If by now you’re having trouble figuring out who to vote for, you aren't a Christian.

Im not showing support for someone I dont support.
I have a side. You idiots that always say that need to figure out what that actually means.

Every day with every post you make you attack Democrats with Republican lies and talking points. So when you say you don’t support Trump, no one believes you.

You support everything he says and does. You attack Biden with every lie Trump spouts. Tells us exactly how you don’t suppport Trump.
I have no balls because I wont show support for someone I dont support?

Especially since one is trying to become a tyrant over some perverse theocracy with a legion of deranged possessions, er, followers, by doing away with constitutional rights and procedures by siding with and giving aid comfort and support to sworn enemies of the United Sates for cash.


I swear you idiots on here sure have a problem with integrity.
If the choice was between Hitler or Jimmy Carter, you'd have too much integrity to make a decision? Right. Maybe you should write in Mickey Mouse for president. That'll teach 'em!

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Every day with every post you make you attack Democrats with Republican lies and talking points. So when you say you don’t support Trump, no one believes you.

You support everything he says and does. You attack Biden with every lie Trump spouts. Tells us exactly how you don’t suppport Trump.
Shutup @#$%@22 foreigner.
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Look at all the "cafeteria christians" up in this thread.....Maybe "galvanized christian" would be more to the point.

You know, people who briefly claim to be something they are not so that they can avoid the unpleasantness of their untenable situation.
Trolling no content. This is Zone 1 Harley. You can’t pull that crap here. Either refute the post or say nothing.

You come here every day and you attack Dems and praise Trump. Don’t try to pretend otherwise
Of course I attack dems. Every day. What decent person doesnt?
I dont praise trump. I have crapped all over republicans for nominating him again. I talk about his disastrous policies all the time.
You lie. Its what you do. Every day.
Given the Biden administration's recent spit in the face of all Christians (X 2) it would seem to me that your path is clear.

Spit #1....No religious themed stuff at the WH Easter egg hunt.

Spit #2....Choosing Easter to decide to announce a national trans visibility day.

Looks to me your path is clear to vote for someone that may not be exactly like you but does not hate you.

If, as a Christian you choose to vote for a dem then would it be fair to say that such a person would be no more than a "Cafeteria Christian"?
But he's a devout CATHOLIC. He'll tell you so any chance he can
That right there, dems, is one clear sign that this dope has been brainwashed by Fox News.

And some people don't believe in demonic possession.

Imagine that!
Lol like I watch that BS.
Every decent person trashes the dems. Its the humane thing to do. :dunno:
Look at all the "cafeteria christians" up in this thread.....Maybe "galvanized christian" would be more to the point.

You know, people who briefly claim to be something they are not so that they can avoid the unpleasantness of their untenable situation.

Perhaps you were describing yourself.

It’s not Christian liberals who are pretending to be something they’re not.

Jesus said “Love one another, as I have loved you”. He didn’t say to love the people who look like you, believe as you do and act like you want them to act.

Jesus stop the stoning of the adulterer by saying “let those among you who is without sin cast the first stone”. Neither God nor Jesus has any prohibitions in the Bible against homosexuality or premarital sex.

But it has a very specific prohibitions, against adultery, against lying, and against stealing. The Christian right is obsessed with other people’s sexual behaviour. Their definitions of “morality” are almost all based on a person’s sexual behaviour with consenting adults.

I never hear the Christian right talking about someone’s immorality, being corruption, lying, or stealing. Especially when public figures espouse “Christian beliefs”. Jesus said that words without deeds have no worth.

Of course I attack dems. Every day. What decent person doesnt?
I dont praise trump. I have crapped all over republicans for nominating him again. I talk about his disastrous policies all the time.
You lie. Its what you do. Every day.

No sane, decent person would ever attack the Democrsts for their policies. That’s because their policies have worked in overcoming all of the Republican economic collapses of the past 40 years.

Thank you for proving your neither sane nor decent.
I don't believe there is really such a thing as one is at extreme loggerheads with the other given that today's "liberal" has morphed into a radical leftist.....You only need to look at your own FUBAR country to see that.
Oh please! The country is not falling apart. It does not need to made "great again" by letting industry corrupt government just like the good old days when peons like you knew their place.

I do have to admit Trump almost pulled off the greatest political con in recent memory by convincing the people he shits on daily to support his quest to bring the darkness back. Sucker.

The only thing that FUBAR is your addled mind.
Oh please! The country is not falling apart. It does not need to made "great again" by letting industry corrupt government just like the good old days when peons like you knew their place.

I do have to admit Trump almost pulled off the greatest political con in recent memory by convincing the people he shits on daily to support his quest to bring the darkness back. Sucker.

The only thing that FUBAR is your addled mind.
Triggered much?
Look at all the "cafeteria christians" up in this thread.....Maybe "galvanized christian" would be more to the point.

thirsty? then here - this is just for you

jesus coke.jpg

- straight from the caf...

You know, people who briefly claim to be something they are not so that they can avoid the unpleasantness of their untenable situation.

did two corinthians tell you that?
Triggered much?
Thats right bubba. I'm fixing to make America great again by denying those dam commie dems , gays, trans, blacks, hispanics, immigrants, and women, their constitutional rights because if they are free to say and do what they want I will lose my government sanctioned freedom to hate and discriminate against everyone who is not like me, a genuine god fearing white Christian asshole

I got my guns and ammo. And my trigger finger is itchy so let me ask you, do you feel lucky?

Trump is the epitome of a talking serpent, a con artist, an actor and lying fraud who beguiles the gullible into advancing his own treasonous ambitions. Didn't you ever read the fairy tale? Sucker!

And some people don't believe in demonic possession.

Imagine that!

There, there, there.


All better now?


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