If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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it is if you are muslim. has any gay couple gone to a muslim baker for a cake? how about a Christian couple? Jewish couple?

The problem is that our discrimination laws are not applied equally. Why are muslims exempt?
It's a matter of survival.

If a gay couple tried this shit with a muslim.....

....alalalalalalalalaaaa snack bar......


Meh, the Bible (IMO) is basically an outline on how to have a successful society. They discouraged divorce, they encouraged having a lot of kids (because back then - that was a good thing), they discouraged homosexuality (for many different reasons, I'm sure - disease, no kids, etc). It was a way of policing people before there were resources available to actually physically police. That is just my theory though. :D
Partly true.
Definitely is what drives most of Leviticus.

However there is a spiritual aspect to it..living a godly life as outlined by the bible leads to joy and happiness. Our nature is such that we want to be close to God, we suffer when we move away from God, and we are happier when we focus on God.
Meh, the Bible (IMO) is basically an outline on how to have a successful society. They discouraged divorce, they encouraged having a lot of kids (because back then - that was a good thing), they discouraged homosexuality (for many different reasons, I'm sure - disease, no kids, etc). It was a way of policing people before there were resources available to actually physically police. That is just my theory though. :D
Partly true.
Definitely is what drives most of Leviticus.

However there is a spiritual aspect to it..living a godly life as outlined by the bible leads to joy and happiness. Our nature is such that we want to be close to God, we suffer when we move away from God, and we are happier when we focus on God.
I believe that just as there are physical laws of the Universe, there are also spiritual laws.

If we violate a physical law, such as gravity, we suffer the consequences. Just so with violating a spiritual law.

Our President is suffering the consequences of violating quite a few spiritual laws.
Meh, the Bible (IMO) is basically an outline on how to have a successful society. They discouraged divorce, they encouraged having a lot of kids (because back then - that was a good thing), they discouraged homosexuality (for many different reasons, I'm sure - disease, no kids, etc). It was a way of policing people before there were resources available to actually physically police. That is just my theory though. :D
Partly true.
Definitely is what drives most of Leviticus.

However there is a spiritual aspect to it..living a godly life as outlined by the bible leads to joy and happiness. Our nature is such that we want to be close to God, we suffer when we move away from God, and we are happier when we focus on God.

I totally believe that is true for some people.
Meh, the Bible (IMO) is basically an outline on how to have a successful society. They discouraged divorce, they encouraged having a lot of kids (because back then - that was a good thing), they discouraged homosexuality (for many different reasons, I'm sure - disease, no kids, etc). It was a way of policing people before there were resources available to actually physically police. That is just my theory though. :D
Eating pork and being gay were both categorized as "abominations" in Leviticus.

One could say eating pork is a euphemism for being gay... :D

I believe in God and the Bible. The Bible is an excellent design for living. Most of the strictures and commandments are meant to protect us from ourselves. They are not meant to suck all the fun out of life. Quite the contrary. I have found that as I have altered the course of my life to abide by the spiritual laws of the Universe, I am far far happier than when I lived as a degenerate pleasure-seeking fool.

But I have no doubt in my mind that the bakers are not spiritual or abiding by the Bible. They are using it as an excuse for their hatred, and that is about as evil as it gets.

Can't agree with everything. A woman gets pregnant as a result of intercourse with a male. The sperm that penetrates the egg that she is carrying, which contains only X chromosomes, offers up either another X chrome, making the future child develop as a female, or a Y chromosome, making the future child to be a male. But the bible says that the woman in this case will be "unclean" for 33 days if the child to whom she gives birth is a male, and 66 days if the child to whom she gives birth is female. What is the basis for this?And please ask yourself why a person should be considered "unclean" for bearing a child, when this is the smooth operation of the human reproductive process. Every person who has ever walked this earth is a result of this process, you and I included.

Moreover, what is the origin of the idea that female humans should not speak their minds? How is a human penis a font of knowledge and wisdom?
Meh, the Bible (IMO) is basically an outline on how to have a successful society. They discouraged divorce, they encouraged having a lot of kids (because back then - that was a good thing), they discouraged homosexuality (for many different reasons, I'm sure - disease, no kids, etc). It was a way of policing people before there were resources available to actually physically police. That is just my theory though. :D
Eating pork and being gay were both categorized as "abominations" in Leviticus.

One could say eating pork is a euphemism for being gay... :D

I believe in God and the Bible. The Bible is an excellent design for living. Most of the strictures and commandments are meant to protect us from ourselves. They are not meant to suck all the fun out of life. Quite the contrary. I have found that as I have altered the course of my life to abide by the spiritual laws of the Universe, I am far far happier than when I lived as a degenerate pleasure-seeking fool.

But I have no doubt in my mind that the bakers are not spiritual or abiding by the Bible. They are using it as an excuse for their hatred, and that is about as evil as it gets.

Can't agree with everything. A woman gets pregnant as a result of intercourse with a male. The sperm that penetrates the egg that she is carrying, which contains only X chromosomes, offers up either another X chrome, making the future child develop as a female, or a Y chromosome, making the future child to be a male. But the bible says that the woman in this case will be "unclean" for 33 days if the child to whom she gives birth is a male, and 66 days if the child to whom she gives birth is female. What is the basis for this?And please ask yourself why a person should be considered "unclean" for bearing a child, when this is the smooth operation of the human reproductive process. Every person who has ever walked this earth is a result of this process, you and I included.

Maybe they were talking about "lochia"? Have you ever had a baby? You sure don't feel very "clean", I can tell you that much! :lol:
Meh, the Bible (IMO) is basically an outline on how to have a successful society. They discouraged divorce, they encouraged having a lot of kids (because back then - that was a good thing), they discouraged homosexuality (for many different reasons, I'm sure - disease, no kids, etc). It was a way of policing people before there were resources available to actually physically police. That is just my theory though. :D
Partly true.
Definitely is what drives most of Leviticus.

However there is a spiritual aspect to it..living a godly life as outlined by the bible leads to joy and happiness. Our nature is such that we want to be close to God, we suffer when we move away from God, and we are happier when we focus on God.
I believe that just as there are physical laws of the Universe, there are also spiritual laws.

If we violate a physical law, such as gravity, we suffer the consequences. Just so with violating a spiritual law.

Our President is suffering the consequences of violating quite a few spiritual laws.

We all suffer those consequences, nobody is exempt.
Don't forget that they did not have condoms back then. These "rules" could have been stated for some very simple and common sense reasons. They would wait until the end of lochia at least before having sex again to avoid the risk of getting pregnant too soon after delivering a child. That would have been extremely dangerous back in those days for the women. Telling the men that they are "unclean" for so many days after giving birth to a child was probably actually doing the women a favor health wise.
yes, a gay baker should be able to refuse to make a cake for a straight couple's wedding. Who cares?

why would a gay couple go to a baker that they knew didn't approve of gay marriage? To stir up shit, no other reason.

If he doesn't agree with gay marriage or gay whatever, then he must be destroyed. You would think they physically harmed or murdered someone. Leftists are totally out of control.

Liberalism = intolerance. Think like we do or we will destroy you. Only liberal thoughts and beliefs are allowed. Orwell and Rand saw it coming and wrote accurately about it.
Bullshit. Discrimination is not allowed. GET USED TO IT.

it is if you are muslim. has any gay couple gone to a muslim baker for a cake? how about a Christian couple? Jewish couple?

The problem is that our discrimination laws are not applied equally. Why are muslims exempt?

They aren’t exempt. So far, only this one so called Christian bake shop is exempt from Public Accommodation laws.
and yet no baker or florist has ever refused to bake a cake for someone remarrying. That tells the people who aren't stupid that it has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with hating gays.

Do you have actual proof of this assertion, that no baker/florist has ever refused service in this circumstance? Or are you just bloviating?

I remember when I was a young man, the late , great Dr. Jerry Falwell was preaching on TV. And he stated, remarkably, that Almighty God put Adam and EVE into the Garden, it was not Adam and STEVE.

I looked it up in the Bible, Falwell was absolutely spot on correct in this. Yet, liberals ignore this passage, say its "homophobic".

Now you don't have to agree with Almighty God or his faithful servant Dr. Falwell. But its crazy to pretend as if people don't have a legitimate beef against the novel social institution of Gay Marriage.

Religions can choose not to marry gay people, the government cannot. People felt they had a “legitimate beef” against interracial marriage too. They were just as wrong. (And bigots) I’m pretty sure they didn’t like being called racist any more than homophobes. Too bad.
Now that USMB Christian white wingers know about the Worlds Biggest Orgy coming up in Vegas, how many will attend? There won't be any gays there. It's all about horndog heteros.
It is a different story if you are in a business in which you have to have personal dealings with customers and create custom made things for them, such as custom made cakes, photography, and that sort of thing. That is not like selling paper goods or food or something. That is when the nature of your business can put you in a predicament if you also might have values and belief systems.
... then gays should be allowed to discriminate against Christians.

Agree or Disagree?

Queers and their left wing cheerleaders already do.

Right, but in the context of civil rights law (public accommodations, protected classes, etc...) it's not legal. Religion is a protected class. Recent controversies are contesting state laws that have added sexual orientation to the protected classes list.

Do you think sexual orientation should be a protected class? Should religion be a protected class? Should there even be such a thing as 'protected classes'?
Meh, the Bible (IMO) is basically an outline on how to have a successful society. They discouraged divorce, they encouraged having a lot of kids (because back then - that was a good thing), they discouraged homosexuality (for many different reasons, I'm sure - disease, no kids, etc). It was a way of policing people before there were resources available to actually physically police. That is just my theory though. :D
Eating pork and being gay were both categorized as "abominations" in Leviticus.

One could say eating pork is a euphemism for being gay... :D

I believe in God and the Bible. The Bible is an excellent design for living. Most of the strictures and commandments are meant to protect us from ourselves. They are not meant to suck all the fun out of life. Quite the contrary. I have found that as I have altered the course of my life to abide by the spiritual laws of the Universe, I am far far happier than when I lived as a degenerate pleasure-seeking fool.

But I have no doubt in my mind that the bakers are not spiritual or abiding by the Bible. They are using it as an excuse for their hatred, and that is about as evil as it gets.

Can't agree with everything. A woman gets pregnant as a result of intercourse with a male. The sperm that penetrates the egg that she is carrying, which contains only X chromosomes, offers up either another X chrome, making the future child develop as a female, or a Y chromosome, making the future child to be a male. But the bible says that the woman in this case will be "unclean" for 33 days if the child to whom she gives birth is a male, and 66 days if the child to whom she gives birth is female. What is the basis for this?And please ask yourself why a person should be considered "unclean" for bearing a child, when this is the smooth operation of the human reproductive process. Every person who has ever walked this earth is a result of this process, you and I included.

Maybe they were talking about "lochia"? Have you ever had a baby? You sure don't feel very "clean", I can tell you that much! :lol:

Yes, but why is it in the bible? The bible talks about this as a religious thing, like don't report to religious services, not as an expression of how the new mother is feeling. Moreover, why would it be based on the sex of the child to which the woman has given birth when the effort is the same? Please explain that. The idea of being "clean" after giving birth implies some sort of spiritual problem with the act of giving birth, which apparently is something dirty, and some idea that the Supreme Being has a problem with this process, which has been created by him/her/itself in the first place. The idea that a person might need to recover strength and stamina after such a physical ordeal is completely separate.
God said plenty about gays... He burned them to the ground.
The Bible is gibberish is not taken as a whole…

Jesus never said a word. He spoke very strongly against divorce. Have you ever seen a baker or a florist refuse to do a wedding because one of the couples was divorced? Me neither.
Jesus pro-gay?
Don’t think so...
Here’s what Jesus says about the gay lifestyle...

I didn’t say he was pro gay. I said he never said a word about gays. He DID speak out quite strongly on divorce...which is how I know that these so called Christian bakers aren’t refusing to serve gays because of religion. It’s a lie (and lying is a sin)
The gay lifestyle is also a sin...
The Bible and Same-Sex Attraction | Living Out

Again, no shit, Red Rider. Are you stupid or just a Trump supporter?

Yes, being gay is a "sin", but it is no more a sin than divorce...and yet no baker or florist has ever refused to bake a cake for someone remarrying. That tells the people who aren't stupid that it has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with hating gays.
No one is ordering an divorce cake... dip shit

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