If business ownrs should be forced to accomodate homosexuals?

Talk about dodging! Daws, you dumbass... You got it wrong & won't even admit it was the link from the source that didn't spell syphliss correctly, not me. You fail & are soon to be on ignore as it is obvious you do not get the thread's point, which is weird sexual behaviors are not a constitutionally protected class.
right....! the point of your rant is bigotry nothing more ....the protected class bullshit is just that....bullshit..
now that everyone knows your a homophobe....you should be happy...

Hey retard! Homosexual men are all pretty much coprophiliacs. The asshole doesn't have any natural lubricant, unless you consider shit a natural lubricant.

I think you might be a homophobic bigot yourself. Lol

you're going to lose this one...I suggest you just leave the thread because you've already fallen into the trap I set for you dumb liberals!

Stupid ass.
And the above is exactly why SCOTUS will ignore the far right and social con idiocy.
thanks jake!
^ Sucks cock & dislodged his brain. Cannot prove homosexuality is a protected class constitutionally. Can't prove homosexuality is healthy...just a loser with a lousy opinion that isn't worth a Mexican food stamp.
jake and or I need to prove nothing ...
then then false and unfounded you're a homo slurs .
to top it off Mexican bashing.
you're the bigot package aren't you?
too many years in the Arizona sun...
Changing the subject? You stupid idiot, the point of the thread is that we pass laws on behaviors we feel are detrimental to society, I give an example and you couldn't follow it because you're obsessed with the hypothetical situation instead of the point. Are you retarded or something? I expanded on the point of the thread, I didn't change the subject. Why do you liberals have to be so collosally stupid or lie?

the CDC disagrees with you.
CDC: Syphilis Resurgence Among Gay Men 'Major Public Health Concern'

syphliss resurgence amongst homosexuals a major public health problem. So you want to backtrack a moment, stop with the partisan hyperbole, and be REAL? Homosexuality is unhealthy, both physically & mentally tp those who practice it & to folks like yourself who just don't get there is more to opposing homosexuality than bigotry.

I thought you liberals were all about scientific facts...apparently not if it hurts your case.

So let's get real here buddy. Don't use any "bigotry" arguments with me, you'll get nowhere. Show me how homosexuality is healthy & not a public safety hazard when all evidence says otherwise or admit you've got nothing. Okay Nosmo?

Changing the argument because you completely fucked up eh?

You know what will improve health in the gay communities? When assholes like you stop forcing them into the dark corners of society and let them make health a priority. Instead assholes like you choose to inflict severe psychological damage on them and force them to keep their lifestyle and their health concerns a secret.

So go eat a feces cake you asshole bigot.

^Reposting in the hopes you don't run away this time lockefag
Talk about dodging! Daws, you dumbass... You got it wrong & won't even admit it was the link from the source that didn't spell syphliss correctly, not me. You fail & are soon to be on ignore as it is obvious you do not get the thread's point, which is weird sexual behaviors are not a constitutionally protected class.
right....! the point of your rant is bigotry nothing more ....the protected class bullshit is just that....bullshit..
now that everyone knows your a homophobe....you should be happy...

Hey retard! Homosexual men are all pretty much coprophiliacs. The asshole doesn't have any natural lubricant, unless you consider shit a natural lubricant.

I think you might be a homophobic bigot yourself. Lol

you're going to lose this one...I suggest you just leave the thread because you've already fallen into the trap I set for you dumb liberals!

Stupid ass.
nothing to lose..... if this is a trap, you suck a it..
your false assertion about gay men is laughable...
thanks jake!
^ Sucks cock & dislodged his brain. Cannot prove homosexuality is a protected class constitutionally. Can't prove homosexuality is healthy...just a loser with a lousy opinion that isn't worth a Mexican food stamp.
jake and or I need to prove nothing ...
then then false and unfounded you're a homo slurs .
to top it off Mexican bashing.
you're the bigot package aren't you?
too many years in the Arizona sun...

Stupid fucking moron, it's not Mexican bashing. The joke is Mexico doesn't have food stamps, which would mean they have no worth, which is the equivelant of your opinion...It's worthless to the point of non existence.

I'm telling you for your own good...you better just leave the thread. You're not smart enough to discuss a thing with me.
Ofcourse you've got nothing to lose, Daws101. You are a failure at life & messages boards.

I'm pretty sure you've never read a thing by Carl Sagan, with the sorry ass arguments you have against my point. Bigot schmigot..that's all you've got because you're a failure.
Businesses are forced to accommodate gluttons.....why should I be forced to work for those guilty of a deadly sin?
Changing the subject? You stupid idiot, the point of the thread is that we pass laws on behaviors we feel are detrimental to society, I give an example and you couldn't follow it because you're obsessed with the hypothetical situation instead of the point. Are you retarded or something? I expanded on the point of the thread, I didn't change the subject. Why do you liberals have to be so collosally stupid or lie?

Changing the argument because you completely fucked up eh?

You know what will improve health in the gay communities? When assholes like you stop forcing them into the dark corners of society and let them make health a priority. Instead assholes like you choose to inflict severe psychological damage on them and force them to keep their lifestyle and their health concerns a secret.

So go eat a feces cake you asshole bigot.

^Reposting in the hopes you don't run away this time lockefag

Do you disagree that by forcing them into secrecy and into hiding in society you create obstacles to healthcare that are not there for the rest of the population?
Nobody forces you to work where you do, you can get another job if you don't like gluttons.

I didn't know you were a restaurant worker?

And that still doesn't work as an analogy, Im not talking about business owners being forced to serve people, not employees.
Avarice, sloth, pride, envy, wrath.....................picking & choosing between sinners can fill up the books, quick. In fact, one might conclude all have sinned............................:eusa_whistle:
Changing the subject? You stupid idiot, the point of the thread is that we pass laws on behaviors we feel are detrimental to society, I give an example and you couldn't follow it because you're obsessed with the hypothetical situation instead of the point. Are you retarded or something? I expanded on the point of the thread, I didn't change the subject. Why do you liberals have to be so collosally stupid or lie?

^Reposting in the hopes you don't run away this time lockefag

Do you disagree that by forcing them into secrecy and into hiding in society you create obstacles to healthcare that are not there for the rest of the population?
That...is changing the subject. I am not talking about outlawing homosexuality, I do not believe it is possible, some people are just sick & so there will always be a segment of society that dip their sticks in the human equivelant of a sewage pipe. Homosexuality should not be PROMOTED as HEALTHY by our government, our schools, our churches, etc...it shouldn't be held up on a pedestal. And we as a society do have a stake in the matter whether you are incapable of thinking deeply enough to understand it or not.

Do you get it? Let's try to stick to the point. I don't have a problem with insults, but can you try to find a decent argument other than "bigot bigot bigot"?

The CDC says homosexuality is not healthy, got it? That's the Center For Disease Control, that's an arm of the federal government you worship so if you got a problem with me, you've got a beef with your god.
Lockejaw has to offer evidence other than his opinion that "gays are icky, therefore . . ." nonsense.

Holy shit you're retarded. I've destroyed you in the "gay gene" threads, now you're back for another slaughtering. Dumbfuck, I already posted evidence.

The CDC says homosexuality is "icky".

CDC: Syphilis Resurgence Among Gay Men 'Major Public Health Concern'

Why are you so dim-witted?

Uh, LockeJaw - that's not what that link says at all. Not even close. You sure you got the right link?
Hey retard! Homosexual men are all pretty much coprophiliacs. The asshole doesn't have any natural lubricant, unless you consider shit a natural lubricant.

I think you might be a homophobic bigot yourself. Lol

you're going to lose this one...I suggest you just leave the thread because you've already fallen into the trap I set for you dumb liberals!

Stupid ass.

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you.
Nobody forces you to work where you do, you can get another job if you don't like gluttons.

I didn't know you were a restaurant worker?

And that still doesn't work as an analogy, Im not talking about business owners being forced to serve people, not employees.

I own my own business, gave an example. 'Let he is who is without sin cast the first stone'. My hands are not poised to strike, and I admit it. 'Judge not, lest ye be judged'. (I always remember the tolerance Christ taught, odd, little condemnation stayed with me.)
Quit changing the subject, Peach. I'm not talking religion on this thread. It has nothing to do with religion ultimately. Homosexuality is unhealthy and a public health concern. That is why it should not be held up as something worthy of societie's approval. That is my point.

CDC: Syphilis Resurgence Among Gay Men 'Major Public Health Concern'

Oh, I see.

You're not really a homophobic fool, terrified of your own attraction to other men.

Its really that you feel real concern for their welfare.

Yeah, right.
Hey retard! Homosexual men are all pretty much coprophiliacs. The asshole doesn't have any natural lubricant, unless you consider shit a natural lubricant.

I think you might be a homophobic bigot yourself. Lol

you're going to lose this one...I suggest you just leave the thread because you've already fallen into the trap I set for you dumb liberals!

Stupid ass.

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you.

So let me make sure Im getting your point here, because I do not think normalizing homosexuality is a good idea for our society or humankind in general and give evidence, you're claiming Im going to the dark side, Obe-fucking-Wan-Kenobe?

Why don't you try proving that I am wrong on my points instead being a cheerleader for disease spreading perverts?

You can't do it, because they DO spread disease & homosexuality is detrimental both to the individuals practicing it & society as a whole.

Save your stupid little speech for someone ignorant of reality enough to allow themselves to be peer pressured into supporting perversion. Won't work on me, little guy.

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