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If Conservatives had accomplishments, they wouldn't be so jealous of Liberals

the bottom line is this; most liberals hate bible believing Christians. That is the issue. The supposed "educated, nuanced and tolerant left" cannot stand solid, traditional core beliefs of Christians who hold to a higher authority than big gubmint.
Conservatives have their placetoo. Sometimes liberals get a little too crazy. It's not a bad thing to hear another perspective.

Republicans don't have another perspective. Back when they were an honorable party, they had another perspective. Now they have nothing but bile and obstructions. Where is a single republican perspective on anything other than opposition to Obama? It does not exist.

can say the same about any republican president you moron.

You know better than that.
the bottom line is this; most liberals hate bible believing Christians. That is the issue. The supposed "educated, nuanced and tolerant left" cannot stand solid, traditional core beliefs of Christians who hold to a higher authority than big gubmint.

More stupid crap learned from Hannity and rush. As I've said many times. If 1/100 of the things right wingers accuse liberals of were true, I'd be a republican too.
the bottom line is this; most liberals hate bible believing Christians. That is the issue. The supposed "educated, nuanced and tolerant left" cannot stand solid, traditional core beliefs of Christians who hold to a higher authority than big gubmint.

More stupid crap learned from Hannity and rush. As I've said many times. If 1/100 of the things right wingers accuse liberals of were true, I'd be a republican too.

the proof is all around you- are you blind? You say it isn't so, so it isn't true? lol
the bottom line is this; most liberals hate bible believing Christians. That is the issue. The supposed "educated, nuanced and tolerant left" cannot stand solid, traditional core beliefs of Christians who hold to a higher authority than big gubmint.

More stupid crap learned from Hannity and rush. As I've said many times. If 1/100 of the things right wingers accuse liberals of were true, I'd be a republican too.

the proof is all around you- are you blind? You say it isn't so, so it isn't true? lol

No it isn't. Perhaps it looks that way from inside the little extreme right fox bubble, but the rest of the world knows better. You're blinded by your irrational hate of anything but the your pathetic version of a make believe world.
the bottom line is this; most liberals hate bible believing Christians. That is the issue. The supposed "educated, nuanced and tolerant left" cannot stand solid, traditional core beliefs of Christians who hold to a higher authority than big gubmint.

Where do you come up with this shit?

One thing for sure though. If I am dealing with a hard core Christian, I do understand that there will be no conversation based on anything but a blind faith in the Bible. And that does not lead to a very good, informative conversation.

Simply because there is a lot of scientific ideas and facts that are completely ignored by many hard core Christians.

So what would there be to talk about? Unless the Christian is trying to convert you. Which is offensive in its own right.

Government has nothing to do with it.
It's not a matter of bugs as much as it is about keeping up with changing consumer demand. It is a limited system that utilizes batteries to charge for when the weather changes. Ever work with a photovoltaic system? Technology just can't keep up like nuclear power could soon after it's development.

So since that source of energy isn't as effective as another right now, we should just forget about it, even though wind and solar give us the potential for cheaper and much less hazardous sources of energy? Right. I guess you think we have found the ultimate source, and there will never be any need for any advancement..

It's not cheaper, which is why it's subsidized by the Federal Government, do your research. We still need to depend upon sources like nuclear, hydro, and coal which can effectively meet demand. It is foolish to think we can hinder the use of one through government regulations for the personal preference of another, under a fragile economy.

Exactly who do you think might be trying to eliminate the sources we use now? Common sense regulation is far from trying to eliminate anything. I suggest you look at recent stock market numbers. The economy is doing just fine. There is a huge problem with all the money going to the rich and corporations while the middle class still suffers, but over all the economy is better than it has been for quite a while.

Who might be trying to eliminate the sources we use now?

Well it is a fact that EPA regulations are resulting in over 32 mostly coal-fired power plants to close with another 36 plants possibly being forced to shut down. Coal is a large source of our nation's electricity generation at 37 percent, with new regulation costs estimated to be as high as $140 billion to simply comply to the latest standards.

You also complain about the rich how well the rich are benefiting under this economy, yet you then look to money making "investors" in wall street to determine how well the economy is doing. Interesting how we choose to play the blame game

What's funny is how many more jobs there are in coal under Obama than under Bush. And how production has increased under Obama than under Bush.

Here is the problem with your argument. Unless you can PROVE that there were more coal producing sources of energy being built under this administration, then those numbers are from displaced worker victims of increased regulations who have moved on to those remaining plants still producing electricity. When you have fewer coal plants capable of meeting up with consumer demand, it stands to reason they must now increase production as a result.

Come on Dean, you really believe Obama would actually allow for more coal plants to be built, to spin your numbers of increased jobs?
People debate with facts. Making something up is a delusion, especially if you actually believe it.
you mean like you do?.....remember this one...."Republicans HATE Education and want to END it"...did you ever find that 1 lone Republican saying he hates education and wants to end it all?.... even a far righty?....

Well, no. I never heard them put it exactly that way. What they do is say they want to end education when it comes to accepted scientific knowledge, and replace it with whatever their current political beliefs support. That is effectively the same thing though
You're right. It's the same thing. Get rid of the department of education. Slash funding for education. Teach "magical creation" as science. Stop any teaching of critical thinking skills. Cut teachers.
Is it any wonder the children of so many right wingers drop out. Look at what their parents are teaching them.
With all that slash and burn, what is the message that is being sent. Frank just wants to play a word game. He is a fool. And it's his own fault. Notice he doesn't ever really deny it or offer up contrary evidence, he simply doesn't like the words being used. He could correct them. Tell us exactly what Republicans are doing, but won't. He prefers to continue to play the fool. And in his tiny mind, he thinks he's making a "good argument".

Where exactly is your statistical facts to support you belief that the majority of school drop outs are right wing?

If liberals are SO in favor of education, why are they the first to take choices away from parents who want their kids to have the best "quality" of education? Should they not have the opportunity of using their tax payer dollars as vouchers to help pay for smaller classrooms at a private school? So we have President Obama clearly supporting a preferred decision to send his girls to a private school, but then deny the hard working middle class those same opportunities. This is the typical "do as I say not as I do" that we often hear from liberals. Don't let the liberals fool you into believing they honestly want parents to receive the best quality of education for their kids, those Democrats of "special privileges" will always place themselves above the middle class they are supposedly sympathetic towards and represent.
the bottom line is this; most liberals hate bible believing Christians. That is the issue. The supposed "educated, nuanced and tolerant left" cannot stand solid, traditional core beliefs of Christians who hold to a higher authority than big gubmint.

Some Christian organizations actually do more than just "talk" about the Bible, they demonstrate their beliefs by giving to those that are less fortunate - like the Salvation Army. Other than simply allowing the government to take on the role of generosity through taxes, what privately funded liberal organizations are there which actually live up to all their talk of giving to cloth and feed the poor?
There should be a "Liberal Appreciation Day" celebrated in this country considering what they have brought to America

Those were classic liberals, today called libertarian. And you are welcome. And if you actually do respect what we did, maybe you could develop a little tolerance for people who think differently than you do.
There should be a "Liberal Appreciation Day" celebrated in this country considering what they have brought to America

Those were classic liberals, today called libertarian. And you are welcome. And if you actually do respect what we did, maybe you could develop a little tolerance for people who think differently than you do.

You said: And if you actually do respect what we did, maybe you could develop a little tolerance for people who think differently than you do

Unfortunately, Republicans don't think at all. They repeat propaganda. I can't get USMB Republicans to name a single GOP policy that has been good for the majority of Americans in the last 40 years. Can you think of one?

For Democrats, the very first piece of legislation Obama signed while in office, the Lily Ledbetter Act, was good for women, the majority of Americans. And there were lots more after that. All opposed by Republicans.
the bottom line is this; most liberals hate bible believing Christians. That is the issue. The supposed "educated, nuanced and tolerant left" cannot stand solid, traditional core beliefs of Christians who hold to a higher authority than big gubmint.
Actually, there are lots of Christians in the Democratic Party. There are no liberals in the Republican Party. And with the GOP being 90% white, there isn't much diversity there at all.
There should be a "Liberal Appreciation Day" celebrated in this country considering what they have brought to America

Those were classic liberals, today called libertarian. And you are welcome. And if you actually do respect what we did, maybe you could develop a little tolerance for people who think differently than you do.

You said: And if you actually do respect what we did, maybe you could develop a little tolerance for people who think differently than you do

Unfortunately, Republicans don't think at all. They repeat propaganda. I can't get USMB Republicans to name a single GOP policy that has been good for the majority of Americans in the last 40 years. Can you think of one?

For Democrats, the very first piece of legislation Obama signed while in office, the Lily Ledbetter Act, was good for women, the majority of Americans. And there were lots more after that. All opposed by Republicans.

The Lilly Bedwetter act did nothing for women, it used women as a tool to expand Federal power.

And I'm not a Republican shit for brains. Republicans are useless and they suck. I'm not interested in defending W.
There should be a "Liberal Appreciation Day" celebrated in this country considering what they have brought to America.

The very definition of "Conservative" is "fear of change". I have no doubt that without liberals, we would be theocratic English colonies with slaves.

And look at our history of Literature, Theater, Dance, Music and the other arts. The history of Art in America is almost the History of Gays. So much from such a small group of people. Look at how much America owes Alan Turing and he wasn't even American.

Our greatest institutions of higher learning, research and technology are mostly in Blue States for a reason.

Weekends, 40 hour work week, child labor laws, vacations, health care, equal pay for equal work, and all the other benefits workers get were never supported by conservatives. These have always been seen as "liberal".

And when you look at the enormous diversity within Liberals as a group, they will be a strong force far into the future. Blacks, Hispanics, Whites, gays, atheists, religious, rich, poor, scientists, teachers, straights and so on.

We really should have a "Liberal Appreciation Day". To thank Liberals for what they brought to this country in spite of so much opposition.

when you stand for nothing....................
I give you a list of truth and your answer is : when you stand for nothing...................

That's it. Nothing to counter my facts.
Just denial:

There should be a "Liberal Appreciation Day" celebrated in this country considering what they have brought to America

Those were classic liberals, today called libertarian. And you are welcome. And if you actually do respect what we did, maybe you could develop a little tolerance for people who think differently than you do.

You said: And if you actually do respect what we did, maybe you could develop a little tolerance for people who think differently than you do

Unfortunately, Republicans don't think at all. They repeat propaganda. I can't get USMB Republicans to name a single GOP policy that has been good for the majority of Americans in the last 40 years. Can you think of one?

For Democrats, the very first piece of legislation Obama signed while in office, the Lily Ledbetter Act, was good for women, the majority of Americans. And there were lots more after that. All opposed by Republicans.

The Lilly Bedwetter act did nothing for women, it used women as a tool to expand Federal power.

And I'm not a Republican shit for brains. Republicans are useless and they suck. I'm not interested in defending W.
You should read up on Lily Ledbetter's story. It might keep you from making such an ignorant comment.
There should be a "Liberal Appreciation Day" celebrated in this country considering what they have brought to America

Those were classic liberals, today called libertarian. And you are welcome. And if you actually do respect what we did, maybe you could develop a little tolerance for people who think differently than you do.

You said: And if you actually do respect what we did, maybe you could develop a little tolerance for people who think differently than you do

Unfortunately, Republicans don't think at all. They repeat propaganda. I can't get USMB Republicans to name a single GOP policy that has been good for the majority of Americans in the last 40 years. Can you think of one?

For Democrats, the very first piece of legislation Obama signed while in office, the Lily Ledbetter Act, was good for women, the majority of Americans. And there were lots more after that. All opposed by Republicans.

The Lilly Bedwetter act did nothing for women, it used women as a tool to expand Federal power.

And I'm not a Republican shit for brains. Republicans are useless and they suck. I'm not interested in defending W.
You should read up on Lily Ledbetter's story. It might keep you from making such an ignorant comment.

If she has a legitimate claim, then she should go to court. There is no justification to using it to write law that expands overt Federal power over our economy while just using women as tools to do it.
People debate with facts. Making something up is a delusion, especially if you actually believe it.
you mean like you do?.....remember this one...."Republicans HATE Education and want to END it"...did you ever find that 1 lone Republican saying he hates education and wants to end it all?.... even a far righty?....

Well, no. I never heard them put it exactly that way. What they do is say they want to end education when it comes to accepted scientific knowledge, and replace it with whatever their current political beliefs support. That is effectively the same thing though
You're right. It's the same thing. Get rid of the department of education. Slash funding for education. Teach "magical creation" as science. Stop any teaching of critical thinking skills. Cut teachers.
Is it any wonder the children of so many right wingers drop out. Look at what their parents are teaching them.
With all that slash and burn, what is the message that is being sent. Frank just wants to play a word game. He is a fool. And it's his own fault. Notice he doesn't ever really deny it or offer up contrary evidence, he simply doesn't like the words being used. He could correct them. Tell us exactly what Republicans are doing, but won't. He prefers to continue to play the fool. And in his tiny mind, he thinks he's making a "good argument".

Where exactly is your statistical facts to support you belief that the majority of school drop outs are right wing?

If liberals are SO in favor of education, why are they the first to take choices away from parents who want their kids to have the best "quality" of education? Should they not have the opportunity of using their tax payer dollars as vouchers to help pay for smaller classrooms at a private school? So we have President Obama clearly supporting a preferred decision to send his girls to a private school, but then deny the hard working middle class those same opportunities. This is the typical "do as I say not as I do" that we often hear from liberals. Don't let the liberals fool you into believing they honestly want parents to receive the best quality of education for their kids, those Democrats of "special privileges" will always place themselves above the middle class they are supposedly sympathetic towards and represent.

Still on that dumb private school thing? I know you have had it explained why that dumb idea is so bad many times. Public schools allow less per student than the cost of private schools, and the GOP wants to cut it more. You want to take money from the already underfunded public schools, but the poor can't afford the difference between whatever small allowance they might get from not attending public schools, and the price of private schools. The net effect would be nothing more than subsidizing the rich who could probably afford private school anyway, and reducing education funding for everybody else. You don't get that?
People debate with facts. Making something up is a delusion, especially if you actually believe it.
you mean like you do?.....remember this one...."Republicans HATE Education and want to END it"...did you ever find that 1 lone Republican saying he hates education and wants to end it all?.... even a far righty?....

Well, no. I never heard them put it exactly that way. What they do is say they want to end education when it comes to accepted scientific knowledge, and replace it with whatever their current political beliefs support. That is effectively the same thing though
You're right. It's the same thing. Get rid of the department of education. Slash funding for education. Teach "magical creation" as science. Stop any teaching of critical thinking skills. Cut teachers.
Is it any wonder the children of so many right wingers drop out. Look at what their parents are teaching them.
With all that slash and burn, what is the message that is being sent. Frank just wants to play a word game. He is a fool. And it's his own fault. Notice he doesn't ever really deny it or offer up contrary evidence, he simply doesn't like the words being used. He could correct them. Tell us exactly what Republicans are doing, but won't. He prefers to continue to play the fool. And in his tiny mind, he thinks he's making a "good argument".

Where exactly is your statistical facts to support you belief that the majority of school drop outs are right wing?

If liberals are SO in favor of education, why are they the first to take choices away from parents who want their kids to have the best "quality" of education? Should they not have the opportunity of using their tax payer dollars as vouchers to help pay for smaller classrooms at a private school? So we have President Obama clearly supporting a preferred decision to send his girls to a private school, but then deny the hard working middle class those same opportunities. This is the typical "do as I say not as I do" that we often hear from liberals. Don't let the liberals fool you into believing they honestly want parents to receive the best quality of education for their kids, those Democrats of "special privileges" will always place themselves above the middle class they are supposedly sympathetic towards and represent.

Still on that dumb private school thing? I know you have had it explained why that dumb idea is so bad many times. Public schools allow less per student than the cost of private schools, and the GOP wants to cut it more. You want to take money from the already underfunded public schools, but the poor can't afford the difference between whatever small allowance they might get from not attending public schools, and the price of private schools. The net effect would be nothing more than subsidizing the rich who could probably afford private school anyway, and reducing education funding for everybody else. You don't get that?

I doubt those who feel that public education doesn't measure up to the "quality" of education that private schools provide would agree with you. If you feel it's subsidizing "the rich" then you are placing the Obama's right there with them. If public education cant measure because the system places teacher tenure and unions over students, then the parents should have the final say which school system they want for their children - private or public. After all why the fear over a little "choice and competition"? .... to use Nancy Pelosi's words
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