If business ownrs should be forced to accomodate homosexuals?

Why if homosexuals are born gay, is it a far leap to say coprophiliacs are as well, Nosmo?
If they're born that way, public accomodation laws should apply to businesses concerning copos just like homos, right? If you say no, you're a discriminating discriminatory discriminator & a right wing extremist...so measure your response carefully.
In the highly unlikely event someone wished a baker to provide a cake made of crap, it is perfectly legal and understandable that they be denied service.

Why? Because of health codes. A baker should never contaminate his bakery to accommodate someone wishing unhealthy and unsavory ingredients. It has nothing to do with discrimination based on sexual orientation.

If a Gay couple wants a wedding cake that does not feature obscene or pornographic images and decorations, and the baker refuses, that is indeed discrimination. The baker provides wedding cakes as a normal and usual aspect of daily business. Baking a cake that is similar in design and ingredients for a Gay couple poses no more threat to the baker's business than a cake for a heterosexual couple. But adding feces to the mix causes a real threat to public health and safety. Those who desire a shit cake must provide the cake themselves.

Could you find an odder, less relevant hypothetical? Is it a real danger to public health and safety to make a cake featuring two brides?

Such arguments against equal accommodation betray not only deep seated homophobia, but a genuine lack of understanding of homosexuality in general. In other words, arguments concerning public accommodation are nothing more than cover for bigotry.
Gays are a health hazard. Many are coprophiliacs who eat each others buttholes & blow each other after reeming each other up the popper. Why do Do you want health regulations to discriminate against their love making practices? Are you a homophobe?
Why if homosexuals are born gay, is it a far leap to say coprophiliacs are as well, Nosmo?
If they're born that way, public accomodation laws should apply to businesses concerning copos just like homos, right? If you say no, you're a discriminating discriminatory & a right wing extremist...so measure your response carefully.

You can't bake a cake with feces moron. You will never find a bakery that sells poop cakes as a product. Bakers are not trained to make poop cakes. If a corophiliac wants to open up a shop that sells poop cakes then fine. Although good fucking luck getting past the health regulations.

I can't believe I'm really arguing this. This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen on this forum.

Baker's making cakes out of feces. Good lord lockefag
Obviously I used that hypothetical for shock value, Nosmo.
Put the hypothetical to the side and try to understand the point.
Homosexuality is a behavior and we all have a right to discriminate based on behavior, both in law & in our daily lives.

Gays are not a protected class under the constitution.... Gonna need an amendment for that. Any supposed law passed saying otherwise is NOT constitutional and should be opposed by civil disobedience.
If businesses can legally be forced to accomodate homosexuals' weird sexual proclivities, why stop there?

If a coprophliac couple decides to go into a bakery & order a cake made of feces, their own feces, who is the baker to say no?

They were born sexually getting off to eating feces(pro-gays claim that gays are born gay, why aren't coprophiliac considered the same?) and they want to celebrate their union by eating their own feces baked into a wedding cake. How dare that business owner DISCRIMINATE?!!! Discriminating discriminators suck. End all discrimination. Some folks are just born being sexually aroused by shit. Same Shit Marriage For All!

Obviously I used that hypothetical for shock value, Nosmo.
Put the hypothetical to the side and try to understand the point.
Homosexuality is a behavior and we all have a right to discriminate based on behavior, both in law & in our daily lives.

Gays are not a protected class under the constitution.... Gonna need an amendment for that. Any supposed law passed saying otherwise is NOT constitutional and should be opposed by civil disobedience.
I'm sorry, but I disagree. There is no threat from the LGBT community to public health and safety. Consenting adults should be free to behave as they wish in a free society. Discriminating against someone who is committing no illegal act is patently wrong and against all American ideals of freedom and liberty.

It's a constant source of amazement to me that those who claim to support American ideals the most are the same ones who want to act savagely to repress them.
Sorry, but I don't watch videos posted or take into account the opinion of someone who cannot spell a simple word like "tase". Go back to grade school, son.
the CDC disagrees with you.
CDC: Syphilis Resurgence Among Gay Men 'Major Public Health Concern'

syphliss resurgence amongst homosexuals a major public health problem. So you want to backtrack a moment, stop with the partisan hyperbole, and be REAL? Homosexuality is unhealthy, both physically & mentally tp those who practice it & to folks like yourself who just don't get there is more to opposing homosexuality than bigotry.

I thought you liberals were all about scientific facts...apparently not if it hurts your case.

So let's get real here buddy. Don't use any "bigotry" arguments with me, you'll get nowhere. Show me how homosexuality is healthy & not a public safety hazard when all evidence says otherwise or admit you've got nothing. Okay Nosmo?

Obviously I used that hypothetical for shock value, Nosmo.
Put the hypothetical to the side and try to understand the point.
Homosexuality is a behavior and we all have a right to discriminate based on behavior, both in law & in our daily lives.

Gays are not a protected class under the constitution.... Gonna need an amendment for that. Any supposed law passed saying otherwise is NOT constitutional and should be opposed by civil disobedience.
I'm sorry, but I disagree. There is no threat from the LGBT community to public health and safety. Consenting adults should be free to behave as they wish in a free society. Discriminating against someone who is committing no illegal act is patently wrong and against all American ideals of freedom and liberty.

It's a constant source of amazement to me that those who claim to support American ideals the most are the same ones who want to act savagely to repress them.
If businesses can legally be forced to accomodate homosexuals' weird sexual proclivities, why stop there?

If a coprophliac couple decides to go into a bakery & order a cake made of feces, their own feces, who is the baker to say no?

They were born sexually getting off to eating feces(pro-gays claim that gays are born gay, why aren't coprophiliac considered the same?) and they want to celebrate their union by eating their own feces baked into a wedding cake. How dare that business owner DISCRIMINATE?!!! Discriminating discriminators suck. End all discrimination. Some folks are just born being sexually aroused by shit. Same Shit Marriage For All!

Well I've had several shitty cakes Obama Sends 300 Troops To Iraq. Why? by shitty bakers..
the CDC disagrees with you.
CDC: Syphilis Resurgence Among Gay Men 'Major Public Health Concern'

syphliss resurgence amongst homosexuals a major public health problem. So you want to backtrack a moment, stop with the partisan hyperbole, and be REAL? Homosexuality is unhealthy, both physically & mentally tp those who practice it & to folks like yourself who just don't get there is more to opposing homosexuality than bigotry.

I thought you liberals were all about scientific facts...apparently not if it hurts your case.

So let's get real here buddy. Don't use any "bigotry" arguments with me, you'll get nowhere. Show me how homosexuality is healthy & not a public safety hazard when all evidence says otherwise or admit you've got nothing. Okay Nosmo?

Changing the argument because you completely fucked up eh?

You know what will improve health in the gay communities? When assholes like you stop forcing them into the dark corners of society and let them make health a priority. Instead assholes like you choose to inflict severe psychological damage on them and force them to keep their lifestyle and their health concerns a secret.

So go eat a feces cake you asshole bigot.
the CDC disagrees with you.
CDC: Syphilis Resurgence Among Gay Men 'Major Public Health Concern'

syphliss resurgence amongst homosexuals a major public health problem. So you want to backtrack a moment, stop with the partisan hyperbole, and be REAL? Homosexuality is unhealthy, both physically & mentally tp those who practice it & to folks like yourself who just don't get there is more to opposing homosexuality than bigotry.

I thought you liberals were all about scientific facts...apparently not if it hurts your case.

So let's get real here buddy. Don't use any "bigotry" arguments with me, you'll get nowhere. Show me how homosexuality is healthy & not a public safety hazard when all evidence says otherwise or admit you've got nothing. Okay Nosmo?

Obviously I used that hypothetical for shock value, Nosmo.
Put the hypothetical to the side and try to understand the point.
Homosexuality is a behavior and we all have a right to discriminate based on behavior, both in law & in our daily lives.

Gays are not a protected class under the constitution.... Gonna need an amendment for that. Any supposed law passed saying otherwise is NOT constitutional and should be opposed by civil disobedience.
I'm sorry, but I disagree. There is no threat from the LGBT community to public health and safety. Consenting adults should be free to behave as they wish in a free society. Discriminating against someone who is committing no illegal act is patently wrong and against all American ideals of freedom and liberty.

It's a constant source of amazement to me that those who claim to support American ideals the most are the same ones who want to act savagely to repress them.
you'd be more believable if you could spell syphliss correctly
and not quote breitbart as a source...:lol:
it's obvious that the OP IS sexually confused and likes to eat shit....
the rest is just blathering...

It's obvious you're a moron that can't follow something unless it's spelled out to you repeatedly & even still can't come up with a cogent rebuttal so you just insult.

Go on...keep displaying your stupidity.
it's obvious that the OP IS sexually confused and likes to eat shit....
the rest is just blathering...

It's obvious you're a moron that can't follow something unless it's spelled out to you repeatedly & even still can't come up with a cogent rebuttal so you just insult.

Go on...keep displaying your stupidity.

Well one does wonder about the fecal feliac tendencies you display...
I'm just in awe at how much energy some of these posters on this forum spend fretting about the homosexuals. What is wrong with you guys? Seriously nothing better to grind your worry beads to sawdust over?
it's obvious that the OP IS sexually confused and likes to eat shit....
the rest is just blathering...

It's obvious you're a moron that can't follow something unless it's spelled out to you repeatedly & even still can't come up with a cogent rebuttal so you just insult.

Go on...keep displaying your stupidity.
sorry pal but the stupidly on full display here is yours and yours alone..
my replies are as cogent as your argument....see how that works?
And you wouldn't be a moron if you could tell the difference between the linked source spelling syphliss wrong in the link title & my actual post. Lol! But you're a moron so that didn't happen! Lmao! Idiot daws tried to insult too fast & got caught being a retard!

"I" correctly spelled syphliss, Brietbart's link is the one with the spelling error, you stupid moronic libtard! Lol!

Thanks for the laugh, retard!

the CDC disagrees with you.
CDC: Syphilis Resurgence Among Gay Men 'Major Public Health Concern'

syphliss resurgence amongst homosexuals a major public health problem. So you want to backtrack a moment, stop with the partisan hyperbole, and be REAL? Homosexuality is unhealthy, both physically & mentally tp those who practice it & to folks like yourself who just don't get there is more to opposing homosexuality than bigotry.

I thought you liberals were all about scientific facts...apparently not if it hurts your case.

So let's get real here buddy. Don't use any "bigotry" arguments with me, you'll get nowhere. Show me how homosexuality is healthy & not a public safety hazard when all evidence says otherwise or admit you've got nothing. Okay Nosmo?

I'm sorry, but I disagree. There is no threat from the LGBT community to public health and safety. Consenting adults should be free to behave as they wish in a free society. Discriminating against someone who is committing no illegal act is patently wrong and against all American ideals of freedom and liberty.

It's a constant source of amazement to me that those who claim to support American ideals the most are the same ones who want to act savagely to repress them.
you'd be more believable if you could spell syphliss correctly
and not quote breitbart as a source...:lol:
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