If Dems Jump The Shark

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
So even the hardest core brain dead libs are admitting the GOP will win big tomorrow. Certainly take the Senate. Probably win many other races as well.
But what if we're wrong? What if the Dems roll out the most outrageous vote fraud scheme the country has seen in the industrial era? What if the numbers come in and races that were totally called for the GOP end up going to the Dems instead.
What will the GOP response be?
What will the country do?
What shoudl they do?
GOP response in the unlikely event you describe? - I'm hoping they all commit seppaku, but expecting a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth.
What will the country do? Rejoice.
Maybe getting to 51 means the GOP will "win big"?


Generic: GOP +2.2

"win big"


Gotta hand it to you, fake Rabbi, you are a great piss-pot-boy.

Carry on.
How many sharks does the magic neeeeeeeeeeeeegro have to jump before the Libtards admit it's over?
How many sharks does the magic neeeeeeeeeeeeegro have to jump before the Libtards admit it's over?

And thank you for that great GOP minority outreach of yours, the entire Democratic Party thanks you for your efforts.

Carry on.

I see you guys are pretty busy getting excuses lined up in case tomorrow doesn't work out the way you'd hoped.

A Rotten Acorn never falls too far from the tree..........just saying............

I'm predicting a gain of 5 seats Senate..........how about you.............Not worried about my state because the Dems didn't even run anyone for the Senate.
GOP response in the unlikely event you describe? - I'm hoping they all commit seppaku, but expecting a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth.
What will the country do? Rejoice.

So you advocate election fraud to get your way?
I see you guys are pretty busy getting excuses lined up in case tomorrow doesn't work out the way you'd hoped.

A Rotten Acorn never falls too far from the tree..........just saying............

I'm predicting a gain of 5 seats Senate..........how about you.............Not worried about my state because the Dems didn't even run anyone for the Senate.

I haven't really paid much attention, actually. The Republican party will probably pick up 5 or 6 seats.

My state doesn't even have any Senate seats up - and they're both pretty damn safe seats anyway.
States call a Constitutional convention.........which is needed anyway.
Will people even care enough?
Nope.........the people are in a Coma............and addicted to the next TV show.
If so we will have gone full banana republic in a short time.
..and once it all starts to spin out of their control is when the REAL change will start happening in america.
I see you guys are pretty busy getting excuses lined up in case tomorrow doesn't work out the way you'd hoped.

A Rotten Acorn never falls too far from the tree..........just saying............

I'm predicting a gain of 5 seats Senate..........how about you.............Not worried about my state because the Dems didn't even run anyone for the Senate.

I haven't really paid much attention, actually. The Republican party will probably pick up 5 or 6 seats.

My state doesn't even have any Senate seats up - and they're both pretty damn safe seats anyway.

I suspect when all is said and done we have 53 Seats.

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