it should not be held up as something worthy of societie's approval. That is my point.

CDC: Syphilis Resurgence Among Gay Men 'Major Public Health Concern'

Oh, I see.

You're not really a homophobic fool, terrified of your own attraction to other men.

Its really that you feel real concern for their welfare.

Yeah, right.

One can be bigoted, filled with hatred, and malice, yet have no attraction to the perceived "enemy".
Right, but according to most liberals logic here, they are actually Christian fundementalists & homophobes themselves....

Are your buddies on your side of the political spectrum ever going to drop that faulty line of thinking? Ofcourse not, aside from you...I have yet to see one liberal on this site actually address something said to them directly & not play highschool gotchya games.

It's a pathetic Bunch you've cast your lots with, Peach. You're too good for them.

Quit changing the subject, Peach. I'm not talking religion on this thread. It has nothing to do with religion ultimately. Homosexuality is unhealthy and a public health concern. That is why it should not be held up as something worthy of societie's approval. That is my point.

CDC: Syphilis Resurgence Among Gay Men 'Major Public Health Concern'

Oh, I see.

You're not really a homophobic fool, terrified of your own attraction to other men.

Its really that you feel real concern for their welfare.

Yeah, right.

One can be bigoted, filled with hatred, and malice, yet have no attraction to the perceived "enemy".
If businesses can legally be forced to accomodate homosexuals' weird sexual proclivities, why stop there?

If a coprophliac couple decides to go into a bakery & order a cake made of feces, their own feces, who is the baker to say no?

...Some folks are just born being sexually aroused by shit. Same Shit Marriage For All!

Woo. Are we reduced to denying gay rights and talking about shit?
You could turn a whole generation into Demos with just one post. Smooth move.
"they are actually Christian fundementalists & homophobes themselves"

Those opposing marriage equality: yeah, mostly.
Right, but according to most liberals logic here, they are actually Christian fundementalists & homophobes themselves....

Are your buddies on your side of the political spectrum ever going to drop that faulty line of thinking? Ofcourse not, aside from you...I have yet to see one liberal on this site actually address something said to them directly & not play highschool gotchya games.

It's a pathetic Bunch you've cast your lots with, Peach. You're too good for them.

Oh, I see.

You're not really a homophobic fool, terrified of your own attraction to other men.

Its really that you feel real concern for their welfare.

Yeah, right.

One can be bigoted, filled with hatred, and malice, yet have no attraction to the perceived "enemy".

I have not cast my lot(.) Issue by issue for me. I noted one may be against certain groups without any hidden desire to be part of them. I stand by that conclusion.
Okay, so let's get back on topic. Where does tolerance for behaviors detrimental to society end? How are we to stop the next batch of perverts from claiming they are an oppressed minority as well? Codifying homosexual normalization into law is a mistake for this reason. I am not saying make laws against or FOR it...I'm saying keep it on the fringes where it belongs.
Right, but according to most liberals logic here, they are actually Christian fundementalists & homophobes themselves....

Are your buddies on your side of the political spectrum ever going to drop that faulty line of thinking? Ofcourse not, aside from you...I have yet to see one liberal on this site actually address something said to them directly & not play highschool gotchya games.

It's a pathetic Bunch you've cast your lots with, Peach. You're too good for them.

One can be bigoted, filled with hatred, and malice, yet have no attraction to the perceived "enemy".

I have not cast my lot(.) Issue by issue for me. I noted one may be against certain groups without any hidden desire to be part of them. I stand by that conclusion.
Lockejaw, your opinion about what is detrimental is not probative here.

However, tell us how marriage equality has ever harmed your personal or civil liberties.
So anyway, any of you going to tell me how homosexuality is worthy of being considered the same as heterosexuality? You know, heterosexuality, the couplings that produce children that will grow up to pay the taxes that feed your worthless welfare grubbing mouthes or what?
So anyway, any of you going to tell me how homosexuality is worthy of being considered the same as heterosexuality? You know, heterosexuality, the couplings that produce children that will grow up to pay the taxes that feed your worthless welfare grubbing mouthes or what?

It's at least as good as a heterosexual couple with a sterile stud or a post-menopausal lady. Yes?

Next dopey argument......
Hey retard! Homosexual men are all pretty much coprophiliacs. The asshole doesn't have any natural lubricant, unless you consider shit a natural lubricant.

I think you might be a homophobic bigot yourself. Lol

you're going to lose this one...I suggest you just leave the thread because you've already fallen into the trap I set for you dumb liberals!

Stupid ass.

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you.

So let me make sure Im getting your point here, because I do not think normalizing homosexuality is a good idea for our society or humankind in general and give evidence, you're claiming Im going to the dark side, Obe-fucking-Wan-Kenobe?

Why don't you try proving that I am wrong on my points instead being a cheerleader for disease spreading perverts?

You can't do it, because they DO spread disease & homosexuality is detrimental both to the individuals practicing it & society as a whole.

Save your stupid little speech for someone ignorant of reality enough to allow themselves to be peer pressured into supporting perversion. Won't work on me, little guy.
too late you've already been peer pressured into believing your pin hole pov is best...
So anyway, any of you going to tell me how homosexuality is worthy of being considered the same as heterosexuality? You know, heterosexuality, the couplings that produce children that will grow up to pay the taxes that feed your worthless welfare grubbing mouthes or what?

Call me the King of Obvious but those hetero couplings also produce the "worthless welfare grubbing mouthes" you clearly love. :rofl:
Hey retard! Homosexual men are all pretty much coprophiliacs. The asshole doesn't have any natural lubricant, unless you consider shit a natural lubricant.

I think you might be a homophobic bigot yourself. Lol

you're going to lose this one...I suggest you just leave the thread because you've already fallen into the trap I set for you dumb liberals!

Stupid ass.

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you.

...Why don't you try proving that I am wrong on my points instead being a cheerleader for disease spreading perverts?
You can't do it, because they DO spread disease & homosexuality is detrimental both to the individuals practicing it & society as a whole.

Wear a condom, Princess. Problem solved! Next! :lol:
Okay, so let's get back on topic. Where does tolerance for behaviors detrimental to society end? How are we to stop the next batch of perverts from claiming they are an oppressed minority as well? Codifying homosexual normalization into law is a mistake for this reason. I am not saying make laws against or FOR it...I'm saying keep it on the fringes where it belongs.
Right, but according to most liberals logic here, they are actually Christian fundementalists & homophobes themselves....

Are your buddies on your side of the political spectrum ever going to drop that faulty line of thinking? Ofcourse not, aside from you...I have yet to see one liberal on this site actually address something said to them directly & not play highschool gotchya games.

It's a pathetic Bunch you've cast your lots with, Peach. You're too good for them.

I have not cast my lot(.) Issue by issue for me. I noted one may be against certain groups without any hidden desire to be part of them. I stand by that conclusion.
"I'm saying keep it on the fringes where it belongs."-lockjaw
is it just me or does that sound a lot like this "gotta keep those ******* in their place or they'll pollute the white race...
I'm not homophobic, I simply do not see the merit or reasoning for gay normalization to exist, other than to topple our society. I don't care if you're gay. What I care about is when you step on others liberty to tell their kids it's the wrong road to go down & it's wrong because it obviously is.

Our sexuality IS supposed to produce children, doesn't matter if something happened and there are hetero couples that are infertile. The point is we know homos cannot produce children through natural means.

Let's take bodey & seawytch for example, I don't believe they shouldn't get the benefits we all get for raising children if they truely are. But confusing kids by adopting them to homos is a bad idea. If you have kids, fine. If they're your biological kids, unless you were raped by a stranger..you weren't born gay, you chose it. Get those benefits while the state is offering them, I have no problem with that.

You're not married according to NATURE. The constitution only solidifies natural law..which is what it's premise is based on.

You retards can deny it, but that's the truth.

You choose to act upon gayness, no kids for you unless you already have one from before you figured out you were "born gay", PERIOD.

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