If Donald Trump Drops Out Of The GOP Race, What Would Happen?

If Donald Trump Drops Out Of The GOP Race, What Would Happen?
Those already laughing at the election campaign might have to have medical attention in order to breathe. If only it would happen!

P.S. Perhaps the G.O.P. could prevail upon Bernie?
Well, It's An Unprecedented Scenario

Way, way back, in the beginning of this election season — nearly a year ago — pundits and commentators said repeatedly that it was just a matter of time before Donald Trump dropped out of the race. His racist comments, sexist statements, and xenophobic policy proposals were ticking time bombs that would eventually cause his campaign to implode. But 11 months later, he's now the presumptive nominee for the Republican party. The sense of certainty that his campaign has an expiration date has long since faded, but realistically, the probability that he could say something so horrible and offensive that it would end his campaign hasn't decreased at all. So what would happen if Trump's campaign blew up so badly that he had no choice but to drop out of the race?

First of all, it's a completely unprecedented scenario. Never in the modern history of American politics has there been no candidate left in the race leading up to the convention. However, the Republican National Committee actually does have a contingency plan for such a circumstance. According to the Rule Nine in the official rules of the Republican Party, the nomination in the event of a vacancy would proceed just like a typical nomination — delegates would convene to vote on candidates and whichever candidate secured the majority would win the nomination. Simple enough, right?

The complication would come when deciding whom to vote for. Depending on how close this theoretical implosion is to the convention, there would likely be a nasty floor fight. Establishment consensus on a candidate was always an issue in this election cycle, and it wouldn't get any easier in a time-limited panic. Candidates who were previously in the race, including those who dropped out way back in the day like Jeb Bush or Mike Huckabee, would more than likely come back and try once again to secure the nomination. Any number of prominent Republicans could also come out of the woodwork looking to lead the party through this troubling time. It would be an unqualified mess, and there's absolutely no telling who would come out on top.

If Trump were to drop out of the race, it could be more divisive for the GOP than him staying in. Without a clear alternative to bring the party together, Trump may actually be the best bet for the party, as sad as that may be for many Republicans. However, in the two months remaining until the convention, there is still the possibility that Trump's campaign could go down in flames, leaving the Republican party to scramble and figure out an alternative.


Trump Will Drop Out By Mid-October And Endorse Hillary Clinton
Does Anyone Think His Ego Will Allow Him To Be Cast As A Loser?

If he wins the nomination, I see two possibilities;
  1. He loses and drags down the GOP’s candidates down-ticket all over the country.
  2. He waits until mid-October, when all the ballot papers are printed, and he is down 30% in the polls. Then he will announce that he is dropping out and endorsing his friend, Hillary Clinton.
Trump Will Drop Out By Mid-October And Endorse Hillary Clinton | RedState

see why smoking crack and internet posting are such a bad combination?
Ironically, Trump dropping out and endorsing Hillary would probably hurt her.

Get your head around THAT one.

Donald Trump crushed by GOP presidential drop-out Marco Rubio in Puerto Rico primary

With 100 percent of the votes reported, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), who dropped out of the GOP race in March won 74 percent of the vote in Puerto Rico’s primary, CNN reports. Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is a far-distant second with around 14 percent.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who dropped out of the race in finished in third with 9 percent and Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) had 1.4 percent or 516 votes.
Donald Trump crushed by GOP presidential drop-out Marco Rubio in Puerto Rico primary

It seems some republicans would rather support a guy who dropped out of the race months ago, and a dead Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. :0)

Donald Trump: Here’s why I would drop out of the race
Donald Trump: Here’s why I would drop out of the race

What will the Trumpies have left to say when Trump drops out .. or forces the Republican Party to push him out?
Well, It's An Unprecedented Scenario

Way, way back, in the beginning of this election season — nearly a year ago — pundits and commentators said repeatedly that it was just a matter of time before Donald Trump dropped out of the race. His racist comments, sexist statements, and xenophobic policy proposals were ticking time bombs that would eventually cause his campaign to implode. But 11 months later, he's now the presumptive nominee for the Republican party. The sense of certainty that his campaign has an expiration date has long since faded, but realistically, the probability that he could say something so horrible and offensive that it would end his campaign hasn't decreased at all. So what would happen if Trump's campaign blew up so badly that he had no choice but to drop out of the race?

First of all, it's a completely unprecedented scenario. Never in the modern history of American politics has there been no candidate left in the race leading up to the convention. However, the Republican National Committee actually does have a contingency plan for such a circumstance. According to the Rule Nine in the official rules of the Republican Party, the nomination in the event of a vacancy would proceed just like a typical nomination — delegates would convene to vote on candidates and whichever candidate secured the majority would win the nomination. Simple enough, right?

The complication would come when deciding whom to vote for. Depending on how close this theoretical implosion is to the convention, there would likely be a nasty floor fight. Establishment consensus on a candidate was always an issue in this election cycle, and it wouldn't get any easier in a time-limited panic. Candidates who were previously in the race, including those who dropped out way back in the day like Jeb Bush or Mike Huckabee, would more than likely come back and try once again to secure the nomination. Any number of prominent Republicans could also come out of the woodwork looking to lead the party through this troubling time. It would be an unqualified mess, and there's absolutely no telling who would come out on top.

If Trump were to drop out of the race, it could be more divisive for the GOP than him staying in. Without a clear alternative to bring the party together, Trump may actually be the best bet for the party, as sad as that may be for many Republicans. However, in the two months remaining until the convention, there is still the possibility that Trump's campaign could go down in flames, leaving the Republican party to scramble and figure out an alternative.


Trump Will Drop Out By Mid-October And Endorse Hillary Clinton
Does Anyone Think His Ego Will Allow Him To Be Cast As A Loser?

If he wins the nomination, I see two possibilities;
  1. He loses and drags down the GOP’s candidates down-ticket all over the country.
  2. He waits until mid-October, when all the ballot papers are printed, and he is down 30% in the polls. Then he will announce that he is dropping out and endorsing his friend, Hillary Clinton.
Trump Will Drop Out By Mid-October And Endorse Hillary Clinton | RedState

see why smoking crack and internet posting are such a bad combination?

Then you should put the crack down dummy. :0)
Ironically, Trump dropping out and endorsing Hillary would probably hurt her.

Get your head around THAT one.


:0) Doubtful.

She'll just reject him and his support as she would anyone playing the role of a white supremacist.
Well, It's An Unprecedented Scenario

Way, way back, in the beginning of this election season — nearly a year ago — pundits and commentators said repeatedly that it was just a matter of time before Donald Trump dropped out of the race. His racist comments, sexist statements, and xenophobic policy proposals were ticking time bombs that would eventually cause his campaign to implode. But 11 months later, he's now the presumptive nominee for the Republican party. The sense of certainty that his campaign has an expiration date has long since faded, but realistically, the probability that he could say something so horrible and offensive that it would end his campaign hasn't decreased at all. So what would happen if Trump's campaign blew up so badly that he had no choice but to drop out of the race?

First of all, it's a completely unprecedented scenario. Never in the modern history of American politics has there been no candidate left in the race leading up to the convention. However, the Republican National Committee actually does have a contingency plan for such a circumstance. According to the Rule Nine in the official rules of the Republican Party, the nomination in the event of a vacancy would proceed just like a typical nomination — delegates would convene to vote on candidates and whichever candidate secured the majority would win the nomination. Simple enough, right?

The complication would come when deciding whom to vote for. Depending on how close this theoretical implosion is to the convention, there would likely be a nasty floor fight. Establishment consensus on a candidate was always an issue in this election cycle, and it wouldn't get any easier in a time-limited panic. Candidates who were previously in the race, including those who dropped out way back in the day like Jeb Bush or Mike Huckabee, would more than likely come back and try once again to secure the nomination. Any number of prominent Republicans could also come out of the woodwork looking to lead the party through this troubling time. It would be an unqualified mess, and there's absolutely no telling who would come out on top.

If Trump were to drop out of the race, it could be more divisive for the GOP than him staying in. Without a clear alternative to bring the party together, Trump may actually be the best bet for the party, as sad as that may be for many Republicans. However, in the two months remaining until the convention, there is still the possibility that Trump's campaign could go down in flames, leaving the Republican party to scramble and figure out an alternative.


Trump Will Drop Out By Mid-October And Endorse Hillary Clinton
Does Anyone Think His Ego Will Allow Him To Be Cast As A Loser?

If he wins the nomination, I see two possibilities;
  1. He loses and drags down the GOP’s candidates down-ticket all over the country.
  2. He waits until mid-October, when all the ballot papers are printed, and he is down 30% in the polls. Then he will announce that he is dropping out and endorsing his friend, Hillary Clinton.
Trump Will Drop Out By Mid-October And Endorse Hillary Clinton | RedState
I remember when Obama's comments nearly blew up his candidacy.

Before he won the nomination it became public that Obama was a member of a racist church led by Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Soon after it became public other revelations came to light about his ties to Bill Ayers and the terrorist organization known as The Weather Underground. Soon, Obama started whining about about how his race was too big an issue to allow him to win the nomination.

It was around this time that he started showing his racist attitude that up until that point had been covered up, mentioning his "Typically White Grandmother". His campaign was in full damage-control. They got Obama out of the country. Sent him to the Bahamas for 3 weeks till they could repair the damage his big mouth caused. With him safely away from journalists, he was unable to make any more mistakes. This is why he rarely does press conferences and rarely speaks without a teleprompter. The media helped by changing the focus to other stories and just let it slide, leaving only the Sean Hannity types to deal with serious character issues that needed to be addressed.

Without the cooperation of the media, Obama never would have beat Hillary.
Well, It's An Unprecedented Scenario

Way, way back, in the beginning of this election season — nearly a year ago — pundits and commentators said repeatedly that it was just a matter of time before Donald Trump dropped out of the race. His racist comments, sexist statements, and xenophobic policy proposals were ticking time bombs that would eventually cause his campaign to implode. But 11 months later, he's now the presumptive nominee for the Republican party. The sense of certainty that his campaign has an expiration date has long since faded, but realistically, the probability that he could say something so horrible and offensive that it would end his campaign hasn't decreased at all. So what would happen if Trump's campaign blew up so badly that he had no choice but to drop out of the race?

First of all, it's a completely unprecedented scenario. Never in the modern history of American politics has there been no candidate left in the race leading up to the convention. However, the Republican National Committee actually does have a contingency plan for such a circumstance. According to the Rule Nine in the official rules of the Republican Party, the nomination in the event of a vacancy would proceed just like a typical nomination — delegates would convene to vote on candidates and whichever candidate secured the majority would win the nomination. Simple enough, right?

The complication would come when deciding whom to vote for. Depending on how close this theoretical implosion is to the convention, there would likely be a nasty floor fight. Establishment consensus on a candidate was always an issue in this election cycle, and it wouldn't get any easier in a time-limited panic. Candidates who were previously in the race, including those who dropped out way back in the day like Jeb Bush or Mike Huckabee, would more than likely come back and try once again to secure the nomination. Any number of prominent Republicans could also come out of the woodwork looking to lead the party through this troubling time. It would be an unqualified mess, and there's absolutely no telling who would come out on top.

If Trump were to drop out of the race, it could be more divisive for the GOP than him staying in. Without a clear alternative to bring the party together, Trump may actually be the best bet for the party, as sad as that may be for many Republicans. However, in the two months remaining until the convention, there is still the possibility that Trump's campaign could go down in flames, leaving the Republican party to scramble and figure out an alternative.


Trump Will Drop Out By Mid-October And Endorse Hillary Clinton
Does Anyone Think His Ego Will Allow Him To Be Cast As A Loser?

If he wins the nomination, I see two possibilities;
  1. He loses and drags down the GOP’s candidates down-ticket all over the country.
  2. He waits until mid-October, when all the ballot papers are printed, and he is down 30% in the polls. Then he will announce that he is dropping out and endorsing his friend, Hillary Clinton.
Trump Will Drop Out By Mid-October And Endorse Hillary Clinton | RedState
I remember when Obama's comments nearly blew up his candidacy.

Before he won the nomination it became public that Obama was a member of a racist church led by Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Soon after it became public other revelations came to light about his ties to Bill Ayers and the terrorist organization known as The Weather Underground. Soon, Obama started whining about about how his race was too big an issue to allow him to win the nomination.

It was around this time that he started showing his racist attitude that up until that point had been covered up, mentioning his "Typically White Grandmother". His campaign was in full damage-control. They got Obama out of the country. Sent him to the Bahamas for 3 weeks till they could repair the damage his big mouth caused. With him safely away from journalists, he was unable to make any more mistakes. This is why he rarely does press conferences and rarely speaks without a teleprompter. The media helped by changing the focus to other stories and just let it slide, leaving only the Sean Hannity types to deal with serious character issues that needed to be addressed.

Without the cooperation of the media, Obama never would have beat Hillary.

The Republicans saw to it that Rev Wright was on loop 24/7. So much so that he had to address the matter with a speech. That speech ended up being one of the best things for his campaign as it showed his oratory skills and gave the nation a sense of togetherness.

Try again.

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1964, if Trump stays or if he goes.

The Republican Party has circled the wagons and continued to shoot at each other. If the adults in the party get a grip on the party platform, and stick to the basics, it may survive; if they continue on the same course it is likely on life support. If the party does not or can not change course, a scramble for power will lead to more internal recriminations, and we may see the moderate / centrist members go one way, and the social conservative / Tea Party members another.
Pfffffft. How did French work out for Kristol and the others? I'll tell you Jake I run the comment sections on boards and every one is saying flat out if the RNC try a dirty on Trump they'll write in Trump's name and leave every single other R running for office blank. They will hand the Presidency to Clinton and the entire Congress and Senate to the D's.
Yeah that sounds like a completely rational response, what's next on their agenda? Suicide vests? :rolleyes:

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