If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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Meh, the Bible (IMO) is basically an outline on how to have a successful society. They discouraged divorce, they encouraged having a lot of kids (because back then - that was a good thing), they discouraged homosexuality (for many different reasons, I'm sure - disease, no kids, etc). It was a way of policing people before there were resources available to actually physically police. That is just my theory though. :D
Partly true.
Definitely is what drives most of Leviticus.

However there is a spiritual aspect to it..living a godly life as outlined by the bible leads to joy and happiness. Our nature is such that we want to be close to God, we suffer when we move away from God, and we are happier when we focus on God.
I believe that just as there are physical laws of the Universe, there are also spiritual laws.

If we violate a physical law, such as gravity, we suffer the consequences. Just so with violating a spiritual law.

Our President is suffering the consequences of violating quite a few spiritual laws.
No doubt our president is certainly no saint, but to say that he is any more flawed than any other career politician is absolutely delusional.
He has not yet become a professional at being a hypocrite like Clinton’s, obama and or other career politician. He really needs on the job training to accomplish such things...
and the number of promises he made on the campaign trail that he's kept has made him the most honest politician since forever.

Did you manage to post that with a straight face?

Remember on the campaign trail when he promised that as soon as he was elected he would take immediate action to label China a currency manipulator? Tell us about how he kept that promise?

And that doesn't even touch the daily lies- big and small he makes.

So far Lying Donnie is in the running for the most dishonest politician of modern times.
Meh, the Bible (IMO) is basically an outline on how to have a successful society. They discouraged divorce, they encouraged having a lot of kids (because back then - that was a good thing), they discouraged homosexuality (for many different reasons, I'm sure - disease, no kids, etc). It was a way of policing people before there were resources available to actually physically police. That is just my theory though. :D
Eating pork and being gay were both categorized as "abominations" in Leviticus.

One could say eating pork is a euphemism for being gay... :D

I believe in God and the Bible. The Bible is an excellent design for living. Most of the strictures and commandments are meant to protect us from ourselves. They are not meant to suck all the fun out of life. Quite the contrary. I have found that as I have altered the course of my life to abide by the spiritual laws of the Universe, I am far far happier than when I lived as a degenerate pleasure-seeking fool.

But I have no doubt in my mind that the bakers are not spiritual or abiding by the Bible. They are using it as an excuse for their hatred, and that is about as evil as it gets.
The collective has no credibility... So gays do have every right to discriminate against Christians.

One, the people who are doing this and have the nerve to identify themselves as Christians and then do this are an outright fraud.

Who are doing what?

Declining participation in fake marriage ceremonies that we believe place our immortal soul, and our worldly happiness, in jeopardy?

Yeah that's over the top unChristian. We all know that Christians are required to recant the parts of the bible that the fags and reprobates don't like...we all know that Christians shouldn't be allowed to engage in business if they refuse to endorse faggotry.
Meh, the Bible (IMO) is basically an outline on how to have a successful society. They discouraged divorce, they encouraged having a lot of kids (because back then - that was a good thing), they discouraged homosexuality (for many different reasons, I'm sure - disease, no kids, etc). It was a way of policing people before there were resources available to actually physically police. That is just my theory though. :D
Partly true.
Definitely is what drives most of Leviticus.

However there is a spiritual aspect to it..living a godly life as outlined by the bible leads to joy and happiness. Our nature is such that we want to be close to God, we suffer when we move away from God, and we are happier when we focus on God.
I believe that just as there are physical laws of the Universe, there are also spiritual laws.

If we violate a physical law, such as gravity, we suffer the consequences. Just so with violating a spiritual law.

Our President is suffering the consequences of violating quite a few spiritual laws.
No doubt our president is certainly no saint, but to say that he is any more flawed than any other career politician is absolutely delusional.
He has not yet become a professional at being a hypocrite like Clinton’s, obama and or other career politician. He really needs on the job training to accomplish such things...
and the number of promises he made on the campaign trail that he's kept has made him the most honest politician since forever.

Did you manage to post that with a straight face?

Remember on the campaign trail when he promised that as soon as he was elected he would take immediate action to label China a currency manipulator? Tell us about how he kept that promise?

And that doesn't even touch the daily lies- big and small he makes.

So far Lying Donnie is in the running for the most dishonest politician of modern times.
go read up:

Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments

BTW, I didn't say he kept every promise did I? I said the number he has kept. see the link.
Meh, the Bible (IMO) is basically an outline on how to have a successful society. They discouraged divorce, they encouraged having a lot of kids (because back then - that was a good thing), they discouraged homosexuality (for many different reasons, I'm sure - disease, no kids, etc). It was a way of policing people before there were resources available to actually physically police. That is just my theory though. :D
Partly true.
Definitely is what drives most of Leviticus.

However there is a spiritual aspect to it..living a godly life as outlined by the bible leads to joy and happiness. Our nature is such that we want to be close to God, we suffer when we move away from God, and we are happier when we focus on God.
I believe that just as there are physical laws of the Universe, there are also spiritual laws.

If we violate a physical law, such as gravity, we suffer the consequences. Just so with violating a spiritual law.

Our President is suffering the consequences of violating quite a few spiritual laws.
No doubt our president is certainly no saint, but to say that he is any more flawed than any other career politician is absolutely delusional.
He has not yet become a professional at being a hypocrite like Clinton’s, obama and or other career politician. He really needs on the job training to accomplish such things...
and the number of promises he made on the campaign trail that he's kept has made him the most honest politician since forever.

Did you manage to post that with a straight face?

Remember on the campaign trail when he promised that as soon as he was elected he would take immediate action to label China a currency manipulator? Tell us about how he kept that promise?

And that doesn't even touch the daily lies- big and small he makes.

So far Lying Donnie is in the running for the most dishonest politician of modern times.
Says a Clinton supporter...
Meh, the Bible (IMO) is basically an outline on how to have a successful society. They discouraged divorce, they encouraged having a lot of kids (because back then - that was a good thing), they discouraged homosexuality (for many different reasons, I'm sure - disease, no kids, etc). It was a way of policing people before there were resources available to actually physically police. That is just my theory though. :D
Partly true.
Definitely is what drives most of Leviticus.

However there is a spiritual aspect to it..living a godly life as outlined by the bible leads to joy and happiness. Our nature is such that we want to be close to God, we suffer when we move away from God, and we are happier when we focus on God.
I believe that just as there are physical laws of the Universe, there are also spiritual laws.

If we violate a physical law, such as gravity, we suffer the consequences. Just so with violating a spiritual law.

Our President is suffering the consequences of violating quite a few spiritual laws.
I don't want to hear your shit until I hear on the news you suing a Muslim Bakery for refusing to bake you a cake.
True, all sin is viewed the same by God... He cannot tolerate it

Then why doesn't he just ban it?
That is the purpose of the Bible.... easy as that

Hmmm... if that's the case, do you want to be the one to break the bad news to the almighty or should I?

… the "sin banning" device needs to be redesigned 'cause it doesn't work worth a damn.

It works wonderfully.
It doesn't work if you don't adhere to it, however.
True, all sin is viewed the same by God... He cannot tolerate it

Then why doesn't he just ban it?
That is the purpose of the Bible.... easy as that

Hmmm... if that's the case, do you want to be the one to break the bad news to the almighty or should I?

… the "sin banning" device needs to be redesigned 'cause it doesn't work worth a damn.
The whole thing has went over your head obviously… It’s a Christian thing you may not understand.:itsok:
Eating pork and being gay were both categorized as "abominations" in Leviticus.

One could say eating pork is a euphemism for being gay... :D

I believe in God and the Bible. The Bible is an excellent design for living. Most of the strictures and commandments are meant to protect us from ourselves. They are not meant to suck all the fun out of life. Quite the contrary. I have found that as I have altered the course of my life to abide by the spiritual laws of the Universe, I am far far happier than when I lived as a degenerate pleasure-seeking fool.

But I have no doubt in my mind that the bakers are not spiritual or abiding by the Bible. They are using it as an excuse for their hatred, and that is about as evil as it gets.

Can't agree with everything. A woman gets pregnant as a result of intercourse with a male. The sperm that penetrates the egg that she is carrying, which contains only X chromosomes, offers up either another X chrome, making the future child develop as a female, or a Y chromosome, making the future child to be a male. But the bible says that the woman in this case will be "unclean" for 33 days if the child to whom she gives birth is a male, and 66 days if the child to whom she gives birth is female. What is the basis for this?And please ask yourself why a person should be considered "unclean" for bearing a child, when this is the smooth operation of the human reproductive process. Every person who has ever walked this earth is a result of this process, you and I included.

Maybe they were talking about "lochia"? Have you ever had a baby? You sure don't feel very "clean", I can tell you that much! :lol:

Yes, but why is it in the bible? The bible talks about this as a religious thing, like don't report to religious services, not as an expression of how the new mother is feeling. Moreover, why would it be based on the sex of the child to which the woman has given birth when the effort is the same? Please explain that. The idea of being "clean" after giving birth implies some sort of spiritual problem with the act of giving birth, which apparently is something dirty, and some idea that the Supreme Being has a problem with this process, which has been created by him/her/itself in the first place. The idea that a person might need to recover strength and stamina after such a physical ordeal is completely separate.

Because that is how people were back then in ancient times when the Bible was written. They were superstitious and didn't have a good understanding of the natural occurrences behind certain events and occurrences. I would think that everyone would be aware of this.

Then why are you trying to return us all to the days of superstition? I must make it perfectly clear that I find the ideas that the bible is inerrant and infallible to be totally ridiculous. One gets from a several-thousands-year old tribal society what one gets from a such a society so long ago. I note that these requirements portrayed the new mother as someone dirty, and more dirty when she gave birth to a child of one sex than she would be if she had given birth to a child of the other sex, and not that society should give her some space to recover.
Christians have not been the ones promoting tattoos and have sex with anything ----- that would seem like returning society to "prehistoric" paganism. And it were the Christian organizations that promoted orphanages and homes where none existed previously. They founded the hospitals and nurses. They are the reason we how celebrate Memorial Day (once known as Decoration Day) and Mother's Day and Thanksgiving.
The whole thing has went over your head obviously… It’s a Christian thing you may not understand.:itsok:

And there's no need to understand. The whole point of religious freedom is that personal beliefs don't need to be justified to government, or anyone else. We should be free to hold those beliefs, and act on them, regardless of how nonsensical they might seem to others.
True, all sin is viewed the same by God... He cannot tolerate it

Then why doesn't he just ban it?
That is the purpose of the Bible.... easy as that

Hmmm... if that's the case, do you want to be the one to break the bad news to the almighty or should I?

… the "sin banning" device needs to be redesigned 'cause it doesn't work worth a damn.

It works wonderfully.
Then how come there is still sin in the world?

It doesn't work if you don't adhere to it, however.
If it's voluntary it's not a ban, it's a suggestion.

One would think that an all knowing, all powerful divine being that created the Universe would be able to manage abolishing something that "he cannot tolerate" so that it could no longer exist. :dunno:

"Well, of course. I am the Supreme Being, I'm not entirely dim... " --- The Supreme Being, Time Bandits
The whole thing has went over your head obviously… It’s a Christian thing you may not understand.:itsok:

And there's no need to understand. The whole point of religious freedom is that personal beliefs don't need to be justified to government, or anyone else. We should be free to hold those beliefs, and act on them, regardless of how nonsensical they might seem to others.
Yep, Christianity is a faith and is forced on nobody.
Unlike religion
The whole thing has went over your head obviously… It’s a Christian thing you may not understand.:itsok:

And there's no need to understand. The whole point of religious freedom is that personal beliefs don't need to be justified to government, or anyone else. We should be free to hold those beliefs, and act on them, regardless of how nonsensical they might seem to others.
Yep, Christianity is a faith and is forced on nobody.
Unlike religion

You've got it backwards, Christianity is a religion.

Faith can exist with or without religion.
True, all sin is viewed the same by God... He cannot tolerate it

Then why doesn't he just ban it?
That is the purpose of the Bible.... easy as that

Hmmm... if that's the case, do you want to be the one to break the bad news to the almighty or should I?

… the "sin banning" device needs to be redesigned 'cause it doesn't work worth a damn.

It works wonderfully.
Then how come there is still sin in the world?

It doesn't work if you don't adhere to it, however.
If it's voluntary it's not a ban, it's a suggestion.

One would think that an all knowing, all powerful divine being that created the Universe would be able to manage abolishing something that "he cannot tolerate" so that it could no longer exist. :dunno:

"Well, of course. I am the Supreme Being, I'm not entirely dim... " --- The Supreme Being, Time Bandits
The passion of Christ... look it up.
The Bible explains it perfectly, And it’s available to everybody… No exclusions simple as that
True, all sin is viewed the same by God... He cannot tolerate it

Then why doesn't he just ban it?
That is the purpose of the Bible.... easy as that

Hmmm... if that's the case, do you want to be the one to break the bad news to the almighty or should I?

… the "sin banning" device needs to be redesigned 'cause it doesn't work worth a damn.

It works wonderfully.
Then how come there is still sin in the world?

It doesn't work if you don't adhere to it, however.
If it's voluntary it's not a ban, it's a suggestion.

One would think that an all knowing, all powerful divine being that created the Universe would be able to manage abolishing something that "he cannot tolerate" so that it could no longer exist. :dunno:

"Well, of course. I am the Supreme Being, I'm not entirely dim... " --- The Supreme Being, Time Bandits
There is still sin in the world because the Messiah has not return yet. You need to study Revelation
The whole thing has went over your head obviously… It’s a Christian thing you may not understand.:itsok:

And there's no need to understand. The whole point of religious freedom is that personal beliefs don't need to be justified to government, or anyone else. We should be free to hold those beliefs, and act on them, regardless of how nonsensical they might seem to others.
Yep, Christianity is a faith and is forced on nobody.
Unlike religion

You've got it backwards, Christianity is a religion.

Faith can exist with or without religion.
Na, religion is man-made…
Christianity is a faith, a faith thru grace alone....
Then why doesn't he just ban it?
That is the purpose of the Bible.... easy as that

Hmmm... if that's the case, do you want to be the one to break the bad news to the almighty or should I?

… the "sin banning" device needs to be redesigned 'cause it doesn't work worth a damn.

It works wonderfully.
Then how come there is still sin in the world?

It doesn't work if you don't adhere to it, however.
If it's voluntary it's not a ban, it's a suggestion.

One would think that an all knowing, all powerful divine being that created the Universe would be able to manage abolishing something that "he cannot tolerate" so that it could no longer exist. :dunno:

"Well, of course. I am the Supreme Being, I'm not entirely dim... " --- The Supreme Being, Time Bandits
The passion of Christ... look it up.
The Bible explains it perfectly, And it’s available to everybody… No exclusions simple as that

"Look it up" does that mean you don't know what it is and want me to find the answer for you?

Maybe I need to find a Christian that actually knows something about Christianity to answer the simple question of why God doesn't just ban something it supposedly "cannot tolerate".
The whole thing has went over your head obviously… It’s a Christian thing you may not understand.:itsok:

And there's no need to understand. The whole point of religious freedom is that personal beliefs don't need to be justified to government, or anyone else. We should be free to hold those beliefs, and act on them, regardless of how nonsensical they might seem to others.
Yep, Christianity is a faith and is forced on nobody.
Unlike religion

You've got it backwards, Christianity is a religion.

Faith can exist with or without religion.
Christianity is a relationship the Christian has with the Lord. The Christian has faith knowing that he or she is saved from eternal separation from GOD through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus the Messiah. The resurrection proves that a man can have eternal life.
That is the purpose of the Bible.... easy as that

Hmmm... if that's the case, do you want to be the one to break the bad news to the almighty or should I?

… the "sin banning" device needs to be redesigned 'cause it doesn't work worth a damn.

It works wonderfully.
Then how come there is still sin in the world?

It doesn't work if you don't adhere to it, however.
If it's voluntary it's not a ban, it's a suggestion.

One would think that an all knowing, all powerful divine being that created the Universe would be able to manage abolishing something that "he cannot tolerate" so that it could no longer exist. :dunno:

"Well, of course. I am the Supreme Being, I'm not entirely dim... " --- The Supreme Being, Time Bandits
The passion of Christ... look it up.
The Bible explains it perfectly, And it’s available to everybody… No exclusions simple as that

"Look it up" does that mean you don't know what it is and want me to find the answer for you?

Maybe I need to find a Christian that actually knows something about Christianity to answer the simple question of why God doesn't just ban something it supposedly "cannot tolerate".
Like I said the passion of the Christ explains it perfectly… All you need is faith through grace... it’s absolutely free
It’s a Christian thing you may not understand… Or just don’t want to?

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