If Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays ...

Should gays be allowed to discriminate against Christians?

  • Seems fair to me.

  • No, only religious people should be protected.

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well they aren't equal. why would they be? you're attempting to tell everyone that a circle and a square are equal. they aren't bubba.

Yeah, negroes and whites aren't equal. Why would they be?

A Black child has no control which color he will be born. We know this and it is scientifically verifiable, even after death, and without testimony of those that knew them.

A gay person has no control over which sexual orientation he or she will be. Ok?
Na, it’s a 100% choice... shit for brains
Wow. What a brilliant retort! :lol:

Tell us about the day you decided not to be gay.
well they aren't equal. why would they be? you're attempting to tell everyone that a circle and a square are equal. they aren't bubba.

Yeah, negroes and whites aren't equal. Why would they be?

A Black child has no control which color he will be born. We know this and it is scientifically verifiable, even after death, and without testimony of those that knew them.

A gay person has no control over which sexual orientation he or she will be. Ok?

We don't know this. There certainly have been well documented cases of a Homosexual somehow becoming Heterosexual, and also the opposite. It sometimes happens multiple times.

There is no evidence to support the contention that a person can change their color as they wish.

Someday in the future, the descendants of these bigots are going to trying to convince us their ancestors of the early 21st century who opposed civil rights for gays were left wing Republicans. :lol:
well they aren't equal. why would they be? you're attempting to tell everyone that a circle and a square are equal. they aren't bubba.

Yeah, negroes and whites aren't equal. Why would they be?

A Black child has no control which color he will be born. We know this and it is scientifically verifiable, even after death, and without testimony of those that knew them.

A gay person has no control over which sexual orientation he or she will be. Ok?

We don't know this. There certainly have been well documented cases of a Homosexual somehow becoming Heterosexual, and also the opposite. It sometimes happens multiple times.

There is no evidence to support the contention that a person can change their color as they wish.

"somehow becoming" :lol:
A gay person has no control over which sexual orientation he or she will be. Ok?
My cousin is gay. I honestly believe he tried to be straight, because his family and everyone around him POUNDED it in his head that he had to be straight. He even dated girls, but the most common complain on breakup was that he lacked passion (wonder why?). That guy had NO CONTROL over his orientation. NONE.

Good thing he didn't just settle and marry some poor girl, only to completely ruin her life later when he discovered that he can't continue lying to himself.
The standard for rights has nothing to do with choice or color. The standard for rights is that you have to prove the group you hate causes societal harm in order to deny them those rights.

"I don't like them" is not a legal argument which passes this test.

So enough with the red herrings.
I'll tell you who has no control. Guys like Donald Trump who can't stop committing adultery. Yet I don't hear any of these alleged biblically compliant bigots complaining about it. Ever.
Oh, but, see. It was hetero adultery, so it's forgivable. Homo sex? Jesus is not powerful enough to overcome such an egregious abomination.

Jesus is weak.

That's why I am not Christian. Complete and total hypocrisy.
well they aren't equal. why would they be? you're attempting to tell everyone that a circle and a square are equal. they aren't bubba.

Yeah, negroes and whites aren't equal. Why would they be?

A Black child has no control which color he will be born. We know this and it is scientifically verifiable, even after death, and without testimony of those that knew them.

A gay person has no control over which sexual orientation he or she will be. Ok?
Na, it’s a 100% choice... shit for brains
Wow. What a brilliant retort! :lol:

Tell us about the day you decided not to be gay.
Show us the “gay” gene...
I'll tell you who has no control. Guys like Donald Trump who can't stop committing adultery. Yet I don't hear any of these alleged biblically compliant bigots complaining about it. Ever.
Oh, but, see. It was hetero adultery, so it's forgivable. Homo sex? Jesus is not powerful enough to overcome such an egregious abomination.

Jesus is weak.

That's why I am not Christian. Complete and total hypocrisy.

You do realize that some Christians knowingly sin. That's OK, they were granted free will. They want to screw the pooch, no sking off my back. I just wont bake him a cake.
You're loosing me here Pal. You have taken a simple matter of equality and turned in into massive ball a gobity gook. It does not matter what the benefits of legal marriage are or where they come from. The simple fact is that -like it or not- government sanctions marriage and provides a range of benefits, and if hetro couples can enjoy those benefits, so must gay couples be able to.

You have the right to assume responsibility for yourself. And the moral duty to exercise it. Though, that moral duty requires moral awareness. I think therein lies your shortcoming.

Do or do not. I don't really care. It doesn't affect my day in any way. I've never thought much of the religion of Statism, anyway.
And that's the real difference I am seeing, and why I believe we have no choice but to form two different countries.

Two quotes from Milton Friedman that I have in my signature:

"Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself."

"One of the greatest mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results."

Some on here do not believe that the free market will fix the problems identified. Ultimately, they do not believe in freedom.

This is the fundamental difference between libertarians and statists/progressives/communists. I don't think we can ever reach common ground. We are so far apart that I doubt we can live in the same country.

The Statists place full faith in government, pretending that the assholes who aspire to hold those offices are not ambitions and power hungry. But, every example throughout history proves that those who seek and obtain power will never stop taking power until they have it all and everyone else is at their disposal.

Government is force. That all it is. Force is the antithesis of liberty.

So, faith in government means that all problems must be solved by government. Solving those problems via government is solving problems via FORCE.

"This is the right way to treat people, so we're passing a law."

A translation: We are going to FORCE people to treat others the right way.

They demand FORCE but lack to foresight to see how such a demand will end in their demise. Before they know what happened, they end up having all their property confiscated and find themselves laboring to mine salt in Siberia.

Statists will never stop trying to FORCE others to behave the way the statists think they should.

How can we share a country when some demand FORCE at every turn?

We just.....need a divorce. That's it. I am nearly resigned to it.
the soviet union and every other country that forced citizens has failed. we have history that tells us that.
I'll tell you who has no control. Guys like Donald Trump who can't stop committing adultery. Yet I don't hear any of these alleged biblically compliant bigots complaining about it. Ever.
Oh, but, see. It was hetero adultery, so it's forgivable. Homo sex? Jesus is not powerful enough to overcome such an egregious abomination.

Jesus is weak.

That's why I am not Christian. Complete and total hypocrisy.
I am a Christian. I believe the issue of gay marriage is one between the people and the government, not the church. This is not a religious issue. It is all about government cash and prizes.

If government was not involved in marriage, people would go to the church of their choice, get married in the eyes of God, and no one else would give a flying fuck.

But as soon as a hated group asks for the same tax breaks and other civil rights the rest of society receives, the alleged biblicaly compliant Christians lose their shit.

That's why I joke about Bible 2.0:

And Jesus said, "You can marry as many times as you wish and commit adultery as often as you wish, even with a pornographic actress. But if you bake a cake for a homo you will surely burn in the fires of hell forever."
Yeah, negroes and whites aren't equal. Why would they be?

A Black child has no control which color he will be born. We know this and it is scientifically verifiable, even after death, and without testimony of those that knew them.

A gay person has no control over which sexual orientation he or she will be. Ok?
Na, it’s a 100% choice... shit for brains
Wow. What a brilliant retort! :lol:

Tell us about the day you decided not to be gay.
Show us the “gay” gene...

Somethings, like breathing do not require decision. To opt out of breathing often does though.
I'll tell you who has no control. Guys like Donald Trump who can't stop committing adultery. Yet I don't hear any of these alleged biblically compliant bigots complaining about it. Ever.
Oh, but, see. It was hetero adultery, so it's forgivable. Homo sex? Jesus is not powerful enough to overcome such an egregious abomination.

Jesus is weak.

That's why I am not Christian. Complete and total hypocrisy.

You do realize that some Christians knowingly sin. That's OK, they were granted free will. They want to screw the pooch, no sking off my back. I just wont bake him a cake.
Screw the pooch. Those are the exact words I used last week about the racists and Jim Crow laws.

The whole reason we have federal government interference in these matters is precisely because of the intransigence of the racists during the fight for civil rights for blacks. The racists used the force of government to keep blacks oppressed, and thus screwed the pooch with their precedent. They forced the issue, and the federal government had no choice but to step in.

And here we are.
I'll tell you who has no control. Guys like Donald Trump who can't stop committing adultery. Yet I don't hear any of these alleged biblically compliant bigots complaining about it. Ever.
Oh, but, see. It was hetero adultery, so it's forgivable. Homo sex? Jesus is not powerful enough to overcome such an egregious abomination.

Jesus is weak.

That's why I am not Christian. Complete and total hypocrisy.
I am a Christian. I believe the issue of gay marriage is one between the people and the government, not the church. This is not a religious issue. It is all about government cash and prizes.

If government was not involved in marriage, people would go to the church of their choice, get married in the eyes of God, and no one else would give a flying fuck.

But as soon as a hated group asks for the same tax breaks and other civil rights the rest of society receives, the alleged biblicaly compliant Christians lose their shit.

That's why I joke about Bible 2.0:

And Jesus said, "You can marry as many times as you wish and commit adultery as often as you wish, even with a pornographic actress. But if you bake a cake for a homo you will surely burn in the fires of hell forever."
I agree with you about the federal government staying out of personal matters like marriage and especially firearm ownership.
But no one should be required in anyway to comply to the collective and it’s fucked up political correctness...
You do realize that some Christians knowingly sin. That's OK, they were granted free will. They want to screw the pooch, no sking off my back. I just wont bake him a cake.
But, isn't Jesus powerful enough to overcome all those sins? Wasn't that his free gift to all?

I guess? I have an appointment with him in 30 or 40 years (unless the Beer and Chicks screw that plan up) I'll let ya know afterwards if you don't mind a chatty ghost in the house.
I'll tell you who has no control. Guys like Donald Trump who can't stop committing adultery. Yet I don't hear any of these alleged biblically compliant bigots complaining about it. Ever.
Oh, but, see. It was hetero adultery, so it's forgivable. Homo sex? Jesus is not powerful enough to overcome such an egregious abomination.

Jesus is weak.

That's why I am not Christian. Complete and total hypocrisy.

You do realize that some Christians knowingly sin. That's OK, they were granted free will. They want to screw the pooch, no sking off my back. I just wont bake him a cake.
Screw the pooch. Those are the exact words I used last week about the racists and Jim Crow laws.

The whole reason we have federal government interference in these matters is precisely because of the intransigence of the racists during the fight for civil rights for blacks. The racists used the force of government to keep blacks oppressed, and thus screwed the pooch with their precedent. They forced the issue, and the federal government had no choice but to step in.

And here we are.

I actually have no problem with that. They simply did it poorly and that will not end well.
You do realize that some Christians knowingly sin. That's OK, they were granted free will. They want to screw the pooch, no sking off my back. I just wont bake him a cake.
But, isn't Jesus powerful enough to overcome all those sins? Wasn't that his free gift to all?
Anything can be forgiven. But one must ask for forgiveness and be repentant. But if one keeps marrying, committing adultery, divorcing, and then doing it over and over and over again, that is not a sign of repentance.

Nor is making one's living through gambling houses and contests of the flesh. Nor is creating fake universities and stealing from the elderly.

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