If Dems Take Back Control Of Congress, Should GOP Commit to 100% Opposition


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...as the Democrats did...and if they did so, would Libs whine about how 'unfair' and 'wrong' it would be for the GOP to do so?

:rolleyes: Hmmmm...
...as the Democrats did...and if they did so, would Libs whine about how 'unfair' and 'wrong' it would be for the GOP to do so?

:rolleyes: Hmmmm...
doesn't seem to be working well for the country, to me anyway.

i'd just as soon both sides quit doing this TIT FOR TAT PAYBACK crap and break out of that cycle.
They may get the senate, but not the house.

But you need not worry I am sure they will put Chucky in charge and he will follow in the footsteps of Reid..
...as the Democrats did...and if they did so, would Libs whine about how 'unfair' and 'wrong' it would be for the GOP to do so?

:rolleyes: Hmmmm...

The GOP did it for Obama. The Dems are not doing it, its just that the Pubs do not invite Democrat opinions or involvement. I mean a Dem and Pub worked on healthcare and even had a partisan committee, but Pubs did it behind closed doors and wouldn't even allow most Pubs in.
While i think your reasoning is a bit absurd, I would enjoy congress not doing anything. All they do is fuck shit up
If Dems Take Back Control Of Congress, Should GOP Commit to 100% Opposition

Why not? They did it for all of Obama's 8 years.
BS. The Democrats had a near super majority Control of Congress Barry's 1st 2 years, just as they had during Bush's last 2 years.
Are near supermajority is good for s***, brainwashed functional moron... If they get control that means real control and the GOP could shove it up their ass and we would have a new Golden Age.
If they get control that means real control and the GOP could shove it up their ass and we would have a new Golden Age.

You mean...

...more criminals / self-appointed-Despots in the WH

...more Constitutional / Rule of Law Violations

...more record-setting illegal noncompliance w/the FOIA and the Federal Records Act

...more dragging the US into Un-Constitutional Un-authorized wars to help terrorists

...more arming of Mexican Drug Cartels

...more record-setting scandals..

... like under Barry?!


While i think your reasoning is a bit absurd, I would enjoy congress not doing anything. All they do is fuck shit up
Normally i would agree, but it seems like we have issues that need fixing.
...as the Democrats did...and if they did so, would Libs whine about how 'unfair' and 'wrong' it would be for the GOP to do so?

:rolleyes: Hmmmm...
Where have you been? Repugs have been 100% opposition since at least the Clinton administration. They even voted against their own legislation if they thought Obama would sign it.
and if trump had the cure for cancer and only needed democratic support, they'd walk.

it's all stupid shit and we need to cut it out.
...as the Democrats did...and if they did so, would Libs whine about how 'unfair' and 'wrong' it would be for the GOP to do so?
Well, the GOP got some great practice with Obama.

Both parties have abandoned cooperation, a fundamental behavior of adulthood.
and like most parents simply wanting kids to stop acting like kids, i don't give a flying horse shit in a hurricane who started it.


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