If China released the virus on purpose would it be an act of war?

This sounds like what you see in the movies. Where the bad guy grabs the good guy from behind. So the good guy shoots himself in a non-vital spot, and the bullet goes through him and hits the bad guy.

It sounds good in the movies, but not in reality.
Another one who doesn't know what the word "IF" means.
Left people got the virus on purpose to destroy the USA, with it. China being secret about everything, ended up shooting themselves in the foot, with what they wanted for everyone else.
If China did it on purpose, somebody forgot to tell them to vaccinate their own people first.

This is the reason why biological weapons are outlawed, because you don't know which way the wind blows.
Of course, it would be an act of war.

And what would the West do?


Except to grovel even more to the Chinese tyrants!
If it was intentional, it was a clever way of dong it. By infecting their own population first. China can afford to lose 5%-10% of it's population, and actually allow them to lift the limit on couples having children.

Another one who doesn't know what the word "IF" means.
You forgot to explain what level of "proof" is needed to trigger "if".

You would have to show it was
1) Manufactured or developed by China
2) It was released on purpose
3) The purpose for releasing it was to infect the world
If China did it on purpose, somebody forgot to tell them to vaccinate their own people first.

This is the reason why biological weapons are outlawed, because you don't know which way the wind blows.

Did anyone ever tell Fauci that biological weapons are outlawed? :abgg2q.jpg:
You forgot to explain what level of "proof" is needed to trigger "if".

You would have to show it was
1) Manufactured or developed by China
2) It was released on purpose
3) The purpose for releasing it was to infect the world
IF it was proven beyond a reasonable doubt in this hypothetical scenario. You dumb leftist. You can lead a horse to water.....
Did anyone ever tell Fauci that biological weapons are outlawed? :abgg2q.jpg:

The only place you can find smallpox is in biological research labs. If it accidentally got out, you'd think it was also an act of war.
If China did it on purpose, somebody forgot to tell them to vaccinate their own people first.

This is the reason why biological weapons are outlawed, because you don't know which way the wind blows.
By infecting its own people (Govt doesn't care) they look innocent. Again the point of the thread is IF and what would the retaliation be if any? Learn to read, leftist.
IF it was proven beyond a reasonable doubt in this hypothetical scenario. You dumb leftist. You can lead a horse to water.....
You throw out a term that takes a court of law to define. Do you suggest that we put China on trial, before we determine if it was an act of war?
You throw out a term that takes a court of law to define. Do you suggest that we put China on trial, before we determine if it was an act of war?
I suggest if we found out that they were guilty what would the repercussions be if any.
By infecting its own people (Govt doesn't care) they look innocent. Again the point of the thread is IF and what would the retaliation be if any? Learn to read, leftist.

In other words China covered it's tracks, so that it would be impossible to prove they did it on purpose, "beyond a reasonable doubt"

So your IF, can't ever be proved.
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We of course do not know for sure. But if investigations and such reveal that this was done on purpose to stifle the global economy and such and especially damage the West, would this be an act of war and if so what would or could the rest of the world do?

You leftists the purpose of the thread is "IF" and there is evidence that "IF" is a possibility. I am not saying it definitely happened. Learn to read before responding.
I think that would be a stretch. Wars have sides. If they released it on their own people, and it spread around the world, not sure I could call that an act of war.

Of course that didn't happen, but whatever.
In other words China covered it's tracks, so that it would be impossible to prove they did it on purpose, "beyond a reasonable doubt"

So you IF, can't ever be proved.
A Gov't agent has a change of heart and confesses. Play the game, leftist.
I think that would be a stretch. Wars have sides. If they released it on their own people, and it spread around the world, not sure I could call that an act of war.

Of course that didn't happen, but whatever.
Another one who doesn't know what the word "IF" means
I suggest if we found out that they were guilty what would the repercussions be if any.

The problem is how would we find out they were guilty. Except to put them on trial, and have the neutral tribunal or jury, return a guilty verdict.

Except there are no neutral tribunals or courts that both the US and China are members of.
If China did it on purpose, somebody forgot to tell them to vaccinate their own people first.

This is the reason why biological weapons are outlawed, because you don't know which way the wind blows.
Since when do they care about their own people?

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