If Dan Rather, why not Trump?

Dan Rather was an anchor at a major network. He rushed a story on George W Bush being AWOL from the Guard based on a letter received that was not true. The networked fired him.

I guess because the news anchor needs to be honest & trustworthy. The public last that & Rather was fired.

I guess we do not expect or demand that our President be truthful, honest & trustworthy because Trump has told far more lies, bigger lies, & does it every day.

Brian Williams lost his job for embellishing things that happened to him.

Trump still has his job/ Hell, morons hired him after he claimed Cruz's father helped kill Kennedy.

In less that two weeks, we need to vote out the chickenshit Republicans in Congrsss who sit idlly bay & let Trump lie & slander & rile up his base to violence.

We have a device for this. It is called impeachment. IOt is called checks & balances.

Vote for candidates that are willing to stand up for proper behavior from a President of the United States.

Certainly,we should expect as much truth & honesty from a Present as a news anchor.
"If you like your plan..." cost the democrat Party over 1,000 seats

Elections have consequences
You can hype that all you want. Those who did not like the ACA were Republicans anyhow.

Of course, you ignore the grandfather cause in the ACA that said you could keep it if the insurance companies wanted to offer it.

Republicans had plenty of opportunity to do something about healthcare between 1995 & 2007. They did nothing & now they bitch because Democrats did. SWrll boo hoo crybabies. Trump said he would end it but it is still here.
Over eight years into ObamaCare, and the Republicans and Trump still have NOTHING to replace it.

The Rube Herd has STILL not caught on they were massively hoaxed.

They just blubber, "B-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!" :lol:

These tards DESERVE to be lied to.

Funny how many times they sent a bill to Obama to repel the ACA, knowing he would veto it. Then finally they get their dupe in office they know will sign it they cannot get it to pass to send to him!

I mean you just cannot make this shit up!
Dan Rather was an anchor at a major network. He rushed a story on George W Bush being AWOL from the Guard based on a letter received that was not true. The networked fired him.

I guess because the news anchor needs to be honest & trustworthy. The public last that & Rather was fired.

I guess we do not expect or demand that our President be truthful, honest & trustworthy because Trump has told far more lies, bigger lies, & does it every day.

Brian Williams lost his job for embellishing things that happened to him.

Trump still has his job/ Hell, morons hired him after he claimed Cruz's father helped kill Kennedy.

In less that two weeks, we need to vote out the chickenshit Republicans in Congrsss who sit idlly bay & let Trump lie & slander & rile up his base to violence.

We have a device for this. It is called impeachment. IOt is called checks & balances.

Vote for candidates that are willing to stand up for proper behavior from a President of the United States.

Certainly,we should expect as much truth & honesty from a Present as a news anchor.
"If you like your plan..." cost the democrat Party over 1,000 seats

Elections have consequences
You can hype that all you want. Those who did not like the ACA were Republicans anyhow.

Of course, you ignore the grandfather cause in the ACA that said you could keep it if the insurance companies wanted to offer it.

Republicans had plenty of opportunity to do something about healthcare between 1995 & 2007. They did nothing & now they bitch because Democrats did. SWrll boo hoo crybabies. Trump said he would end it but it is still here.
Over eight years into ObamaCare, and the Republicans and Trump still have NOTHING to replace it.

The Rube Herd has STILL not caught on they were massively hoaxed.

They just blubber, "B-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!" :lol:

These tards DESERVE to be lied to.

Funny how many times they sent a bill to Obama to repel the ACA, knowing he would veto it. Then finally they get their dupe in office they know will sign it they cannot get it to pass to send to him!

I mean you just cannot make this shit up!
Yeah, they passed several repeals, and then when they have even MORE Republicans in Congress AND a Republican President, they can't seem to pass a repeal.

And that inability to pass a repeal is now somehow the Democrats' fault. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

These rubes bleev what they are told to bleev, despite the obvious truth right in front of their faces. :lol:
Dan Rather was an anchor at a major network. He rushed a story on George W Bush being AWOL from the Guard based on a letter received that was not true. The networked fired him.

I guess because the news anchor needs to be honest & trustworthy. The public last that & Rather was fired.

I guess we do not expect or demand that our President be truthful, honest & trustworthy because Trump has told far more lies, bigger lies, & does it every day.

Brian Williams lost his job for embellishing things that happened to him.

Trump still has his job/ Hell, morons hired him after he claimed Cruz's father helped kill Kennedy.

In less that two weeks, we need to vote out the chickenshit Republicans in Congrsss who sit idlly bay & let Trump lie & slander & rile up his base to violence.

We have a device for this. It is called impeachment. IOt is called checks & balances.

Vote for candidates that are willing to stand up for proper behavior from a President of the United States.

Certainly,we should expect as much truth & honesty from a Present as a news anchor.
"If you like your plan..." cost the democrat Party over 1,000 seats

Elections have consequences
You can hype that all you want. Those who did not like the ACA were Republicans anyhow.

Of course, you ignore the grandfather cause in the ACA that said you could keep it if the insurance companies wanted to offer it.

Republicans had plenty of opportunity to do something about healthcare between 1995 & 2007. They did nothing & now they bitch because Democrats did. SWrll boo hoo crybabies. Trump said he would end it but it is still here.
Over eight years into ObamaCare, and the Republicans and Trump still have NOTHING to replace it.

The Rube Herd has STILL not caught on they were massively hoaxed.

They just blubber, "B-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!" :lol:

These tards DESERVE to be lied to.

Funny how many times they sent a bill to Obama to repel the ACA, knowing he would veto it. Then finally they get their dupe in office they know will sign it they cannot get it to pass to send to him!

I mean you just cannot make this shit up!
Yeah, they passed several repeals, and then when they have even MORE Republicans in Congress AND a Republican President, they can't seem to pass a repeal.

And that inability to pass a repeal is now somehow the Democrats' fault. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

These rubes bleev what they are told to bleev, despite the obvious truth right in front of their faces. :lol:

Sadly partisans from both sides a t this say. Weird huh!

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