If Dan Rather, why not Trump?

Dan Rather engaged in a soft coup. He knew the letters were forged but he tried to influence a presidential election with them and he got caught. Only the craziest of the left wing crazies would compare it to jokes and exaggerations made by the President.
Dan Rather was an anchor at a major network. He rushed a story on George W Bush being AWOL from the Guard based on a letter received that was not true. The networked fired him.

I guess because the news anchor needs to be honest & trustworthy. The public last that & Rather was fired.

I guess we do not expect or demand that our President be truthful, honest & trustworthy because Trump has told far more lies, bigger lies, & does it every day.

Brian Williams lost his job for embellishing things that happened to him.

Trump still has his job/ Hell, morons hired him after he claimed Cruz's father helped kill Kennedy.

In less that two weeks, we need to vote out the chickenshit Republicans in Congrsss who sit idlly bay & let Trump lie & slander & rile up his base to violence.

We have a device for this. It is called impeachment. IOt is called checks & balances.

Vote for candidates that are willing to stand up for proper behavior from a President of the United States.

Certainly,we should expect as much truth & honesty from a Present as a news anchor.
Go for it, asshole.

I am a Republican & will vote for zero Republicans.

I'm an Independent. I've already voted.

I voted straight blue this time.

The republicans have sent me and millions of Independents running from the republicans in horror.

Don’t like a strong economy?
Dan Rather was an anchor at a major network. He rushed a story on George W Bush being AWOL from the Guard based on a letter received that was not true. The networked fired him.

I guess because the news anchor needs to be honest & trustworthy. The public last that & Rather was fired.

I guess we do not expect or demand that our President be truthful, honest & trustworthy because Trump has told far more lies, bigger lies, & does it every day.

Brian Williams lost his job for embellishing things that happened to him.

Trump still has his job/ Hell, morons hired him after he claimed Cruz's father helped kill Kennedy.

In less that two weeks, we need to vote out the chickenshit Republicans in Congrsss who sit idlly bay & let Trump lie & slander & rile up his base to violence.

We have a device for this. It is called impeachment. IOt is called checks & balances.

Vote for candidates that are willing to stand up for proper behavior from a President of the United States.

Certainly,we should expect as much truth & honesty from a Present as a news anchor.
Go for it, asshole.

I am a Republican & will vote for zero Republicans.

Sure, we believe you.
This is not new:

"Read my lips. No new taxes."

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinski."

"If you like your plan, you can keep it."

HW Bush meant it when he said it but when we needed a tax hike, he did was was right by breaking a promise for rhe good of he country.

And then you dems ran on that broken promise, instead of giving him credit for doing so.
This is not new:

"Read my lips. No new taxes."

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinski."

"If you like your plan, you can keep it."

Really? That's all you got?

May 2018: "In the 466 days since he took the oath of office, President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims, according to The Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president."

Analysis | President Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims so far

Most married men would not admit to having an affair, per se. They would deny, deny and deny.

Doubt that? If so you've not listened to Donald Trump and his denials.
I am a Republican & will vote for zero Republicans.
Then you are not a republican

The Republican party you have right now is the 'Trump' party. Has nothing to do with the values of Reagan/Bush.

What you call republican right now is a twisted Halloween nondescript mix called the Trump swamp.

I am a Republican & will vote for zero Republicans.
Then you are not a republican

The Republican party you have right now is the 'Trump' party. Has nothing to do with the values of Reagan/Bush.

What you call republican right now is a twisted Halloween nondescript mix called the Trump swamp.


We are cutting taxes. Cutting regulation. Getting the government out of our lives and letting the free market create economic power.

So what exactly is different other than you don’t like Trump?
We are cutting taxes. Cutting regulation. Getting the government out of our lives and letting the free market create economic power.
So what exactly is different other than you don’t like Trump?

Awesome !! You're going to reduce the deficit by cutting taxes?. Bee-line to another economic disaster... A bit like when GW deregulated the housing industry to stimulate the economy back in 2002 (ie.. you don't go to war in a bad economy)... stupid plan crashed in 2008

You deregulate when you have control of deficits. I think I'll buy some gold. Big badaboom ahead.

I am a Republican & will vote for zero Republicans.
Then you are not a republican

The Republican party you have right now is the 'Trump' party. Has nothing to do with the values of Reagan/Bush.

What you call republican right now is a twisted Halloween nondescript mix called the Trump swamp.


We are cutting taxes. Cutting regulation. Getting the government out of our lives and letting the free market create economic power.

So what exactly is different other than you don’t like Trump?
Running up the debt. allowing more pollution, creating violence & spewing hate.
Dan Rather was an anchor at a major network. He rushed a story on George W Bush being AWOL from the Guard based on a letter received that was not true. The networked fired him.

I guess because the news anchor needs to be honest & trustworthy. The public last that & Rather was fired.

I guess we do not expect or demand that our President be truthful, honest & trustworthy because Trump has told far more lies, bigger lies, & does it every day.

Brian Williams lost his job for embellishing things that happened to him.

Trump still has his job/ Hell, morons hired him after he claimed Cruz's father helped kill Kennedy.

In less that two weeks, we need to vote out the chickenshit Republicans in Congrsss who sit idlly bay & let Trump lie & slander & rile up his base to violence.

We have a device for this. It is called impeachment. IOt is called checks & balances.

Vote for candidates that are willing to stand up for proper behavior from a President of the United States.

Certainly,we should expect as much truth & honesty from a Present as a news anchor.
Go for it, asshole.

I am a Republican & will vote for zero Republicans.
Then you are not a republican

Unlike you, I am an American FIRST.
Dan Rather was an anchor at a major network. He rushed a story on George W Bush being AWOL from the Guard based on a letter received that was not true. The networked fired him.

I guess because the news anchor needs to be honest & trustworthy. The public last that & Rather was fired.

I guess we do not expect or demand that our President be truthful, honest & trustworthy because Trump has told far more lies, bigger lies, & does it every day.

Brian Williams lost his job for embellishing things that happened to him.

Trump still has his job/ Hell, morons hired him after he claimed Cruz's father helped kill Kennedy.

In less that two weeks, we need to vote out the chickenshit Republicans in Congrsss who sit idlly bay & let Trump lie & slander & rile up his base to violence.

We have a device for this. It is called impeachment. IOt is called checks & balances.

Vote for candidates that are willing to stand up for proper behavior from a President of the United States.

Certainly,we should expect as much truth & honesty from a Present as a news anchor.

O was voted in twice and he lied continuously. You were down. Now you shriek like a petulant kid. Lol.

Obama did not lie continuously at all.
Dan Rather was an anchor at a major network. He rushed a story on George W Bush being AWOL from the Guard based on a letter received that was not true. The networked fired him.

I guess because the news anchor needs to be honest & trustworthy. The public last that & Rather was fired.

I guess we do not expect or demand that our President be truthful, honest & trustworthy because Trump has told far more lies, bigger lies, & does it every day.

Brian Williams lost his job for embellishing things that happened to him.

Trump still has his job/ Hell, morons hired him after he claimed Cruz's father helped kill Kennedy.

In less that two weeks, we need to vote out the chickenshit Republicans in Congrsss who sit idlly bay & let Trump lie & slander & rile up his base to violence.

We have a device for this. It is called impeachment. IOt is called checks & balances.

Vote for candidates that are willing to stand up for proper behavior from a President of the United States.

Certainly,we should expect as much truth & honesty from a Present as a news anchor.

People might take your pleas for honesty more sincerely if you hadn’t just tried To elect Hillary, one of the biggest liars in modern politics, as President.

Americans were given the choice between two liars for President. The nation chose the one who wouldn’t destroy us

So, you believe that right wing crap about Hillary Clinton.

Trump IS destroying us you stupid shit.
Dan Rather was an anchor at a major network. He rushed a story on George W Bush being AWOL from the Guard based on a letter received that was not true. The networked fired him.

I guess because the news anchor needs to be honest & trustworthy. The public last that & Rather was fired.

I guess we do not expect or demand that our President be truthful, honest & trustworthy because Trump has told far more lies, bigger lies, & does it every day.

Brian Williams lost his job for embellishing things that happened to him.

Trump still has his job/ Hell, morons hired him after he claimed Cruz's father helped kill Kennedy.

In less that two weeks, we need to vote out the chickenshit Republicans in Congrsss who sit idlly bay & let Trump lie & slander & rile up his base to violence.

We have a device for this. It is called impeachment. IOt is called checks & balances.

Vote for candidates that are willing to stand up for proper behavior from a President of the United States.

Certainly,we should expect as much truth & honesty from a Present as a news anchor.
"If you like your plan..." cost the democrat Party over 1,000 seats

Elections have consequences
You can hype that all you want. Those who did not like the ACA were Republicans anyhow.

Of course, you ignore the grandfather cause in the ACA that said you could keep it if the insurance companies wanted to offer it.

Republicans had plenty of opportunity to do something about healthcare between 1995 & 2007. They did nothing & now they bitch because Democrats did. SWrll boo hoo crybabies. Trump said he would end it but it is still here.
Obama told us to win some elections- so we did

Yes we can!

& look what you are doing with it? Allowing Trump to lie, incite violence, piss off our allies, coddle despots, run up the debt, start a trade war, start a nuclear arms race while doing nothing on infrastructure.
Dan Rather was an anchor at a major network. He rushed a story on George W Bush being AWOL from the Guard based on a letter received that was not true. The networked fired him.

I guess because the news anchor needs to be honest & trustworthy. The public last that & Rather was fired.

I guess we do not expect or demand that our President be truthful, honest & trustworthy because Trump has told far more lies, bigger lies, & does it every day.

Brian Williams lost his job for embellishing things that happened to him.

Trump still has his job/ Hell, morons hired him after he claimed Cruz's father helped kill Kennedy.

In less that two weeks, we need to vote out the chickenshit Republicans in Congrsss who sit idlly bay & let Trump lie & slander & rile up his base to violence.

We have a device for this. It is called impeachment. IOt is called checks & balances.

Vote for candidates that are willing to stand up for proper behavior from a President of the United States.

Certainly,we should expect as much truth & honesty from a Present as a news anchor.
Go for it, asshole.

I am a Republican & will vote for zero Republicans.

I’m British Royalty

See, I can make things up too

I don;t give a fuck what you believe. You voted for Trump & you can't get any dumber than that.
Dan Rather engaged in a soft coup. He knew the letters were forged but he tried to influence a presidential election with them and he got caught. Only the craziest of the left wing crazies would compare it to jokes and exaggerations made by the President.

He reported on a story he received.

We already knew Bush dodged the war by using daddy's influence to get him in the guard.
We are cutting taxes. Cutting regulation. Getting the government out of our lives and letting the free market create economic power.
So what exactly is different other than you don’t like Trump?

Awesome !! You're going to reduce the deficit by cutting taxes?. Bee-line to another economic disaster... A bit like when GW deregulated the housing industry to stimulate the economy back in 2002 (ie.. you don't go to war in a bad economy)... stupid plan crashed in 2008

You deregulate when you have control of deficits. I think I'll buy some gold. Big badaboom ahead.


So your argument is that Trumps republicans are different than traditional republicans because they spend money we don’t have?

Dan Rather was an anchor at a major network. He rushed a story on George W Bush being AWOL from the Guard based on a letter received that was not true. The networked fired him.

I guess because the news anchor needs to be honest & trustworthy. The public last that & Rather was fired.

I guess we do not expect or demand that our President be truthful, honest & trustworthy because Trump has told far more lies, bigger lies, & does it every day.

Brian Williams lost his job for embellishing things that happened to him.

Trump still has his job/ Hell, morons hired him after he claimed Cruz's father helped kill Kennedy.

In less that two weeks, we need to vote out the chickenshit Republicans in Congrsss who sit idlly bay & let Trump lie & slander & rile up his base to violence.

We have a device for this. It is called impeachment. IOt is called checks & balances.

Vote for candidates that are willing to stand up for proper behavior from a President of the United States.

Certainly,we should expect as much truth & honesty from a Present as a news anchor.
Go for it, asshole.

I am a Republican & will vote for zero Republicans.
Then you are not a republican

Unlike you, I am an American FIRST.

Americans don't like others telling them how to live and don't tell others how to live

You want to tell other people how to live

YOU are not American
I am a Republican & will vote for zero Republicans.
Then you are not a republican

The Republican party you have right now is the 'Trump' party. Has nothing to do with the values of Reagan/Bush.

What you call republican right now is a twisted Halloween nondescript mix called the Trump swamp.


We are cutting taxes. Cutting regulation. Getting the government out of our lives and letting the free market create economic power.

So what exactly is different other than you don’t like Trump?
Running up the debt. allowing more pollution, creating violence & spewing hate.

1 of 4 isn’t bad. Good try.

But seriously don’t you guys blame republicans for this every time?
Dan Rather was an anchor at a major network. He rushed a story on George W Bush being AWOL from the Guard based on a letter received that was not true. The networked fired him.

I guess because the news anchor needs to be honest & trustworthy. The public last that & Rather was fired.

I guess we do not expect or demand that our President be truthful, honest & trustworthy because Trump has told far more lies, bigger lies, & does it every day.

Brian Williams lost his job for embellishing things that happened to him.

Trump still has his job/ Hell, morons hired him after he claimed Cruz's father helped kill Kennedy.

In less that two weeks, we need to vote out the chickenshit Republicans in Congrsss who sit idlly bay & let Trump lie & slander & rile up his base to violence.

We have a device for this. It is called impeachment. IOt is called checks & balances.

Vote for candidates that are willing to stand up for proper behavior from a President of the United States.

Certainly,we should expect as much truth & honesty from a Present as a news anchor.

O was voted in twice and he lied continuously. You were down. Now you shriek like a petulant kid. Lol.

Obama did not lie continuously at all.

You clearly didn’t listen to him

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