If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?

Right down to ripping off and misleading the poor.
FALSE! Quite the contrary, Trump has improved the lives of the poor. Record reductions of poor leaving food stamps and welfare, and shifting over to the ranks of the employed.
Fuking nut. Tax cuts for billionaires are the REAL "robber barons". Everyone knows that.
How about Billions$$ paid out to foreigners in welfare ?

And 138 $ Billion/year robbed from US businesses, by immigrants' remittances$$$ ?

So where is it. It has been two years. No major legislation other than handing money to rich people.

We borrowed 1.5 trillion to do that.

'So how will it be funded? The Republican way??? Just spend it & add it to the tab?
Maybe it would have if the Democrats hadn't clogged up political progress with their moronic schemes (Russian collusion, Kavanaugh accusations, Stormy Daniels, etc)
And the OP already showed how it could be funded. Did you read it ?

The Mueller investigation was done by Trump's own DOJ. Republicans ran the Kavanaugh circus.

And that prevented Republicans from funding their increase in military spending? Their lack of funding for the tax cuts? Their lack of doing anything on infrastructure? They couldn't even pass their healthcare plan.

If you thibk eliominating foreign aid is a viable option , then you are dumber than you look. If we step out of these countries, China will step in. You & your orange assfuck think America can prosper in a vacuum.
Nah, it's mostly just bullshit.
ha ha. The classic Hillary Clinton line. "Just say it didn't happen. I'll be your word against theirs." Only problem in this case, is every leftist media in America has already confirmed the BOOMING Trump economy, just as I described.
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Well, no. My point is that he's the opposite. He's an authoritarian fascist. Democrats will find plenty to like in his leadership.
Democrats are so far out in space there's no telling what they're saying. Makes no sense at all.
They'll do everything possible to stop the progress that has been made. A healthy economy and low unemployment are putting a kink in their plan to go socialist.

If they lose again, the whining and hostility will get even worse. The meltdown would be even worse than last time. That means zero civility, more angry mobs and more violence. Hillary said there will be no civility until they are back in power.

So, until the left has all the power and the ability to destroy this country, no one on the right will be able to go in public without being confronted. More media propaganda. More protests/riots. More whining.

Even if they gain a little power, the hateful rhetoric that is designed to incite violence will continue.

All this from the party that has the nerve to claim they are tolerant.

I'm surprised some of these looney mobs haven't been shot at by CCW holders. They're lucky to be alive.

And why don't the victims in restaurants or other public places just call the police ? Are these things all happening in Democrat mayor cities, where cops let leftist lunatics run amok ?
Why pray tell are the tax cuts not good economic policy, Ben? Did we lose revenue? It actually increased. Did it do bad things to the economy? The stock market? Quite frankly, you're going to have to come up with a very compelling reason why you think Washington deserves more of our incomes. I'm hoping that one of the next things on Trump's agenda is to cut spending by the Federal Government. It's about time someone held Government's feet to the fire and got them to get rid of all the waste. God knows the "Old Boys Network" hasn't wanted to do it for the past hundred years!
A few of the spending cuts already enacted are in the OP.
If republicans lose the House as is likely, it becomes clear that what you call progress is not what voters call it.
It IS what voters of the Senate and White House call it, and if Democrats do win back the House, it will be by a thin hair.
The Mueller investigation was done by Trump's own DOJ. Republicans ran the Kavanaugh circus.

And that prevented Republicans from funding their increase in military spending? Their lack of funding for the tax cuts? Their lack of doing anything on infrastructure? They couldn't even pass their healthcare plan.

If you thibk eliominating foreign aid is a viable option , then you are dumber than you look. If we step out of these countries, China will step in. You & your orange assfuck think America can prosper in a vacuum.
Could anything be more disingenuous ? (aka BULLSHIT) Oh yeah, the Russian Collusion scam and the Kavanaugh circus was all the work of Republicans, right ?
Is this guy typing from a pysche ward ?

As for America prospering, that's just what it's doing right now - after 2 years of Trump's leadership. MAGA.

PS - that is MADE America Great Again. (past tense) 2017-2018.
I think we're all just hoping for some gridlock. I wouldn't expect Democrats do to much worthwhile, even if they had both sides of Congress. But good old-fashioned obstructionism will do.
That was sort of my point that Old Style seems to have misinterpreted. McConnell's agenda will be stalemated. Trump had a more progressive view on taxes, but Cohn said it'd cost them the congress. Well. Imagine that.

But Trump will not be impeded on Judges or anything he can do solely with Executive Power. And he's not 100% wrong on everything there.
Nah, it's mostly just bullshit.
ha ha. The classic Hillary Clinton line. "Just say it didn't happen. I'll be your word against theirs." Only problem in this case, is every leftist media in America has already confirmed the BOOMING Trump economy, just as I described.
That's an adorable, yet inapproriate response. I was referring to the nonsensical"list", not one, broad claim. It's hard to have a discussion with someone who can't keep up with a simple discussion....
That's an adorable, yet inapproriate response. I was referring to the nonsensical"list", not one, broad claim. It's hard to have a discussion with someone who can't keep up with a simple discussion....
If you see something you want to refute (or try to) let's hear it >> SPECIFICALLY, rather than "one broad claim" like "bullshit"
That's an adorable, yet inapproriate response. I was referring to the nonsensical"list", not one, broad claim. It's hard to have a discussion with someone who can't keep up with a simple discussion....
If you see something you want to refute (or try to) let's hear it >> SPECIFICALLY, rather than "one broad claim" like "bullshit"
Nah,I'm good. I'm not playing that game, where you pinch off a pile of shit in the middle of the floor, then expect everyone else to sift through it.
A recent article in the Associated Press said this >> "Should Democrats win control of the House, as strategists in both parties suggest is likely, they could derail Trump's legislative agenda for the next two years." Well, that my be true, but an enormous amount of legislation has already been passed by the Republican Congress and Trump, which Democrats have no ability to do anything about.

Trumps tax cuts can't be altered, Muslim ban already enacted into law (upheld by the Supreme Court), almost 100 Conservative judges have been appointed, Iran deal decertified, deregulation already has occurred (and bolstered the economy), corporate tax already reduced significantly, unfair trade imbalances have been smashed, economy improved immensely due to Trump reforms, 2 conservative SCOTUS judges already appointed, $200 Million in aid to Palestinians already cut off, $300 Million to Pakistan already cut, America now world's largest oil producer, pipelines are flowing, US embassy moved to Jerusalem, first woman head of CIA, action taken to fight opioids, Obamacare individual mandate scrapped, prisoners from North Korea returned home, eliminated funding for Syrian rebels, "knocked the hell out of ISIS", 800 Obama regualtions cut (saving $200 Billion), Cut white House budget (saving $22 Million), $285 Million cut from bloated UN budget,...……..this paragraph could go on and on to 20 times the size it is.

So sure, if Democrats take back the House they can stop Republican progress, but so much has already been done it is mind-boggling. For the past 2 years, the Don has been a very busy boy, and has already MADE America great again, of which the Democrats can do little or nothing about.

The AP article also says >> "Perhaps more importantly, they would also win subpoena power to investigate the president's many personal and professional missteps." More importantly ? Really ? Like the Russian collusion hoax that sputtered out to nothing and made a fool out of Robert Mueller ? Investigate ? Like all the accusations against Justice Kavanaugh that went nowhere ? Like the DNC's Muslim gold star father, Khizir Khan, who is all but in hiding, after he was exposed as a shill fraud immigration lawyer with a vested interest, plus had Muslim Brotherhood and Clinton Foundation connections ? Like all these laughingstock investigations, and attacks against Trump, while his approval ratings keep rising with each and every attack.

I suppose the Democrats could stop some stuff in 2019 and 2020, but the reality is, this might be a political war that has already been won by Trump and conservatives.

it's more about protecting us from further damage by lowlife white supremacist pieces of garbage.

so there ya go
Nah,I'm good. I'm not playing that game, where you pinch off a pile of shit in the middle of the floor, then expect everyone else to sift through it.
There is no "game". This is a debate forum. You're the one who said "bullshit" You either back up your word, or you don't. Fight or flight. Looks like you choose flight.
it's more about protecting us from further damage by lowlife white supremacist pieces of garbage.

so there ya go
Yup. There we go all right - with more leftist indoctrination idiocy, using one of the latest favorite leftist catchphrases. Ho hum.
A recent article in the Associated Press said this >> "Should Democrats win control of the House, as strategists in both parties suggest is likely, they could derail Trump's legislative agenda for the next two years." Well, that my be true, but an enormous amount of legislation has already been passed by the Republican Congress and Trump, which Democrats have no ability to do anything about.

Trumps tax cuts can't be altered, Muslim ban already enacted into law (upheld by the Supreme Court), almost 100 Conservative judges have been appointed, Iran deal decertified, deregulation already has occurred (and bolstered the economy), corporate tax already reduced significantly, unfair trade imbalances have been smashed, economy improved immensely due to Trump reforms, 2 conservative SCOTUS judges already appointed, $200 Million in aid to Palestinians already cut off, $300 Million to Pakistan already cut, America now world's largest oil producer, pipelines are flowing, US embassy moved to Jerusalem, first woman head of CIA, action taken to fight opioids, Obamacare individual mandate scrapped, prisoners from North Korea returned home, eliminated funding for Syrian rebels, "knocked the hell out of ISIS", 800 Obama regualtions cut (saving $200 Billion), Cut white House budget (saving $22 Million), $285 Million cut from bloated UN budget,...……..this paragraph could go on and on to 20 times the size it is.

So sure, if Democrats take back the House they can stop Republican progress, but so much has already been done it is mind-boggling. For the past 2 years, the Don has been a very busy boy, and has already MADE America great again, of which the Democrats can do little or nothing about.

The AP article also says >> "Perhaps more importantly, they would also win subpoena power to investigate the president's many personal and professional missteps." More importantly ? Really ? Like the Russian collusion hoax that sputtered out to nothing and made a fool out of Robert Mueller ? Investigate ? Like all the accusations against Justice Kavanaugh that went nowhere ? Like the DNC's Muslim gold star father, Khizir Khan, who is all but in hiding, after he was exposed as a shill fraud immigration lawyer with a vested interest, plus had Muslim Brotherhood and Clinton Foundation connections ? Like all these laughingstock investigations, and attacks against Trump, while his approval ratings keep rising with each and every attack.

I suppose the Democrats could stop some stuff in 2019 and 2020, but the reality is, this might be a political war that has already been won by Trump and conservatives.

it's more about protecting us from further damage by lowlife white supremacist pieces of garbage.

so there ya go

So what do you need protection from? Protection from too many jobs around? Protection from a robust economy? Protection from paying less in taxes? Protection from less illegals in the country? Protection from a stronger and more equipt US military?
A recent article in the Associated Press said this >> "Should Democrats win control of the House, as strategists in both parties suggest is likely, they could derail Trump's legislative agenda for the next two years." Well, that my be true, but an enormous amount of legislation has already been passed by the Republican Congress and Trump, which Democrats have no ability to do anything about.

Trumps tax cuts can't be altered, Muslim ban already enacted into law (upheld by the Supreme Court), almost 100 Conservative judges have been appointed, Iran deal decertified, deregulation already has occurred (and bolstered the economy), corporate tax already reduced significantly, unfair trade imbalances have been smashed, economy improved immensely due to Trump reforms, 2 conservative SCOTUS judges already appointed, $200 Million in aid to Palestinians already cut off, $300 Million to Pakistan already cut, America now world's largest oil producer, pipelines are flowing, US embassy moved to Jerusalem, first woman head of CIA, action taken to fight opioids, Obamacare individual mandate scrapped, prisoners from North Korea returned home, eliminated funding for Syrian rebels, "knocked the hell out of ISIS", 800 Obama regualtions cut (saving $200 Billion), Cut white House budget (saving $22 Million), $285 Million cut from bloated UN budget,...……..this paragraph could go on and on to 20 times the size it is.

So sure, if Democrats take back the House they can stop Republican progress, but so much has already been done it is mind-boggling. For the past 2 years, the Don has been a very busy boy, and has already MADE America great again, of which the Democrats can do little or nothing about.

The AP article also says >> "Perhaps more importantly, they would also win subpoena power to investigate the president's many personal and professional missteps." More importantly ? Really ? Like the Russian collusion hoax that sputtered out to nothing and made a fool out of Robert Mueller ? Investigate ? Like all the accusations against Justice Kavanaugh that went nowhere ? Like the DNC's Muslim gold star father, Khizir Khan, who is all but in hiding, after he was exposed as a shill fraud immigration lawyer with a vested interest, plus had Muslim Brotherhood and Clinton Foundation connections ? Like all these laughingstock investigations, and attacks against Trump, while his approval ratings keep rising with each and every attack.

I suppose the Democrats could stop some stuff in 2019 and 2020, but the reality is, this might be a political war that has already been won by Trump and conservatives.
If republicans lose the House as is likely, it becomes clear that what you call progress is not what voters call it.

What would they want that's different? What could be better than what Trump is doing?

Trump made America great again. It's up to voters to maintain this greatness.

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